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Show 3 Free Press - Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1988 - Page 1 TV'. ft ' : - v. . V f , Assisted study helps adults earn diploma . I - J-- LlmJI iff WBijii r ol at AFH health fair 1500 enjoy displays back-to-scho- ol About 1,500 youngsters toured displays and enjoyed activities at the third annual Health Extravaganza held at the American Fork Hospital on Friday, Back-to-Scho- ol Aug. 26. A old boy Michael Johanson walked away with the $1,000 college scholarship given by Deseret Bank at the extravaganza. Michael's name was drawn from names submitted by the youngar sters. Children and their parents were loons, gift and prizes given. And many took advantage of the Monte Bean Museum exhibit to pet the visiting snakes and lizard. and EKG's at the hospital. There were also booths featur- ing health, safety and the hospital setting. Ambulances from American Fork, Pleasant Grove and Lehi wereonhand to give theyoungsters a ride and acquaint them with the The event, according to Craig Smedley, hospital administrator, is sponsored by the hospital each year as a community service to help children learn about health and safety in a fun setting. This year's event was described as "the best ever" with a larger turnout than ever before. ambulance. Perhaps most popular of the activities, however, were the free e rides, and games, clowns, magic shows, bal ponyrides,carnival-typ- Students registering are Cynthia L. Gee, 25, Orem, has been given the chance to clear her record of third degree felony charges of furnishing material 8750-466- U.S.P.S. No. Published weekly except 309-50- 0 Publisher Brett R. Bezzant Marc Haddock Betty Fowler Subscription price $19" per year Editors Second class postage paid at Lehi, Utah Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 7. American Fork. Utah 84003 to opened, Bryson said. Mrs. Gee was charged with showing an illustrated text on human sexuality to two of her students during a slumber party at her Orem home. She was employed as a fifth $75 each $99 each $249 set $369 set Twin Full Queen King SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER $469 set Queen $579 set King JJI. i ' .'zi?" , y - ' , Percale Sheets Padded Rails pair Queen Sofa Sleeper Sofa & Love Seat Complete Day bed $23.95 $17.95 $299 $399 $138 includes iton, spring unit, mattress ' Day bed Covers Twin Serta Mattress $39 $75 $68 $139 Trundle Bookcase Waterbed STEVE ALLRED invites you to visit Complete his large basement warehouse Bookcase Complete showroom and see 12 styles of Six Drawer Pedastal a Daybeds, 25 styles of Waterbeds, Captain's Pedastal complete line of Serta mattresses and Mattress Pad sofas. $289 $79 $169 $9.95 AILRED SLEEPERZZ1 SUPPLY 200 East State, Pleasant Grove 785-222- 1 BIRi re- DRIVELINES and TS FRONT WHEEL DRIVE CARS Diesels 4x4's Passenger Cars Agricultural Constant Velocity U Joints ) (C-V- SPICER, NEAPCO UNIVERSAL JOINTS GAYL0N PUGH A NEW & USED Respected Name For Over 26 Years! Open Monday Through Friday 8 to 5 Saturday 8 to Noon 7C0 01711 'GO 01 For Free Estimates Call After hours call 758.9953 Gaylon Guaranteed LEHI We Build Quality Parts 544 East State Hydraulic Hoses laini grade teacher at Alpine Elementary at the time of the alleged incident in May of 1988. Alpine School District records show she was terminated from the district Tor cause" on May 27. Bryson said the diversion agreement was reached with the "consent and understanding" of the families involved. Bryson said. SERTA FIRM MATTRESSES i Dual-enrolle- The case will return to the court for review in six months, he said. If terms of the agreement have not been met at the end of the 18 month period, the case will be re- a minor. Kay Bryson, Deputy Utah County Attorney, said a diversion agreement was reached Thursday prior to Mrs. Gee's scheduled preliminary hearing on Friday in Orem's 4th Circuit Court. As part of the diversion agreement, she could have her record cleared in 18 months. Bryson said Mrs. Gee is to undergo a mental health evaluation and complete any subsequent counseling or treatment. If she follows terms of the agreement, charges against her will be dropped at the end of 18 months, harmful for Thanksgiving and Christinas by Newtah, Inc. 32 West Main Lehi. Utah 84043 Telephone Numbers 9 Advertising & Circulation. News 3 semi-weekl- y Ml' I quested to bring a transcript if possible. The program is available to adult students who want to complete their high school diploma, to high school age students who have dropped out of day high school and to day high school students who need to pick up lost credit. High school students must have entry request forms signed by the high school principal and a trand day high script. school students will be admitted after Sept. 12. Instruction will be geared to individual needs, and students will receive individual assistance. Credit will be given on the basis of mastery of competencies. Students will be able to proceed at their own speed, earning as many credits as they can based on mastery of subject material. Teacher offered chance to clear felony record lei .free press ISSN No. able to take advantage of free vision tests, growth assessments, SPECIALS! The Alpine School District Adult and Community Education Department sponsored Assisted Study Learning Center is beginning the new school year for all individuals interested in earning a high school diploma. Registration began Monday, Aug. 29, at Mountain View High School, 665 West Center, Orem, and at American Fork Junior High School, 1120 North 20 West, American Fork. Registration for Assisted Study also began at Mothers' High School, 110 South 100 East, Pleasant Grove on Aug. 29. Individuals interested in attending any of the three centers can still register coming to the specific center they are interested in attending. Registration at Mountain View High School and at American Fork Junior High School can be completed Monday through Thursday evenings between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m.; and at Mothers High, Monday-Friday between 3 and 5 p.m. Kari Jeffery from the Monte Bean Museum gives youngsters a chance to feel Tegu lizard at American Fork Hospital Extravaganza. Back-to-Scho- THIS WEEK'S 1 HAS ARRIVED IN OREM! GRAND OPENING SPECIALS CONTINUES BUT HURRY, ... THESE PRICES WON'T LAST LONG! FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED! 1 P s SXX S I I& I U-- lf r rrf p 111 I II M If I "BERBER" STRIPE 11 aaaa I X I X X MM Masonry . PDATT JL CJI i Stucco Aqua Royal & ..j r uuiifii w VJ.1 I VW fUJU mt nn a iaiyiplx1 lifJUid w ! Ml J 1 " ' .. ...InrfttO w" w. (fTJL.ii.a H mm aval 5iaPBIiHHBaafcJ '- - Penetrating Rustic Stain Wood Preservative & Finish 'Beads' water Fights mildew , Resists weather Now available in today's most popular ready-mixe- d stain colore 1 rial l:i X i 1 t reai.r-.huuv- I . 1 i TFRMS: DAYS OB OVEMEID MICE BEIT "xm J9.9S - mm OB on DIR PRICES PURCNISES WHOLESALE . I01UME Vfl Featuring: OIECr4HfETrORfNRiTIO nun CARPET WEEKLY POWER ww im-m- I ni'tsar NO HiTFRFST IEN DIRECT IITI0IUBUTII6 m OlEEV CARPET iVr OVEE CARPET TO THE PUBLIC at SQ. MORE FLOOR FOR YOUR MONEY! 1 GRFAT 1 FUTON 53 E. Main, American Fork r W Crx PmuI nr Inrmal ar A T v.mw nw 'rw WE 756-528- 2 $18.95 Q) CCPUPril rftr 1 au. LOW 'WBl Dust see to oeHeve! 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But reading the hometown weekly is like eating a good d meal a fellow doesn't want to miss a thing. home-cooke- Donald Fellows in Saugcrhes. N Y.. "Catskill Mountain Slr" |