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Show TEN TIMES - NOVEMBER 1992 - 5 Bookcliffs Road and Castle Valley The public comment period for the Bookcliffs Road Draft Environmental Impact Study (DEIS) closes December 10. This project has the potential to make traveling on the Colorado River Road much more hazardous and frustrating than it already is. The intended purpose of the road is to create a major federal highway running from Glacier, Yellowstone, and Teton National Parks to join 1-70 at the East Cisco interchange, before drop- ping south through Moab. Whatever traffic is heading south toward Moab will find it very appealing to use the U128 Scenic Byway (River Road) to get to Moab, rather than detouring over to Thompson and Crescent Junction. How many more Winnebagos pulling second cars and how many better than they are now. It seems to me that we should support the DEIS conclusion that a A Secret Crime major highway is not advisable. And takes place behind closed doors. We keep it secret and fear even talking we should go further and say that we do not wish to see a recommendation for paving any of the roads across the Bookcliffs. The BLM is holding a public hearing on the Bookcliffs Road DEIS on Tuesday, November 17, 7 p.m., Moab Civic Center. If you miss the hearing, you can still submit comments before December 10 by mail to: Darryl Trotter, Moab District BLM, PO. Box 970, Moab, UT 84532. Again, a major north/south highway intersecting 1-70 at the East Cisco exit could only increase the congestion on the River Road and make it more dangerous for us to use. There are no comparable gains for us from the construction of this road. —Jack Campbell Children's Workshop Open Minds, Open Doors Thought-provoklng games and dlscusslons to promote equity awareness for the future about race. sex. likely, do we want to encourage large increases in tourist traffic above what we already have? Fortunately, the Bookcliffs Road DEIS does not recommend building a match the national average—ten percent of our population is in an abusive relationship. . Domestic violence can take many forms. Hitting, slapping, kicking, shoving, shaking, and hair pulling are usually thought of first, but threatening, destroying objects, hurting pets, and name calling are also abusive behaviors. Abusive behaviors are intended to intimidate and control. Children who witness domestic violence are also victims of that violence, even if they are not direCtly attacked. They are affected and often Many people prefer to ignore the problem, or minimize the severity, or Sam Taylor (chairman of the Utah Department of transportation) told us at high costs of cutting into the cliffs along the road for widening to occur. With no improvements in the road a serious and growing problem every— where, including Grand County. We abuse. Bookcliffs Road project was approved, one meeting that we could expect no substantial improvements along the river corridor, because of the extremely about it. However, domestic violence is grow up repeating the patterns of more Airstream trailer rigs do we want to encourage to use the same road we use to get to Moab? How many more large groups of campers do we want competing for campsites? When asked about safety improvements for the River Road, if the Domestic violence is a crime that class, and age. Workshop hours will be scheduled to suit participants’ schedules. Call Jil at 259-7580 for info 8: to register. blame the victim. The victim of this crime often tends to deny the problem and hope the abuser will somehow change and stop the violence. But domestic violence does not stop without intervention. Outside help is needed to change the situation. Fortunately, help does exist in Grand County.SEEKHAVEN FAMILY CRISIS CENTER (2592229) can help, if you or someone you know needs help. The services include counseling, shelter, outreach, and education. All services are confidential. —Eleanor Inskip and Connie Blaine major highway through the Bookcliffs. This study found the road to be economically unjustifiable. But there are still very powerful groups who would profit particularly from the construction phase of the road building. And we would be the ones paying them with our tax money. Unfortunately, the DEIS recom- mends paving the existing roads across the Bookcliffs. Any improvements bringing more traffic down the River Road can only make it more hazardous. Even the oil and gas companies operating in the Bookcliffs area do not favor the construction of the road. They would prefer to see some of the other smaller roads in the area maintained CASTLE CANYON NURSERY 2598274 & ANYTIME TREES BUSHES FLOWERS IRRIGATION |