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Show 1 niT MARCH I, 1SSS THE was Hi i s.jmMV,i"-- s PflSTHRIAl bviiwiiiiiii i flFPARTMCHT nin IllLll i ihe touch. ami l f. y'u .j ... that', ui. LHI . , FREE PRESS THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 1933 . ic:rciea Thomas stroked the fluffy white fur loans this and rathe- .iUU6u lo for a moment then looked c . yusnea away the up at the application i paper. man. regultions uujgmg wallet. His eyes Tou ijtra year are advised to obtain blanks and copies of the in their home counties, rather than from Washington, "field agents of the Crop Productlln Loan Office are now designating representatives in each farming county to Inform prospective borrowers of the requirements governing loans and to distribute application blanks and other necessary forms. These agents will assist farmers In filling out appli- . to protect crops from Insects aad for payment of water diseases; charges, electric power, etc, necessary to crop production on Irrigated land; for production expenses Including employment of hand labor, on sugar beets, sugar cane. hops, and rice. Loans may also be mad thla ve&r fn summer fallowing, not to exceed $2.(0 an acre for acreage not in excess of tnat plan tad in 132, provided a first lien Is siven on all crona rrovinr up to be planted, grown snd harvested la 193 sunicient to cover the advance. In addition to the reduction required this year In acreage of cash crops. Dorrowers must agree to plant a garden for home uu and uffiiii acreage of feed crops to supply feed for their livestock. Acreasre taken out of cash crop production may be plant-e- d to any crop. Loans will be made, ths regulations further declare, "to farmers who are unable to obtain loans for eroD produc tion during the year 1931 from other sources. These loans may be made to such individuals as are found bv tha Secretary of Agriculture to have acre- in tor eeeaing ana who ore means to nurchaa tha necessary for crop production during uie year ivat, no loans will be made to any applicant who has a means ot livelihood other than farming. Loans Will not be made for tha nurchAu nf machinery or livestock, or for the pay ment or taxes, debts, or interest on debts. Loans will not be made for the feeding of livestock other than workstock used In crop production. An application for a loan, accompanied by the necessary crop lien, will be Passed on first br eountv advlnorr committees. It the county committee and the field Inspector certify tha application, it will be forwarded to one ! of tha aaveral fleM ftttlptm tnr final approval and disbursement. The location or tne regional omces, ana the States served by each. Is as follows: Salt Lake City, Utah for California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho (portion south of Idaho eountv) and Weal- era Colorado, to a line running east of Jackaon. Routt. Raarla. PttVtn. and Gunnison, Sagaucbe, Alamosa (josteiia counties. know. Mister. I think 111 name this dog "Waitrue." na Cy such an odil name. to sonny? nlenu- Slowly1 and aauoos, i23; I. Well,-- ' Tbotnu replied, "if it rerully hed drew ,h ECONOMY Saints. 5, the bag. Beore mm '"Y Diseases ofLattery "ng your more circulatory syste- m- SliVer A, . .i .t .uuut ""-0- "' I natinne lr,. ne tuuui seen had in iter-da- y all it. I bis uv wouldn't life. do but had the do 115. Saints, for mv And there where ever possible . i money own." diseases of respiratorv tvt.m . l. r rinnot. elf ,naShed bf0re bU . -- T rations, i67; itlerslay cations, without charge. Cllnk ,n his "ngers mi m being wastea rignt now Diseases of di6e8tive reaMt5r- d HfteThfUre,t,heir Accompany the required 10 Pr cent then, cannot be 8ysleffi to ave where it S ",edIy ri reduction In acreage planted to cash nations, 44; Latter-da- y cing them in the Saints. 23 u lastenmg the cord crops, above the established minimum securely. Maternit- y- naUons 45;Latt ross lne stret to the the 1SS regulations limit the amount In xloslng y . saving no 10 is Saints, Bert Faddls of American Fork had available to any farmer to 1300. In J5 . window. vow If tf is a great extravagance to - . a minor o Deration twrfnrmi The Word of Wisdom Is k. u. 1S3!, crop production loans were made name " Sport- - He Paused really " v. nchOOls iur to 607,632 farmers, averaging fl2( WU of health- He was taken home Tueadav. day. to in the larnp-iigand teaches to take the needed each. No loan in excess of 1100 will according " rauml the church that we fifteen dollars from the over-tnbe made to any applicant who Is In In 8economy apening I bould eat meat is real Boyd Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. arrears on as many ss two previous eat fresh sparing, I At I'.V. i a. ponceman Tl u libraries and buying and clr- naa nis tonsils re-- loans made by the Secretary of Agriuoenuiy. eat fresh and cooked turned I juuuson. on culture. As last year, interest is fixed turner, the moved. seeing he boy. vegetables regularly. Saturday. Eat lCTJ tu to be deducted when it (4 per cent, creep sieaaiiy forward, and ldie- - (ground whole) m out" through when the bov movM bread and -- a u .i the advance is made. All notes are prnlng pePle buildDorU Gofdon of Alpine had an ab- - due on or before October II, 1933. Adthan burning updoor, he quickened his eait. Thorn urinK water, fruit juices. was Just turning tne real extracU of milk in abudanr.- In disappoint- - ces of the' ear opened at the LehJ vances to borrowers may be made la people are away J becau8 I me looked door, when the Hospital, installments, the regulations state. In Friday night iB.o regularly from early evening to BICCp jjjt the crealor" asmuch as expenditures for crop pronv th nrm early eiauueu nim and souis auve, 10 Keep morning; labor regularly and tMn. ana jerKed him down the street. duction are usually made over a conlwp minds Mrs. Arnold Schlappy and . turn 'Come on, you little scoundrel.'' he - tne" to dust, are real uuay ana mind. ted Jan m" baby siderable period. Drink no IUU can lell lne jUjge about were taken home Tuesday. One million dollars of the $90,000,000 aicononc beverages, use no tobanrnisomy. et yuur funds Is available for livestock feed In business.'' o no drink tea or one cant read and no one coffee, avoid refined every But. Mister," started Thomas, jjt Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson, and drought or storm stricken areas. ..a oil th time. Man must be looas. abstain from hot drinks. .Never mind Charging a fee for the preparation innocent. Mr. ana Mrs. James W. playing Cough spent of a borrower's application is express-In 1883, before many of the nr-n- . You're a little liar. Tou mleht have ,im or be ceases jusi mai mutn io clples taught in the Word of Wisdom got away with that story before, but Tuesday in Salt Lake on business and ly forbidden this year In Section I of tsua. That's the nature of man. the Act of Congress authorising the you wont this time, understand!" pleasure. were are for activity as advocated by the medical world gardens now He jerked the child unheartedlv un crop production loans. Congress fur Lehl :: :: Music 1 5 for food. helps keep up Joseph Smith, the "Mormon" prophet me stone steps of the court-hous- e. ther declared these loan funds "to be received this Word of Wisdom as an rrom tne outer hall he could hear L rhythm of living. Impressed with a trust to accomplish wud voices Bpeaking in not too friend the purposes provided for by this resoactual revelation from ball the Deity, and ly a manner. He trembled. Whv had lutionand It shall be unlawful for fining pools, skating ponds, taught it to his followers as the Word V iown . person to make any material falss were nere? What nrougni The M. I. A. Conjoint meetings will any God for the temporal salvation of these representation for the purpose of obLit centers are not luxuries, unless of policemen going to do with him? the people, and It has been observed Suddenly all was hushed at the sound be held in aU five Lehi wards Sunday taining any loan or to assist In obluxury to be kept active. a loud hammering. A door opened. evening at T:80. Everyone is Invited taining such loan or to dispose of or there is by the majority of the church member of keeping men active when assist in disposing of any crops given and another policeman let Thomas In to come out and ever since that time. enjoy these special ss security tor any loan made under to the room and stood him before a is the first essential in any ship Statistics Quoted above, and many huge desk. Thomas glanced around. programs. authority of this resolution, except for S3 Dpan oi ewnumj. FIFTH account of the Secretary of AgriculWARD the others un or available tne side lndlctae sat a the desk the truthfulright uri rump the mines oat eren when and for the purpose of carrying middle-ageThe tall ture, d are Fifth man Wlard with dark glasses ness of the principles involved, and following the out the povlslons of this resolution. m ue iuic, over his eyes; and on the other side Era outline for the starch Latter-dasmce meeting. the y Saints are collec- side sat & rather old man with Teeth for Section I are provided in Lm ere left when we want to go gray tively, and as a group, more healthy hair and mustache. Behind the desk President Virgil Peterson will speak a clause which orders a fine not ex U to work. than the average of nations as an- Thomas saw a man that looked to on "God Is Love." ceeding f 1,000 or Imprisonment not exactivity mines with A vocal duet by Stanley Lott and ceeding six months, or both, for any jren without nounced by the League of Nations, him like a giant are equally wasteful. th al person found guilty of violating the The judge leaned over the desk and. Clell Jackson. they consider this condition a vindiabove provisions. Chorus Inn our machines we keep up against the Gleaner began Girls. questioning. by cation of their doctrine. an The remaining regulations Activity Is time 6t using again. is name?" "What Word" MArle "Last your Reading similar are The nounced celebration Hyde of this by Secretary revealed plan "Thomas Jeeks.'' food to keep men Erlckson. to those In force last year. An absolute jt u essential as will stimulate a better observance of "Tour fathers name " for the time of working again. exercises. first Hen on all of the crops grown by Closing "I the Word of Wisdom, according to ain't got one," the borrower in 1933 Is required by Ait God forbid that we think of "Then what Is your mother's name?" church officials who are planning this act. In counties where fertiliser the means a Tears came Into Thomas' eyes. He DICKERSON FAMILY la, of ourselves, only as Is not commonly used the rate of loans hundredth anniversary. brushed them back with a stroke of MOVING TO MISSISSIPPI must not exceed ft an acre for general production. his arm. to ten twelve for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dickerson and field crops, and $13 an acre tor truck of real living Bat "She's dead." In counties for a VHion men and women who family and Mr. and Mrs. William crops, including potatoes. Where do you live? Is commonly used, where fertiliser and In work The boy hung his head. Why did Dickerson and family are leaving according to the testimony of repre tar have had no "life" this man want to know all that? If they have it at cnst have "life" Thursday (today) tor Mississippi, sentatives of the Department of Agri"In an old piano box in Tin Can where their churches, m their homes, they expect to reside for some culture, the rate must not exceed I Alley." acre for general field crops, $10 an time. centers. If work Is heir recreation They are going by way of an alone?" "Do you live for tobacco, and $20 an acre for acre Boulder a visit not where will itheld, wlthold City, music, drama, art, they "Yes, sir.' By Velda R. Carson truck crops, including potatoes. Not PKOVB8-"What do you do in the daytime few days with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. to exeed $1 an acre of loans made at Lauty, sport Wlthold not the chance Whenever Thomas was asked why "Peddle repapers." he had named his dog such a funny Evans. be active in ways that give a meaany of these rates may be used for sc If you kave any The "Do you know this man?" name, he faced the inquirer with a Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson and family pairs and miscellaneous expenses of lewire of satisfaction. on the to man the right fer was almost too strange to Judge pointed Job than other seed, that adrertiaine, any story any have been residents of Lehi for a num- crop production Economize, yes but there is no be true, yet he was so innocent in "No sir." feed for workstock, and fuel tilizer, want or ber of years and have been active and oil for tractors. anything la painting edu I telling it that It left a lasting impres- - "Have you ever seen him before?'' kjoomy In reducing religion, ad "No. sir." church workers in the Third Ward. lation. libraries, recreation, the pristine Special provision Is made for art, at a ,i sion on the mind of the listener. "Sheriff Watts found you by Mr. Their many Lehi friends wish them a ditional loans within the maximum ana hungry tne mtie news- MWhen what holds men's souls to- r: Ssrvios with a smite--. Collin's store. What were you doing allowed per farmer for the purchase and success. safe, happy, journey and there?'' dusting. for materials of spraying in a gradually weakening voice, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swenson will "I was going to buy the dog in the "Paper, Mister." Of course he alway3 was lock store door the but occupy the Dickerson residence. STOP AND THINK received the same answer. "Chicago window, Bandit Escapes. Police Baffled." Even ed "Did vou have any money to buy HIGH SCHOOL NOTES elaboratoin would produce no TWs country is just as good as it this the as dog with?" in the minds of pedestrains change "Yes. sir." ret was. it is not going Drone ana n to the necessity of their purchasing Tv,r,maa milled the wallet from his MISS NAOMI BROADBENT TO s. not on its paper. way to the READ PLAY THURSDAY NIGHT all eyes centered Thomas turned the corner and walk pocket. Immediately However, it is rather painful to see it. upon There street. narrow side ed down a ach a large number of prominent were not "Tour money was in the wallet, Miss Naomi Broadbent former Lehl many people on this street, jsiness people who only a few years you get the wallet?" so he ceased yelling to regain his Where did it." School teacher now teaching at High found "I second-han- d were not much Interested m what shop strength. Dingy It?' find did Sprlngvllle HiRh School will read you as they "And where find o" a government they lived under windows merely mocked him some papers." under In Smilin' Thur," in the High School the gutter foot-steof his the sound long as they made money, suddenly "How did you come to look for it Auditorium. Thursday evening, at 8 his figure in their reflected, and ome economy minded and through there?" Is coming smokev glass. In them he saw a small "Well I was walking across tne o'clock. Miss Broadbent l anda get the rest of the country boy with a cap aDout iwo direction dramatic of here under the in ana on stummed ien n" the same and frinsred around nis neou irttor when I went to get up, I put art club of the Lehi mind, with the result that inrs-School. All High have brown, what might ices have on something hard and it who have heard Miss Broadbent gone down, unemployment with shaggy, An in old ragged sweater my hand curls. wallet." lacreased, and the buying power of the been was this shirt his store for treat in the the know hide to ptched vin in past tried fellow on tne The ..dark complexioned cut down so It has effected all his . j . fnna iho nther those attending Thursday evening. that was open at the neck, while aim siuuu tnen ripnt or Dotn of ta business. trousers were a mixture Mrs. Margaret Kirkham will sing was glad that two. It's about time for the economy natches and holes. He m Cnn vou dispute the trutniui story "Smilin' Thru" with Mrs. F. D. Worl- tne wmuu; w4 to face about and encourage the he could not see his feet innocent young chap, or do you ton, accompanist. The public Is In at the pavement of this down but glancing I am untruthful when I tell think still vending of money, to increase adver- vited and the entertainment Is free. Mr. from he saw them, clad in entirely different not was running I 'liig so sales can be increased, and apparel. One wore an oxford that was yon that I was merely running to Collin. inrtre bv far: the other wore gh Increased sales PLUMBING and HEATING GENEALOGICAL COURSE bring back rntrh mv streetcar on umij Fortuout. scuffed toe the haired man. the aployment. gray Collin, Mr. When everybody Is em' shoe with VERY INTERESTING PHONE 23 one stocking hung down over arose. nately . ed the . .,i, tr. depression win be over. it. t least a iuue hAo It n"-- ' siam.'. IV hov's hP lilt? BI1UC testimony tot "stead of more economv talk we hit STATE STREET The genealogical courses given in LEHL UTAH thP truth." He advanced and took attract 4 more was I hope the attention his hand. cheerful talk. even speaker's each the ward chapels Monday previous a ... , mn fnfi. onpnslTlir VOU The . from the two clattering shoes to ii't buying power of the people is are proving very Interesting and Thomas beam vou will Loresiic irv,w liehted. mi when I felt my money ing but vital factor in the wrongfully, from These courses offer an instructive. There Jumping -recovery the saw only you, ed with delight. and turned and one in . . friendly " depression. ; r, in the as if - nnrr - opportunity that has never been equal against the window, puppy ,.r,o nn tne street, snowy-whimy thoughts ed on securing proper instruction in naturally greeting, he saw a direction, noiite . ... tnnV mv - I with bright brown eyes aim fORMONS TO CELEBRATE to Deneve mat Tnn genealogical and record work for all Thomas became to led me that ear. Strange HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY wallet." see ages, to lounger people who are keep desk. that he failed The 1udge hammerea on the on the OF THE WORD OF WISDOM own records and book of their to 116.00" ing pasted turning Then sign ''Puppies, Tne tears Case dismissed. 'Young man, your remembrance will find these courses It. km hp saw he saia, nhnired. Then he the hoy The one you hold very beneficial. Everyone is invited hundredth anniversary of noweo iree.,.- tj worf tatement Is true. The money Mr. to come out and Join in these classes i ; tinat nana lookea oeiuiie" in your "word of Wisdom the but revelation, given "puppies" was blurred He lost u. Will you kindly He dropped his fV.iln. totr. Smith. February 27. 1833, ..LJ l to him.' it eturn 30 PER CENT ACREAGE CUT through lium Thomas' t, hesearch vnnlRiea and fte observed by all the wards, some- l"K REQUIRED FOR CROP LOANS i v,ia shoulders have finches, stakes and missions In the niS He ,inwn noW vision. rrotrh ... . a war a aoirm i,n flipper S. Church tninRonly lKe our to(Mormon) Secretary of Agriculture Hyde An vnlfe. and three marbles. Then Tes, i " im R.qin. aim a wciai programs top, in his r -- ,uhe took nounces Regulations Under Which wallet oVet i the auxiliary trom tne uim-by Collin witn uir Mr. ward Funds for This Year's Farm Oper six yards of string, nlzatlons, nhout nrlesthood .11 :..... hand. hy the I un " extended A dime .. .. fine ations May Be Obtained. y"u my pmms and at tha wnrri meetinsrs and a dime ami emir Tittles. you, "Thank That woull not. n!ps! r" emphasize the importance of this aTin3 iuu. nuen. a 0"nAr, Times' hand and the two Reduction of 30 per cent in the the dog buy of health and the benefits that Toot lnnt drew his arm acreage " planted to cash crops will be ' waixea ow lts hn. th!,t observance. required thla year of farmers who pro The Mormon fnce to wipe away his tears, and then "What wouia ynu uu Ple the- street. cure crop production loans. Secretary quote statistics an money, lad?" asked comnar- - warn . h. meh , "" . Id ouy hrlehtened. rm. of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde an wa? heart one l 'th Other erniint, In tmvmto thAV His he could r,nt keen back the nounced today in making public the with brown eyes and would, dog white a lower a brave little death rate, a far lower governing the 1933 loans. regulations He wanted to be ... tears. KM h whole In making available for crop probrSyoemesn the dog in my store?" rate, these vital statistics be- - man. nut ne imiumi . a taen from duction loans this year $90,000 of Re''Tes. sir." the International Tear world pulling him the him. JjOOKinpr we can do for construction . . . see what otirtled Finance we'll Corporation "Well, League of Nations: , stenned back to lot a .. funds. Congress specified that the it m " "hs; averapo nt c rnoH the corner, Thomas Secretary of Agriculture might require, noting ti nor hTg7arwtham;n.awoman.andtwo .' where he as a condition of any loan, ''that the Population wv IU1 tZ topped to show Mr. Collin luo uatLCI'uaj le hoys in. .. " borrower agree to reduce his acreage ne wawet. " i his n noa on i"found so cruel . h. had hand tighter. "About the or production program on such basts ths; 25 could the world be , the boy's notI. mu not to exceed 30 per centum, as may '" 1m,m tl.nM sn unfair! some dog," he said ?.C be determined by the Secretary.' The would you me- ijaiter-ui.u lur 1L ann "What said. mamas he iwunv had SjtS, I dog." un Secretary's regulations, however, stipuname him?" dogs and everything late that acreage reduction will not be don't hardly I Per 100.000 Thomas thought. of population had nothing, when until required of farmers who, In 1933, plant again fell The tears . following diseases: atrMt Hkft know, maybe Sport. more than 8 acres of cotton; t no iu. store, the they reached TT,on fl8. Thomas '"WCUlosInd .. ..-,nc"sn7enVy lost his Thomas watched the man un-.- acres If tobacco; 40 acres of wheat; eagerly 20 acres of corn; iVt acres of truck S, 8, and climb In the window Cercrops; 8 acres of potatoes; 80 acres if to the It boy handed He nations Ser the do. 8 acres of peanuts. LatteMay "There's your dog. son, I nope rice; .(vine. crop reduction Farmers seeking He put his nana- " yfcrt. you like him." of nervoua system to gei tried and rubbish 1 e3 " ttnl Wiggled to ft "S' theump-pos- t, lT . J Z ' Hospital Notes hi . ht ff soil-buildi- nr.. uy. - picK-pock- Church News ... rea-inna- Si'p pumps-:-bo- Puppy Love W tm o &. ....... nw HE KNEW WHAT HE bow-wow- WANTED :o But he didn't know how low prices are today. Let us quote you prices. ed hc . ML S. LdDTT o.... p iu"' te fj p's f - . ban nn't 1- Whitehouse Linen Finish .,,.. AnA vt JS - hr . JIZ i' n. r'J' . Transparent Wrapped - i" - - Stationery 24 Envelopes and Paper To Match 25c. JjnJoL ,' LEHI FREE PRESS |