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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle Wednesday, January 15. 1992 - Page Seven IPOTIPOUlRMn Feature Events of King week to focus on his message Sean McBrjjje Chronicle Feature Writer By M. emphasis will focus on the future of America's children, rather than on the more traditional Martin Luther King Jr. day events. Robert Staab, of the Martin Luther King Committee at the U., explained the reasoning co-cha- I have a dream. . . Where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. . . when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning "My country 'tis of thee, sweet" land of liberty, of thee I sing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. behind ir this year's theme. "Remember that it is Martin Luther KingHuman Rights day. Well, it's obvious that he stood for human rights. We feel that health care and the future of our children is a major part of human rights. Human rights is more than political rights, it's education and health as much as civil discussion that will ask the question: "As the Nation's Health Care System Falters, Will Children Come Last?". The panel will include Letitia Archuleta, clinical director of the Indian Health Care Clinic; Suzanne Dandoy, executive director of the Utah Department of Health; This year, however, Luther King Week has adopted "Implementing the Dream: Our Children, Our Future as its theme for this week's activities. The activities begin Jan. 15 in Ballroom with Audrey Manley delivering the keynote address: "Children in Crisis: Who Will Save Them?" Manley is the U.S. deputy assistant secretary for the Union Admiral health. Many of the issues raised by Manley's speech will be dealt the with once again in a panel Janet Golightly . Robert Gibson, professor of pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco; and Scott Williams, professor of pediatrics at the U. The panel discussion will also have an open microphone for audience members who may have to ask the panel. The auestions will be held in the Saltair Room in the Union, on Thursday, Jan. 16, at noon. Parks' visit. It's a once-in-a- take place. During Jan. 21 and 22, three different programs will air in which KUED will examine the issue of child sexual abuse. Airing on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 8 Promise p.m., is locally produced hour-long Not To Tell. This is an documentary that traces the Lehi child abuse case from its the beginnings, starting when a to teenage Earents beganof suspect sexually abusing their children to Hadfield's trial. 8. On interaction with typical students and other stuff Chandra Graham and vociferous. He was even discussed in the editorial board meeting, along with whether or not last month's column awards should go to Judd Hillman's latest profanity stunt or to the person who came up with the brilliant idea of printing horoscopes in the Feature section. occurrence. It can happen anywhere, to any child. Most often these crimes go on, children all over America and the general social denial that allows child sexual abuse to continue to impression that this a holiday for African Americans celebrating the birthday of one of their great leaders," Staab said. "But he was an American and he represented us all." For Rosa Parks tickets, call For other Hayes at 484-700information about this weeks events, contact ASUU at - may notice that this week's column has nothing whatsoever to do with ray friendly guru, Bobo the Gown. At the office, they accused emotional scars for the rest of his or her life. This crime of sexual abuse is a terrible action where the offender is someone the child knows and trusts. But what is even more frightening is when the offender is the child's own parent. Child sexual abuse is a crime that is a terrifying common Robert Staab reminds us that this week's activities are for all students. "At times we get the mother because of her actions in Montgomery, Alabama. It was due to her refusal to sit in the segregated section of a Montgomery bus that led to the historic bus boycotts that brought King into power. Kirk Hayes, a member of Salt Lakes NAACP chapter, said "I'm unbelievably excited about Rosa You that child with physical and According to KUED officials, Obviously, U. students will want to attend many of the events in order to learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. Civil-Right- I, Chandra Graham, have been accused of being abusing a child can.and will leave channel 7 will examine this frightening threat towards Berry's stand-u- p comedy act focuses on equal rights. the initial driving force s the Movement in the 60s, Rosa Parks may very well be considered the movement's behind Child abuse is a crime in which incest. $10. autobiography My Story. While King was certainly the small victims cannot fight back for themselves. Sexually many accusations, only Allan Hadfield was found guilty of arch-conservati- ve us eccentric unsettled for months. Despite the movement)." Additionally, the Baha'i Faith of Salt Lake City will be sponsoring the 3rd annual Young People's Peace Vigil at the State Capitol. The vigil will take place on Jan. 20, at 7 p.m. Also on Jan. 20, Betrice Berry, professor of sociology at Kent State who has held her own in debate against Pat Buchanan and was named the NACA's 1991 College Comedian, will be bringing her act to acclaimed stand-u- p Hall at 7:30 p.m. The Kingsbury Saliva Sisters will be featured as well and Salt Lake City mayor DeeDee Corradini will introduce Berry. The cost for this event is speaking and signing her . After sexually abusing them. abuse sexual of many allegations was Lehi small the in town, to actually experience (the free, as are all of the campus events. activities have also been planned. Of primary note is the visit of Rosa Parks at the Little America Hotel on Jan. 20. Parks will be presenting the Salt Lake chapter of the NAACP with the Rosa Parks Civil Rights Award. She will also be Chronicle Feature Writer unspoken or unknown. However, in recent Utah history, one of the most publicized court cases was the trial of a Lehi man who was accused by his three children of ts p.m. The performances are Off-camp- I should have felt honored, in friend, memory of my ng Promise Not To Tell, a powerful, locally produced documentary, is one of a trio of programs on KUED that focus on the disturbingly common crime of child sexual abuse, as well as the difficulty faced by the legal system and society in dealing with the problem. The documentary will portray system that doesn't quite work. the emotional levels of the From the beginning, the children's children and everyone involved accusations weren't taken and also the possibility of what seriously because the accused members of the .might be going on in the small were prominent Lehi community. town that was not seen by the rest When local officials finally did of us. The documentary will also examine how difficult it is for act on the complaints, they did than "intimidate the society and the justice system to little more e would-bwitnesses." The cases. deal with these young halted by Utah was Rhea Garyy, the producer, investigation the accused officials of when Promise director and County writer to adults show want "I To Tell, said, Not passed polygraph tests, of the issue. side emotional the despite therapist Barbara Snow's But I wanted to focus on the statement that "as many as 12 intellectual side, so the case children were describing wasn't sensationalized and so the 'abhorrent sexual behavior' viewer has enough distance to involving Satanic rituals." Soon after this statement, the Utah make an informed decision." All sides of the issue are Attorney General's Office became displayed through interviews which show a detailed picture of a involved in the investigation. see "KUED" on page eight but as usual, I was offended. Therefore, in my tradition of excellence, let me introduce you to my newest Journalistic developments, Kevin and Allen, Kevin and Allen are juniors here at the University o Utah. They are my dearest friends. Printing the explicits of their life and escapades seemed a little risky, but they were willing to give uo some privacy in order to' educate Daily Utah Chronicle readers. You see, Kevin and Allen are this month's candidates for Definitely Typical, Your Average Joe Shmo, U, . Students of The Month. And everyone should be acquainted with the details which are encompassed in this title. Kevin and Allen live in the dorms. This is their third year at the good or residence halls and they can personally show you every room they've occupied in past years, if they happen to be waxing nostalgic. But Kevin and Allen are in control of their emotions, which means they are never taken to venting frustration a woman of this stature. We study the Civil-RighMovement in class, but this is perhaps the best chance that many of us will get Mountain Rocky of the Gospel Music Chapter of and the America Workshop U. Symphony Orchestra and Utah Philharmonia will also be performing Friday at 7:30 Series explores child sex abuse By lifetime opportunity to meet Vision: Martin Luther King Jr. The Martin Luther King Jr. was rights." "We felt that looking across assassinated on April 4, 1968. This means that the majority of the nation right now, there is students at the University of Utah no doubt that our children are are simply too young, (or were in a crisis situation, from a not alive yet) to have any clear, health care point of view, and personal recollections of the from an educational point of social change that the man stood, view," Staab said. "So we're talking mostly this year about fought and died for. Fourteen years after his death, health care for all children. House Bill 3706 was passed This is a generation that we making the third Monday of each could lose if we're not January Martin Luther King Jr. careful." With this in mind, Martin Day a legal public holiday. In 1986, Utah's legislators changed the holiday's name to read Martin Luther KingHuman Rights Day. The idea being to remind all Utahns of not only the man, but what he stood for. Now as Martin Luther KingHuman Rights Day rolls around once again, the U. and several organizations in the Salt Lake community are sponsoring to programs special commemorate King and his ideals. Friday evening will feature presentations at Hall. Among those Kingsbury be Grammy will performing Award winner William Warfiela, narrating from the "I have a Dream" sermon and Jonathan Bruce Brown who will present his composition "Legacy of cultural Chronicle Feature Writer by screaming obscenities at the top the middle of the write letters to the No, may night ot their tones in editoi Kevin and Allen are dedicated to the Chronicle. They go above and beyond their student duties. Not only do they read the genital herpes ads and the personals, they also peruse the Friday police report Kevin and Allen are also amused by periodically rearranging the furniture in their pad They can actually arrange the bunk beds geometrically now, after their many years of practice. They claim that by moving the furniture, they're only trying to clean up all the authentic New Jersey pretzels that have fallen in the crevices in their sofa. But I have other suspicions. I think they are attempting to discover the furniture arrangement that is most absolutely conducive to good conversation. Have they? Ill have to test my theory in a few days. Right now they're not inviting. me over because I made fun of their pretzels. Kevin is a hard-cor- e Disney World aficionado. Mickey Mouse even his gsraphernalia, posters, name tag, are plastered about the room. Perhaps he had the revelation that he should become a mass communication major after hearing "It's a Small World After All" 3,651 consecutive times last summer while he was doing sea "Graham" on page eight |