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Show Tuesday, January 10, 1989 Worfd-ifairoio- Chronicle - Page Nine 'Jubilee us Chorus performs By Isaiah Stewart SimisSocs -- ' European tours, received the first gold XT yy.t V sung with a fervent energy have driven audiences of 59 nations to their feet in standing ovations. The Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers have imparted these to their worldwide audiences. In honor of the University of Utah's Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, the group will sing Saturday at 8 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall. With historical roots that reach back more than 100 years, this choral group features music that embodies a celebration of spiritual ideals and black emancipation. Albert J. McNeil, founder and director -- . 1 1 V y Spiritual exhilaration and gospels M earned the Department of Defense's fft . 25-year-- W ing the memory of King.' . "Martin Luther King's activities revolved around the singing of spirituals," he said. 'That whole movement of Martin Luther King was a" movement that rejuvenated the singing of spirituals that had come into being in the 19th J world-renow- sonal pleasure from conducting and touring with the singers. "Spiritualist music is a very personal music," he said. 'It deals with one's rela- ' A p i c t u r e industry who n e e d e d ," to many different audiences of the world. "We believe that one of our major missions is to keep the idea of spiritual singing alive," he said. "There are very few groups alive in the country today that ' . tionship to God on a personal level." McNeil said the singers offer a form of musical expression that is diverse and rare. And his singers serve as a means to channel this music, termed choral group called the Fisk Jubilee n The Albert McNeil jubilee Singers will perform from their repertoire of gospel, spirituals, calypso and jazz Saturday at 8 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall. offer to do a European tour in 1968. He really focus on the singing of spirituals." McNeil said the forming of the Jubilee said this gave the singers their first big Singers was a result of working in a break to perform for international audi- ences. church in Los A n g e 1 e s "We did where he With historical roots that reach back about 65 conreceived Calls 11 rl certs in 10 mn JionrcUp thic mnra thnn V I1 t Ul U AW tl 11U 9K.renr.nl J PeoPle ?.m choral that embod countries and century." McNeil said he experiences strong per- "Afro-American- medal ever awarded from the Mundial del Folklore Festival of Guadalajara, and Certificate of Esteem for a requiem concert in honor of Martin Luther King. McNeil said the singers' performance will focus not only on gospel and spiritual music but also on West African folk music. "We like to think in terms of Africa being our home from which all (these forms of music) have emanated," he said. "We love to do (the songs) and we'll do them in the African language." Also featured in the performance will be a Duke Ellington medley of songs and excerpts from the opera "Porgy and Bess." McNeil said because of its depictions of life among black people, he considers this folk opera to be one of the greatest in American musical literature. The name of the Jubilee Singers originated from the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, a year that was called the "Jubilee Year." At that time, a tr of the group, said because spiritual music is an expression of black emancipation, hope, admiration and love, the group's music is appropriate in celebrat- (LI folk music in spirit of black emancipation Afro-Americ- an Chronicle staff writer at honor-Kin- ; ft S JLX KS group features music ies a celebration of spiritual ideals and black emancipation. singers. McNeil said in 1960 he seized the opportunity to start the Albert McNeil Singers. And, after obtaining a local reputation, the singers accepted an THE LONGER YOU WAIT, THE LONGER YOU'LL WAIT!! REG l STRATf O Xi were warmly ved recei tradit- doing ional spiritualist music," he said. "Primarily that was the launch- e ing of our career as a professional travel-Jubile- ing choir." The singers have sold out four Singers began introducing audiences to spiritual music and in 1870 sang for Queen Victoria at the Court of St James in London. McNeil said he named his group in remembrance of the Fisk singers' contribution to promoting spiritual and gospel music. He added because he considers the spiritual to be a thor- oughly melodic music, his choral group always focuses attention on this music when it performs. "Spirituals will always be the main format of the Jubilee Singers," he said. "Our music is a very exciting experience. It has given us an opportunity to sing to the world." The Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers will perform at Kingsbury Hall Saturday at 8 p.m. No admission fee will be charged. Tho UMMmsiSm Scholarship ; (for programs beginning in Summer or Fall 1989) Deadline March 2, 1989 deadline for the Liberal Education Study Abroad Scholarship is March 2, 1989. Awards range from $500 to $1,000. The scholarship can be applied to study abroad programs ANYWHERE in the world to help defray tuition cost, board and room and transportation. The Eligibility Requirements: Matriculated Status. 3.00GPA your Winter Quarter V" , adddrop changes, etc. before the January 13th deadline. ; January 1 3th is the deadline to register for Winter Quarter (no new registration can be initiated after this date) Last Day to adddrop classes, last day to exercise 'crric option, last day to drop with 100 refund. Aviod along line Completion of 36 hours in residence at the University of Utah Prior to departure (excluding credit by exam). . Full-tim- e status (at least 2 out of 3 quarters during the year prior to departure.). Priority will be given to students who will be sophmores or juniors during their study abroad program. Priority will be given to applicants whose proposed Study Abroad program will contribute to the completion of Lib. Ed. requirements. . Contact: INTERNA TI0NAI CENTER 159 University Union Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 9 (801) 581-584- . |