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Show I ChaowdE ThutsdAy, Mttch 10, 19M Paqe Two attention must be paid?5 language from page one v 1 Professors working through the institute will also research the different ways language can be taught. "We are experimenting with several different types of teaching methods to find out what works and what doesn't," Mixco said. Ope theory the language department is working with is the immersion method. Traditionally, professors often concentrate on the grammar and vocabulary when teaching a , foreign language. The immersion method doesn't work that way. Arthur Miller's DEATH OF A SALESMAN Marchl6-Apri- l2 Free Student Preview Tuesday, March 15 Student Options I.D.) (For students with activities-pai- d Free Preview tickets must be picked up in advance at the box office. Free Opening Night. Wednesday, March 16. Free tickets to the first 200 students at the box office. Four Performances $3 each: two evening performances, March 7; two matinee performances, March 26, April 2. Half Price. Reserved seats half price for all other weeknight (Monday-Thursda- y) performances. Student Rush: every weeknight (Mon.-Thur- s.) March 2 1 -- 3 1 . NO discounts on Fridays and Saturdays. At 7:30 all remaining seats go on sale to students for $3. 16-1- Call 581-69- 61 Box Office open 10 a.m.-- 6 p.m., Mon-F- ri The primary emphasis in immersion is placed on teaching the student how to communicate using the language. "Some people respond better with different teaching methods than others," Mixco explained. "We want to find out what works and what doesn't so we can make changes in the way we teach." The department has received federal planning grants for the institute and faculty from the department will take on institute assignments as a part of their teaching duties. Because existing faculty will be taking on these extra duties, Mixco said U. funds will not be used to keep it in operation. Mixco did say it would be nice to hire new faculty members once the institute is running. But until then, he said the institute will be run by existing faculty members. However, Council said there just aren't the resources to hire new professors, but he said as funding at the U. increases new professors could be hired in the department. I LJ PIONEER THEATRE COMPANY 300 South and University X, peace Igf) I publishing Smm "Some civil disobedience will include going deep into the the testing site to reclaim to site," Miras said. "However a protester chooses to protest, the object of the demonstration will be nonviolent resistance," he explained. "Nonviolence means something different to each individual." He said 2,000 people will probably risk arrest if they choose to disobey the trespassing law. Some people will choose to enter the testing site offices. "Our object is not to destroy property, swear or yell," Miras said. "We will try to engage in constructive dialogue which will discuss nuclear issues in an intelligent manner." He said the group has no intention of using physical coercion to achieve social justice. Miras compared SAND's aims to those of Martin Luther King Jr., who passively resisted segregation and Mahatma Gandhi who passively resisted the British government in India. "Through a test ban, we feel a significant step can be taken toward freezing the arms race," Saperstein said. "The testing of weapons complicates the disarmament process." He said because of the technical advancement the Nevada site has made, nuclear weapons are now being made small enough to fit into a backpack or a suitcase. Saperstein said the Reagan administration's commitment to developing new kinds of testing has made the issue more pertinent, but many Utahns have been protesting at the site for two to three years. In preparation for this weekend's demonstrations, SAND held a Demonstration Preparation Workshop which included actual role playing of Wednesday night, situations that will occur this weekend. SAND member Russell Miras said protesters will have the choice to engage in civil disobedience by going over the barbed wire fences, which is illegal, or to remain behind barbed wire fences. - AC Mauricio Mixco, chair of the language department, said because there has been a lack of cohesion within the department and the university, the institute will help focus the language department and its role on a basis. university-wid- e from page one Bi Spring Quarter Y Chronicle phoco by Guy E. Elder IV Non-Violen- ce Great artists. Great theatre. v h V 1 IZEiIIIpublTihTni J t (Don't get eft behind Spring Quarter is about ready to liftoff ttave your class material picked up March 18, 1988 and nnko's will have your (Professor Publishing Packet available to your students on the first day of class. Call for free picfjup and delivery 583-348- 0 By |