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Show Page Two Th Daily Utah Chronic!, Friday. January 18. Outlooh from the associated press Efforts may continue until inauguration WASHINGTON Thr Cant? administration, entour-age- d that a birak through may tie imminent in the lung hostage stalemate, repot tt-- further progress in negotiations Thursday and said it is willing to press the effort light to the moment that Ronald Reagan is sworn is next Tuesday. State Depaitment siiokesman John Trait ner said that while "inixi(an( differences leniain to he resolved." the I'nited Stales and Iran aie mov ing forward to t lear away the "undei hi ush of let hnic a! detail" still b!o king an agreement. He said Deputy Secietaty of Stale Warren Christopher had dec ided to stay at least ihiough the day in Algeiia. where he lias sjx-n- i the past week clarifying the L'.S. rxisition for Iran through Algerian inter medial ies. Still, he said, there has hern no formal Iranian reply to the latest I'.S. pioMsals. which wete conveyed to Iran by the Algeiians on Jan. 2. Secietaty of State Kdmund S. Muskie declared on Wednesday that the administration would pursue its efforts to Inauguration Day. if necessaiy. thereby discarding the infoimal Friday deadline previously set for an agreement. d 55-10-- Thousands marched through the snow Thursday in Washington, carry ing signs proc laiming "I Have a Dream March for Peace." while Atlanta high school students joined a silent procession to Martin Luther King Jr.'s grave, celebrating the birthday of the slain civil rights leader. About 3.000 people from some 30 cities joined the march fiom the (Capitol to the Washington Monument, headed for a rally that police said drew some 10.000 tjeople befoie it began. The march was organized by p musician Sievie Wonder. Decision violates civil rights, Judge says REGOONAL Wright 'optimistic' on interior position BOISE, Idaho An Idaho Supreme Court decision, upholding the new doc nine of "securing the premises" so evidence won't be destroyed liefore a search warrant arrives, has been attacked by Justice Stephen Bistline as a "far reaching" violation of civil rights. "In my lime on the court, there has not been another case befoie us with more far-- i caching consequences than this." e dissent filed with the court said Bistline. in a special. 40-pag- Foinit? I'tah Republican Chairman optimistic " he James Walt to serve as solicitor in that department. Wright said he had been interviewed for the Mst by Wait in SALT LAKE CITY W. Robert Wright said Thursday he is "very will be chosen by Interior Secretary-designat- e Washington. D.C. Saturday. The scheduled 20-minu- interview lasted four times that long, he said. "I'm verv optimistic that, I'll be given a position" in NEW SW RENTALS I Interior, said Wright. 45. who was defeated by a percent maigin bv Gov. Scott Matheson in the November gubernatorial election. Wright said he was the first person interviewed by Watt for the job of solicitor, considered by Wan the No. 2 position in Interior along with that of under sea eiary. The solicitor's office is the legal arm of the Depaitmeni of Interior. Marchers pay tribute to King's memory NATBOftAL High Quality Ski Equipment Hexcel or Rossignol Skis $6Day J i also Cross Country skis $6Day s3 Wednesday. Bistline was the only justice to vole against upholding the drug com ic lion of a Canyon County man. Carlos Gomez of Parma, in 1977. Gomez is serv ing up to 5 years for possession of marijuana and xissession of heroin with intent to deliver. Key to the case was evidence seized al the Gomez home, including two bags of marijuana. 12 tinfoil pac ketsof heroin and a bag containing 15 grams of heroin. 1 COME TRY OUR NEW MENU! OVER 30 NEW AUTHENTIC CHINESE DISHES. RESTAURANT I . cfiKr V WW SPORT RENT 4000 South Highland Drive 272-120- 0 Call us in regards to our I unique season rental package cHncncnuxmn OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Clip & Save Because we're new, we're not in the yellow pages. 486-399- 1 J lwl8 SO. WANTED 10 SUPEEIOE STUDENTS For an experiment in Liberal Education! MAIN ST. n to mm you're planning a career in Engineering, Finance, Marketing, or Data Processing, we know you're seriously considering the semiconductor industry. We'd like to offer a little piece of advice: Choose the company that will give you the best opportunities right away. If Choose AMD. Advanced Micro Devices started out a little over a decade ago with eight of the best people in the industry and a dream. 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