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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Wednesday, January 18, 1978 Page Eight Law prof mourns Humphrey University law professor Edwin Firmage eulogized his close friend former and colleague Senator Hubert Humphrey before the Utah State Legislature Monday. Humphrey was love, said Firmage. "I don't know all the characteristics that make for a great president," Firmage said. "But I rey's Enrollments in Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) are up this year, reversing a downward trend which existed since the advent of the force in 1973. Air Force figures released Dec. 1, 1977 show the overall increase was relatively small less than three percent but AFROTC officials were heartened by an increase of more than 8.5 percent in freshmen enrollments. The numbers represent the actual number of cadets enrolled in AFROTC on Oct. 31. Nearly 7,000 freshmen, including more than 2,700 women and members of minority groups, enrolled in AFROTC last fall. Approximately 900 of them received four-yescholarships to colleges of their choice, more than twice the er League, Humphrey's ar special number awarded in 1976. Small decreases occurred this year among the sophomore and junior classes but officials attribute this to an increased emphasis on quality, which includes the recent implementation of a more stringent selection system for the professional officer course the last two years of the ROTC program. The officials hastened to add, however, that members of this year's freshmen class are exceptionally well qualified and two years from now should be highly competitive under this representative to the Western states during the that Hubert 1968 presidential campaign and said he saw Humphrey several times a year until his death. "We remained close friends. He stayed in our home often when he was in Salt Lake City," Firmage said. has done Humphrey more by humane legi- and loving example than most presidents. "But no president can Senator Hubert Humphrey and University law professor Edwin Firmage. nt Firmage helped to plan and to draft legislation from the White House Conference on Human Civil Rights. Firmage also served as The preeminent char- slation Participation in ROTC increases Humphstaff as a White House fellow on leave from the Missouri Law School in 1965 and 1966. Working with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Roy Wilkins of the NAACP and Whitney Young of Vice-Preside- the Urban acteristic of Hubert believe partial gifts will vanish away, but love will never come to an end," Firmage said in his tribute. Firmage served on hire another to feel, to love for him. Other selection system. .z i 1 1 n ii 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 i RATES: $1.50 per week) for 1 PER DAY ($6.00 5 words or less; I A WAAA ttfti AAAAAAArgh rates for larger ads available. DEADLINE: Ad must be submitted and prepaid by 1:00 p.m. 2 days prior to publication. PHONE: AUTOMOTIVE 1957 CHEV WAGON. Rebuilt engine, trans., chrome wheels. etc. Excellent I 20 condition, $900or best. NEW HEAD HRP MUST SELL COMP SKIS (185m) Ic Solomon 555 equipe bindings. Used only 10 times. $300 new, asking $200 or best offer. I 24 30p.m. 581-704- DODGE Rebuilt POLARA, new paint, p.s., p.b.. air; EXCELLENT condition. $900. 20 1968 FOR SALE 67 JEEP ENGINE. Good V6 CJ-- 5 condition, $2,300 or best offer, (ill i 18. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES AKC. months old. Show. hunt, or iei Shots. 7 23 after tvnflij m 1.3 355-6- PINTO RUNABOUT, Bronie with interior. New tires Ic transmission, good mpg. low mileage. Good mechanical 8c body condition. $850 cash. Call Mike. days, or 18 nights 8c weekends. 71 1 1970 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 400. $500. also willing to negotiate. Power brakes, power steering, cruise control, power daytime seats, rear spikes. I IS Hans. 72 TOYOTA CORONA MARK II. Nice body, very low mileage, radial and mags. Call JOHNSON Ic ASSOCIATES MATERNITY SPECIALISTS, Representing many companies. We can" save you 10 to 60 in maternity costs and we tailor coverage to meet sour individual needsand budget Call i IK TWO BEDROOM HOME, ten minutes from campus $15,000. Bob Wilde. MILLER BROTHERS 19 REALTY. 18 I 255-308- LEATHER STEERING WHEEL (GM) $40.00. TEAC car cassette, $50.00. Mike 18 7:00p.m. Available February I: TWO 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS - Medital Plaa Towers - an tonditioned. lix nig room, carpel, drapes, appliances, utilities paid, rent $200.00 per month. University students and fatuity eligible (single or married). University Student I 18 Family Housing. 58 Full-tim- e SINGLE ENGINE, radials. T transmission, clutch. $3,500. Call 2 tops. New 2 2 home, furnished or unfurnished, fully fenced $135, 20 service simplified General has policy, most competitive rates. Kurt 126 ext. 78. 1 JEE? CJ5, V8, full cage, white spokes, great tires, many extras, low miles, '74 ns CAPRI, GOOD CONDITION, radial tires. Will negotiate price, call 124 evenings or weekends 71 VALLEY $300., 120 MEDITATION older home, fullv carpeted, leisure patio, $140. VALLEY I bills ENTERTAINMENT RENTALS (621 20 RESTAURANTS: APPEARING FREE UTILITIES COMPLETE bedroom apartment, east aves, $125. Low VALLEY RENTALS deposit. A GARAGE! FIREPLACE! Amanng bedroom, useable basement, modern VALLEY kitchen, $195, 120 RENTALS (6720). ASUU SPONSORS AVENUES, VICTORY STOMP, on January 19. 1978. after Arizona State basketball game. Union Ballroom. Admission charge. 119 l24 1 27 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Call around 6 p.m. 119 I 9. imlmon IS HAVING A SALE! .IMS Save dresses, custom more, hridithira. vests, ' cmy ideas fM on our neeto I East 9(h South, 124 VSW UNMOUNTED Otiii Mark VTt Sqa)radasiMock.CallUl-- L 120 Hvdro-po- l Unlimited hours, p.m., income-potential- . Choose own 8:00 a.m.-lOO- W 31 ive..)H2-1321- . I JKA KARATE CLUB taking meets beginners Monday Wednesday 7.00 p.m., HPER E- 212. I - I 363-43- I 1. GROUPWORKER. PART-TIMat YWCA. AfteiiiiMn woik with liilclien. aclolesi ems. (.ill k.ilh oi Km I. dcdicaiec! necessaiv, I 23 WAITRESS, COCKTAIL WAITRESS, BROILER COOKS AND LINE COOKS wanted for new CHILDREN'S AND MATERNITY BOUTIQUE needs ail lime help, (ill between 9:30a.m. and 5:30 Dinner Houst Restaurant. Waitress must be legal at International Dunes Hotel, 20f. I So. West Temple. 21 19 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Correcting Vice trie. Accepting manuscripts, theses, rcsumes.and 3 10 WANTED Local Amway distributor offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours. We provide the training. For appointment, rail between 124 A BUSINESS. BUILD - WANTED M F CHILD CARE Live-iBOY, 9, and light housekeeping 8 days Holladay area. Use of car $10 per day. Call Uura at after 6 p.m. Beg. Jan. 30. I HASSLED? CONFUSED? National Student Exchange Program Helpline is an ASUU service offered to students who need to talk to someone. Legal, medical and academic referrals are also available. an adventure in learning 1 23 CALL 30 U.S. Universities available for study at U of Utah tuition rates Application Deadline March 1, 1978 FOR INFORMATION: Call Diane: or visit 100 Union 581-814- 581-822- 8 6 A NEW SEMINAR SEARCH FOR YOUR Part-Tim- e Custodian Jobs Available 0 12:30 pm 8:00 pm- 12:00am 0 am 10:00 pm-4:0- ytar olds, thrtt half days a wtck. Profaiaional tuchtri. An axocptional first yat r cxpsrianca for child and parant. 3-- 4 13170A0T0000OUTH PHONO (t30-C:C- O) IX B M. and Community Cooporotlvo Nuroory 18 TYPIST new 123 18 NT Mis. Nil hols 23 JUVENILE OFFENDERS. Agency p.m. Contact Val - (ill COMMUNITY-BASED for expciicnccd, looking individuals. Transportation HELP evenings. RESTAURANT-EXCELLEPEPE'S JOB OPPORTUNITY foi woik. Waiticsscs. wallets, and hosiess. I louis 10: Night 4:30 p in 10:00 p.m. Applv in 30 a in lo 2:00 p in. between PROGRAM WORKING 18 582-29- KASTLE XII 190cm, Rattle National Teams fOScm, Look Nevada, bamcrafttT ski polo, call 124 DIRECT SALES: .mil SENOR 2S COUNSELORS 1 necessaiv. Resc DELIVERY PERSON FOR MORNING Route Applv 3700 Highland Drive. I TYPING ' Fxericn(c PUNCH noons VETERANS: AGREE TO WORK .V. DAYS within the next veal and cam $ houl, using voiii own skills oi learning new ones, (.all (leu. Aimv s 12 Afie-- campu? ELECTRIC SMITH-CORON- U SKIERS, NEEDED. ai 27 OF KEY PART-TIM- 18 Call HOUSECLEANER WANTED 23 I NEED CARPOOL MEMBERS. Orem to 8-3 or daily. Call 322-322- 966-602- 8 Call 1 BEDROOM, unfurnished, near Smithsbus lines. Off street parking. 127 619 Fifth Ave. $140. NEAR U. S Bedroom, 2 baths, washer, dryer, fireplace. $400month. One month 123 deposit. 52 6392. FOUR SINGLES WANTED FOR 4 bedroom home, East Sandy. $90 each, 118 plus utilities. Call CONSTIPAABDOMINAL Free evaluation and PAIN, GAS? treatment while participating in a study-timprove these symptoms. The study is approved by the Human Use Committee. 2-- 3 1 NEAR V AND BUS STOP. LARGE S bedroom duplex. New inside I Perfect for 4 or 5 students $295. or FROM SUFFERING TION, DIARRHEA. 120 TONIGHT: I in HOLLADAY . . . John Bateman, II at UNIVERSITY . . . Bill Brown, III on STATE STREET ... IV at MULE HOLLOW . . . Dale Newey. Call for more information. 3 118 486-479- 18 I or Class ot Don't BUY t. Skiing No. 139-14expensive new Ski outfits. U of U Spec lal Full set. Daily RENT $2.50. 10 wks Set, $24.50. Fiberglass Dailv $3 50, 10 wks $34.50. Collaicial is needed, (.ill the "MATTERHORN" I" P 18 20 (8706). Wocxlioinsc. lounge. COLD SORE?( iall within hours for Free Treatment Study. GETTING 24 OF - GEPETTO'S PRESENTS NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AT OUR FOUR siucK YOUR lectures lecture J Absolutely free. J20 1). is n PROCESS KNOW INNERSELF. A Path to Bliss, today at 1:30 Marriott Library hall and 7:00 Vancott Hall Main VALLEY paid, A TO GETTING CRACKLIN FIREPLACE quality flat, plush carpeting, $120. Most .me) Utah congress-na- LAW--- I Must DELIVERY PERSON FOR MORNING Route Apply 37(H) Highland Drive. REPAIRMAN NEEDED for apartments Must know plumbing. 8c electrical I 23 evenings. repairs. Call MEMORY effectiveness. Mosi c oiiipiehensive oiusc in America, fin less ill. in half the cosl of the F.vclvn TRAINING, I AVENUES RENTALS(6210). READING. ALL TYPING NEEDS. Several years experience. Reasonable. IBM. a W ANTEE No i be Kondable. Typing, filing, phone, ten ke. bookkeeping icci!iicil. Must have cat. Able to woik untie picssiirc. 328-180- 1 ask foi 19 Jackie. NEED PART-TIMHELP form 8 a in. in 12 p.m., and 10 or II a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m. I 24 Apply 134 Union Bldg. . SPEED 19 PART TIME HELP sc MODEL WANTED for fine anisi, neat Univetsiiv, flexible houis. Call PERSONAL sophisticated device for paving over Southern Utah. WAKING OWL BOOK 1 18 CO., 1260 E. 4th So . U RENTALS(79I6). 2( I LEGAL SECRETARY W'DISSERTA-TIOwants home typing IBM Correcting Vice trie II. Close in. 21 CASH ONLY' SOMER'S impressive 3 bedroom home, recreation room, sec urely fenced, fireplace . to 1 566-299- TO WANTtu exix-rienc- FENCED AND PRIVATE some furniture, modern kitchen. $130. VALLEY RENTALS Dial KM (9017). WALK FEMALE ROOMMATE sharcaiartiiient.(jll582-5l27- AND Neat. h i vm.iblc. male 01 female. . I 19 I 18 I V Equitable AUTO-INSURANC- E plus p.m. 4 NEAR U finer CORVETTE-REBUIL- 2 14 4:00-5:3- 0 S7JI a month after 7:00 R(X)MMATE. 3 utilities. Call I WATERBED WITH HEATER anil beautiful handmade frame. Aquarium in headboard. $275 or besi offer. 1 1964 18 I 81037. $80.00. '. xc HP-2GAMES! VII He exchange Vncl $3.00 or be st game program It SHH) I II send iiiv six best games in return. Mark Winters. 311 E. 200 V. kavsville. Utah DOUBLE $50.00. Ini hides utilities, km lien, oi fridge, game room. pool. ( iall ROOM client concilium 2 channel Silvcrtone with two 12" Jetlseii & sK-akue trcmolo-ors. lcvcil) tc vc il chambci--lwmikes, one nuke slind-everthing $135. Looking fin I 18 time k sale .Call Kevin. AMPLIFIER-F.- FEMALE 2? I TUXEDOS : BRIDAL WEAR aggressive, Mi. Wall. RICHARD'S REST AURA. 1 5115 So. 9th Fast (Noilh of Sports Mall) will be taking applications for competent waiters and waitresses for lunheon and dinner shifts on Wednesday. January 20th. p.m. 20 VcMis.Halliday. POOR 2 930 $100 plus I 328-18- 28 9 1 23 I LUCAS. alui .i:(K I Will heal any prices wholesale prices. around. Call Frit 21) RENT. Furnished, HOUSE FOR bedroom. SI70. completely remodeled p.m. black STUDENTS: FACULTY. Name Brand stereo components and CB equipment at 1 ROOMMATE WANTED South l.th Fast, utilities. Own room& private ciniante. PART-TIME- 4 houisadav. p.m. STUDENTS! Help us lix h up & save! Studio Ic beeliooin. sonic furnished, utilities p.iid. downtown, w puiking 127-- st Avenue. Close to U. Call DOUBLE YOUR INCOME working ROOMMATES 3 W E LOVE I this box! 1 I enginetrans., Get me out of RELIGIOUS QUEST A Group Experience in Pilgrimage with pm-2:0- 1 1 :00 5:00 pm-3:0am-9:0- 0 0 am am Weekend Work $2.81 hour Bldg. 305 or call 581-610- 8 ED HOWLETT University Chaplain CAMPUS CHRISTIAN CENTER 232 University Ave. - 582-435- 7 Wed., Jan. 18th, 7:30 P.M. |