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Show The Duly Utah Chronicle, WednesdayJanuary 18, 1978 HEWLETT-PACKAR- D COME IN AND SEE THE COMPLETE USE OF HEWLETT-PACKAR- CALCULATORS FINANCIAL CALCULATOR HP-2- 2 An indispensable management too that lets you perform easily, quickly and dependably virtually every computation you need in modern business management from simple to arithmetic complex money problems to planning, forecasting and decision analysis Discount COMPUTtS cash flow An nuiliti Compound Interest Rate of Remaining Balance Return Amortization and mam more m. Will KAT . r... .... r n. iiinange ANYBODY'S Lisa Maxfield Anne Nicoll John Watioa -- v.u Women's Tuesday Exchange The Women's Resource Center sponsored the first Tuesday Exchange, an hour-lon- g open exchange Tuesday at noon in Union 293 with Anne Nicoll and Lisa Maxfield (above). The program is and staff wanting to gammer Nicoll said the Tuesday Exchange would be a good place for newcomers pro- - forum for anyone with a gripe or a "soapbox to stand on" biweekly designed for students, faculty contribute to an informal, unstructured exchange of ideas and experiences. Counselor and to meet people, as well as a PQQ0 k -- ik.. 4..1..1 M WltCf (if in " .. " we carry m complete lina of Hewlett ana necessaries uaicuiators. "'" 't "V m The first session featured discussions ranging from experiences at the local and national I WY conventions to the general political and social atmosphere in Utah. 675 So. Stat SIC 2 3670 Wall Ave)., OacUn 6214900 44 So. 200 I., Provo 375-200- 0 531-022- Debate squad captures awards WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS CALCULATORS 0 The University debate squad sent three teams to compete in Beach last weekend. a tournament at California State-Lon- g Twenty-fiv- e colleges from the West Coast and Rocky Mountain regions attended the Long Beach competition. There were two divisions of debate at the tournament, open debate on the standard topic of crime investigation and Ceda debate on affirmative action. There was also or competition in individual speaking events. In the open debate division the teams of Dave Donnan and Jeff Kennedy and Layne Weber and Scott Roybal advanced to the quarter-fina- l rounds. Donnan and Kennedy had a 2 preliminary win-los- s record and were defeated in their quarter-fina- l match by award Loyola of Los Angeles. They received the second-plac- e in competition for best novice team at the tournament. Weber and Roybal earned a preliminary record of six wins and no losses. They had the highest score of any team in the division in preliminary debate. They lost their quarter-fina- l round to USC on a 1 decision. The University team of Kevin Peters and John Watkins participated in the Ceda division. They earned a 1 s where they preliminary record and advanced to were defeated by California Polytechnic Pomona on a decision. Peters and Watkins received the third place award in off-top- iiBnimm 0GDG9G9 ic 4-- 2-- 5-- semi-final- 2-- 1 Ceda debate. sTnpeftoftDe edlgj In s te3i School at any level means reading lots of it. Keeping up with thousands of pages can take a heavy toll in time and energy, and grades. If you're typical, you read 150 to 350 words a minute. But how do you get ahead of the rest7 Evelyn Wood can triple your reading rate and improve your comprehension and study skills. Hundreds of thousands of students use the Reading Dynamics Method. They find reading less of a chore. Concentration and retention improve, which can lead to better grades. A competitoo important for you to delay tive edge is important . . Prove it to yourself today! Whether you're thinking of grad school or the job market, or if you want to keep up with course reading today, let Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics give you a competitive edge. fact Evelyn Wood guarantees that you wii! triple your reading rate if you foilow the course correctly, or your full tuition refunded. That's our competitive edge In Attend a free Evelyn Wood Mini-Lesso- aC at: n" LAST WEEK!!!!! TODAY AND TOMORROW 6:00 PM OR 8:00 PM DAVID'S WHERE ITS 'THE CUT THAT COUNTS" SALT LAKE CITY Put a little fun in your college life with an exciting hair style from DAVID'S EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE 320 South 3rd East The cut is the secret. It b not always an especially complicated style by which a coiffure excels. Members of the younger generation usually prefer a line which amazes you because of its simplicity. The simpler the design, the more often it is asked for. However, what look so simple, often turns out to be a hairstyle based upon an expert cut. Only on the base of a perfect technique a successful coiffure can be created. The cut supplies the foundation for an uncomplicated head of hair which can easily be fixed again even after having been exposed to storm and rain. Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. 467-997- 1 2020 East 3300 So. 1 3 The Compotitivo Edge. Coovgru '9 tveiyn Wooa Reading Dynamics Inc. |