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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Flatten' when TORTURING TWINGES CASE Smart. Belle Fourche, Burns. Wyo. "The trouble began on my baby when she was about four months old. A red pimple was seen at first and it grew larger and larger all the time on the back of her head. It looked scabby and It itched and burned and she began to scratch It and scratched until it would bleed. Sometimes tho could not sleep and felt pretty cross. "The trouble lasted till she was a year old and I eaw an advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, 80 1 sent for some. First I washed the sore part with the Cuticura Soap and then applied the Cuticura Ointment and left it on for a while, then I washed it again with the Cuticura Cuticura Soap and Ointment Soap. cured the 6ore in a week without a scar." (Signed) Mrs. Otto F. Meekly, DAKOTA hny PVtsrr ItOsjSiary" W, R. 8. D-- even in W. FSTHERUNDi Bays. "Rheumatism caused me terrible suffering. halt to give up I had to be work. lifted around and was perfectly help-les- a Doan's Kidney PHI like acted J NEWS WHAT'S DOING IN OLD mode IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR Mollie's Comment on Friend's Engage ment Probably Led to a Les- sening of Intimacy. It has been decided to organize of chamber of covmuerce at Pr've. Mollie met Muriel at the inatir.ee Three gypsies Wight seining for one afternoon. They embraced entrout near Salt Lake City were finec thusiastically. f3u each. "Oh, dearie," cried Mollie, "I'm so 11 SO N. Freeman, years old and have scarcely been glad to see you! pasident of Ogden fur twenty tlv able ot wait until could see you year.--, died April 14. to congratulate you on your eBftfe-m- l -Fred May, aed 7. suffered a fi at to Harold' Why didn't you give ture of the skull in a fall from a tret me a hint as to what yen expected?" at his home in Salt Lake. Why," replied Muriel, "1 "Now. don't you dare to tell nie." The trial at Ogden ot .1. H Martin percost tin went on Mollie, "that you concealed it alleged blackmailer, will " me from state ;.n(i county at least $6,000. intentionally didn't, certainly," said "Why, I fred II. Brooks, wanted in Salt l;t county on a charge of passing worth Muriel. "1 really didn't expect ;t myIts-- - checks aggregating $800, was ar self quite so soon, dear." "He is such a charming fellow," rested in Richfield. Mollie. continued "Weren't you just trees hard weed Twenty thousand Si surprised to death when he proposed three years old. were distributed San Fraactaco, January 6, 1914. the public schools in Salt Lake, a tret to you, dearie?" Mr. A. de la Torre, Jr., formerly IT. u "Why, I can't say I was," replied S. Inspector of Immigration, Port of San h child, and the trees were al; Muriel. "Why should I have been?" Francisco, writes from NV, 1111 Powell planted on April 15. "Well," replied the dear friend. St., San Frani'iseo, ('a!.: "I take gr;-a-t Arthur Rowley, jointly charger, pleasure in recommending your great nawith John Gardn-- r and Earl Fair "everybody else was." tional i.itarrh cure, Pertina, as tin' best hilU with the r hbery of Mickel I ever used. I sinoerely express my thank Real Mourner. Powelson of Gosh' n. April 4, has heen "What are you wearing (hat thin; to yen fer the health which I now enjoy. given an indeterminate sentence in for?" asked Mrs. Gabb, when her hus- It has done me and a number of my the state prison of from five year to band came home with a band of crepe friends pood, and I can assure yen that 1 life shall take every opportunity to spcalt around his hat. 1 consider to be the John Leventis, 30 years of age, "For your first husband," replied in faor nf what best remedy for catarrh in existence whom Otto Witbeck, deputy sheriff Mr. Gabb. "I'm sorry he died." h: was ki'led by Rafael lopez, suspected of the murder of Ethel A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. in the red light district at Bfhgham December 10, 191. has been The Rev. Rdmund Heslop "f Wig-toarrested. Pa., suffered from Dropsy for ?, Thrown beneath the wheels of a year. His limbs and feet were swolPrompt Relief Permanent Cure moving train when a brake appliance len and puff d. He had heart flutter CARTER'S LITTLE was dizzy gave way. Harry Nethercott, -- 0 year? ing, and exhausted at LIVER PILLS never old, married, and the father of five fail. vegeta mm the least exer- ble Purely children, received injuries at Ogden act Am Wl ADTFP'x tion. Hands and but gently surely t sWsasnVl'aBl which resulted in bis death two on cold were feet the liver. hours later. i v rd AWSSmmr I T. . Ll and he had such Stop after BBTibSBBBBSBB7 . SB t 'Grandma" Sarah Dudley, the dis dinner sensaa dragging woman in Utah county, died Wedtion across the tress-cu- re nesday morning at the home of her loins that it was indigestion. daughter in Spanish Fork. March 1 to move. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes., difficult of tliis year the aged woman celeSMALL PRICK. 5 SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, After using brated the ninety-eightRev. E. Heslop. anniversary Genuine must bear Signature boxes of Dodds of her birth. Kidney Pills the swelling disappearThe presbytery of southern I'tah ed and he felt himself again. He says held its spring meeting in Kerron he has been benefited and blessed by in addition to the rou- the use of Dodds Kidnev Pills. April it, 1912. l tine work of the presbytery was the months later he vrote: 1 have FREE TO ALL SUFFEREHS dedication of the chapel school build- Dot changed my faith '.. your remedy If 9QQ fcul 'OCT of nUT8' WOU DOWN' 'UoT the HLl st' B!,AU1KR, J4KKVOI 9 1ISKRBH, Sll'NKV, ing erected by the woman's board ot since the above statement was author-Ized- . t HKcNlO llMim EltUFTluNS, WEiR.SLBS, ri,fK!Ut. Mt Pl&jM, for hkdicai. boor oh write FREE home missions. cjxtii noitNU ct'itRS Correspond with Itev. B. HeselTfM'ietf by these tilnriiHes and wuMKBri-iT HE NEW FRENCH REMEDY No.1 rY. ?Ho Moses Pratt. 36 years of age. em lop about this wonderful remedy. j Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at ployed in the Grand Central mine, own for it TO! ailment. the FRCF. Ahsolute'y mildly at Eureka, was overcome aud killed your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., No'fi'Slow up" rircnlan. No obligations. Dt, LkCUSIUI MKI. Kl. 1UM1'STKA1, I.oM'nV. tfNfJ. ., IUvKKSToi Buffalo. N. Y. Write for Household He was attemptby gases Thursday. WS WANT TO I'lnAB THUIUi'lON WIU. t.'l HK ,Ub. ing to release the smoke and ga.s Hints, also music of National Anthem When it became so heavy that he was (English and German words) and recipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. BOOTH -- OVERTON unable to gel away. 1 Even barbers must refrain from the Adv. pfnp Intestinal Fermentation, Immediately. K. , r Ue of imitation and substitute! art! i:. neve l, as ;i:ul let resa alter KitMiij. One women nave ,peen .limiting iOf 61V. fWswlipre the genuine is called fofj Easter Money refunded If they do sleonly, or Such thinking cost write for free Suuipln Hex and iiillinery uotlioip. as set fortli in a warning issued to ilWrvja.tr TBI tbtm first if you wish. 11 Broadway CO. all barber shops in the state by He New fort (.'. Smith, deputy state dairy and Br. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate rood commissioner. and invigorate stomach, liver mid bowels. k FP1 Easy tu take lOfTiFfTS M,K MnflfflVv tiny granules Roy Covi. aged 16, was caught un- as candv. Adv. oh'tlJLUi! sTd der a falling tree which he had cut down and instantly killed. The acciV".1". ".' Koosctpii, I'tah, offers bar- Saiil the- malH In rhe henhful v.mih- - 'uiur ,11r- Hunan jiaMii lanus; write lor IBiormauoa dent occurred at his home near Ogj m going to scream anyway, so you den, and his body was found by two might just as well kiss me. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. little girls who came to the place to gather cherry blossoms. The tradition that April is tin month of showers is really borne out by actual statistics of the weather bureau, according to Section DlrectOl Thiessen, who says that the records for Utah show that April is always the rainiest month of the year. The contract for the new hotel building at Logan hat. been let to tin Campbell Construction company of Salt Lake City. The contract price ie $19,000, but this does not Include either the heating or plumbing of the building or the finishing of the upper story. will be maintained Playgrounds the throughout coining summer months at six of the different public schools in Salt Lake, under the term ef a resolution passed by the board of education. The board appropriat ed $1,800 to defray the expenses ol Is it possible there is a woman in this country who conthe playgrounds. tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetMorton I. Adams, night hoisting en able, Compound a trial after all the evidence that is congineer at the Hiawatha mine, was accidentally killed by a self inflicted tinually being published, which proves beyond contradicvvound. His companion, David Laird tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more sufferwas wounded by the bullet that pass ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? ed through the engineer's body. Ad ams was examining a revolver whor We have published in the newspapers of the United States it was discharged. more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pubof the Delegates from seventeen lished in the interest of any other medicine for women twenty-sevecounties of the state at and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gentended the opening meeting of the uine and true. Here are three never before published : good roads convention in Ephraim on 18. women were Several in the April T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. From Mrs. audience. The largest delegation " with the exception of Sanpete came I. !'. For die lx'Ticfit of women who suffer as I Iiuve Pkovidknce, 'rom Salt Lake county. done I wish to stale wiuM lydia K. IinUham's Vegetable CoiiiimuuiiI lias done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it Salt Lake will witness the world's caused a disjilaeenu nt. I have always lieen weak and I overworked champion bucking horse contest dur alter my baby was lroni and inflainniRtion set in, (hen nervous prosBig ing the state fair in October. tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. rink-hiim'- r. prizes will be offered by the Stat' Vegetable Compound. The CoTiiiKwmd is my best, friend ami Fair association, and It is predicted I hear of a woman willi troubles like mine I try to induce her when of western that the greatest program fo fane you medicine." Mrs. S. T. RlCHMOXD, 1W Waldo Street, sports ever held will take place in Providence, IL L connection with the fair. 1 HOME 1 Praises Peruna Summary of the Most Important Happenings in the Land of the Kaiser Timely Items for the German for Readirs. Metz. DOAN'S WAV Are You Suffering FromO 5 n. DR. PIERCE'S QOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY one-ce- nt e x ' three-fourth- one-sixt- Smiles la 'JGi..ATULATiCN a San FOSTER-M1LBUR- h c see I STATE Port INTERESTING C.'TS OF NEVS FROM THE GREAT GERMAN EMPIRE. Lieut, von La Valette Saint German George of the Ninety-eightInfantry regiment, was sentenced to 3il months' imprisonment in a fortress In for killing Lieutenant magio driving; Haage iu a away the rheuma duel. He was also dismissed from the tism. It soon left army. The court found that the prisme entirely and 1 Nov. 22, 1912. oner by his conduct had provoked the haven't had an attack since." Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold duel and had gravely wronged the Cat Doan's at Any Stan, 50e Bos throughout the world. Sample of each honor of Lieutenant Haage. The sefree.w ith 32-Skin Book. Address post- vere sentence imposed upon Lieutencard "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. ant Saint George is the first really CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. severe blow delivered against duelling The man who cannot obey ought among army officers. The court, by not command. its judgment, has virtually given noPARKER'S tice that officers who wrong the famPutnam Fadeless Dyes are the HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit ily honor of fellow officers are not to to use. Adv. Helpa to eradicate dandruff. be treated as gentlemen and the fact For Restoring Color and To the man who loves money popuBaa u t y to Gray or Faded Hair. that tiiey vanquish their opponents ouc ana SI.W) at Drufrgigta. larity is a delusion. will not rehabilitate their own honor. The sentence is in line with remarks made in the reichstag by Lieut. Gen. Krich von Falkenhayn, minister of The dictionary Auto-Intoxicati- on war, who admitted that duelling was savs that Auto an offense against the laws of God and Intoxication Is of man and was an evidence, of phy 'poisoning, or Bical rather than of moral courage. the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substance produced within the body." This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of the body failing to throw off the poisons. More than 50 of adults Austrian geographers came out in a aresuffering from this trouble. This Is probably why you are suffering from vigorous support of Dr. Felix Koenig nervousness, headaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other in the controversy with Sir Ernes! Your whole system needs stirring up. Symptoms produced by Shackleton over the plans for the rival Austrian and British antarctic expeditions this year, which have aroused strong international jealousies. The council of the Austrian Geotin TmbkX or Liquid Form) graphical society issued a statement The latest edition of Dr. Pierce's Common Sens declaring that the plana of the Auswill remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to Uedieal Adviser ehoula - in every family. No trian expedition to be commanded by expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally reaeon you should enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without be withoutwhyIt when Doctor Koenig were announced in it will be ree to f if bent you you any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer will remit cost of wrapp1913, while those of Sir Ernest June, In medidncs wilt supply you, or you may send 50c for a sample ing1 ami mailing 81 Shackleton's to I)r.R.V expedition were published of stamps tablets package by mail Address Dr.R. V.Pierce, Bufialo.N.Y. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. in November. Since then, the council says. Sir Ernest's plans gradually have taken definite form, continually comThe Same Thing. Big English Incomes. ing nearer to those ot Doctor Koenig. Replying to a parliamentary inquiry Secretary Garrison, apropos of his "Sir Ernest's statements in 1910, when as to how many persons in Great Bri- bill for creating six said lie claims his program was formed, tain are assessed for super-taat $750,-00- at a luncheon in Washington: were indefinite and without a germ of or more, the secretary of the treasThis bill will make things better a plan," according to '.he council. ury said: "I cannot undertake to classi- from a diplomatic standpoint, though 'The Koenig expedition has absolute fy in separate divisions incomes ex the actual working of the navy itself priority." will Brown. be like ceeding $500,000 a year. The aggre-gatnumber of persons assessed for "lirown, idle through slack times, The people of Berlin do not appear in respect to an income started to tramp to Buffalo by way of to be good super-tachurchgoers, according to $500,000, according to the la- the Erie canal to look for a job. a census taken of attendants at thtr test figures available, is 66." "He met on his way a good many Protestant churches the last Sunday canal boats coming up ami down, and in The count covered 78 February. finally, stopping a canal boat captain, parishes, with a Protestant population Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of he offered to work his passage. of 2,060,000, of whom only 35,240 were CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for "The captain took him on and set cour.'ed at church that infants and children, and see that it day, either him to leading the horses along the niorn:ng or evening. Even according Bears the tow path. to the estimates of a clergyman, who Signature of "He led the horses for two days, criticised the figures as too low, the In TTsp FYir- flvur in Vom WW A UI O. ' thinking hard. On the third day he number was only 7,000 greater. Thus Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria had thought it all out, and he resigned. barely twenty out of every thousand " 'By the powers.' he said, I might Protestant. Berliners, at the highest Grounds for Complaint. as well walk as work my passage.' " estimate, attended church on the SunHip Taste that! day in question. Very few men were Hop Why, that's the best soup I Wise Gazabo. seen in the churches; in many cases ever tasted! She How old would you say I was? women and children constituted s Hip Yes; but the steward had the He About six years less than I of the congregation, less than gall to say it is coffee. Michigan thought. Boston Transcript. of the seating capacity of the Gargoyle. churches was occupied at the morning Quite Pat. services. IF YOUR SKIN ITCHES, "Why do you want St. Patrick's The tr'.? to Africa which the crown JUST USE RESIN0L day to be made a legal holiday?" "To keep his memory green." prince hao i'lirposed this year has been It is underdefinitely abandoned. The moment that Resinol Ointment Unknown. stood that the reason for this step is touches itching skin, the itching stops "When you go for a motor trip be the kaiser's objection to the crown and healing begins. That is why docsure you are on the qui vive." prince interrupting his work on the tors have prescribed it successfully for new make to me." a "That's staff of the army by such a general more than eighteen years in even the long absence. Another reason put forseverest cases of eczema, tetter, ringThe Right Ejaculation. ward in some quarters is that the worm, rashee and other tormenting, "Don't you think we had better sus- reichstag would refuse an appropriaAided by unsightly skin eruptions. tion to cover the expenses of such a warm baths with Resinol Soap, Res- pend judgment in this case?" it!" "Oh, hang trip. inol Ointment restores the skin to perfect health and cor ifort, quickly, easily Frau Nelly Beese, noted German and at little cost. woman air pilot, expects to fly across You need never hesitate to use Resithe Atlantic ocean and exhibit a nol. It contains absolutely nothing she is building, at the that could ii jure the tenderest skin Panama-Pacifiexposition. Frau Beese even of a tiny baby. AH druggists is the only woman flying teacher in sell Resinol Ointment (50c and $1.00), show Usually the world, and has successfully conup and Resinol Soap (25c). Adv. ducted a school of aviation at Johan-nistha- l with Post Toasties. A Poignant Anecdote. for three years. The machine in which she expects to cross the At"The great fault of American servAnd why not, when lantic is one she designed herself, ants is familiarity. To be familiar is the famous "toastie" to be inefficient. A familiar cook is as flavor begins operainefficient as a pessimistic doctor." Lelpslc The supreme court upheld , Llarrl-manThe speaker, Mrs. Boardman tions! the action of the Duke de Talleyrand, is perhaps the most brilliant conlui6brnd of Anna Gould, who, in 1910, There's a deal of skill versationalist in New York a fact renounced his rights to the crown Fief which renders more poignant this anof iagan in Silesia, In favor of his in cooking and required ecdote. Prince Jason Howard of Sagan son, toasting these thin bits of "I had a cook," she continued, The Duke de Talleyrand's German corn so that every one of whom I tried to break of her creditors attacked the rsJldlty of the What was the result? This of crinkly the millions transfer, by which th?y '"'re rendered cook, discussing me in the servants' of the unable to attach the flakes has delicious the Hall, said: Fief. " 'I don't Toasties taste that inviles say she's a bad mistress, hut she's a woman of only one idea. one to call for more. The Farmers' league, whose annual Why, I can't never get her to talk of a convention in Berlin Ja-closed, deHlngle think but eating.' " Post Toasties come in clares that the exodus from rural district to city has made it Impossible sealed packages fresh, Reason for Acquittal. for the land owners to tlud enough naand crisp appetizing Juror We acquitted him out of tive farm laborers. B) inpathy. with to cream eat Ready Friend For his aged mother? Ferdinand Egllnskl, a tailor In the or good milk, and a Juror Oh, no: for having such a of Ahlbeck, on the Baltic, village if of lawyer. sprinkling sugar you claims to be Germany's champion falike. ther. He has been married twice and his wivew have borne 3a children, 26 of HOWARD E, BURTON ATHvtEMVrND WllOSO are living There were two sets Hiwolntpn prlrra: QtM, UrTST, VmtjUi (iolil. Silver. He QoMfNei Zinc or Copper, f Mailing pdthI-jof twins and one of triplets. The and full price list s.nt on application. Hilrar kaiser, on learning that BglioSklS "roaft ta mounted (acaf pin, bat plna. enff LSiDtil.ut.iVL. Hef Carbonate Nat Hank. sixth son had entered the army, summoned the father to Merlin, and after Gold J'l KK.BRHiHTAI.FAI.FANKEDKan him a donation of money said: giving Mine, ii ot Irrigated. Creamuf ibecrop, nochenp'.eed handled. Keterlta seed, r i UMNO. Utaa. , "Keep up the good work. Egllnikl !" "At The tailor saluted and replied sold by Grocers. me jour tmuMea, hopes, Itrnkan H ear-Te- ll wsasaaUoaa, service, your majesty." your dlaanpointmeata: tricf ambitions, . Uim, fitT.is, rspl. tassy 1. UTAH HEAD ITCHED AND BURNED rheumatism is caused Much by weakened kidneys. Wl en the kidneys fail to clear the blood of uric acid, the acid forms into crystals like bits of broken glass in the muscles, joints and on the nerve casings. Torturing ruins dart through the affected part whenever it is moved. By curing the kidneys, Doan's Kidney Fills have eased thousands of rheumatic cases, lumbago, sciatica, gravel, neuralgia auc urinary disorders A SOUTH pleases a woman she knows It is flattery. Post Toasties J sonal benefit received. lo"-fi- I Wall-ingfoi- Constipation Vanishes Forever n, anaH o'd-es- m. Sev-era- PVKr-K- IN THERAPiON K , fDyspepsia Tablets .., I 'r lai.ntM Bugar-ooate- uKililJ - Sick n 5. the Ogden lire at flood damage which will coil sev ral bundri d dollars to repair has t en raus' i! by landslides in the Of don canyon. The officers of Brlghatn City air looking for a balloonist who was to , have made two ascensions in a It is alleged collected money from business men to compensate him for making the ascension, and then never fulfilled his pari of the cos tract. John I'oulas j'lhn Laments and the proprietor ol the Atheis poo! hall at Oar field were ll found guilty In the court of Jus tice David Reid of Pleasant creen on Charges ef selling liqaof In dry terrl tory. They were fined $2 hi each. Gush Stanassanopolis. Minister's Wife Writes: A With s'age, Minn. "I have suffered very much with irregularities, pain and InflamiBatioil, bui your wonderful medicine, lydia K. Pink-faaniVegetable Compound, has made me well and I can recommend Hie same to all that are troubled v. ith these eomplainls." Mrs. .Jkn-m- k Kcv. K. Akkkman, Cloquet, Minnesota. Akkkman, CLOQtTKT, 'a From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass. T1i. AnMrtr smM lhaW haul naMnli Qui MAT, Maki me lor a long tune anil did iti"t get any relit huu ne . ttoeiori'd . a.i I. at i inK iaiu s saw i.vuia v.. a :o 'irc .as oiihh.uiu c i r i m a.....i i ljk3u u, ,.iHi lounci reuei Deiore nao iseu .innitj..: flniabed the flrgt bottle. I ooti nued taking it all middle life and am now a strong, healthy llifpiiL-iMrs. JaVU U. Woman and earn my own living." Mcrdoctt, 25 Gordon Bt, South 2'''n('.v, Mass. 2r3(n.WrilptnT,YMA BaPIRKlfaV MEDICINE CO. SJESIP (i oinfimkmiai.i i v.w vans., foradv.ee. l and answered KOUr letter will be opened, by a woninn aud held lu .strict confidence. Sor-TI- I 1 1 !.-."- i T a . i i i j i 1 r r.-a'- t'. 1 |