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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. K. Vossler was killed at CMeSftS a flagpole that was nroki I off by the wind and throw o across hiB automobile while he was riciuK with his daughter, Alice, 4 years old. The syndicate of New York and Boston bankers which is financing the Railroad needs ot the New Haven Compear, has virtually completed to raise about $;r,ooo,ooii for the road. Senator Miles Poindexter of Washington launched a boom for the nom ination of Theodore RooSCTClt as the candidate of the Pro presidential gressive party in 1916, in his speech at the Progressive convention at tt dianapolis Developments in the killing of W 11 Meuzie and Miss Blanche Signal whose bodies were found in the ruim of a lumber ( .lic at Geddes, S. D, point strongly toward murder and sui side. Charles W. Fairbanks of Indian was apolis, former slightly Injured when the speakers stand on the courthouse yard at Frank- port, 1 n (J ., collapsed during the Arbor day exercises. WASHINGTON. Secretary Bryan and Minister Brun signed another peace commission treaty between the Cnited States and Denmark in place of the one which contained the compulsory arbitration feature. The new treaty relates only to the settlement of issues by inves ligation. The house has struck the for con"mileage allowances" gressmen out of the legislative appro priation bill, and provided for actual expenses ot members to and from ashington to attend congress. The senate lias yet to agree to the pro posal. Tfc?. president and Mrs. Wilson have announced that the wedding of their youngest daughter, Miss Eleanor Randolph Wilson, and secretary McAdoo would take place on Thursday, May W by History of Past Week The News Happenings of Seven Days Paragraphed INTERMOUNTAIN. William Johnson, an octogenarian, rated as the nerviest "mule skinner (lint ran the Indian blockade between Vtali and Montana in the early 60s. died at Butte, April 18. The featherweight boxing contest a. J'im ateilo between the Chinaman. Sing liosan. who is a comer for the north west championship, and ..x'key" Ben-ne- t was called called a draw at the end of fifteen rounds. Sheriff Matt McCort has returned to Hock Springs, Wyo., from Indianapolis Ind., with E. M. Fuller, formerly city engineer of Rock Springs, who It charged with securing $S,0flQ in cash upon fraudulent checks. That Eugene Allen, the Highland Hoy store slerk, who was shot to t.eath at Bingham, Utah, may have murdered been deliberately rather than shot by robbers trying to escape Is the latest theory which which is being given careful consideration by those who are investigating the case. Governor Haines of Idaho telegraphed President Wilson on Sunday that Idaho desires to be the lirst state to offer the services of her national guard. The guard consists of one regiment. Suit to collect 138,600 as penalty and $",,000 damages for the bringing of the army of 16S unemployed Into Colorado Springs last week, has been filed by the county commissioners of Kl I'aso county against the Denver Rio Grand and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad companies. 'Mother" Mary Jones, held as a military prisoner in the Walsonburg, Colo, jail, wis released on Thursday The release of the aged strike leader was simultaneous with the departure of the last o. the state troops from Huerfano county. DOMESTIC. i Six persons were killed and a score were injured, several seriously, when a street car crashed into a switch at a street intersection, turned over on Its side and crashed Into an iron pole at Agna. l'rita. After two weeks' of unsuccessful for search the missing sealer, Southern Cross, the steamer Kyle The returned to St. John, N. F Southern Cross, with her crew of 17." men. has been finally given up as lost. Three of the eight Mexican arretted it Douglas, nrte., after an attempt to Bteal a machine gun from the Ninth Cnited States cavalry were released. The consideration of a plan for a minimum wage for ministers, recommended by a committee of laymen, occupied Saturdays session of the Vow Kngland Methodist Episcopal con ference at Maiden Mass. In an attempt to murder John Pur-roMitchell, mayor of New York. Mi rhael I'. Mahooey, an aged man, fired Into a group of three men seated fin The mayor the mayor's automobile. escaped injury, but Corporation Coun-te- l Frank 1... Polk was shot In the jaw and seriously injured. Masoney It In jail. at received Censored messages Naco, Arizona, Indicate that the labor troubles which Occurred lust week at the Canauea copper mines over the deportation of union leaders by constitutionalists have been renewed. A tumor at the base of the brain cf Dr. William T. Kirby, former private banker of Chicago, was found by physicians conducting an autopsy on Kirby Kirby, who died April K. swindled depositors out of $30,000. Malcolm C.lffoni, Jr.. son of a wealthy manufacutrer of Hud-- ; ton, N Y.. is in jail at Albany. N. Y.. charged with the murder of Frank flute, a chauffeur. Clute was shot death on April 1, 19l:i while driving en unidentified man to Troy. McKee Itaukln. the veteran ebaraet-actowho was identified for years with Nance O'Neill in Shakespearean productions, died April 17 at San Francisco. Lightweight Champion Willie Rita twenty-rounchie administered boating to "Harlem" Tommy Murphy In thfl ring at San Francisco. April 17. but failed to score a knockout. Robert Higgins. confessed wife murderer, has been taken to the .toilet prison from Galesburg, HI , to begin his term of life imprisonment. Higgins killed his wife because he was Infatuated with his st;p daughter, Julia nakc The seventeenth annual session of the American Mining congress, it has beenme nssured, w ill be held In Phoe nix Arte., tn December. Eighty men saved their lives by when windows Jumping through trapped by a fire in the sawmill of the Nt'Tthiand Pine company at ttinne-apoiis- . several wen Injured, but none r ' terluusly. The court of domettic relation! In Detroit, Mtabtlthed by an net of the last legislature, was held unonstitu t Yh tional by tne s'.ate Minreive i v r.t eturt has granted ,) divorces c t, time-honore- ; Consideration of the annual naval $140,200,000 appropriation, carrying and providing for the administration building program, began In the house on Friday. Appropriations lor the assay office at Helena, Mont., were stricken out of the legislative appropriation bill in the house. Aii c ffort will be made to have the senate replace them. FOREIGN. "No matter what comes of the Tani- pico incident, the constitutionalists ci:u not afford to join Huerta," declared Francisco S. c.iias president of the Sonora war and land tax commission, In an interview. Thruogh the Mexico City newspa--' pets a warning is given by the minister, acting for President Huerta, to the people to refrain from any demonstration of over tact against Americans residing in Mexico. The White Star liner, in view of the Britannic Into advent of the 50,000-tothe service, has sold the Majestic to be broken up. The price paid for the old liner was $126,000. General Obregon, with several thou-sa:.rebel troops from southern has entered upon an expedition w hose objective Is Guadalajara, stat of Jalisco, the second city of Mexico, The text of the treaty between tho United States and Colombia settling was the controversy over Panama made public at I'aris, April IT. the Colombian legation by through publication in the Temps. The treaty was signed at Bogota April 7. "White Wolf." the notorious Chinese brigand, lost 1,000 of his followers in killed and wounded in battle at Lich-naHtien, according to the official The crushing defeat of the report. brigands occurred after they had captured anC looted the town of San Yuan Htien. Johan Castberg, minister of social Norand industrial affairs in the wegian cabinet, resigned, owing to a disagreement with his colleagues on social questions. defeated Kegular troops severely White Wolf and his Chinese brig amis, several hundred of whom were killed. The troops encountered the bandit army at LI Chuan Htien, north west of Sian Fo. Five newspaper men, said to be federal Americans assigned to the troops, are reported to have been among the prisoners captured by the rebels at the battle of San Pedro de Ias Oolonias. A formidable revolutionary movement has been launched in China, according to a dispatch from Shanghai. The regular troops at Sian Fu, cap Ital of shen Si province, are said to have mutinied and are believed to be In league with the notorious brigand White Wolf." A nine days' battle possibly more desperate than that at Gome. Palaclo and Torrcon has resulted In a victory to the rebels under Gen. Francisco Villa, according to an official report made public at Juarez. Must of the London morning papers, In their editorial comment on the Mexican situation, display sym pathy with President Wileon in the difficulties which have arisen with Hex loo, while at the same time con were tending that those difficulties largely brought about by his idealistic policy. A paraffine wax bath heated to 123 degree fanrenhett Is a new treat- - el for rheumatism, sciatica, gout and tflndred ailments, as described loDr. I'nrthe de Sandforl at he academy of medicine in Paris. ' for-jeig- n Su-nor- n - rnoUDmr run Asms ull Jlf I lii 1 yji. w? .rr.,. Ratios was that such offenses might grow from bad to worse until tornin-thing happened of so gross and PEOPLE OF MEXICO fighting forcejn readiness HOUSE APPROVES WILSON'S PURPOSE i sort as to lead directly ' It ami inevitably to armed conflict was necessary that the apologies of Huerta and . hisa representa SiuaM w Heneral - .. ' . .. noo.neuT c.pRcmft thati rnLjiiLii junu-.-ieu sikiuiu lives CONTROVERSY HOPE THAT to attract as such tin be should they BE PEACEFULLY SETTLED. Utention of the whole population tc their significance and such as to on General Huerta himself tho CtccstUr of seeing to it that no furami In Message to Congress. President ther occasion for explanations t, W Ison Says 'Our Feeling For Peoprofessed regrets should arise. it my duty to sustain felt therefore, ple of Mexico Is One of Deep Admiral Mayo in the whole of his de and Genuine Friendship." mani and to insist that the flag of tfj,. Cnited Sttaes should be saluted Un such a way as to indicate a new Washington. President Wilson on Bj)irjt an(j attitude on the part of the, situation Huertistas. Monday laid the Mexican Such a salute General Huerta has before congress in these words: related and I have come to ask your! Centlemen of the Congress: and support in the course It is my duty to call your attention aPProB' now propose to pursue our to a situation which has arisen in Huerta Usurper of Power. dealings with (Jen. Victoriano Huerta This government can, I earnestly acfor at Mexico City which calls htoe. In no circumstances, be forced Hon, and to ask your advice and co-wlth the people of Mexico, operation in acting on it. On the 9th, jgejico is torn by civil strife. If wa of April a paymaster of the C S. 8. are to accept the Uts of its own landed at the iturbide land- - yitutlon it has ne government. Gen-Inat Tampico with a whaleboat "era! Huerta has set his power up in and boat's crew to take off certain the City of Mexico such as it is, or while! without right and by methods .applies needed by his ship, and no can be there which justihcation. engaged in loading the boat was arof the COUBtry is under his rested by an officer and squad ot men, conrnl If armed conflict should un or General Huerta. of the army result of his atti jopjiyof come as aresentment towards Neither the paymaster nor anyone of personal the boat's crew was armed. Two of this government we snouid be fighting the men were in the boat when the only General Huerta and those who arrest took place and were obliged adhere to him and give him their supto leave it and submit to be taken Prt and our ouject wouio ue ouiy w tlu' distracted into custody, notwithstanding the fact restxxte 10 tlle PeP1' opportunity to set up that the boat carried, both at her bow republic the own laws and their own :,,ui t her stern the flag of the Unit--i aS;im their ed States. The officer who made the goiemim m But I earnestly hope that war is not irrest was proceeding up one of the I streets of the town with his prisoners now in question, I believe that when for American the people speak auof met an when officer higher by I we do not desire to contro: thority, who ordered him to rgjurn to in say that any degree the affairs of our sistei the landing and await orde, and within an hour and a halt" from the repubbT". Our feeling for the people time of the arrest orders were re- of Mexico is one of deep and genuinj that we ceived from the commander of the friendship and everything Huertista forces at Tampico for the have so far done or refrained from release of the paymaster and his men. doing has proceeded from our desire to help them, not to hinder or embarHuerta's Apology Unsatisfactory. rass them. We would not wish even The release was followed by apol- to exercise the good offices of friend and from commander the later ogies ship without, their welcome and con. by an expression of regret by General sent. The peopl? of Mexico are enHuerta titled to settle their own domestic General Huerta himself. urged that martial law obtained at affairs in their own way and we sinthe time at Taru;lco, that orders had cerely desire to respect their right been issued that no one should be al The present situation need have none lowed to land at the Iturbide bridge of the grave complications of Inter and that our sailors had no right to ference if we deal with it promptly, land there. Our naval commanders firmly and wisely. at the port had not been notified of See! s of Congress. any such prohibition and. even if they No doubt I could do what is neceshad been, the only justifiable course, in the circui. stances to enforce open to the local authorities vjuld sary our government without respect have been to request the paymaster' eeourse for to the congress and yet not and(his crew to withdraw and to fir my constitutional powers as a protest with the commanding office! ident, but I do not wish to act in P vt .fl Aunt nf Admiral tlw, rt.cru Uafn " natter personally of so grave ceo i an as so serious the arrest affront uences except in close conference that he was not satisfied with tiie co operation with both the senate apologies offered, but demanded that the house. 1, therefore, come to the flag of the Cnited States be sayour approval that I should use luted with special ceremony by the armed forces of the Cnited States military commander of the port. lnlsuch v;ivs and tn such mi nvtimt several Anronts uiven unitea siate nWmay be necessary to obtain from The incident cannot be regarded as General HuerV and his adherents the a trivial one. especially as two of tin--, fullest recognition of the rights and men arrosieu were iahen iroin inei dignity or the Cnited States, even territory of the Cnited States; but njmidst the distressing conditions now had it stood by . itself it might have j dnbappily obtaining in Mexico. . . .... .i .. .me i . i i i ueeu auiiuuieu lo t nere can, in wiiat we do. be no ignorance or arrogance of a single officer. Cnfor-- ! thought of aggression or of selfish ag- We seek to niaintaii unateiy it was not an isolated case. drandizement. A series of incidents have recenCy oc bhe dignity and authority of the Cnit- curred whigh cannot but create the ed States only because we wish alimpression that the representatives of ways to keep our great influence unGeneral Huerta were w illing to go out impaired for the uses of liberty, both of their way to show disregard for in the Cnited States and wherever the dignity and rights of this govern- else it may be employed, for the benement and felt perfectly safe in doing fit of mankind. what they pleased, making free to show in many ways their irritation HUERTA BEGINS PREPARATOINS A few days after the and contempt. Incident at Tampico an orderly from Makes Arrangement for Defense of Islands in Front of Vera Cruz. the Cnited States ship Minnesota was arrested at Vera Cruz while ashore Vera Cruz. President. Huerta has in uniform to obtain the ship's mall ordered the commander of the federand was for a time thrown into jail. al forces in this district to arrange An official dispatch from this govern-fiien- t to its embassy at Mexico City for the defense of the islands in front Vera Cruz, p','ing a strong garriwas withheld by the authority of the telegraphic service until peremptorily scjn on them. San Juan de Clloa will the principal defense of the city, demanded by our charge d'affaires in person. So far as I can learn such hi ing strongly fortified already. The order for the establishment of wrongs and annoyances have been suffered only island outpostt was given late occur against representatives of the United States. I Jouday night. have heard of no complaints from , Measures to Protect El Paso. other governments of similar treatment. Subsequent explanations and El at Texas. Paso, Troops formal apologies did not and could not fort Bliss to come are under orders alter the popular impression, which iiito this city and place it under marit la possible it had been the object of the Huertista authorities to create, tial law the moment there is an apthat the government of the United pearance of concerted disorder. There States was being singled out and is a large Mexican population here and might be singled out with Impunity the orders to the troops at the fort, for slights and affronts in retaliation fire miles from the cltv, were issued for its refusal to recognize the pre-- ' because of the possibility that partis tenses ot General Huerta to he re-might start burning buildings ot pro-- j rioting. garded as the constitutional ti,.r:.ile a , I i ' - - 1 j I lo4j - tr Rebels Will Attack Tampico. Juarez, Mexico. Orders for an immediate renewal of the rebel attack m Tampico with the purpose of cap turing the town at the earliest possl were issued Sunday ble moment night. Many Want to Enlist. Philadelphia. Hundreds of men and hoys crowd the recruiting stations ot e Cnited States navy anil of the marine corps every day to enlist on llie chance that they might be sent to Mexico. Appeal to Patriotism. Brought Back for Trial. Mexican Circulars, City mildly Springs Wyo. Sheriff Matt appeared in tlle stre t.-McCort has returned from Indianap olis. Ind., with K. M. Fuller, formerly Mbnday, appealing to the patriotism Mexicans. There were no out ward city engineer of Hock Springs, who ns of antagonism to Americans, is charged with securing $:!,000 In hujv ever, on the part of Mexicans. cush upon fraudulent checks. K.nsas Insurance Law Upheld. Killed by Falling Flagpole. Washington. The right of the state Chicago - W. E. Vossler was killed regulate Insurance rates was on Saturday by a flagpole that was once for all on Monday by the broken off by the wind and thrown court upholding as consul u supreme across his automobile while he was nal the Kansis tire insurance law 4 Alice, riding with his daughter. !io9, 4 years old. Br.gands Captured. Road Raises Millions. Of the four bri-ul- s 'onsfantinople New York The syndicate of Nw who attacked the America York and BoetOSJ bankers which It telichers from the Syrian Protestant financing the needs of the New Hav- Cililege at Heirut. one lias been kl le en 1! illroad company, has virtually ailtl two captured, according to a re Vied arrangements to raise ci port from local authorities. a'-ut $6 I'i'u.OOO for the road. Hock i I MAY USE FORCES OF NATION TO OBTAIN AN APOLOGY FROM MEXICAN LEADER. Congressmen Not All of Same Opin ion. Five Democrats, Twenty-ninRepublicans, Two Progressives Voting Against Resolution. e Washington. After a spirited debate of more than two hours the housn Monday night passed the administration resolution approving President Wilson's purpose to use the forces ot the nation to obtain from General Huerta the fullest recognition of the ot honor and dignity the United States. The vote was 337 to 37. The reso lution was passed at 9:25 and went tc the senate. Those who voted against the reso lution in the house were: Democrats George, Kindel, Sisson, Stephens of .Mississippi and Wither . spoon Republicans Ainey, Anderson, AnButler, Britten, Barthoidt, thony, French, Campbell, Davis, Fordney, Gardner, Gillett, Good, Hayes, Howell, Johnson of Utah, Johnson of Washington, Kahn, Langham, La Follette, Madden, Mann. Mondell. Piatt, Sells, of Steenerson. Stevens Minnesota, Volsted and Woods 29. California, Progressives Bell of Temple 2. Kent 1. Independent The president in a statement to he said newspaper correspondents had no enthusiasm for war; that he hoped to avert it, but that he was taking forceful steps to stop indignities which might lead to armed conflict. the He drew a distinction between Huerta faction and the great body of Mexican people who had refused tu as theit recognize. General Huerta president. The president in deprecating the war spirit that had arisen said "in no conceivable circumstances will we fight the people of Mexico." THIRTEEN MEET DEATH IN BATTLE IN COLORADO Striking Coal Miners and Members oi' the National Guard Clash With ' Fatal Results. fourt.een-houColo. A Trinidad. battle between striking coal miners and members of the Colorado National Guard in the Ludlow district culminated at a late hour Monday in the killing of Louis Tikas, leader of the Greek strikers, and the destruction of the Ludlow tent colony by fire. Reports received here place the dead at thirteen including eleven strikers, one soldier and one r Official Statement of Our Naval Forct Given Out. Washington. Officials of the navy lepartment said Sunday night that there were in Mexican waters or en route by the east and west coasts, 17,900 sailors, 3,750 inarv ?s and 865 officers. Of this number 14,170 sailors. :i,9iin marines and 700 officers are in the Gulf of Mexico, while ofl Pacific Mexican ports or eu ruote there are 3,53o sailors. 980 marines and !40 if fleers. The force includes: At Vera Cruz Two battleships, 1 4y2 marines; Prairie, 260 men, 5o(l marines. At Tampico Two oattleships, 1 S2a men, 120 marines; Des Moines, 24 men; Chester, 300 men, 200 marines; Dolphin, 180 men; San Crancisco, 4oo men; Solace (hospital ship); Hancock (transport), 9fo marines With Admiral Badger en route tc Tampico Eight battleships, 7 280 men 50o marines; Tacoma, 240 men; Nashville, 180 men. En route from Pensacola Birmingham, 300 men; Dixie, repair ship, fourteen destroyers. 1,150 men. Dixie will carry two hydroaeroplanes with extra motors and pontoons. Battles! ip Mississippi at Pensacola awaiting orders, will carry 500 marines. On Mexican Pacific coast Raleigh 350 men; New Orleans. 350 men; An napo'.is, 150 men; Yorktown, 180 men: California, 900 men, sixty marines. Supply ship Glacier. At San Diego, Cal. Five destroyers, 520 men and fifteen officers. En route to Mexican Pacific coast -Battleship South Dacora End collier Jupiter, 860 marines; Cleveland, 850 men. Chattanooga. 350 men; Maryland, 9f0 men. sixty marines. NEW ARMY HILL I" SENATE of Volunteer Organization Army Provided. Washington. Prompt organizat ion of a volunteer army for service in Mexico or in any other crisis would be provided for in a house bill passed Monday by the senate with amendments. The bill would revise the law under which a volunteer force was organwar in ized for the Opanish-Ameriea1898. Its authors claim that a volunteer force could be raised more quickly than under the existing laws: that it would prevent the payment of bounties, would do away with a short term of volunteers the same as lhose in the regular army; 'would procure the necessary number of men at the beginning of the war faf a long period, thus making draping unnecessary, and would decrease the pension list after the war. Prompt n GARRANZA AND VILLA MEET Rebel Leaders are Apparently in Harmony. fateful many Chihuahua. With questions dealing with the revolution and foreign affairs before them, General Venustiano Carranza and General Francisco Villa met formally here Monday. It was their first meeting in four Versions of the manner in which met the Tikas was killed d.ffer. One report years. Carranza first having from outfresh leader when, military was that he was captured and was of one of shot while trying to escape. Another lawry, he was a leader I. Miadero's small revoluFrancisco was is at shot while that he report, tempting to run from the shelter of tionary ,,bands. had every appearance The meeting i bridge to an arroyo near the teat of friendliness and Villa made a point colony. to Carranza as his chief. Women and children of the colony of referring bearing the likeness ot Lithographs are being cared for at the Ludlow staside by side appeared leaders two the tion. A large body of Strikers are and citizens wore windows In store arin to have taken refuge an said and similarly buttons badges royo near the colony and are surrounded by troops. STARTS BOOM FOR ROOSEVELT Huerta Warns Nativet. Mexican t. Mexico City. Through the local iewspBiers a warning is given by the oreign minister, acting for President Huerta, to the people to refrain from iny demristration or over act against Americans residing In Mexico. At tention is called to the possibility that :he controversy between the United States and Mexico may yet be of Washingtor Senator Poindexter Suggests Presidential Candidate for Progressives. The platform of flu Indianapolis Progressive party unanimously adopt ed at the state convention here Sat urday afternoon, pledges the party tc work for the elimination of all brev eries and saloons in the state, and indorses the Hobson resolution now beThe platform attacki fore congress. Explorer Coming Home. administration BBC Democratic the exRio Janeiro. Anthony Flala, the Mexican its policy. criticises Theodore who accompanied plorer Albert J. Beveridge, former Cnitec on the Roosevelt, sailed Monday was the unanimous steamer Belem from Para for New States senator, York. The geologist. Dr. Reinsch. and choice of the convention as the par the Brazilian members of the expedi-lion- , ty's candidate for United States sen ator. He accepted the nomination. are proceeding to Rio Janeiro. Senator Miles Poindexter of Wash Troops Ready to Entrain. ington launched a boom for the noes! Chicago. All the Cnited States nation of Theodore Roosevelt as t&l troops remaining in the central divi- presidential candidate of the Progres sion, about 1.500 cavalry and six bat- slve party in 1916, in his speech to the teries of field guns, are ready to en- convention. train for the south and can be ou their way in twelve hours. Believe Allen Was Murdered. Bingham. Ctah - That Kugene Allen American Women Seek Safety. the Highland Boy store clerk, whe Vert. Cruz. Tn compliance with Con was shot to death, may have be t nl Canada's suggestion, made on murdered raiher than ructions from Washington, many wo- deliberately shot by robbers trying to escape men took up their quarters Monday latest theory which is being given itternoon on the steamers Mexico and careful consideration by those win iperotsi are investigating the case. New Yorkers Wou d Volunteer. Pleads for Independence. Xc'v York The tO.OOO enlisted in O. Cleveland. Independence of the the national guard in New York City would Volunteer and be read) 'o en- Philippines was advocated by Manuel train or embark for Mexico within I.. Quezon, one of the Philippine rumtwenty-fou- r hours, tccording to efsV mlssloners at Washington In an address before the Cleveland chamber rrs of the organization of Industry. Could Furnish 25.0OO Men. Veteran Freighter Dsrd. Albany. N. Y. Govimor Glynn on Hutte -- William Johnsrn. an ootn Moiidav Inquired i: tee infant c rated at the nervlesi !ral's ofl'ce as to the cmdition of Hip geuarlan. New York State National Guard. II mult Ik inner" :i it ran the lo4iai was informed that 25,l'00 ine'i ul; blockade between Ctah and Monta.ni Le pu: ia r.ie Held In t'T fours in the earlj tOS, died Sunday. -- In--- i i X |