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Show FEBRUARY 21. 1946 ipAY, B ARMY OFFERS TOP AVIATION TRAINING OSSIFIEDADS i There is no EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER MGlLAND d in dition to actual flying crew training, which is offered to many men who enter the air forces, there are such specialists as radar technicians, radio operators, repairman and mechanics, airport control ltc tower operators, teletype operators TT7 uv have some ex and repairmen, communication V .... ; (mod used hot water technicians, meteorologists, electri!:tCU) comr'cte with stokers cal and mechanical aircraft engin1. eers, television operators and manv a ill automata i nprs .ill svstems or nomes. i There is undoubtedly an enorI Earl Co., 170 North Main, mous future in civilian and commercial aviation" continued T7r c ci . acres good Bammer. "Young men canCapt. best farminf land at prepare themselves for careers in i.. HJjlill D. C. this (00 per crf. Terms. growing industry by enlisting So 8th E. Salt in the army air forces. They will not the receive finest only tv. possible y but will also be paid training, OM AND RAYON hosiery while Their they are learning. La Gra Shop education will cost them nothing north of OK and they will receive their food, Jibcr Welders. clothes and quarters free. Under the G. I. Bill of Rights, Call reasonable pnee. at France they may also attend either a color trade or business school at H vuy, Miller, lege Dngnam s Phone 764R Government expense after they West 2nd So. tin leave the army. A representative of the army 80 acre irrigated JOR SALE service will be at the recruiting with full water right, near Utah and Light Company Power ;,.3 good land, ideal farming Phone 66J16 or see every Tuesday to answer any rnditions. ?1w Walton. ' Trcmonton, Utah questions you may have. leys-W- 3L 1 T.4-- . .l , J ::ffirouse SKnTANDl l-- ii s. - v ea-ce- r, r 1 . M-Me- and daughter, Lillian, called at the L M. Holnvt.i home Thursday. were ' retvn from Salt J'cv Ke City wv.-? they went to ctt Lillian's nji-si;JBob who was icie- ti discliarged the sen; Li. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Grover went :o Salt Lake City P;.i?y where Ley visited witli Mrs. O. A. formerly of cast Trcmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Wi'don Grover, and Mrs. Fred Grover and Mrs. Hazel Rise were in Logan Monday. Wil-lam- HONORED ON 91st BIRTHDAY . - -- iuuui 2 sec. 30 tooth all vvs derrick ,:.iUv Qnc trade Rub and hay rack for 'fSik'traxlcr. Smith Rose. Mrs. Agusta Stenquist was honored by members of her family Saturday evening. The occasion was her 91st birthday anniversary. Those attending from out of town were two daughters, Mrs. Annie Poulscn of Mountain View, Wyoming, Mary Stenquist of Salt Lake City, Owen Bright of Downey, Idaho, Ellen Anderson of Murray and Ellen Beckstead of Garfield. The evening was spent socially and light refreshments were -- THE PUBLIC'S SERVICE -- General Deliveries Time Calls Service Wherever You Wish Og-de- n Nu-Wa- fnr Live jam, 453 698. N. 2nd Poultry. H. A West, Brigham to p 7-- ftae 1 for JypWRnERLBBN Leader Office. at the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weber , and Mrs. Hazel Weber of and and Mrs. Mr. Wyoming, Herbert Weber of Oregon visited at the Melvin Mamilton home durFiee-dom- no SFFEETTandBabVh I Utah car: hlm-- V "71 steaks or the choicest You don't have to buy fancy-cu- t roasts to be sure of tender, delicious meats at Safeway. Even our least expensive cuts short ribs, boiling meats and pot roasts are unconditionally guaranteed. If you ever get a cut of Safeway meat that fails to, please, your money back, without return of the meat. Grade A Per Lb. SHORT LAMB LEGS LEGSAACUT Lb. Grade CUTS ROASTS SHOULDER A GRADE Lb. SHORT SHANK SMOKED HAMS FOR BAKING Lb. Hatchery, Brigham City. tFord pickup for late model car. Glenn. Vernon Inquire paid for muskrat furs, FARMOUSFTfoT rcnTirTEl' long your furs to the Utah By wood. Phone 102 or 57 Garland. 4 Iroducts. prices tfc 1 SrLEREPAJRET Dodd north of See L. A. cis. h mortuary. mAl?lBYPRODUCTS POT wTll pay cash for dead or useless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Phone Tremon-to- SALE Two electric brood-p- . See R. A. Christensen, Tre-pnto- 159-- J or Garland tfc 3. with J'ANTED-Wo- man FOR SALE 25 tons 1st class 2tp hay. Arthur Hunsaker, Dewey book-fepin- g ville. lrp 1 experience to accounting office. Call Garner 104-for tically new. or Deakin. krview. SOAP:.-..- or secretarial in !r, Call 96-J1- 1 tfn 2-- 26c 39z 32c 32c Prime Rib Off 7 jCf A- , lb. f- J J'lLiV I I I Heit llovi to Use to Pike Bmkk$kllmly V 1 gf f- Inch Cut A Grade lb. - Ground Beef Cold days call for hearty breakfasts, and one of the best ways I've found to make a breakfast substantial is to include some meat in the menu. Here are some favorite winter breakfasts that will also make a special hit for Sunday brunch. SPECIAL COLD MORNING Fresh and Tomato Juice with Lemon Wedge Hot Apple Pancakes Rolled Around haustge Links Cocoa Lux Toilet, Favorite of Many .. V 7T tfc 1 Shanks 20 A SOAP bars 8 Mrs. S78-R- Lb. MIXED LUNCHEON MEAL!icr n. 4 TYPE 2 FRANKFURTERS n 35-J- 38t Shoulder Cuts, teed tender ft .Ml Pork Roast i CI I 1 Roast, A w A M 38c SIRLOIN STEAKS lTTDEf fLOTERTATTfrTo m t obligation 1 fOR pet nes fs erf ing the week. r. Sigh r-- Ci - - l!J&Kii y- our sales van will FOR SALE 1 corn silage harvester complete with binder and b? at your door and you can loader combination; also a chop-pe'oose a piano from among six. Both Case machines, used 3 irite today. HART PIANO CO. 21tfc. years. See or call Rosel Zundell fston, Idaho or Clark Rudd. ltc ASSORTED colored construction f;per and Mimeograph paper at from Bihn and Pioneer Hatcheries. Be Leader Office. See Hamp Bradshaw. 'At Cab Co. y ' ... fiW n "v - - 1 f- 1 vc A i cATE-Kcn- more ..it Page Five Mrs. Dorris Peterson entcmin-e- Boothe. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Peterson and Saturday another birthTuesday evening in honor of day dinner in his honor was held at son went to Layton Saturday to ptpt. and Mrs. Howard Smith. A the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon attend a family dinner. The ocdinner was served. Gn.t Adams of Tremonton. Mr and casion was the 79th birthday anwere Mr. and Mrs. Erh Peterson' Mrs. Afton Adams and family. niversary of Mrs. Peterson's fatha f iu iamny, Mrs. Uus Lars the vruca ana Alaxine. were in at- - er, Joseph Sorenson, who has been Missos velyn and Betty Larson, tendance. living with his daughter, Mrs. Ed Gordon Larson. Mr .m.l - , i n members Morgan. Twenty-severrca t ctcrson i anJ f.imiKj an,! ir rivca diiuj Dcvcr n r. of the v ... were ivtersnn family present. anj Airs. V arren Rasmusscn4iu.ni. of were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Tremonton. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wcldon G rover. .iptmnn iett the next day for Calif., The basketball team where they expect to make their won the game at the tournament home. in Ogden Monday night. They The Relief Society met Tuesthe Ogden 2Sth ward and day in their work meeting. The played the score was 29 to 34. time was spent in quilting and a Mr. Wcldon Grover and Eph tray lunch was served by "the hosThoughts unexpressed may Peterson were Ogden buisness tesses, Mrs. Edna Lorson, Lctitia sometimes fall back dead, but ) Sorenson and Mrs. Ann Sorenson. visitors Monday. They stayed God himself can't kill them ) down and attended the basketball f The monthly business once said. they're meeting ) of the Relief Society was held game in the evening. Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Louis Larson. It was also a social honoring the block teachers of the organization. A tray lunch was served by Merle Larson Nu-Waand Leah Oyler. Mr. Martin Riser and David Isaacson returned from Nevada IS HERE FOR Saturday where they had been on a 5 day business trip. In Sacrament Meeting Sunday the speakers were members of the Stake Mission, R. A. Christensen CALL US FOR of Tremonton, James Nelson, Trcmonton and Gilbert Brough of E. Tremonton. Delos Adams was a guest of 0 honor at a birthday dinner in Saturday at the home of Mr. Phone and Mrs. Don Bourne. It was atLocated at 154 y tended by Ardes and Maxine Cafe Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne the world place SERVICEMAN, whlic men can young Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover were get more inclined wants emcomplete training in aviation than Logan business visitors Thursday. they are given in the U. S. Army Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of vacuum Air Forces. lortage spent bunday mht at the Elaborating on the educational home of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe GroHatpoint electric after 4 P- m- - advantages, Captain Bammer, in ver. U 7 F21 2tp charge of the Ogden Recruiting Vrs. Ruel Nielsen and m. District, pointed out that in ad" Jvi' or, and tw . of his friends R Tremonton. Utah )(t Coffee or APPLE PANCAKES To 2 cups of prepared pancake flour, add 2 eggs and 1 4 cups milk beaten together. Blend well. Stir in 1 cup finely chopped apples and 2 tablespoons melted shortening. Drop by onto greased griddle or LMr bars 3 Warmed Syrup 7" table-spoonfu- Talmolive, Bath 2 bars Size SOAP bottom 16 Case plow. Good as new. See Wallace Hurd, Snow-vill2 Adaptation of HANDEL'S Delbert Walker, South Tremon-ton- HALL COLLINS on the SUNDAY KLO - '9:45 Milk Cherub tall cans 37 Morninp, Seso or Milk Carnation....4 cans Strained Baby Gerbers Food 3 cans 19 Cereal and 27 Dry Meal-Gerbers Oat 2 pkgs. 19 Pablum Or Pabena 8 oz. pkg. Electric heater. See Phone Mrs. Axel Frederickson. FOR SALE Christian Science Program . ltp 1 72-J- ltp 1 3. WILL TAKE ORDERS for spring style Fashion Frocks. Mrs. Axel Fredrickson. Phone 2tp T a. m. 72-J- KVNU r 4 i Morning1 UaiS Quick or Glory Rcg:...pkg. m Eggs OUTWEARS Swift's PREWAR TIRES IIL..'.i must Juice I,,' JUICe and ' JUICe in today. : PHONE 185-- II I TREMONTON tZy,c' mi CoUtcl" tvtry Tburtday on ABC W 9.30 P.M. E.T. Y rdiicvr in i ZVii Oats Cocktail 46 oz. Full O'Gold i)range....No. can p.lend O'Gold Ora. &;rapefruit..4o. Y iTi-iisiiya- f I . ...j--r aau't LCcnan ) a ra Sweet- - 9 10 vtamln Fruit Ju'cy. Large Size HASHED BROWN POTATOES-M- elt 3 tablespoons shortening in a heavy frying pan; add 3 cups chopped or finely cut cooked potatoes, heaping them toward the center and away from the edges of the season to taste. Cover with a pan; fid or heavy plate; press down so that cover is right on top of the potatoes. Place a box of salt or rock on top to give pressure. Cook slowly and without turning for 15 to 20 minutes, or until crusty brown. Turn out onto a warm plate. Cut into 4 or 6 wedges to serve. LEMONS YAMS N' 29 19 iun''lst' Ju'cv- stcliies ' Louislana Sweets rUIAIUCj 40 CARROTS No' l' NEW CABBAGE 39 mpu-wa-v THAf "7 l , Size, Hucsets io lb. mesh lNcw Crop CIIp Top' 1 10 .lb. 10 .lb. 10 to solve THAT you ) V t PM.MATL rrTAoa fetarV mn , 7 mean we I I IV Director The Homemakers' Bureau Another Safeway Service Miscellaneous 10, .lb. tag 43 Cr:...l ,No; THERES AN AW.HGU t, ',tZA""j l, "A" No. PEA L .lb. - u- - S. Qki"Kk- - ib. 63 ,.lb. 30 ..lb 9 Sw"e"etrcrisV!!'"wn1""JtaTk CELERY . J. On LETTUCE SoIld' CrTsp, Tceberg Ll'41 1TI .7. 1M Port?f Thin Skin, Juicy. White AVOCADOS ORANGES Sunkl8t' HAD Trt vduns bears in we house, 10 20 28 Baked Winter Pears Broiled Lamb Chops and nashed BrOwn Potatoes Toasted English Muffin Coffee or Milk pie-shap- Calavo' The 31 2 10 and Waffle GRAPEFRUIT " lbs. Matches Noodles American ..6 box ctn. mm 28 ss START THE DAY RIGHT! Produce Prictt Subject To Daily Market Change! Sywtwen$rwoDS f M1 to BTwrS THESE HUNGRfJ -f Ml li till I ILrj J A V-- S Dl 4 Comenient Terms Avtilablt lln Oven-Gln- ..L0'. Spaghetti 56 o Flour . Fresher Peanut Butter Beverly Natural Flavor lb. oz. 9 Ideal for rrUCieS l!rpakfast....3 lbs. 4 MAUI 11 70-8- plus tax II l vim Corn Flakes 22 25 lb. Pancake Suzanna 50 32 8 oz. KeHogg's greater safety. Come " J?. Oats Wheaties you get more mileage, better traction, more skid-resistanc- e, G.!Zz. Quaker, Quick or Keguiar....J(f. V"k. New "Road Level" Tread puts more rubber on the road... more rubber to share the wear. No wonder l A Airway, with that popular mild lb. mellow flavor Edward's, with the "extra flavor lift" ...lb. Regular, Drln or Pulverized H lb, Siivertown Tire j frying pan. Bake until bubbles break; turn and bake until golden WjYou get more for your money at Safeway! Tea, Tea Tree lb. Black Cocoa Hershey'g 26 22 la well-cook- Tea Canterbury 14 Black Malt o' Meal :25oZ. Cream of Wheat ..ft. 22 New B.F.Goodrich ihooo bars brown. Wrap each pancake around a sausage link. Serve hot with warmed syrup. Serves 6. COFFEE COFFEE Junior Baby can 9 Clapp's Fruits Strained Baby 19 Clapp's Food 3 cans 3. 1 p 3 fi:te Mest Muss WORKIRSFTFoTsALErSee LARGO sung by ROBERT ltp 1 20 Beau- Jk e. HEAR An Camay. "The Soap of tiful Women" SOAP b 6 5 JUSf WHAT I MEAN xm C-- ! shopping with TOMORROW LOWING, AND OL 5MOW YOU r .V" S. J Home. Whole ' Corn Country 12 ot. 15 Kernel Tender, Peas Thrifty,No. 3, .No. 2 can 29ft Shaver', FancyNo.Cut2 can 16 D.,.. DeanS fjreen Ifr9iit Old Style, Riuerkraut No. 2'j can IiaUl Khmann'e, Chopped, fWiunt uuves Hip 44 oi. Plain or li 2 JO' Iodized ot. 7? 1 r Sno-Whit- e. I CERTAINLY 00, DA I YOUR SUGGeSnON OP BUYING ALL OUR FOOO HERE AT SAfEWAV LET ItS ENJOV THE FINEST, AND SAVS MONEY TOO? Wia 4 v |