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Show Febm,iary i-- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PAGE EIGHT County Probation News From Men In Service Is Your Spring Outfit Complete? If Not .... Come In And See tne New Spring Liberty Theatre Officer Talks To (Continued From Front Page) Hijrh School Class FRIDAY - SATURDAY Lloyd Nolan in "JUST OFF BROADWAY" Charles Starrett in"PARD0N of-MY GUN j Jessie Hoops, county probation a to group f icer, spoke on delinquency Ki MtAV . MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY been. of interested law and world problems SWAN students Tuesday. Eldo Udy returned to his training and a short eave Hoods Mr history HENRY FONDA In THURSDAY ONLY camp last week after having spent of the Utah delinquency two weeks furlough with his mother, explanation the mnrt Kvstem. He also described JAMES" Mrs. Rheumina Udy, of Fielding, and Industrial school at Salt Lake which other relatives. he said rated among the nignesi m and the United States. COLLINSTON SIIOOTTRs Need Staff Sergeant Owen L. Brough: Jr. Mr. Hoops said that the principal a r miT Down Beneath That New Spring Suit or Dress, You'll WIN OVER BRIGHAM and his wife have been visiting while forms of delinquency are breaking (Try HejALiL here his furloue-with LINGERIE nn parents and GARMENTS after FOUNDATION especially regulations, NEW of Members the rvii; COLUMN nnd with her parents in Brigham City steal flnh orvri rwar f drinking liquor, forging checks, until Sunday evening, when they left scnooi. oi continual Bluffing and ing, N. men, at Bngharo, FiMay nigwl" by Mae Upton, R. for the northwest on hi3 new assign He especially cautioned the students winners made a total of 8u Nurse Health Public rnpnt oaainst stuffing reminding them that while the losers made 7ig LECTURE has EDUCATIONAL Staff Sergeant Brough gradu very often the most serious crimes READY-TO-WEA- R was high man for the fcl on Bishop lecture LADIES' A film and interesting ated from the Meteorology school at suit from failing to attena scnoui ston five, disease shooting lgg Utah as now communicable act will of Tremonton Chanute Field, and the control reeularlv was Hoist man River high Loyal high fw fi, weather forecaster at one of the air tJaciHac fhiMrp who have done will be given at the Bear t 3, at 8 ham with 156 points. March de Wednesday, bases. handles school, court wroner the some your Scarlett, P. Wm. m. by Major nenient children, those who do not p. Miss Ardella Kay, of Salt L ' Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fishburn have have any parents, and those who District Health Officer, Dr. Scarlett is well trained in Pub- City is spending this week witi Is recently had word from their son come from a home broKen Decause of assur- parents, Mr. and Mrs. CaTvia SerDon. eivine the information that he nf divorce or both parents working. lic Health and is capable new phases peison is located at an army air field at Thse children ere often referred ing each attending Colorado control. He is very inv disease of which societr welfare cfat Colorado Springs and is serving in j our esting and deeply concerned ubout the 6th Photo Squadron, He reports places him in a foster home. Riverside women attending a home work that he is well and enjoying his In correcting the wrong doer the health. Mr. and Mrs. Eli J. Winzeler annursing course, given under the All men and women are invited to SALE Colorado. m court feel that places the boy or girl on pro of the Relief Society, nounce the marriage of their of an edassurance the with attend ms wun parhim leaves and bation it is an autstanding opportunity. Helen, to Staff Sergeant Thomas From "somewhere in New Guinea" ents or it may place him in the In- ucational and interesting evening. Furnace Mrs. Cora Newman, head nurs? of W. Harrison. The wedding took place this week to Leonard dustrial school, this being done only (New) the Valley hospital in Tremonton, is Saturday, February 13th at the First came a letter IMMUNIZATION CLINIC McDonald, U. S. A, C. alumni secre- as a last resort. degiving the course in a series of ten Methodist Church at Colorado Springs TreHOT WATER the that G. of The immunization clinic will be Dean Mr. Hall, Lt. explained from Hoops tary, Colorado with Reverend Cyrus lectures and demonstrations. m. 10:00 a. cases not at 27. CIRCULATING an does court is PIMPS gradHall try Aggie monton, Lt Saturday, February linquency officiating. Mrs. Winzeler and uate The meetings are held in the Rivbeen com- at the Tremonton school. All children has bom a now crime with is serious and when a of 1942, erside church house, Tuesday eve- a few close relatives attended the ber clinic We still have a limited mr, crimparticipating in the Janauary treatsquadron of the U, S. Army Air mitted. The court itself is not a the at ceremony. of PIPE and FITTINGS that .1 7:00 couple o'clock. at nings Guinea. inal court, but a court of correction, should return for their second The bride is a graduate of Bear Corps, stationed in New available for maintenance and J all There is a good attendance. we Lt. and urge attempts ment for diptheria. May advice and persuasion, In his letter to Mr. McDonald, River high school and has been studyif you are in need of air exto pairs duck the assume to responsibility of his some lead the person to young interesting parents at the Beth El Hospital Hall gives in the plumbing or heat ' ing nursing serthing of protecting your child against periences since his overseas service normalcy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Richards,, of in Colorado Springs. see us. line GuiOf New 1942. diseases? ious Staff Sergeant Harrison, whose began in August, Logan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virulent smallpox, is still a menace NEW and USED MATERIAL Kenneth Cornwall last Friday and home is in Salem, Illinois, is now nea he writes, "It, as a whole, is WEDDING OF TRUDE will it are where natives one no The beautiful.. knowing with and rather Green the Coloand stationed at Camp Carson in enjoyed Saturday, C. TAYLOR ANNOUNCED strike tomorrow. Can we answer for friendly and are really doing a good G. BURGESS Gold ball while here. rado. tents in live We our Johns those in our charge with a vaccinafor turn at St. boys. ceremony a In wedding For the present the young couple PLUMBING CO. even do our own washing like Chapel in "Los Angeles on February tion insuring positive control? plan to make their home in Colorado. and ' Needs America of Mr. Health Guard Phone 108 your primitive people." 15, Miss Joan Clark, daughter Lt. Hall flew a bomber to the south and Mrs. Eugene P. Clark, of St You strong! MARRIAGE OF ORPHA Pacific, in an uneventual trip, after James Park, Los Angeles,, became J AN SON ANNOUNCED 1 being turned back twice by fog. Be- the bride of Trade C. Taylor, son of his present, station, he Mr. and Mrs. A. J.. Taylor, of Bear fore reaching Mr. C. Arthur Janson, of Tremon- was in Australia where,, according to River ton is announcing the marriage of his letter, "The Australian treated The City. bride wore a gown of white his daughter, Orpha Leone Janson, us and tried to1 make satin, with, a crown- at orange blos hospitably very 14 The Molinaro. B. to Set Thomas . us feel at hohie." veil. She car soms and marriage took place February 15th After leavine school,, Lt Hall ried a sprav of forty white orchids. at Casper, Wyoming. coached one year at the Georgetown, Miss Diedre Byrne was the bride's: Orpha's education was obtained at Idaho high school. His primary and attendant and Frank Sheldon only Carried In Stock the Tremonton school and at the basic m the Air Corps was was best man. training schooL River Bear high received at Sequoia and Minter's A reception was held after the wedalso She has been working in Salt Lake Fields in California and he was ocm- - ding at the home of the bride's parCity for the past six months. r.jssioned a second lieutenant at Wil ents, after which the newlyweds left Orpha is well known and highly liams Field. Arizona. Prior to leaving for San Ysedio Ranch at Montecito, respected in this community. We wish for overseas service, he was stationed will spend for them a successful happy married at air fields in Mississippi,, Florida. California, where they their honeymoon. life. and Louisiana. They will make their Home in IjOS For the present they will live in & Co Angeles. Casper, Wyoming. Word has just been received that Mr. Taylor.- is a graduate and. for & Ivan Call has just been promoted to mer athlete of the Bear River high REQUIRED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shmmway were the rank of Major ana transierrea school and. was. a student otf the Utah afis He will who His to to West the Coast. wife, State Agriculture college. in Salt Lake City last weekend Bulk or Package see his brother Lt. James G. Shum be remembered as the former Beu-la- h filiated with the Sigma Chi fratern..Grown in this Territory.. Taylor of Penrose, and children, ity. At Che present time he is engaged way, who has been home on furlough. Childrens now visiting; in Oerden with her in industrial engineering, at the are new to his station. off Haw brother and family, Mr. and Mis. Northrup Aircraft company at thorne, California.. Mrs. Mary Peterson is in Salt Lake Leavitt Taylor. Citv with her son, Elmer and: family. The vounsrer Mrs. Peterson is in ill Bob Billings, Coxswain in the tL Mrs. Wallace Christensen. and Mr. health and Mrs. Peterson is remam- - S. Navy has spent a five day fur- and Mrs. Howard Fuller and baby ing with them for a time- lough at the home of his wife's par- left Thursday for Blackfoot, Idaho ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bessinger to visit with relatives. The Fullers with his wife, Eva, and their, two will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. small children. Martin Madsen, and Mrs, Christensen Ideal for Summer Play Mr. iOTHigs left Tuesday to return her father and mother, Mr- - and Mrs. WITH SAVE to his duties in the Navy, He already James Just, all of Blackfoot- Durable has many interesting stories o tms war, having seen active service, in Mr. .and Mrs. L. L. Cook, of Fish Shoe tne Solomon Islands. Haven, Idaho,, visited last Thursday Cork - Rubber Soles and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Others With Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilford Miller, of Cook. of announce the marriage Penrose, Soles their son, Lt. Merlin Wilford Miller, Miss Mary E. Burns was a business to Miss Viola Kakusckhe, daughter visitor in Ogden Tuesday. All With Cool - Durable of Mr. anl Mrs. Leo Kakuschke of Canvas Uppers Fargo, North Dakota. Lieutenant WASHABLE officers' of on stiJtf the Miller is candidate school at Fargo. Dr. Walker Larger Sizes Lee Airheart, dean of the Fargo School of Education, officiated at the Made by "Ball Brand" Miss took which ceremony, place military at 4 p. m. Sunday, February 14. ,'iheir many friends here wish them much Radio Electrician Dallas Christen success and happiness. sen, officer of the U. S. Navy, on Pvt. Harold Isaacson recently left leave from the Eastern sea frontier, Fort Douglas for service in the army son of Mrs. Carrie Anderson Chris You owe tensen of Bear River City, and Miss elsewhere. Less" June Dickson, daughter of Mrs. Faye Pvt. Billy Potter is now stationed Dickson, of Florence, Colorado, were School at Fort Bliss, Texas, where he has married at the home of the bride's been experiencing life on the desert mother February 15th at high noon by Bishop Bentley. The bride was given in marriage by Willard R. Larson, of East Garland, youi'S. We mother. She wore a long white her train his finished primary recently V dress and carried a- bouauet weddine Colors to z was Waco, transferred banking1 and ing Choice of 5 Good taTlismans of roses. The wore groom basic Texas to begin training. his "blue officers uniform. Button Front Styles The young couple left Denver, MonMrs. Rose Miller has received word Were $2.98 Regular from her son, Corporal Paul Miller, day evening, arriving in Bear River Some Made of All Wool to visit with the savins: that he is now located some City Tuesday noon, Sizes 6 34 to 7 Now where in Australia. The information groom's mother, Carrie A. Christenrequirewas included in the first letter re sen, They spent their honeymoon in ceived by his folks in nearly two Colorado and Utah. The bride will make her home in See months. Prior to leaving the U. S., Corporal Miller was stationed in Vir- Denver, Colorado, while Mr. Christensen is on duty, after which they plan They Wear Like Iron ginia for training. on making Bear River City their Staff Sergeant Kay O. Madsen, son home. Mesh Mr. Christensen received his offiof Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Madsen, has commission last October. written his folks that he has arrived cer's with his coips at an unidentified destination in the Aleutian Islands. university, has recently received his GOOD COLORS Dean L. Madsen, who is stationed commission as a second lieutenant In at Angels Island, and Is serving as the medical administration corps at a Prisoner Escort, has made several the medical replacement training centrips to different parts of t'te United ter at Camp Berkeley, Texas. He formerly was a member of the States in company with prisoners n V1 si j ""'" nd'.t, Muni 4aJOfl Utah National Guard and was servwho are being moved, t ing in the Hawaiian Islands with the Less Max W. Chambers, son of Dt. andj rank of warrent officer before reMrs. J. W. Chambers of Garland, and turning to the United States to enter former student of the Brigham Young officers' training school. SUITS better than any where they have Tyrone Power in "THE BLACK COATS - DRESSES That Are Arriving Daily "THE RETURN OF FRANK 1 1 ri PUBLIC hip-hwa- I LAGRASHOP . : T j " rti Helen Winzeler Riverside Women Take Nursing Course Marries Staff geant In aus-pici- ij FOR Hot Water es on J. BENNETT'S WALLPAPER three-quart- er Beautiful Designs Buy Summerettesai OES Northrup King - SEEDS Buy "Ball Brand" And Save Your Shoe Stamps NO RATION STAMPS Washable PETERS' Sport VARIETY STORE Summerettes P Rubber and Cork Combination Leather Bear River City Service Man Marries Colorado Bank for Freedom 1 .49 pair 2.49 pair Stores Gephart Buy For Cash and Pay it to yourself and your family to bank for the America's, and Future Boys' School provide complete services. Co. Girls' Jackets CAPS consideration is given to all applications for wartime loans. Our us ments are simple. Prompt 10c iach today! 1.98 Rayon and Cotton Net Bear River State Bank HOSE at 69c pair Gephart Stores Complete Banking Service "Buy For Cash and Pay j j Co- |