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Show APRIL 14 TO 20 IS AgTicnlture Experts SET AS CANCER Predict Decline In WEEK IN UTAH Potato Out - Put 'ECONOMIC jHIGHLIGHTS J HAPPENINGS THAT AFFECT O.KLET'S iALK PRICE! With April designated as Cancer The extra value Nash gives Control Month by President Franklin Tf vou're buvinz that way this year U D. Roosevelt, and April 14 to 20 namfiner Nash in 300 pound? find in a engineering fun the you let'i forget NATIONTSDTVIDVAL. ,ZVTY ed as Cancer Week in Utah by Govmore weight than the small cart and just compare it dollar for dollar (for ernor Henry H. Blood, the Utah Womextra comfort and safety) with cart in its class. NAt PB0IJLEM3 INSEPARABLE icultural Economics predicts. en's Field Army for the Control of higher resale value years from no. WKJOU LOCAL WELFARE Nash is bigger and better built the On the basis of prospective plant Cancer will begin an extensive drive 1 Come in drive a 1940 Nash today to Utahna of the clanger sigonly car with the thrilling smoothness ings and average yields, products will nalsacquaint the Conthe Ride ... biggest new car value in town! of that Arrow-Fligof the dread disease. total only 342 million bushels, or pick-uof terrific Bed meetthe vertible Pamphlets will be distributed, The German Invasion of Scandinav- about 19 million bushels less than the brief talks given at club a Manifold-Sealeengine (yes a class held, ings 1939 medium-size- d in a d crop long-helinto produced a fear ia hM turned the 1940 set for booths winner and in the up meetings than less million bushels the grim fact Norway and Denmark have and 30 Run with 23.76 miles per gallon). Altho dissemination of information. desperately sought to retail their pre- recent ten year average crop. states stores Rexall ths throughout Drug carious neutrality yet, despite these the acreage in some of the late nation, with 35 throughout Utah, and efforts, it is obvious that they have will be increased the general plantings 17 in Salt Lake City, have offered! moved steadily toward war for some will be considerably decreased. in setting up their services and The prospective acreage in the educational booths,space time. The recent pessimistic announce where literature tfNSit of Norwegian government United States of green peas for pro will be distributed and memberships iqpofcesmen have provided ample evi- cessing Is indicated to total 329,000 registered. imdence of that. Scandinavia is of acres, or about 27 per cent more than Uniformed, registered nurses from BIG 6 PASSENGER maise importance to all the belliger was planted in 139. Those estimates hospitals and registeries, and welfare SEDAN to she been of and the has include peas acreage planted subjected ent, will be in attendance from agencies HERE DELIVERED both 1939 accounted 10 a. m. to 6 an for freezing, which in squeeze from p. m. Monday through side Yesterday the squeeze was dip- - for slightly more than 27 000 acres. durlng ..Cancer Week. cu Saturday ltwmtlc: today it is militaristic. in uum, fumcvci, clubwomen will assist the Army .From the cold, purely military point that 12 875 acres will be planted to where Co, not available. Seven. nurjje5 view, it is understandable that Ger- peas this year compared with 10,300 funds of all memberships percent ty Standard mquipmint end Ftdtrat East Main Street Tremonton, Utah many should have moved northward acres in 1939, remain in Utah to be used in expense mcAmm. local taxis xfrv. a at this time because the Allies anof printing and distribution of literanounced that the blockade against the broadens out. ture and furthering the program of was to be extended and intensl action has posed another Cancer cure and education during ear Germany's Four-- H flM nd intimated that Allied men ominous Girls question: Does it perhaps ly diagnosis. The remaining thirty would go inside Norwegian mean now feels It is time per cent is used in research work and Hitler that Contest territorial waters, if necessary, to to fight in earnest, and will shortly expense, with all service donated by Arize German .ships carrying precious Show Announce' open a Western front for hostilities the army workers, dcctor3 and nurses, In; Norwegian Iron ore home. And the by sending his armies through H&l- - and the Rexall stores. British have hem mining Norwegian land and Club birls with talent in hometj David Sharp, Jr., of Coalville, recIt Is the plan of the Utah Army to Eighty-thre- e flanking the Mag thousand trees have waters, at the expense of German Inot line?Belgium, arts will be again honored thro J The French army is said, cut expenses to a minimum and to been ordered to date from the Clark- - ently appointed assistant state ing hifP!"g- This explains the German to be even eager for this, and provide hospitalization for the border will manage the Fourth An- the national leader, girls record coc ready, State Utah the at nurseries McNary JW)i command announcement that it is to line cases. Junior Fat Stock to be conducted during 1940 by Kf Intermountatn nual that Belgium plans reported 350 farm by Agricultural college Denmark and Nodway are being given open her frontiers wide to the Toilus, j The Salt Lake Cancer Clinic meets from Utah and Nevada, J. show at North Salt Lake, June 4, 5, tension agents. Information and 1 4 Ifazl "protection." once Hitler's legions march. If that twice each month. Anyone in the H. Manderfield, chairman of gestions for carrying it on nay'ij Whitney Floyd, Extension forester, and 6, J. On top of that, there is another an examination and of the decisive receive state the committee announces. He obtained from the State Club feat show may the phase happened, states. factor involved an intangible factor, war will cost nothing. With the Salt be concluded comparativeit named been has manager to succeed who announces its acceptance. might distribnow trees are These being tHit one of great significance. It is fee of of decimation $3.50 the Lake soon, E. "Jack" per J. County Hospital ly through Maynard, manager of How uted but because of the demand and training gives girls toe factor of prestige. German and either or the German day and the Salt Lake Radium Com- the shortness of the the French stock shows and ability to do many home tasks three the first junior season, planting Allied diplomats have been working or both. pany donating the radium needed for professor Floyd advises persons wish- former dean of the school of agricul- is shown in their recor ds. Last ill fever heat on all the little neutral army oOo treatments and no other charge for to obSuin trees from the college ture at the Utah State Agricultural six national winners in this conti nations to cement their governments' is marking time. The medical service many out of city pa- ing Business cooked 4,430 special dishes and j'; to college at Logan. get their orders in at once. ties and influence. It Is apparent that downward trend recently has been tients have had the development of The leading species which have been An ardent enthusiast of all kincs of meals, canned 17,018 pints of GWreats no less than pacific persuasion checked in most lines, but no signifi cancers promptly checked. ordered include Siberian elm, Russian agricultural projects, Mr. Sharp has made 631 articles and garments, fej have been used anything goes in war Dr. Clarence C. Little, director of olive, eastern red has yet appeared. cedar, black locust, been especially interested in the live- part in dress revues, did exteK time. Germany, the experts say, had cant upward trend is at a materially the American Society for the Control and blue spruce. Steel production come to fear that her Inaction had stock industry of the west. He is a room improvement and raised e: lowe r level than last year duo large of Cancer, said at the opening of the One hundred and forty more veteran county agent, having bean garden. They also contributed csunsd some of the neutrals at last fact that production was 1940 drive, "Death rates from cancer have ordered eight thousand connected with the Extension Service youth and community improver-:t believe she was worried and hide ly to the of consumption in 1939. ahead may now be cut in half through the more trees this year than at the same for 17 years, first as agricultural ag- by conducting 81 demonstrate, dsiv?, and, as a result, had caused Automobile production Is running scientific knowledge of the disease. time in 19'9, nursery reports show. ent in Iron made 1,706 exhibits at fairs, and thorn to cast a more friendly eye- on County in 1913, and of the level of a year ago, and We know enough about the more com- These trees are used ahead for windin Southern Utah eraged four years of club leader! a ranch chiefly the Allied front. The invasion of the late estimates indicate that 4,250,000 mon types to cure nearly half of the breaks, woodlots, and farm North may have been ordered in an The girls' record contest encoj for a decade, entered the service cars be will made this year, as against 150,000 men, women and children who as time this such enterprise and helps attempt to change this situation, no 3,750,000 in 1939. ages agent agricultural again die annually from cancer, if they will less than in an attempt to protect Summit for it to public gaze through:; county. bring diDomestic construction goes ahead. inform themselves and have early from Argentina to the new manager is by no means propriate awards provided by Mr her ore supplies. Tire Exports This year's houses generally ate smal- agnosia's." Dr. James Ewing said, United States totaled Th3!0 is evidence to indicate that $9,0S5,0ol in' a stranger at junior shows. He took gomery Ward for the ISth year. L "Cancers can be treated successfully as against $1,946,238 in the an active part in planning and con- county winner receives a specials Ote Danish government knew the ler and slightly cheaper than last February, and radium treat, same month of 1939, an increase cf houses. The result i:i that while with surgery, y Witzlcrteg in Denmark was roming year's ducting the three previous evrnts at medal, state winners an is nore are but tire ment, erected, diagnosis dwellings early being 84 per cent, the Department of ComC tuul agreed to it in other words, simNorth Salt Lake ; for county and state trip to the 19th National total value is somewhat less. merce reported recently. The principal fairs, and the November in Livestock show. ply bowed to the inevitable, rather Ogden Congress Chicago, Most businessmen have given up commodities in which gains were "His association with young people December7, and six $200 scholarst, !f,.r futile resistance which could hope of any big "war boom." This Sport Coat, Slacks - Cliff's Clothiery made were hav only resulted in a massacre of wool, dairy products, pre- in his extension work has made him go to national winners. Parties; served meat, linseed, and minerals, just the man for this kind of job," may be obtained from county her .pathetically small fighting forces. time Allied purchasing is orderly, and excessive prices are not being offered. SHOP THRU THK LKADER APS and metals. remarked chairman Manderfield. sion agents. Norway, fuither away and better protected, chose war. But her warfcfnw military strength consists of an 8iTny of little more than 100,000 men, Inadequately equipped, buttressed by wn.il! fleet of warships, largely It seems inconcc-ivalbthat she eK hold off the Reich long without fiuavHiite support on a large scale. TTri Allies, of course, must elo all uVy cm complete and unquestioned control of Noiway, along with Den1 I &T JOT ,. JtY jmr mw jfSif to VW JC'T mark, would give Germany a superb ..jmiMr eaiea of air bases for striking dirct-le- i ? . the heart of England, and hamBritish merchant shipping and per' tw.vy.1 operations. There will be turmoil in the Balkans an l elsewhere now, as Germany press on forward on the diplomatic as well as tho military fronts, pointing to what she has done to small powers which refused to "cooperate" in the pant as an example of what may hap... pen to others refusing to "cooperate" in the future. The Allies will unold doubtedly go the- limit in seeking to "outsell" the Reich. And so war Unit States potato crop is in prospect for 1940 if growers carry oat their present intentions to plant and if yields are average, the Bureau of Agr Another ItI3 DINNER PAILS, DIVIDEM) KSTXKS AND TAX BILLS OP smaller-than-avera- ge ed ... ht ... p d Gilmore-Yosemit- e HASH ever-tighteni- 969 1 . O. W. Goldoberry Motor .... I Dave Sharp Assumes Managing Position Reports Progress For Livestock Tree Planting Extension Forester o(-v- Record Awards 4-- H 4-- H j , 4-- H i : after-managin- - a' X-ra- : v e. e '4 i r V l C.! - - JP Of vv JQC.'7 F.M M6&r jB.'j 1 SSjUr - N8" Change now to and "the gray engine OIL-PLATING- - seems more like she used to be" At birth her cylinder walls were almost like mirrors. The more of that polish you want to keep, the more you want A . your engine by changing now to patented Conoco Germ Processed oil. Oil-platin- i 7 Alka-Sellz- ) in your engine, like g chrome-platin- g on bumpers, stays constantly plated up. For an apparently magnet like attraction comes to Germ Processed oil from its man-mad- e extra ingredient, so that engine parts are surfaced with their close-hel- d shield of . . . drain-proo- f. er, Remaining fully K IT er pain-relievi- gines, tlated up in the highest-spee- d en- plainly keepsWear from doing Summer "business as usual." Wear once thrived during starting oil-plati- ng periods, but now before the starter ever starts, your d engine is a positive toward oil-plat- ready-lubricate- - ed step preserving the old gray engine ... or a new one. d cylinders long keep the roundness of youth, and that makes Oil-plate- if ng alts. When hard work or strenuous exercise make you feel tired and dragged out, enjoy the refreshing ellcct of a glass of sparkling, r. tangy ;; -- iA ; your Germ Processed oU keep. Change today-- to Your Mileage Merchant's Conoco station. Continental Oil Co. CO M0 CO GERM PROCESSED OIL Alka-Scltze- rt r d -- When Acid Iniliycsrion, Gas on 'Stomach or Heartburn make you feci uncomfortable or embarrass which conyou, try tains alkalizing builcrs and so helps counteract the associated Excess Stomach Acidity. But the relief of these minor stomach upsets is only a small part of what you can expect to do for you. You will find it effective for Tain Relief in Headache, Neuralgia, Colds end Muscular Aches and Pains, It contains an analgesic, (sodium acetyl salicylate), made more prompt and effective in its action by alkaline buffer Alka-Scltz- . x oil-plate- Tmr Stores In pucknewi nd dmi it ore kmU fountains by Um At OIL-PLAT- I ES YOUR ENGINE |