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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 18, IUO I RATIONAL BEAUTYREST WEEK" By ELWOOD IL Mr. I P. RasmusMn I PACTS of the great powers that are, it Is made ready for carving. At the present time two methods seem very much in vogue: The Stalinsky and Hitler. The following column which appear- In Stalinsky carving, the carver ha ed In the 'Mountaineer" of Big Bear a knowledge of the desired "joints' Lake, California was written by Ber- and "direction" in which the fibres nice K. Bjorn, daughter of Mr. and run. With visions of the choice cuts Mrs. S. E. Bjorn of this city. W think he makes the first incision, the knife it good enough for reproduction and is altered, and a jagged slice, muchv feel that many of Bernice's friends larger than intended is the result. In will enjoy her veiy interesting style Hitler carving, the cut is sharp and of writing. incisive. The serving is about as disIt is a regular column written by tasteful as a mixture of Hungarian her in this paper. Goulash, Chinese Noodles, and Irish, and about as desirable as a Dans Stew VALLEY THE AROUND a German accent. with with And, K. speaking further on this Bernice Bjorn subject, be glad that you're not someGood Grief! ! What a hotch potch body's junior trying to learn Georgra-ph- y in school today. Only a clairvoythe European countries aie becoming. refollowing the explosive and erupting ant could make the grade. Which events of the last few months. The minds us, there were fewer presidents Gods of War are simmering the whole to study, when "You and I Were affair down to one conglomerated, Young Maggie." 'Course Roosevelt yet concentrated mess of calamity, which might come to the aid of Master and they are dishing out to hapless, un- Miss America Junior, by prolonging fortunate victims. Their method of his presidential reign. Dorothy Thomp preparation consists of a thorough son says "No," but her preferencecer-to roasting,- governed by a thermostat of the dark horse Wendell Wilkie is their overwhelming advantage with tainly no Indication of her ability to timing controlled entirely by the re- judge, even though we do know that sistance of their object of attack. as a rule she has a pretty thorough When their dainty moisel has been knowledge of what she is talking parched and seared to the satisfaction about. Bernice Bjorn Writes Interesting Column BEAR RIVER CITY By Mrs. I a W. Br&Usf ord I j g ALE SIMMONS AMERICA'S FINEST MATTRESS se' '"JIM . The Sunday School Gospel Message Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Merkley, of class, under the direction of their in- Tridell, Utah ere the proud parents structor, Reginald Hunsaker, went to cf a baby girl, born April 10th. Mrs. Salt Lake City Sunday morning where Merkley was formerly Miss Ecther they attended the Catholic Church Ohman. of this city. service. They were treated very courMrs. Fern Arbon .entertained her teously. After the service the pastor Pinochle club at her home Saturday. took them through their beautiful The afternoon was spent in playing building and explained their method Pinochle, with Winnie Jensen winning to them. After this service they visithigh prize and Clytle Anderson cut ed the Capitol building and the Tem- prize. A delicious hot dinner was servple grounds. The 30 pupils were ac- ed to ten club members. companied by their teacher, Mrs. Eva Mrs. Velma Laub, of Ogden, spent B. Hansen, Joseph Hansen, Lydia FriSunday in this city visiting her parday and Owen Petersen, who all took ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dallin and them in their cars. They returned to family, also with her sister, Mrs. their homes Sunday evening very Doyle Clair Archibald and family. pleased with their trip. Merle Wankier returned home FriMr. and Mrs. Cossel Burke, of day from Salt Lake City, where he Idaho, were weekend guests has been receiving treatment at the of Mrs. Burke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Veterans hospital for threat trouble. A. P. Hansen. Mrs. Ben Grant entertained at her Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen and home Saturday in honor of the 11th sons. Jay and Rex, left last week birthday of her daughter. Fawn. for California to visit relatives and guests were Mr. and Mrs. investigate a school that Jay intends N. C. Holts, Mrs. Albert S. Thorsen to enter soon. and two children of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andeison are old son Harold, the twenty-mont- h very proud of their first grandchild, of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Birch rea daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. ceived treatment at the Tremonton Wayne Gunnell at the Provo hospital, Clinic Saturday evening for a hernia. Word has been received by relaSunday, April 14th. Mrs. Gunnell was formerly Norma Anderson. Mr. Gun- tives and friends in this city of the nell is the son of Bishop and Mrs. safe arrival of a baby boy, born on Gunnell of Howell and is a teacher March 22 to Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowell at the Orum school. Mother and baby Carruth, at their home in Oakland, are feeling fine. California. Mrs. Carruth was formerMiss Ara Anderson spent the week ly Miss Deloris Thorsen, of this city. end home from Logan, visiting her Mrs. Mary J. Holmgren is receivparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Anderson. ing medical treatment at the Valley Mrs. Mary E. Petersen and daugh hospital in Tremonton for a nervous ter, Vida, accompanied a group of disorder. Mrs. Ethel Taylor had the misforgenealogical members to the Logan tune to run a pitch fork in her foot Temple for baptisms Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson and Dale while cleaning her door yard. also went to Logan on Saturday where Christ Zinck, one of our local Dale was baptised for a number of merchants, is confined to his bed sufrelatives. fering from an injury to his hip. Helen Hansen, wife of Delwin Han Miss Luby Rasmussen spent the sen was operated on at the Valley weekend home from Salt Lake City. Mis. Sam Mortensen had the mis Hospital in Tremonton Monday morn' fortune to slip down the step and ing for hernia. sprain her ankle, Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. H .P. Larsen had as Absence of occupation is not rest, their guest last week, a nephew of A mind quite vacant i3 a mind disMr. Larsen's from Canada, who just tressed. Cowper returned from a mission . Mrs. George Brough is visiting her It isn't the man who knows the daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. most, but the man that knows the A. P. Hansen. She is feeling quite best, that's wisest. Anon Out-of-tow- THE BEAUTYREST IS DIFFERENT t t t Inner Coils . . . Sag Proof Edges Pocketed Certified for Durability Guaranteed for 10 Years . . . Built for Sleep j I ! 'price $2j0g ON t t EASY TERMS IF DESIRED after 30 days trial you are not fully satisfied mattress may be returned and all charges will be cancelled. If, UN 0.0. F. ACTIVITIES CLINIC NOTES well now. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and son Bob lo pursday night, April 25th the Everett Johnson, of Coiinne, for by, called on Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ras I L 0. 0, F. Lodge will be hosts medical treatment. mussen Monday on their way to Rex jieMalad and Ogden Lodges. The Loretta Adamson, of Salt Lake City burg, Idaho, where they will visit rel will be Hose of the s joint meeting for medical treatment. Grand Master Ed Winchester and Rex Laub, of Tremonton, appendix visofficial staff to pay official removed. don to Tremont Lodge No. 45. Edward Markham, of Tremonton, lis night also marks the 121st an- - for medical treatment. rsary of Oddfellows in the United Mrs. Leonard Wolverton, of Ply- mouth, discharged. members are urged to be pres sor this event. charge of the banquet and social aca entertainment committee is in tivities. i .!! . fr Sport Coat, Slacks - Cliff's Clothier.v - GONE WITH THE WIND Tbit production will not be ihown anywhere except at advanced at least an til 1941 prices ... THEATRE BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH OPENS FRIDAY, APRIL 19 O 10 a. m. - 2 p. m. - 8 p. m. Each Week Day Sunday, 2 p. m. '8 p. m. tit att nnnm cp atc -- lH-H''H''- A Epictetus O happy is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice; And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice. Michael Bruce Itr f : :i FOOD X:pnd! TANGIER - 26e i 10 t 15 X SS& 15 2V HAND SOAP I?"5 BISQUICK t UitLK4 MA1 lUXJii Illll HiiirQt DelMonte or Tall Can 'J Li bby I 1 j UM JU "i iiwfciii ifciii ,.f " 'ir VANILLA ....... tti rii in big new 1940 Plymouth is just as at as it i, thrilline to ride in! " ' ... i CHAD 'Sr 4snrA ,. !? f "06' poYr .... Offr, J 9' Wheels . . c SllA U'H Crystal White 10 Giant IJars MALLOWS " wee,or ; OUil i;"cis 40-o- z. WHEATIESX'TS CORN FLAKES With IJowl-2pkc:- 1 90 COOKIES 15 1 lb. Assorted cups 29c 19 si"(':us1!"v I'INK APPLE Libbv or QCd CakT GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 1. 19 15 15( 35" 15" Dole - - 46-o- z I TOMATO JUICE ' i - ,.13 OAt 0Tr SS; .. 9 QiJ V s. SHRED. WHEAT Tlliri? JUl til & t -- SPAGHETTI or P. & G. 84 mors w IIEANS 2 Cans AEROWAX CLEANER - CORN Quart :VM:':tt QUALITY MEATS I XJ..,,,,!, Heitz & Winzeler Auto jtB016 LEMON u exciung a,h,aking beauty i, new and fresh so advanced you have n.v,.r twn it in . 'l"ng utomobile before! e.,rea,'y big news about 1940 cars is Plv Luxuf' Ride! Ride in ei,hcr ,he front discover a new riJc "nstr feaf Scat You11 nv rl?(nucl1 a' yu navc never experienced in won"er at the amazing smooth-ntt- s 0est of tH b'R 84 horsepower engine . . . smooth-to- n t,;.? Floating Power engine mountings me ,n to see the 19'iO Plymouth .V " N trJ "i 'he Uxury Ride today. -- 5 49 NU BORA Giant j. O m A f IU ! Catan.la j'.i4i,n or af IB .0. l BACON 15" I SALT PORK iT. N SAUSAGES 25" COTTAGE CHEESE, IS MUTTON OIOPS 2...,s. ,1 TREMONTON, UTAH CU3E-STEAK- .25"i 4 Campliell'8, Except Chick- - QJri QAim OUUl cn or Mushroom 3 for.... O STRAWBERRIES 2 Rl GARLAND and t 23! SPAM ca TT'V- 4? 4 that show COCOA "eLtey ,ylV im w.av.nvv.n win VV CATSUP'S l & c COFFEE l Week Day Matinee - 75c Evening and Sunday All Seats Reserved - $1.12 M' TREMONTON 1 ADMISSION SHOW STARTS r atives. Difficulties are things what men are. TIUl HAM S 9" ,,,15" 10" 5c f 4 fl |