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Show 5 HArrE-vrsG- The Workers, HIE DINXJEB PAILS, ::VCKY ESDIVIDCAL. show that merits th A RADIO teeing as well as the hearing Miss Adams' Room Allan ia the marble winner from our room. He will shoot in the tournament. We will have the tournament when it doesn't rain. We hope Allan will win. Garry and Donna. affect thatDIVIDEND S m. OUR SCHOOL NEWS pAvnnrrn i t 11. CKSSSAT. BEAR IUVEH VALLEY IXALZ?, NATION-A- I - AND INTER NATION- ?AL PROBLEMS INSEPARABLE irROM Lt C A L WELFARE Miss Smith's ess n(- is Fred Allen's Wednesday nigbt airing oa NBC For thoi who can't conveniently get to New York we present (1) Fred Alien in penon with his wife and first assistant in laughs, Portland Hoffa. Wynn Murray (2) is that songstress you like. The "Person You Didn't Expect To Meet" can be anyone from a lady iceman to a golden eagle, property ( of Major C. K. W. Knight shown with Allen (3). The rhythmic Merry Macs (4) are composed of the MacMichael boys and Helen Car-- 1 roll who is both earful and eyeful f on the Allen air stanza, Charlie Cantor and Minerva Pious (5) are the backbone of the Mighty Allen t Art Players. And no Allen show s would be quite complete without f Harry von Zell (6) the announcer f comic ana (7; Maestro Peter Va:i First Crade We are studying about birds. Birds are our friends. We love Blue birds in ua has been a qukt Congress so our garden and we love Robins in our a book far but that doesn't mean that the garden, too. We are making Kerr. Sharon birds. about of issues lawmakers lack major to debate. superficial Congress' wUch two causes: Miss Rasmussen's Second Grade Ururgy can be laid toelection a is year, We made up poetry about beet. We this general HH,t, a 1 the members of both parties nat- made boxes of clothing for a picture urally are largely occupied with par- show. We have a sand box with many tisan political problems; Second, the different flowers in it. We have decowar in Europe continues to hold the rated the windows and room very nice. Barbaia Waid. headlines and the public eye, at the expense of domestic affairs. Muss Sanford's Second Grade Most ominous issue facing the u what to use for money, and We finished our book of hounes. We wtuLt to do about the national debt. have beans coming up in our garden. A expoctf'd, the solons have gone We have flowers in the garden. We fw !vyond the proposed budget In have decorated our windows. Norris Stenquist. ewjinditures. Signal example of spend students as well as to out of twenty Junior - denta V " --- & ? x - p , I ?f . I ,z,.l , zy ' 1 V ; & . fi i : r - . ."If I L " - ' s filiated wjth - for the time being. That of all hardworking men. , . i - ' 2 . n .... -- Hay are welcome. ) Whu I J is the jib rtt gi w Westmor. J your child has iust v.. tooth everybody in your neigh knows about it. But the troutt that the parents have to watch not you will be sorry will L:ev ones ai; 1 H.H( rec( Otlt - tJP p you go to your dentist too late n.mnMnM ictui ...;n juaiiciii 11. win come la.... jjci AJ you Will rav; Aim uie I.unuy itcui. ugly set of teeth. So go to your Junior tist twice a year. iV- St f for the ra your life, because they crooked and have decayed ' L Mttii Sar ife an Mr. Meldrum's Eighth Grade-have a very nice decorating; Donna Allen, Francis M mittee 1 vatter and Peggy Jean Johnson, ft girls have decorated our roomiq Spring decorations which is veiyr. ning. The girls and boys ball This week it has been raining and our track team has not been out for gone to play Bothwell today. We; will win. Betty Lou practice. We have eight track stu- they our from students dents and five band Mr. Henrie's Eighth room. has now fallen into Tuesday morning Ray Westmore- stride around this school and land and Rosalyn Theurer made a and stiff arms are note health chart and they were arguing fingers al sights. Mr. Garfield works L what color it was to be and Rasalyn fully coaching us to impiovetlt being a girl, got her cnoice. we are ers so as to pick the best. We all going to put in a penny which will in saving we have some el be 30 cents and buy the winning row pride and have hopes ofc' lent material a prize. far this season. Ralph Barns from Mr. Garfield's The girls also enjoy playini room made a picture of a farmer boy with such a pleasing ccaeh as plowing and they .did a good job of it. Orwin. He never misses a chat Last week in art Miss Maughn had get some practice with them the room make tulips for the decora- are always in high spirits. t Mr. Henrie also has is wortiek tion of the hall because the other room thought our room was so beau- his is on the Junior Penthathooi tiful. Oren Heaton is representing: our spends two hours twice a week room for the maible turnament this a group of boys trying out to entef Orin kd year. Come and visit our school, you Garland. this fc We 7i y v I j m s l,v--th-- r. pre-w- d con-U- are , - ' ' " uu" wno Greek letter I goon with what I amatoi. there were nothing else in the",' . - . .w. ' " . . ' , ' , i - - ... ; ! - . ' 4 nt j fal-tn- sZ? hi " tK, ... uima r,u.;i in from participation activities seems Provedwtra, satisfaction. It is interesting to note out of seven appointees to alw; I highest honorary scholastic f the campus, only two Si members of fraternities and ! while appointment to honotanr 1 viLrca uigdiuzaiions included t" - 3 ,,-- . r - ' , ' Miss Peterson's Third Grade In Miss Peterson's third grade we are making bird beo!ss cf all different birds of America, then writing stories dom-inate- u-- 1 3 poli-ttm- u m J ..ft-.-. tears-- LuDeane Hunsaker. ' prob-lnn- t, f . to;; be-fou- j WZ .." activities ftnr'.MU -i ,S w vere found to be worvu all or part of their school. That the serious sh,,, discipline himself to reeuh, gettine as ex-U-r- nl news-)He- 0 5 v them-Mve- l? aM University at the self more earnestly to Steeden. about them. Charles left us and went to Ogden. We were sorry to have him utory go. We are nearly through with our Tteasury cannot legally sign checks picture show, except our stories. spending passes that limit. Carol Crozier. are three possible solutions: Vha.v Congress must hold its appropriations Miss Brough's Third Grade down, raise the debt limit, or increase dis are solutions tttxna And all three twiteful for Congressmen whose thots warm debate. How much to spend for relief, and tjiifl year are primarily occupied with s how to votes for to how and spend it, is another congreswtiere get sional headache. Expectation is that and their party. After considerable argument, the both direct and Indhect relief expenditures, while large, will be somewhat l ue approved the resolution to the reciprocal trade law under smaller than in the near past. v Summing up, visitors to congreswhich the President is empowered to make trade agreements with other sional galleries shouldn't be bored iw flora and the resolution is now during tha next few months there the Senate. It will be fought is plenty for the lawmakers to argue tl)Mt, primarily by Senators from the about. If it weren't for the war lumber and farming states, but the abioad, this Congress would receive 0h, we are naving so very much many banner heads in the newspapers. fun We raade music and bird books, 11j favor Its passing. " Some of us get a dictionary that has tVMHrtge of the Hatch "clean a Herbert L. Matthews of the New a page of birds in it. We look at them bill by the Senate, by very wMs margin, canve as something of a York Times recently wrote that he to draw the birds in our books. Later programme are going to write songs in our (Wrpri.w. The bill makes it illegal for had learned of an nrernmer.t workers, with certin high under which Hitler would make peace, music books. a few days ago one of tha teachers ranking exceptions, to take an active The points include: General and immea-jjuto the return The mediate disarmament; brought two Jumping ropes. One is jvirt in political campaigns. i now before the House, where four power pact, under which uer-- i the girls and one the boys. Most of i1 facr-strong opposition. However, many, England, France and Italy the time the girls take both cf them almost certain to become would divide Europe into 4 "spheres to play double duck. We girls like fi??rws it 3 legislators are more or less of influence;" freedom of trade for to play it. The girls have not finished the Jack spot in this case, as the bill all, including close economic cooper-- ! ation with the U. S.; restriction of tournament but Ross Mason is the (fis lvn given the support of ar German colonies; reconstruc-- ' winner of the marble tournament in and spokesmen representing Arleen Moore. ticn of an independent Poland with our third grade. Ih',U parties. f far. both branches of Congress about 10,000,000 inhabitants; recon- bAv-'avoided wrestling with the stmction of a small Czech state Miss Craig's Fouith Grade In the last week and this week in by Germany; a Danubian cus-- j presented by the National Labor Hoard and the Securities toms union to equalize the interest of Social Studies we have been studying l Exchange Commission. But it is all states in the great Danube basin. about the Northmen and Christopher alin.-w- t sure that both these bodies That program haa a moderate Columbus. We are. making booklets. vyill be the center of belligerent sound, but it has its catches. It would We decorated our windows with ships ray this year. The KLRB has give Hitler about au ne nas gaineei, sailing on the ocean tor tne coraer m disfavor with men influen- - and leave him in undisputed power front. Leola, Cheryle, Marilyn and il in the Democratic party as well in central and northern Europe. And Phyllis drew childr en, tents, trees, a the Republican. And there is a it certainly does not jibe with the horse, babies in bags on the trees. On Riwini? belief amcntr congressional announced Allied war aims, whose the back border we made pictures of cn.vrvatives that the SEC, ns now primary goal is the complete destruc- Columbus' ships sailing in the water. is going considerably tion of National Socialism. At the s4uun'.nt'ered, Myrna Mohr. Ou th.M- than was intended in control present time, it would seem imposUnr industry. sible that the Allies would agree. Mr. Onvin's Fifth Grade So the chance for peace is remote Traturwtatton legislation holds a This week we have been putting prominent place on the calendar. Last as the President announced after Un- new decorations in our windows. Don ttwmon both House and Senate pass dersecretary of State Welles' recent Westmoreland painted the trees and etl omnibus bills revising the old return from a tour of belligerent Eur- grass and Marion Andreason washed tation Act. and the differ ope. Both sides still seem convinced the windows. The rest of the class are lK'tvvcvn the two were of minor that they will win a decisive military drawing birds and butterflies. The ;;tufic;ence. A Joint committee has victory. The belief that this will be teachers from other schools in the Itet-ironing these differences out a long war is growing in neutral county are coming to visit our school. We hope they will will like our work. u)l l final bill is ready. Purpose of quarters. fho bill is to equalize competition be all common carriers. The chan csi favor its passing, after some M. U owN Con-Kv- .j i. in,? to found in agricultural appropria-UiwuTlio House passed a farm bill cnXiln ' for s ne ?714,000,000 - and the fSttut upped appropriations to nearly h $1,000,000,000 mark. The result iu that the niticnal debt is now only ntxnit $2,500,000,000 short of its statlimit of $45,000,000,000. The itiUT't' thT t le?e" again proved - ab f ponl res 1 , Ithih Por: Fifth Grade Last Tuesday we started to study South America. We find that Buenos Aire and Rosero are the biggest cities in the South American region. We al-- ; so una tnat m cuirereni pans uiey grow different things The western part is known for wine while in the southern part it is known as the pas-- ! tural region. It is all very interesting. We have books on how rubber was first found. Its first use was for balis for the young American boys and girls. One of these boys spilled some of the liquid on his foot. After it had dried he found it made the best fitting shoe that was ever made, so we find that was how shoes were first made. Jenae Marble. Mrs. Crowther's Miss Maughn's Sixth Grade Grade-Base- ball j ' siion I Jc tt j 1 II - a 'i , a - m is ws iSi t WW Tt-uiit- ew & ton i i ... 1 ) V r- - i -- r. Did You Ever Stop to Think scial Combination Offer i c jy t" Acid Indigestion, Gas on 'Stomach or Heartburn make you feel uncomfortable or embarrass r, which conyou, try tains alkalizing bufTcrs and so helps counteract the associated Excess Stomach Acidity. But the relief of these minor Rtomach upsets is only a small part of what you can expect to do for you. You will find it effective for Pain Relief in Headache, Neuralgia, Colds end Muscular Aches and Pain. It contains an analgesic, (sodium acetyl salicylate), made more prompt and effective in its action by alkaline buffer VHicn Alka-Scltze- CARES ONE SINGLE IOTA ABOUT PROMOTING THE WELFARE OF THE MERCHANTS, CHURCHES, ORGANIZATIONS Alka-Sellz- er pain-relievi- er. ni At Ttraz Stores In parknr ore od;i fountain! by th til drug UN I III! II EXCEPT THE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER? ng When hard work or strenuous exercise make you feel tired and dragged out, enjoy the refreshing ellect of a glass of sparkling, Alka-Seltz- OF TREMONTON AND CITIZENS SUPPORT YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISING, AND NEWS ITEMS. begin enjoying fast, clean, i.X 1 auto- cooking uoxv, but of you can also take advantage the Special Combination Offer matic, x with obsolete equipment, don't wait another day. 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But don't delay see ycur Electric Range dealer today, for this combination offer soon expires. Terms: As little as 55 A Month! Uac F'nne Thurs is kno alir Joe ij fcery d |