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Show ' WVgR.VAUCY.LEADEB,TBLTiaDAT. appit i4 iVU. ; n vnnvacnnfoliiTft n t,ri11 Via -- P to M. E. Martin, of South Carolina- - a field to Ogden Wednesday. Mr. j Mrs. Boyd Olsen, of Salt Lake Mr. Miller will devote his full timt Bunnelltrip was in charge of the group returned Saturday to her borne, after ' to the insurance business, which re- from the B. R. H. S. a pleasant visit with relatives heje chapter. quires more of his time. Mr. and Mrs. Ktnneth Shaffer have Saturday evening Mrs. David li-- j ' 4vSmeni jeaa Oyler, Mrs. Dora Mrs. L. M. Holman son. attended her girlhood club at the to in farm returned their accompanied Fielding, Shaffer- and Un xt., iauimi jyier were other members of the Relief Society During the winter they have occupied home of Mrs. Judith Welling in Salt stesse to the Relief Society mem- - Stake Board to the general Relief So- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Oyler Lake City. The members meet serai--, t m i hpra of i annually and come in from widely ; Ida uaptj uesaay afternoon. ciety conference sessions held in Salt Jr. while they were in California. Mrs. Rhodes gave a lesson on Lake City last week. e were; Mr. and Mrs. Don Bourne enter- separated places. Twenty-fivkitchen furnishings. A There was a large attendance at tained a group of friends at the home present and a very enjoyable evening1 quilt was fin-ishand blocks cut for another one. g Sunday School last Sunday. Tatikuch of her father, D. E. Adams, Wednes- was spent. The social hour was enjoyed by a J. P. Christensen was a special visitor day evening. Games and refreshments large group of members. Mrs. D. E. Cook, Louise were enjoyed. Indolence is a delightful butj'dis-.- : The Singing Mothers of the ward and son Lawrence, ofdaughter visMr. and Mrs. R. J. Potter, Mr. and tressing state; we must be doing ome Syracuse, expect to bo in attsnHsn i ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Han- Mrs. llrsel Rhodes, Mis. W. E. Han- thing to be happy. Action Is no lea an Temple services, Friday morning- - sen and other relatives Tuesday. sen, Mrs. David Larson and son Lyn necessary than thought to the instine. to rpnHfli Vi. . and Lyn Larson ac were among those attending confer Uve tendencies of the human frame Potter Billy J. H. Miller has leased his Hazlett farm companied a group of F. F. A. boys on ence sessions, from here. T ci,; fTCO "Tr THR A nr t.hn A f QTTnD J I .lAvnAY AFTF.RTnnT i APRIL 15, 1940 let her help I i If you have any figure problems mem. you solve Our HAT SPECIAL See this week end " -- ed t ONLY LaGra Shop ladies Exclusive FIELDING Elid Welling: By j rhv Kirswuiui jlrs. last club at her ;i Development afternoon. Mrs. Thursday program cnairman. of Garland gave on "How discussion ' intnssttog Peace." During the Preserve were made for the as hour plans Luncheon to be held in the jr. Bees was nt C. E. Smith n-- t nigh school, oiver Saturday, Halverson, president L club reports that everyone is 'DortiHg the luncheon and everyone to a very interesting either playing cards or listen-L- i three-aplay which, will be In, Puring the social hour of the i meeting, luncheon was served by jbMtess, assisted by her daughters, adjourned to meet April 18th MS. Frank Durfey. Welling, Blanche jfiaaes Barbara )anJ! of Logan spent the weekend fielding. Miss Enid Welling, Dayle and Grant Smith who are attend- tte university also 'spent the ti holidays with their parents in Mrs. af-io- ct Ready-to-We- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Severson had as their guests a week ago, Mr. and Mrs jonn wins ana son, Leslie Wills of p Long View, Washington. Mrs. E. H. Packer spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Salt Lake City attending the Relief Society conference sessions. Mrs. Glen Severson spent last week in Farmington at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Potter. Mrs. Severson also attended the Relief Society conference in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Lennon visited for a short period Sunday at the home of Mrs. W. K. Welling.': Mr. and Mrs. I Lennon were enroute home from Pheo nix, Arizona, to PodatelkV, Idaho. Mrs. Leo Farnsworth is visiting this I week in Brigham City witii hep els-- i ters, Mrs. Effie Welling? and Mrs. Hat-t- ie .;les, weekend CARD OF THANKS ! Packer who has spent months in the North-- k with her daughter, has returned ie for the summer. Jr. and Mrs. W. M. Welling and liters, Enid and Maurine spent veekend in Pocatello, Idaho, vis- with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Parks lira. J. A. Foster and other rela- E. W. .3. l ast several . We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friend's and neighbors who were so kind and helpful to us during our dark hours of sorrow in the loss of our beloved wife and mother. We sincerely appreciate all kindnesses shown towards us. George Hansen and family To the generous mind the heaviest lindMue.. Jay Welting and Dale debt is that of gratitude, when it is jiff baic lake City spent Son- - not In our power to repay it. Franklin ;tlir. and Mrs. Gale Welling, 1 ; 1 VALUE DAYS mm Jftf T7 iSI v $ofwy baltrsMp. NlblJk' .r 1 HONEY SYRUP r-- r mifi xrr Hrioi Bread and Milk H 3 i "5-l- SODA lb CHEESE PEAS, Lavora 3 No. 2 carts 25 PEAS, Dinnerette Sifted .. 10 470 FORMAY - b can HAR. BLOSSOM, 48 lbs7 $1.13 1?X CAN Guaranteed 48 LBS 1 23 "Butter 2 21c 1 7c SUPURB Utah o No.22 Oro TOMATOES Pack O tLZj ut PKG Cans IHr 3 LB. CAN ft.',; "iT, ACr fU By BETTY BARCLAY t good supper imately 70 calories more. A generthereIs ous bowl of fore, supplies approximately 550 m grand calories. flavor You could actually live on f ve "and practically i waplete food for a (.ay uch bowls of good buoyant ' 7 .Today leading nutritionists without getting one bit fatter, f jt up lta Praise where our the average adult needs from 2,M9 Parents left off. For they've to 3,000 calories daily. that a bowl of bread- Ways to Serve supplies nearly everything tMnaQ body needs. According to Dr. James A. Tobey, Vitamin-ric; prominent health authority, bread Is a and milk combines to make an 'httf ttitteyU's exPlaIn ricn m vitamins ideal "little meal" for children. So L00 make hat "Protect" by when you're in a hurry for breakfast, l? build P resistance. It at four, or for H'T'r be called a "beauty lunch, a fourth meal are dozens of fcec?use "a food factors Bupper. And there lustrous hair and ways you can "dress it up." Grown-ups- , Some like it hot: for a warming .COmplexiondish, simply heat up the milk (but ln a b0wl 01 don't boil it). For a cerealdisb, Cim stir bread in hot milk till it's soft, then add salt and butter. Or parch the bread in your oven, and pour whIte bread y tf. et browned butter and hot milk over the crisp gold slices. Tlw'lk' t0- U .contains Some like it cold: try rich slices bread cut into squares of baker's i tlsl able Pteins for muscle and covered with ice cold milk, Bt bread is served in a deep dish and sprinkled -b,Bd with sugar. Flavor the milk anyway you like "i1 the food we eat ei with sugar and vanilla, raspjam, nutmeg and supar, berry whT bread's cinnamon our .7!t0.8ee and sugar, chocolate sauce, beaten raw egg and a little Not sugar. Fttenln9 Or spread the bread with bowl of bread and- - molasses or corn syrup, with butter Bk'SgUm. and brown sugar, with honey, jelly il'8 not 'a"H-bu- t or Jam. Let the youngsters distreats for cover new bread themselves. They'll love the fun and enjoy of experimenting these "twin foods" for turdy win; etch dd apprcx. health all th morel ;M, f , i bowl of bread-and-mllinto favor again! simple to prepare bread-and-mll- bread-and-mil- k Sed -- Bread-and-Mil- k h ititSf il, bread-and-mll- ... - i - (Cj?'1'- 0,t bS7 and-mil- k BEEF ROASTS Rib1 Grocer 15c 21c 70 -- s 25c 25c BREAD Julia Lee Wright LARD ton 15c White 15 Lb. - Car- - o O 9 leaves 20-o- z. 58c Lbs. IVIagic 15c New Bleach - Qt. 10c Fruits - Vegetables 13c 22 Lunui lucai Lb SLICEDBAC0Nc"n.Lb.. Your Friendly 12c 9c 100 BRUSHES, Scrub 150 GLOBES, Mazda LYE, Red Seal - 3 cans 250 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 cans 150 HELP THE PRODUCER FRANKS mL 2 Lbs. f HMfll Ml? A HP Assorted SALT PORK u, 150 30 210 CLIMAX Paper Cleaner l, Cut Wrapped 150 b. Lb BACON SQUARES pkff z. 90 SAL SODA, 212-lpkg. SOAP, All Kinds, 10 bars 300 Pork Loin End Cuts - Lb. SIRLOIN STEAKS 8-o- ... Guaranteed Meats ROASTS 210 210 A 150 Gingersnaps3Lbs Corn Flakes 3 Shed. Wheat 2 TANG Lunch Meat AIRWAY OYSTERS TISSUE Scott ,2 Grade EGGS Dozen BABY FOOD, Gerber's . 70 CORN, whole ker., 3 cans, 250 .. 17 COFFEE, Edwards - lb. z. STRING BEANS, Boy Blue - 2 cans CORN BEEF. Libby's COCOA, Hershey - lb COOKIES - lb BARS - GUM - each i TUNA FLAKES 100 MUSTARD qt 130 PICKLES, Dills - 2y2 can ... 130 SLIC. BEEF, Cudahy, 100 2-o- :. lbld CHIPS- - SHORTENING DISCOVERY i lb. 3-l- Z. to m 15c 19 15c 15c Lb. Box Bell H Din'ret l 1 TREulOiaTOPjj UTAH 80 S, 'A" N 11 24-O- ' If ts jfs "s... 58c 53c The Soap with Hand Lotion Ingredients ' nm PINEAPPLE CASCADE oT.., SODAS Liberty Lb. "Ellis" 10 Lb. Pail bag 5-l- b. v ; ipMtociIor 20c Marshmallows PORK-BEAN- '.4 J vimv SUGAR SALT - ' mil Offirlug P-N- Health Twins I -- ' j 7 8V i Stayner. lh Roundy of Ogden spent with relatives in Field- - . ar ; Rees . i Mrs. J. A. Foster of Pocatello, was a visitor at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Welling Sunday evening. She accom-- i panied Enid Welling to Salt Lake City ''Sunday. Mrs. B. K. Halverson reports her son, Seymour Halverson, who is study ing air conditioning in Chicago, 111., spent last Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma King who are also residing in Chicago, this past win fi. and Mrs. Dean Hales of Los ter. Mr. Halverson and the Kings are California, arrived this week of Garland. formerly for an indefinite period with I Phillip Wood, and other rela- j FACBFTYSS DAMAMAC T Jiinjii Or ASPARAGUS,.. 19 9 GREEN ONIONS 9c ORANGES 25 Lb 29 23 CARROTS 5c La 6.. NEW SPUDS CDIM API! Fancy 01 Golfen Ripe Fresh Sweet 5 2 Bunches X2 5"' 10 Lbs 29 GRAPEFRUIT lOu, WATT 19c Your Friendly Grocer 4 i |