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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LFAXC!, TirJTXDAY, APRIL 11, County AAA Head Announces Range Deadline Sign-U- p Classified :Ad Column HEMSTITCHING at Cowleys'. done 4-- 3-- 21 FOR SALE Baby chicks, started ell breeds; and roosters, pullets, o Weiner pigs and brood sows. Ut. Hatchery, Brigham City, Utah-Idah- tf 1 Alfalfa seed. Starlin FOR SALE tf Stanfill, Thone 14.1-5-- 3-- 5. CASH PAID for dead and useless tows and horses. Call Maple Creek ' Trout Hatchery, Brlgham 8 tf. Reverse Charge. 493-J-- 2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Kstate of W illiam V. Keele, Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Utah, or at the office of M. Mason, First National George Bank Bldg.. Brlgham City, Utah, on or before the 31st day of May, A. D. Tre-moato- n( 1940. ' J. W. KEELE, Adm. Estate of William D. - Keele, Deceased. f - One should watch to know what his errors are; and If this watching destroys his peace in error, should one wtch against such a result? He Should not Mary Baker Eddy I Slow wind also brings the ship to Swedish Proverb. harbor. JiiP tC$ M , K OOHX I , . OHfTT 50CH K ' I I "' " The highest reward for man's toil Js pot what he gets for it, but what Ruskin. he (becomes by it. - el- it u.f I quartet, der the .direction of Shaw & iv'e the provisions of the AAA farm rm, gram, miiny farmers are taking k vantage of the provision. jyf Orders have been received for jj very 815 trees for Salt Lake County ntv leading counties in tree planting jware dux nuer wiio orders for 641J t3 Davis, 2,125; Emery, 2,315; 5,1 2,175; Utah, 5,770; Weber, 5,050, B fill er, uacne, 1,030; Garfield 1. 125; iron, 1,800; Millard, 1,813; & juan, 1,010; ana sanpete, 1,545 Since the time for plantar trw f is short ana the final date for sign I t tip for the 1940 program is April x I I farmers should see their county f mitteemen at once to make arraap f ...... ments for planting if they intend to? of the forestry btJ to the regular, soil building payment take advantage of the program, Mr. Stew giSJ AAA vision Gives computed for each farm under the said. program. ,fiel These trees may be planted in sin an Let your light so shine before m gle rows in small waste spots, along ft, I see that they may your good wofc . Farmers of Box Elder county who fences in corners or wherever they and glorify your Father which is t PT Xiiai intend to take advantage of the for- will make the best use of the land. heaven. Matthew acre not need A a farmer full plant k estry prorisbm of the Agricultural to earn a payment. Conservation program, under which fete What grander ambition is tieri vat In the event the trees are planted they can earn up to $30 exclusive of any other AAA payment, were ad- in single rows or double rows for wind than to maintain in yourselves win 1.P vised by R. H. Stewart, secretary of breaks or along fence rows, measure Jesus loved, and to know that ycc more than words, make lf example, the county AA Acommittee, to make ments for payment will be made rod on each side of a single row morals for mankind! arrangements for planting immediateor rod from the outside of Mary Baker E I ly. Small forest trees may be obtained a double row. p.. y from the jhast Simple instructions on planting will Nursery at the Utah State Agricultural college, be furnished by the county committee. twi iefo Logan, at a price not to exceed the Trees should be planted at the rate cost of production. of 300 per acre. the dibet often doesitietyoi Under the 1940 AAA program, fite The nursery at has already farmers can earn $7.50 per acre up received orders forLogan trees for 57,358 to $30 for planting woodlots or windthis year in Utah. While all planting i:rs breaks. This payment is in addition ) these trees will not be planted under w porf .at Ig. . pron B 7 pJOE .jm Chairman Benief its of Tree Planting Provisions StudU com. one-ha- one-ha- lf J CJarke-McNar- J I - - ,: OUR PAPER AND 5 MAGAZINES nt 2 EACH FOR ONE YEAR ready-mixe- itri (J : 4 Betsy Lost Her Puppy! 0 Things around were mighty blue the Jones household, too. ' And poor Betty was simply pining away ! Then Dad thought of the Leader Wail A Hinall ad In the "Lost and Found" column brought Betsy's puppy back in a jiffy! Next Time You Lose ,j Something Vm A TOTAL OF 152 ISSUES! 1 Im afflJU'1" WW TAN'S WORLD I PATHFINDER ft La Here's What You Get! BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PATHFINDER (Weekly) 52 52 WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 12 WOMAN'S WORLD 12 AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL .... 12 . ... ALL SIX Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues FOR ONE YEAR FARM JOURNAL and FARMER'S WIFE 12 Issues If you prefer, you can have TRUE ROMANCES, or MOVIE MIRROR, instead of Pathfinder. id VALUE $5.00 Are we. really grateful for the good He enjoys much who is thankful for already received ? Then we Bhall avail little; a grateful mind as both a great ourselves of the blessings we have, and a happy mind. Seeker. and thus be fitted to receive more. Mary Baker Eddy Nothing is so infectious as example. Charles Kingsley Much more gracious and profitable is doctrine by example, than by rule. Choose the best way of life, and Spencer habit will soon make it pleasant for you. rythagoras , YOU SAVE $2.00 ' DEAD OR ALIVE O O U We Pay Top Cash Prices for Dead or Useless HORSES, COWS,AND SH E E P Also Highest Prices Paid for . axil VTA bnouji t.ir t'l'.t Yo'" M A U YOU GET ALL SIX publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a suto ANY of these n publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Return the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you wifl receive FIVE BIG MAGAZINES and THIS NEWSPAPER 152 issues in al- for only $3.00. ORDER AT ONCE before we have to withdraw this offer, or advance the bscriber ..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, )M,1H,lnllll),M1M1,1,ml11)lllmlBlli(i USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE mmllmiml Bear River Valley Leader, Trcmonton, Utah t JpJ y.rit'11 irmn il 1 - " OUR Call Collect - Logan, 49 COLORADO ANIMAL BY-PRODUC- TS CO Lo?an, Utah MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Treraonton. Ut . Ffcone 28 well-know- l- .. HIDES, PELTS, FURS AND WOOL South State Road I J Often a piece of furniture can be reclaimed and its vsefuTness prolonged by giving it a coat of paint. Occasional chairs, Welsh dressers, coffee tables, and so on, all lend themselves to being painted and give a, note of individuality to a room. Whether new or old, furniture which Is to receive .mmn.t a painted finish must be smooth, clean and dry. When purchased in the unfinished state it is apt to show and the first step is to rough places here and there, smooth such places with medium-coars- e steel wool, or No. 1 sandpaper. Then go over the entire surface with No. 0 or No. 00 sandpaper, rubbing first across, and then with the grain of the wood. The sanding will form a fine dust which must be carefully wiped off with a pieee of cheesecloth. If the wood shows any knots or sappy places, these should be given a coat or two of white shellac HILIN KOUIS to bind the pitch and prevent it from discoloring the finish by working through to the surface. Furniture Director tl O&od Housrkitpiag made of yellow pine contains so much pitch that it Studi0 requires coating all over with shellac, Enamel is employed only for the finishing coats, for two reasons: first, it is much more expensive than flat paint which answers just as and well for the under coats and, secondly, enamel is requires a solidly opaque foundation in order to produce an even color effect It is advisable to have the flat paint match the enamel as closely as d flat and enamel paint cannot be matched possible. If the precisely, either can be modified by the addition of oil colors. The first step in getting the paint ready to apply is to shako the can vigorously, frequently turning it end for end. Then remove the cover, pour off into another receptacle any liquid which has risen to the top, and stir the paint thoroughly from the bottom with a wooden paddle, gradually returning the liquid that was removed, until it is of a uniform consistency throughout. For the first or priming coat on previously unfinished wood, turn into an empty can what seems to be a sufficient quantity of paint, and thin with about ten percent of pure spirits of turpentine. Apply to the inch furniture with a soft, flat bristle brush, using a size for broad, flat surfaces such as chairs, seats or table tops, and a brush from one to two inches wide for the narrow portions. Follow with a second and third coat of paint applied Just as it comes from the can. Brush each coat out as thinly and evenly as possible. When thickly applied, paint will not dry properly. Provided the foundation coats match it well in color, a single coat of enamel may be used for finishing, but two are better. Enamel is applied just as it comes from the can, without thinning, and should be flowed on with a full brush. On broad, flat surfaces, brush first with the grain of the wood, then across the grain in order to spread the paint How le hold s paint brtuh evenly, and finish by brushing ones mors wits the grain, using light strokes to smooth surface. The cor rect angle at which to hold the brush is illustrated in the drawing, Gratitude is not only the memory bu the homage of the heart renderWillis ed ,1,to God for His goodness. WE WANT 'EM x'vCar5 Special musical numbers nished by Florence t n... Margaret T. Johnson. pian2. : Mere knowledge is comparatively worthless unless digested into practical wisdom and common sense as applied to the affairs of life. Tyron Edwards. -- " - 'C J Director, Good Housekeeping that which be Free Ad Writing Help! k 5 gins in, ourselves and by education brightens into birth. Mary Baker Eddy i W- vices were held Sundav in the Bear River Ward Mrs. Ruth Petersen HaJTM' George Hansen, who died h0 ay 1 Speakers at the services W. Hansen of Elwood, Able s of Brigham City, Leonard Garland, Carlos Jensen of City, Robert N. Gardner. Each 1 er spoke highly cf Mrs. Hans,?4 the wonderful lif e she has lived The floral offerings lWere ' covering the entire stand an dows, and the crowd that attf was so large that all could , seated. Interment was in the family in the Bear River City cemetery ,f By defeat, in truth, save from within: Unless, you're beaten there, you're t bound to win! Henry Austin The LEADER W ? ; Lere's no h SIM. . CAHTcm 0 Large and ImDreiJTT' charge. ng Whltsltt t TTrfi j HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DECORATOR The things which hurt, instruct. SUCCESS STORY NO. Kites "ic:ive For Mrs. Ruth h h Hi nine- - wan- -, JtsT KeP cW soil-buildi- When everything sema lost, noble souls find their opportunity. Lacordairc We understand best Bv DWIG SCHOOL DAYS soil-buildi- range-buildi- Date of first publication, Mar. 22, 1940 -r- Farmers and ranchers of Box Elder county have only a few weeks left in which to declare their intentions to participate in the 1940 Agricultural and Range Conservation programs and plan operations under the programs fcr the coming crop season, H. E. Lai son, chairman of the County AAA Committee, said today. All 'farm plan and estimate sheets" must be signed and on file in the county AAA offices by May 1. This means that April 30 is the last day that the farmers of Box Elder County will be able to sign up, Mr. Larson said. This farm plan and estimate sheet is not only an indication of participation in the program but is a farm plan of operations for the coming sea son. IT. UStS uie cropa me wiuin in tends to plant and gives the approximate amount of payments he can earn under the program. Farmers of Box Elder County are being urged to use their full allowance to build up the of their farms. fertility County and Community committeemen will help plan the year's operations so conservation payments can be earned by carrying out and practices which will improve the conditions and worth of the farms. Many farmers have already indicated their intentions of going ahead with the program this year but there are a few farmers who have not been contacted. Any farmer in the county who has not been approached on his intentions on the program is urged to stop in at the county AAA office at the first opportunity, Mr. Larson said. lttfi G j)ate ,, price. ,H, $2.00 - in FULL pAYMENT for a ONE YEAR'S subscription to the publications: BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER 1 AMERICAN POULTRY year PATHFINDER (Weekly) 1 year 1 year JOURNAL WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION .... 1 FARM JOURNAL and year 1 year WOMAN'S WORLD 1 year FARMER'S WIFE Instead of PATHFINDER send me: ( ) True Romances, ( ) Movie Minor. nEncTYCd Lsv?3;9 My Name Is Address Town ... State |