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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL JAPAN TO CELEBRATE IN "FAIR IN 1940" SUMMER OPENING OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR ffE WILL OPEN V SATURDAY, APRIL 13th 10c HAMBURGER 10c GIAIW SATURDAY AND MJXtlMX ONLY! -- v tjs . . . Tlomas Ault Z ; ; of T. L. Wheatley met 1 family home in DeweyviUe, March 30, Jt anniversary, Ws birthday honor the en-reunion brought together of Mr. of the family membership T L- Wheatley with the son, Calvin, who is in Others present were close STlfr. and Mrs, Vern Graig of Mrs. Glen Cortez of vfcn, Dr. and Beach. California, Mr. and Mrs. "Is Hay of Brigham City. A tur- was dinner and all the trimming one table, on beautifully long ?ved of with a color .harmony , te and green. Tne cemerpiece wa I, lovely cake and green tapers in j 'jLl holders. Thirty enjoyed dinner 1 ?; f'a - lrl :"" ( All wished Wheatley many more Mr. pleasant birthdays. returned to his Rellis Wheatley Wrk after spending two weeks here "nth his parents and other relatives. " Mr. Duett Loveland and and Mrs. dinner guests of Mr. jA Mrs. Walter Sudsbury, Sunday. Mrs. Gene Schieb and children, of Salt Lake City, spent a few days . ere with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fry-aiildren j were Wednesday, 'is appendix Wallace Germer had removed at the Clinic in "Trtmonton. number of friends from Dewey-- He attended the funeral services of Irs. Maud Merrell, held in Brigham pry, Wednesday at 2:'0. I Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, of Og-were dinner guests of Mr. and J!rs. Duett Loveland, Wednesday 1 A ev-l"n- g. James Gardner has been conned to her home for several days t the flu. day night, Mrs. Anderson, pies ;iof the Y. L. M. I. A., gave a a .review, and President C. E -- A finished his subject "Do We Right and Wrong." Tuesday, Bishop and Mrs. Clarence J.er visited relatives in Huntsville. jladMr. and Mrs. Orvill Child and Mr. Mrs. Richardson of Ogden, called Mrs. m. A. Lish at the home of il'. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank Monday. J Mr. and Mrs. Marion G. Perry had is their guest on Sunday their little I Mrs. -w 31 Janet .nndaughter, s The Box Elder all girls livestock. club met and organized at the home of Delone Summers. Meeting was called to order by Ass't County-Agen- t Charles Warnick and the following officers were elected: Delone Summers as president; Ellis y, Porritt as vice president; Betty secretary and treasurer; EyVon-- ne Summers, reporter; Nedra Summers, organist; Betty Lou Porritt, song leader; Nola Summers, social leader; and Joyce Adney, club leader.. Songs were sung and a delicious luncheon was served. Ad-ne- i no beautiful and romantic J1,000,000 Japanese Pavilion will be for this year's Golden Gate International Exposition. Nippon's Government has accepted President Roosevelt's invitation to again par. ticipate. More than 4,500,000 visitors were entertained in this Pavilion by the Japanese Commission in 1939. TRAFFICOMETER bv Mrs- - Q i 4--H Watkins Ice Cream I H i CURB SERVICE I News of4-CLUBS otls for 15c If IIT WAiii ALL FLAVORS IN ICE CREAM . ,Trm . - ? y s gfECI AIL! PAG 2 THE 11. 1940 Peterson, ELWOOD i By: II. S. Carter Professor of Highway Engineering Utah State Agricultural college .... Q Is it a RIGHT or a PRIVILEGE to drive a car in Utah? A It is a PRIVILEGE to drive a car on any public street or highway. Q What personal qualities are considered characteristic of any expert mi 't lifcmfti !i IN INDIA A BOY tock ?AV0W TO WLK - - r:W L1KP A. 3V A MONWEY nc uicfj UNI'1- - ni wtf wuvtw r a 1 ys 17 1 ci Jr ii inn ir A tML0PEDWH Sportsmanlike attitude; skill in maneuvering the car; good driving habits; judgement of distances, side clearances and speeds; knowledge of the car, rules of the road and traffic laws; physical fitness; mental fitness. Q How old must a person be to obtain a regular operator's license? A Sixteen to eighteen years old, if signed by parent or guardian. Eighteen years, or over, otherwise. Q May a beginning driver obtain legal permission to drive a car? A Yes. A beginning driver should always secure an instruction permit, which is good for sixty days. Q Is it illegal to drive a car without a license or permit? A Yes. Such a driver is guilty of a misdemeanor. WITHERED LEGSf j m. K. AMS. Lj Mrs. H. P. K;ismu-Ke- n turned last week from a trip back east where they bought a new car and enjoyed many eights on their trip. Mr. nd Mrs. Grant of Honeyville, visited with their granddaughter, Mrs Trent Thompson and family Sunday, as did her uncle and aunt of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earfus attended a party last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barfus, who left for California to make their home. Mrs. Ira Andersen also entertained in their honor last week. Many friends and relatives from, here attended a shower at Tremonton last week in honor of the newey-wedMr. and Mrs. Garnet Abel. They have gone to make their home in Ogden, where Mr. Abel Is attending college. ( George Kroksh and his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Snledeihiem. of Iowa, visited here lately on their way from California to Iowa. A. C. Hansen of Preston, Idaho, visited relatives and f riends here Sunday He also attended the funeral of Mrs. George Hansen at Bear River City as did many of their relatives and friends from here. Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen returned on Sunday from a trip to Socorro, New Mexico, where she was called twe weeks ago to the bed side of her father, who was seriously ill. Mr. Yanker was much improved despite his age. He was able to be out of bed before He lives long that lives well, and she left. On her return she attended the conference in Salt Lake City and time misspent is not lived, but lost. Fuller visited her children and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen had guests from Wendel, Idaho, during the week end, Mrs. Petersen's sister and FREE family and other friends. DEMONSTRATION on visitors Idaho H. C. Hansen had Sunday and Monday, relatives who E I- - E had attended the funeral in Bear RivCleaner & Air Purifier er City. Special New Ixw Price Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderhide and H. D. THOM AS son of Ogden, were guests of Mrs. - I'hcne Ij.u-- i A rent .Mary Mortensen Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Christensen, Jr., came home from California last week and disposed of their home and returned to make their home definitely in California. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Andersen nave moved in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Moyle Hunsakcr of Nevada, have come home to take care w N A s, f no Mi m, w Mr THAT PEIROUUM AS OLD AS TH" YFT EACH YEAR TH& IMOUSTRY 5PEHDS APPKOXIHKKM 120,000,000 FOR RB5EARCH JO THfV NEARLY IS STTTi 'isu?- -. TtTV t KBOUT IT. 1 VTE ' MILK THE COUNTRY'S! CROP PEOPLE 00 NOT REALIZE- THAT WlltX I THE M'M3f.H OHt CM M CROP - FOR THE AMERICAN FARMER. E'UIN6 IN CffTTOK-MOS- 6RAI NEWS M0,E E N ThE -- RAJFO DICTHYtEe OtYCOL, A FOtNO in ANESB WATERS. OFTSH WASlRES t THAN Twelve FffT FROM ClAW TO WOCJiD UAtyAUO Cl1A8-ft)A- FOX MOmEHiili 'V. VS-Xt- l p Vl? v TS op &: f HAKE BWU&H A WHOLF UJUCHEOH. SALAD FOR T SVWTS Tv V' CRfSTAtEANi.THF SPIDER CRAB. COJ,'. W.V1 Vv OF PETROLEUM, 0EWVATVS LARGEST OF ALL OTllOHIX -' CASH TH,AN Wh 'AT 0" CASH T!AN M. THE T. Open house was held at CCC Co. 736, Friday, April 5, 1940, and several hundred people viewed the camp and projects, and were pleased with the accomplishments made in the short time the camp has been located here. Flag raising ceremonies were held in which John F. Gestring, company commander, officially turned the camp over to the Tremonton City representative, Clifton Kerr. Kermit L. Carson project superintendent, introduced the technical staff and explained the work that was being carried on. Refreshments were held in the mess hall. Music and entertainments were furnished by the Bear River High School band, under the direction of C. C. Watkins. The day cams to a successful close with a company dance in which many prominent people from the northern part of the state were present. Plenty of girls were present from the nearby communities, and due to its success, more dances will be held in the future. V t mul T)MF A SlRAN6lh I CRf KTURE driver? C. C. C. CAMP of his father's farm and to make their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen re- LHAK&tll-OF-COMMeiK- E city and have planted them along the road into camp. We have also placed $175 worth of shrubs, flowers, evergreens and grass atound the camp area and it is hoped in a short time that the camp will be one of the best looking camps in the Ninth Corps Area. A. S. Adams, educational adviser, is in charge of the landscaping. Or- - w W (JBfl OlMb (Ufo is -- 4 Baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cummings. Baby boy bom to Mr. and Mrs. Win. ml. jr l22ntvfofYor e.at u j CLINIC NOTES G5S W VMH r nt ioVu.rVrdcoler' - vour,v- "'" " I "'wnuiiii'M rZ- X" - Watt. of Wallace Germer, operated on for We are interested in organizing a I Mrs. Kenneth Vernon and daughter North Box Elder Farm Bureau baseappendicitis. f Salt Lake City, were weekend ball league, and anyone else who is Mrs. Kim Hall, of Portage, surge pests of Mrs. Anna Germer. interested please contact A. S. Adams, DeLos Gibbs. of Portage, sureerv. J Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mrs. Leonard Wolverton, cf Udy Barnard, form- - educational advisor. Springs, pneumonia. Ted Nielsen, of DeweyviUe, pneuat t jttrmi. i.it3li: Army, technical service and the monia. of CCC Co. 736 have all conKenneth Randall, discharged. tributed in purchasing plants and Tom Haws, of Tremonton, dischargshrubs to landscape the camp. With ed. the help of K. L. Carson, pioject supClain Miller, of Bear River City, erintendent, and enrollees we hive both bones of arm fractured. moved several Siberian Elms from the Junior Anderson, of Thatcher, burns MARIE YOST of eyes. er resident of DeweyviUe, have the sympathy of all at the death of Mrs. Barnard's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Call PHONE US IF SOMEONE of Honeyville. Is 111 Comprising Mrs. James Etherington and Mr. Elopes I2 ACRES, BRICK HOUSE, Has a Party announce the marriage of their son. Goes Away OUTBUILDINGS, 45 ACRES James, to Gertrude Bronson, of TreHas a Baby ... . . . In Alf.ii- monton. The ceremony was performaua, with Water Right, Gets Married ed by Bishop Clarence Fryer at the Reserve Has Guests home of the bride's mother. All wi.sh Right for Cattle Has a Fire the newlyweds happiness. O Has an Operation Mr. and Mrs. Martello Burbank, of Has an Accident Mapleton, Idaho, visited at the home INQUIRE OF a House on Burbank A. Buys R. Mrs. of Mr. and Receives an Award afternoon. Sunday ARTHUR YOST Makes a Speech George Robinson visited with his a Prize Wins Pierson Attminl&trator wife and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Or takes a part in any other over the weekend. unusual event. YOST. UTAH Genealogical meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank Monday night. ?f!ersboro. cs I The - at Yost FARM - "I KNOW WHERE THE MONEY IS!" that's Lis j I J drink:!--- 1,1 try It hurry Well, you W,n you yvant CAsh Bear River Valley Leader : - SI I i l I ,, ! . .., J.fe - ri-- l";."-iM lal.i.z r - "! '! i"'" ( . .' : .i . '. ' f;" r ! or touring sedan $99G Look out through the easy-visio- n Safety Plate Glass in every window. Check up Direction on the equipment: Two-Wa- y cut-ofbuilt-i- n Signal with automatic automatic choke, water pump they're all there. f, We want to show you how the Buick Special pictured here swings wide the door on a golden opportunity. Step into this sleek sweetheart. Your treadle foot touches off a trigger-quic- k Dynaflash straight-eigh- t engine with a brand-nesmoothness born of after assembly. micro-poised-balanc- w ing You've got the same easy, finger-flic- k shifting as in the most costly Buick. And Knee-Actio- n d the same soaking up bumps before they reach your hand on the steering wheel. recoil-mounte- You've got the same stout BuiCoil Springs as every other Buick, and they'll never need lubrication. oil-filte- high-capaci- r, ty And, when you count in the included equipment, the Special costs no Irloo begin at more than some sixes with lower advertised prices. So look into this brilliant beauty and "step up" to 'ornuSineMCou -- Sedan prices the car you've always wanted. You can take a trial drive any time just by asking your Buick dealer. delivered 'at Flint, Mich. """Wrtatwn based en l .itot and heal Of any), opt'mal '9tpment and access r'"-'- ra. " Prices subject UMtmt notice. ' i'.-- : I talking here to those thou who have not yet achieved their lifetime ambition to own a Buick. WE'RE 4-do- -- i r ;, .. vor. ltlt .'u Hurry anii f!'4 lit ?.ivy yBr.nilfl'.V'i ' i ,ler it work? M'l.-'- n irr. ciiUr It'n-- t'.c ovt : secret? Just this: he am i.f l)'nirucr-- KiJury Action j ases Want-Ad- s to sell his fann Product and used machin-Doe- s J'ixt IVIny M Above is the Buick Special :.; .r 1 i ' EXEMPLAR Of CENEftAl MOTORS VAtUI BOX ELDER MOTOR CO. UTAH MAIN STKKKT TREMONTON, .. |