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Show EEAR RIVER VAUXY lATIS, THURSDAY, JULY 27, rir - DEWEYVILLE PLANNING LOW-COSHEALTHFUL MEALS JUncle Jim Sans AnU By Sirs. Ttaoma I and Mrs. Kenneth Cermer refrom the fair in California. Charles Ladle, of jjr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. jfendon, were guests on Wednesday. Lewis Spackman, held a meeting at Club The home of Mrs. Thain Beeton. The lson was on making varieties of XWrrtf tf Hi 4-- H punch. Bishop Clarence Fryer and family their as guests on Friday, Mr. tad Robert Mrs. Fryer, Miss May jad pryer, LaMar Fryer and Miss Looslie !' A ' ... i -- , ;; ' - ' - .' A I it M vut ecuuuii ratals. Meals has saved Our Daily Guide to the day for thousands of budgeteers. We are giving it below because it will help you who are tackling budget meals to come through with flying colors. Take a long look at this euide. nd vou'll nnicklv kc vihv it become so popular. It's all too easy to be thrifty at the expense of vonr fflmilv whpn it rnmoa in fmitc loafw runn en yellow vegetables, milk, and so forth. However, with our guide at your elbow when hour comes around, you can tell at a glance just what fruits, K&THAItHI rtSHEl vegetables and other foods, as well as how much of each, you must include in your daily meals to keep Diittot ot your family well and fit, and still respect your modest flood floustketping budget. Iostitut vo sireicn iooa aouars as iar as . ve is safe, our guide calls for generous iry of cereals and breads, a quantities full quota of milk, and less expensive but mineral- - and vitamin-ric- h vegetables,, fruits, etc. However, more vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and eggs may always be added if your pocketbook allows. More expensive vegetables, fruits and meats may also be substituted for those suggested. r 1 Low-Co- TT st Vi I j may wn-lmo- iut Ctristensen family of Brigham City! to Blacksmith Fork canyon, on a fish trip. NEW YORK (Special) Two agencies have been set up in New York City to insure World's Fair visitors getting living accommodations at a most reasonable price. One is the Mayor'. Ofucial World's Fair Housing Bureau, Inc., with headquarters in the Char.in Duildir.r. 122 East 42d Street, set up by Mayor LaGuardia to locate rooms for visitors in private homes and dwellings. The other is the Hotel Room Information Bureau of the Hotel Association of New York City, representing 1C0 hotels with a total capacity of 0.000 rooms. The bureau is at association headquarters, 221 West 57th Street. Both rsencii's funcio. without any charge to the visitor in finding him clean and comfortable accommodations U a price within his means. Rooms in private dwellings range in price from $1 per night per perron upward, with the average per person $l.5'j. Every Western Union and Postal Telegraph oftic? is equipped to handle requests for rooms in conjunction with the Housing Bureau's operation. Every policeman in New York City is familiar with the plan and is equipped to give visitors first hand information on fact that tht smaller the tk narrower the eiioie in roods. And a narrow diet can bo oftenbudget U a deficient diet, one invites less fitness. iat So, if the site of grocery bill is important to yoa. It is even more important that you your know just what can be safely, ' ) ' jlr. and Mrs. C. A. Morten, of Kays Ross' ville, spent Thursday with Mrs. their daughter. girch, was A very pleasant afternoon smut by the mothers and daughters of the Deweyville ward on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert afternoon, Black ham on Games were under the direction of Mrs. Mosser. Mrs. Virginia Blackham read a poem and story honoring the mothers. Refreshments were served. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ault of Tremonton, Mrs. John Becker of Ogden, and J. W. Ault and son, ffess, of Logan, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cermer and Good Housikapmg Insthutt J?V . 4 Logan. Con Fryer accompanied the R. A.. ing Rccm Bureaus SeiUp For Now York Fair Cy Katharine Fisher We've got to realize that plowing up and down a slope just digs a bunch of little ditches that will carry off some of our top toil every time it rains. meal-plannin- g Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Germer were in Ogden on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland attended the Democratic party in Logan canyon, Thursday night GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INSTITUTE'S Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wheatley had DAILI GUIDE TO MEALS as their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Aaron Snow of Brigham and Mr. and Mrs. What to Serve Each Day for Grownups and Children Over I Years Virgil Stoddard of Hooper. Milk: 1 ot. for each child; 1 pt. for each adult daily to drink or in Mrs. Ralph Keller, Mrs. Marva uooked food. Evaporated or dried whole milk or cheese may replace part Johnson and daughter, Doris, and Mr. of the quota. and Mrs. Painter and son, of Ogden, d Vegetables and Fruit: A leafy, green or vegetable visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. once a day, sometimes twice. Tomatoes, canned or fresh, or citrus fruit Horace R. Barnard, Sunday. in season, daily if possible. Potatoes, sweet or white, frequently. One additional fresh or dried fruit or an additional vegetable daily. Dried Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Perry enterbeans, peas, lentils, peanut butter or nuts two or three times weekly. tained Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Perry and A Cereal Dish: Once a day, sometimes twice. This may include breakchildren of Bear River City, Mr. and fast cereals, rice, macaroni, spaghetti, etc., as well as flour and meal Mrs. Peterson and daughter of Peters products. boro and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Perry Bread or Crackers: At every meal at least half of them whole grain. Sunday at a birthday dinner in honor Eggs: Two or three weekly for sdults; four or five for young children. of their son, Clarence and daughter, A few extra in cooking. Virginia. Meat, Fish, Poultry, or Cheese; Three to four times a week or oftener Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Woods an if combined with cereals listed above. in were Clifton, Idaho. visiting family Desserts: Once a day; fruits and milk puddings especially recomM"r. and Mrs. Parley Merrell have mended. to moved Brigham City. Fats: Butter or margarine and salad oil, vegetable shortenings, lard, relaOne hundred and twenty-fiv- e salt pork and bacon, as budget permits. Margarines reinforced with tives and a number of friends of the Vitamins A and D are now available. Dewey family enjoyed their 29th famSugars: Molasses, sugar, jellies, honey, and syrups may be used for ily reunion at Lorin Farr Park in sweetening. Ogden, July 23. Plenty of Drinking Water. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Waits and oil or its Note: To insure against Vitamin D deficiency, concentrates or Vitamin D milk will be found helpequivalents in fish-odaughter, of Smithfield, visited at the ful and beneficial. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish on Monday, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Dewey and family and other friends enjoyed a NOTES canyon trip Sunday. $ meetat Sacrament Sunday night Mrs. Kenneth Birch, son born, July ing, the Primary presidency of the 23rd. Deweyville Ward were released conBy Frances Lee Barton L. President Lettie of Lee Iverson, of Tremonton, surgical sisting old - fashioned plums, treatment of knee. counsellors, Sarah Johnson and GOOD Into Jam by ueing the Emma Loveland. The new presidency most modern recipe, will assure Mrs. Ed Roundy, of Fielding, suris Mrs. Stella Barnard, president; Mrs you of an excelgical treatment. lent 'spread" for Blanch Lish and Mrs. Hilda Tingey, Mrs. Aileen Germer, of Deweyville, your winter counsellors. for injuries received in an auto accibisand bread A number of families enjoyed the dent. cuits. Can and 24th celebrations at Logan and Ogden. Virgil Trease, condition improved. preserve plenty Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and of fruits and Spence Hill, condition improving. berries as they family have moved in the Merrell 'Haws, condition improving Tommy are In season. home. The following had their tonsils reToday It's "plum moved: Fred Forsberg, Ferris Hill, time." Here is a Donna Woods, and Vern Garfield. is Jam" "Plum that "plumb recipe Pronouncing Marijuana timely." The word marijuana is pro Plum Jam nounced as if it were spelled I'll buy that shot gun now - I sold 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit; accent on the first and third some stuff from the attic with a want lbs.) eugar; Vt cups (3 ad. Sell "White Elephants." Buy what syllables, the a pronounced as in iy bottle fruit pectin. the word arm. you want!! To prepare fruit, pit about 2Vi not Do pounds fully ripe fruit. WIN YOUR RACE FOR BUSINESS peel. Cut In small pieces and 1 Add V cup crush thoroughly. SUPREMACY BY ADVERTISING ! y; water, bring to a boil, and simmer, LOW-COS- T yellow-colore- FREE SHAMPOO Let Us Clean and Shampoo One Of Your Rugs Absolutely Free ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER The Most Efficient Machine Ever Built I Enthusiastic Customer lias to Say About Electrolux . . . "Electrolux Model XXX is so far in advance of any other clean ing equipment that there is n One f i This comparison. "The Elextrolux is more than a cleaner; it is a real dirt-diggand an invaluable aid in maintaining a sanitary condition in the home." o Plums! Plums! Plums! and Shampoos Rugs Cleans. Furniture, Draperies, Curtains, Tapestries, etc. Air Washes, Demoths and Mothproofs Clothes, Bedding, Fur Coats, Woolens, etc Bur-ban- EASY TO OWN AS IT IS TO USE FLOOR WAX - RUG SHAMPOO CLEANER FOR LINOLEUM EXPELLO FOR MOTH FOR A DEMONSTRATION See H. D. THOMAS Representative 133.0-- 1 covered, THE ENTIRE ESTATE OF CEASED, INCLUDING 1537 5 minutes. NEWELL W. TAYLOR, DEACRES OF LAND, PARCEL-E- D Co. Water Right, Land In Section 29, 492.56 Acres Dry Pasture Land In Section 29, 160 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 31, 480 Acres of Dry Pasture Land In Section 31, 40 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 32,. 120 Acres of Grazing Land In Section 32, 120 Acres of Irrigated Land at Howell, Including a 45 Acres Cultivated Land 100 Acres Cultivated Dry with U. I. S. House. The mineral Industry's LIVESTOCK annual disbursements In Utah for wages, freight and supplies amounU to $85,000,000. Mowers - One McCormick Deering Rubber Tractor. A-- l shape - No. 8 McCormick Deering Harvester - Gram 1,000-gallo- n Drills - Wagons - Plows - Harrows - Weeders Harrow Disc On Frame Galvanized Water Tank Fresno Scraper. AUTOMOBILES One li2 Ton Chevrolet Truck model - One 1936 Buick Coupe. w Am wuAe . f iis.'il!fh) 'UHIlilif i iil'yiil In nn m 3av mr Farm Tools - Guns - Milking Machines Forks Cow Staunchions and Hundreds of Miscellaneous .arm Articles Too Numerous to Mention. of the above that- - are requested to contact James Walton, Ronton, Utah - Residence phone, 39.a-l- ; W.business phone, Taylor. administrator of the estate of Newell J H-- Most Carefully Guarded Jewel Hungary's royal crown is thi world's most carefully guarded jewel, according to a writer la Collier's Weekly. In the palace i Budapest this crown is In a glstt safe of an impregnable vault and U the perpetual presence of armti men who, while on duty, take their eyes from this treaaur. nm Seaks: IT PAYf TO Advertising MTKX. RE All THE AI)$. ""O (. I Wf I i Art iv Printing to Order at Our Print Shop. out Oricntn Greaiu , u . j H U o v give You Can fiavo m a u a a to ch of wllfc betiiin. tlul Mjii. ( Kfortiirn tcmii-- t iMm youl'i. i fAilk House in the D For Only 6' 3 MAIL COUPON W utr Bcbl Main mnd Broadway. alt City, Clak. Kama 9 Colorful Sheers, Swirly Skirted Frocks and I All Summer Favorite Styles In Dresses for J Y I Street and Dress Wear. as a breeze ... So very gay! BUY NOW! LaGra Shop Ladies Exclusive - E3o-fcsmall compact. Watr Ha1r and Stri-Uateabov optrctes at an atros cost ol only 6 cent a day cr 3 cenlg inilking. And what added clean-lin- The ic d Summer Favorites Cool O , - with Cattle Rack, 1934 MISCELLANEOUS J, er CSPPtflHSUtPS ARB NO&Otht'D ts f lolfli The payroll of the mining indusof Utah s total, try is one-thirshown on the payrolls of tie Industrial Commission. t IMPLEMENTS e ii pt O j " M Two Holstein Cows with Calves, One Holstein Heifer, 50 Leghorn Pullets. j h - CLINIC The supplies purchased by Utah's mining Industry for company use average J50.000 a day. Approximately 50 Tons of Hay. uf average d CROPS real-estat- mi Frozen fruit arsd vegetable pocking, a project being canii-- r,n by the Utah State experiment station for th purpose of Increasing the of Utah grown fruits and vegetabl. s '.s higtly successful, says Professor V. M. Coe, horticulturist at the Utah State Agricultural college. This experim.H.t is btir.g conducted through the cooperation ot the Rocky Mountain Packing corporation In Ogden and the fruit and vegetable laboratories of the bureau of agricultural chemistry engineering. United States Department of Agriculture. "This work is still in the exneri- mental stage but much success has been realized already," Professor Coe says. "The choice fruit is packed freeh and frozen, later to be used for fce cream and frozen deserts, sundae toppings, for regular consumption, and for cooked deserts such as pies and preserves." Professor Coe has 400 varieties of fruits and berries on the experimental grounds from which to s leet the fruits he used. These are culled to about 200 when the actual choosing takes place. Dr. Leonard Pollard, who recently joined the staff of the experiment station, is carrying on research in frrx-in- g peas and lima beans under the same program. Professor A. J. Morris of the daily manufacturing department at the college is also workisg on experiments for freezing foods. He is studying the value of fruits for use in ice cream, Mrs. Almeda P. Brown, home economist for the experiment Ftation, ia asri.st'ng with studies on the vitaraia content of frozen Utah fruits and vegetables as compared with fruits from other sections and with fresh or mm frozen produce. Professor Coe is seeking to stab-listhe suitability of Utah fruft or frozen packing and for use in froaqn products. Dr. E. M. Chase, and Mr. D. G. fcor-brepresent the bureau of agricultural chemistry engineering. (Sour, cling- bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir tn bottled fruit pectin. Skim; pour quickly. Paraffin Lot jam at once. Makes about 11 glasteB (6 fluid ounces each). AS FOLLOWS: "Is or m r SAYS Says Professor Coe k, stone plums give best color and flavor. If sweet plums or freestone prunes are used, substitute V cup lemon Juice for lA cup of prepared fruit specified.) Measure eugar and prepared fruit Into large kettle, mix well, and Four-roo- m BCKIS il Air Cleans Tremonton, Utah - Phone g cod-liv- er er AS methods cf obtaining registered and sponsored rooms. On the replication for a room the visitor pays a deposit of 50 cents per night per person for which he receives a receipt. The receipt may be presented to the landlord in lieu of cash as part payment for the room. lira Frozen Food Experiment Proving Success T, r, turned TM' Ready-to-We- ar M k permit. plugs In like an electric toaster and never requires attention. All you hare to do is till the tank alter each It Snilking. only Is It inexpensive to operate hut likewise inexpensive to buy. and yon may arrange eonTenienU Not eaiy term- -, f Com fci - ef'i talk H ovrl .cue voun DnnLnn on 0- ?14 ti g4 i VJ J f 3 ( |