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Show iff1 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY v i"1!! BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Treraonton, Utah, as Second Class .By IV wVin Para ie SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR (In Advance) SIX MONTHS (In Advance) THREE MONTHS (In Advance) Free to Puhlit f To TWonly place in the U. 5. wKeit catalog and a4vertiin matter covering anyiine ol buaineaa r4 Without or produri can be obtained ia the American Induitria) Library. (V bligatita nte (of Buaincaa Advertitint Matter yoif are inter eated in; tame wdl be promptly forwarded. tit'tVitH. V i .1 r i Susan." Even when not rehearsing for his radio chores, Dick spends as much time as possible evolving new effects to be tapped out on the triple keyboard. a miiuiuililliniMiiiiuiiiiiillliilliilirilllillitlliiiiiimniniiimilllinMmuiiiillinnni 11. "Behind the Sconce In American Business" hiiiiuuiiiiiiiuiiiiihuiinuihi.mi,,,, iiiiiiiiiiimimiiiliiniimi imiiiuoiii J t a I Don Voorhees, below, Is regarded a ... f co-e- d. ar $131,-244,96- Uncle Jim Sam ar 0, coast-to-co- at Allis-Chalme- rs -- "Block-bookin- g" . $28,-000,0- J III j.i fi high-powere- d nra - PENROSE pro-pra- m - I Sjpe snail ""'' H BEAUTIFUL ENLARGED HAND V4, FOtl 39c Year's Subscription to the Bear River Valley Leader A Free Coupon Will Ee Given With Each Subscription The Tne 1 Portraits ton bo Reproduced from Any noto, Clear Kodak or Penny Picture CALL IN pSSj ? ullt i ( La: J n father. school. Many people visited our 24th celebration and enjoyed the day here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Y. Rasmussen are happy over the arrival of a son born July 18 at the Vallev hospital Mother and babe are doing fine. They are maKing tneir home in Richmond, where they will go shortly after leaving the hospital. Mrs. William Petersen gave a birth day party in honor of her son, Harold and Shirleen Anderson, who both the same ,aay and were baptised on their birthday, July 24th. The 24th celebration in Elwood was a real success. The program was very nveiy, consisting of reading, musical numbers and a talk by J. p. Christensen. Every body enjoyed the games and both young and old took an on. tive part, even to the ball games, the older men took part. The commirtp is surely to be congratulated. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff, of out-of-to- j Russell Capener and Charles Wo: Litt of the stake board attended meett; b m here Sunday evening. 75ei'r tail, erm; v.it tl were enjoyed. Awards were also en to several of the Jr. members i r s vtler genealogy. jse h .'eopli cor.tr-- , gratefuL Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. UR OFFICE AND SEE A SAMPLE Effervescent Nervine Tab- & 250 j rt Tyrol ad I jctai vans i reen as s Sor ;a;sh. Tere A JTOl - Tw, Ty. jllfl YOU GO . II. tow' VIa L l rr moioring ! You get 11 with Fep start-up- . .which gives instant, ample power on tho ' Iraffic, on the hills. It is specially for summer weather in t!ie intermountain lerritory. b Try Pep 88 next time vou need gasoline. svhert you see the Pep sign of service. low-coti-per-m- lle climate-controlle- d C3-VI- :o "d STATIONS IH .4 1 erm For ;r.d New Money for Your Old Ihinp Your discarded furniture, iM0, be sold ing forwarl to have one next year. bicycle, tools, Ice box, can Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Peterson anl a want ad In this newspaper. children spent Monlay of last week " ; Was' in Box Eller county park. By Our Found Is The Lost Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilforri wnuf adven When you lose V Ads Monday at Plymouth. longthey don't stay lost r let, o glass of water, a pleasant, sparkling drink. Nerves relax. You can rest, s'ccp, enjoy life. At your drug :?re JTOl "NERVES' 7 iMa lt ho Williams Brig fl22 Miles' ( estir :or ti- William Potter Avergood "aa yrcent ana plans are go- - "KERVES" i a' re:-- tur. A Dr. v)on .': We desire to express our apprecia tion and sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for ' ; many kind acts and assistance dered during our hours of sorrow. Ti all who contributed in any way the beautiful services, their buttons of flowers and their kintoesi and sympathy shown, we are aee, attending the Here's a good 'ay to quiet 'on CARD OF THANKS surrounding communities report hav- 'wu a gooa ume. Bishop and Mrs. n o and family attended the Morris family reunion held at the old Morris twseue. Utah, Saturday and c J " Keg. C2.00 Value for Pays for US The 21th of July passed quietly here Those ' OfJLY To Everyone Who 1.: "'t dDirffei?2 IN LEATHERETTE FRAME i , ,, TEC HNI TONE PORTRAIT S . I Jame.-Melto-n, six-ye- cf!j Jm network every over the NBC-Re- d Monday and Friday night. Luther, wno spent years in researcn on tne subject, is giving listeners American history in musical form. Andre Kostelanetz, during his six lirectors In radio. Voorhees, who is weeks' vacation from radio, is makat present conducting the Sunday ing concert tour across the continent. "Tune-U- p Time," on which his music is featured over CBS on Monday nights, returns to the air on August 21. one-ha- lf ta'Srfr iSlf as one or the most versatile music imunmuiimmf U f- NEW YORK, July 24 BUSINESS reveals that in the 13 years from 1915 Breadwinners who have been de to 1928 state taxe collections took a Dendinir upon WPA employment, and leap from 458 million dollars to one merchants who cater to their families, and billions more than treb are feeling pretty glum over last ling. In the next ten years they musha a week's announcement that 650.000 roomed to just under four billion dol Thsv are railing Pat. Frirtav bplnw WPA workers will be dismissed by lars, an increase for the 24 years of the luckiest girl in ail Hollywood and no wonder. She was chosen bj September 1. There's reason to be- more than 800 per cent. Since an avlieve, however, that a good many will erage of 76.9 per cent of all state find a silver lining in the "lay-off- " taxes are of the indirect type the cloud. For business is working up ultimate consumer pays the more steam than in many a month, bill, the NCTC says, actually pointiner out that and opportunities for private employ- the manufacturer, shipper, and retailment should begin to increase. er must pass shiftable taxes on if Consider these highlights of the they are to operate profitably. current business picture: Rate of stoel output is at 56.4 per cent of capacity, SMALL. FARMS With 4.080.000 night "Summer Hour" starring has waved the baton for all highest for 1939. Though 2,000,000 farms comprising 100 acres or less. types of shows from musical comer'' cars and trucks were sold in the first a big obstacle faced advocates of by to light classics. six months this year, motor makers diversified farming has been the nat now hope to come close to equalling ural Erno RaDee and Jan Percc hnvr tendency of the small farmer to Wis volume in the second half. The concentrate on a been closely associated for years ar.J single money cron, aircraft industry received more new In the last five are the closest of friends. However, years, however, this orders in the first half, than in all inclination has been Jan always reserves familiarity beleadCrosby to be his vocal replaceas reversed, tween singer and maestro and hails Bing 1938. More persons bought new tires ment on the Thursday Music Hall farm machinery makers, borrowing the music director of the "Musical broadcasts while he vacations. Pat for their cars last month than in any a from the auto industry's Playhouse" as Mr. Rapee. is a U. C. L. A. June since 1933. Rural retail sales for ing chapter story of progress, have adopted the June made a high. Reviving pneumatic rubber tire as standard HEADLINES IN NEW YORK confidence is a chief Instigator of equipment on farm tractors and there- Trucks sold these trade Improvements by Chevrolet produced 35 by doubled mechanized farm effic cent of on all Gen per iency. Spurring the multi-cro- p trend eral Motors cars. . . profit Transcontinental WASHINGTON A total of even further this year Is the introduc& Western Air may be first or just about one dollar per tion of new model B domestic airline to use four- now stands as a first bulwark machines designed specifically for capita, of defense against possible recurrence work on farms engine planes. . . Better peach prices of 100 acres or less. to aid California packers. . . likely of bank closings on a scale similar One of these rubber-sho- d tractors and Kansas heat wave to me ruining corn crop. "holiday neriori .Thfa (a its attachments replaces four draft . . . Stock market prices gain up to me present surplus of the FpiWni"j nine points in wave of buying. . . . , ..UUi u.,. esiaD- - tlvation the 20 to 25 acres which th Senate passes bill prohibiting lished by Congress uipuiouun, to protect bank Department of is Agriculture of motion picture films; depositors against losses. During its usually required to raise figuresthus feed, measure goes to House. . Advance five years of operation, the FDIC has making posible a boost of 25 per cent in domestic iron price expected! disbursed $74,000,000 to 252 insolvent in pig diversified acreage. soon. . . More individual investors had or "hazardous" banks, of which stake in U. S. industry last year than haa been repaid. Despite the THINGS TO WATCH FOR a ever before, survey indicates. . . Winfact that $36.0000.000 was r its surplus tn 1938, the agency warns flashlight that generates its own elec- ter prices in new Sears, Roebuck catx XM Mf Concealed in the aluminum alog average one per cent above this that an increase in the present in- tricity. case is a spring motor which drives summer. . . First 59 surance assessment rate on corporations to bank de- a tiny, generator. You report earnings for the three months posits may be necessary because cash o hut. ended June 30 show We've got to realize that payments are expected to run higher merely wind the snrine average gain of this year. The only alternative "the' ton and a beam of light issues forth,' 72.2 per cent over like period of 1938 up and down a slone int ri5oa bunch of little ditches that ni agency advises, is for borderline . . . si. new uumeu oeverage containbanks to eliminate excessive dividend ing an extract of mate, a leaf used in carry off some of our top soil every payments, coupled with a program to brewing a South American tea. . . time it rains. avoid losses through forced liquida- - New personal loan idea for banks introduced by the Vee Bee Service Co. of Memphis. A borrower rents Mrs. Perry L. Stanfill and Mrs. W. Ogden to spend a few stocks, jviu&hkoominG- -a clue to why bonds or other days before collateral from an in- Morgan Miller joined friends in TrP- - going to Salt 0f every lncome dollar of Lake City to visit dividual owner turns and this over to monton Sunday and left for Yellowunnea fctates to pay taxes, as corporations goes the bank as security for a personal stone Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks Shuman reported last week loan. . . A new type of corn svnm tv... Word has been received that Fred and Mr. and Mrs. William by the American Federation of Invesuse by confectionery tors, is found in the July manufacturers, W. Petersen, who is vacationing in spent the 24th in Salt Lake City and etudy said to be twice as sweet as Los Angeles, Cal., and vicinity, is en- Magna, where of the National Consumers they were the diniier Tax corn syrup. . . Launching- nevtordinary month joying his stay there. Commission. The program, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard distributed of the largest ocean liner ever built Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shuman accom- - v adsworth. material to th Tra l3Qrav, mission's groups in 5,00 communities in .athe U. S. It is called the "Ameri IInuniVri Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Miller and f9m " cv,Q tJ JT1 wui IU1 UUUI1KU1 t,i vuy rnuay. wnere sne leit for ily were Salt Lake City visitors Sun- uay. miss Leone Miller remained mere ror a short stav. m n v . . .. n Miller accompanied them and visited her brother William Owens, who is convalescing at the L. D. S. hospital Mr. and Mrs. Rav joying the visit of Mr. Dawson's broth t r ana wire and two children of KanA sas. They- arrived Tuesv n COLORED icxo ten-ye- I "ci is an im- -. fus, ast Thursday. la June thousand. Miss Sarah Carlson, of Wendell, and women leave L1m Vs Idaho, was a guest of her mother rr,"the active am! in? Mrs. A. P. Petersen, last Sunday. deavor". They Mr. a,nd Mrs. E. P. Hansen and ' tare "vjng. that their children returned from a trip to Yelthat opportnnltip. l& lowstone last weekend. today than a Bener:,LEore to went Brig-haL. HunsakeT Mrs. M. City Tuesday to see her granddaughter and Mrs. Moyle Hunsaker at the home of Mrs. Hunsaker's siswith ter. The baby was born July 5th just ware that the pricnt WaKy after Mr. Hunsaker had left for their continual home in Silver Peak, Nevada. Mrs. Pfts in J? Hunsaker and baby are feeling fine orld hunting dolthroho3i ucts and new uses !?.Bew and intend leaving for Nevada this nets The CnUedfor "tlrw! week. spends $750,000 Miss Marie Rogers, of Wendell, Ida. No wonder that was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,! ltl developments in "9for"er7t." in 1899". Stanley Petersen during last week. Miss Rogers is a school mate of Mr. Consider cii, . ... and Mrs. Petersen. Product a." Z!mjLt?.. corn was only nse Mrs. Virgil Love and 4 children men and animal., tot have been visiting here with her partk of result " research, corn h' ents a couple of weeks after visiting Paints, in uncial S kW" Franin San her daughter and family phonograph reenrrta i. cisco, where she also visited the Gol gum, in plastics, anl V, den Gate Exposition. She has bought products. Today reseat flier a home in Logan, where she will at tend college. of new products, in new u2 Mrs. Loa Thompson, of Lewiston and children visited with her parents of mannf 7 m& :':ict..a on the 24th and attended the cele'commoditiP. S .50 bration. ofnewindustries-dTia Businesses; it Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Anderson and ffle.ans that aer cultural baby of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Newseen, too abuSVZst via man Harris and children of Hyrum, produced in greater abundaSiS zi Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fisrsott and chil that agriculture will dren of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. and qur agricultural M. O. Tingey and children of Corinne, ford a great market for th Mr. and Mrs. Chester Christensen anl Pduced by industry in hi children of Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. ness far from opportunities becoming fewer r John Christensen and children of Logbecome more numerous as time goet an, all attended the John Christensen reunion at the home of Ira Anderson Young people who are inclined on Sunday. be pessimistic about their turn should take note of research r.td Mrs. William Rice, of Logan, visitwhat it is dolnp. Becauw o ed relatives and fiiends here during search, opportunity r, C0Ils. :a, the weekend. yars will surpass itjv,t a ti,e t. ;:G( Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Francom return All ed last week from a trip to Canada rac and the North West. A son of Mrs. Perry, were weekend guests of t: Edgar Francom of California accom daufhter and family, Mr. and )k panied them back for a visit with William Petersen. J. P. Christensen was a Salt relatives here and in Ogden. .sir Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker re visitor last week. Mr. Mrs. and Norman turned Sunday after spending six' Ante; rltie, weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. William have moved to Brteham Citv. wh '..size E. Hunsaker at Barnwell and doing they have purchased a home. Tki re temple work at the Cardston Temple. many friends wish them success, j Golden Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marjorie and her chum also ac- -' Ante; ,; (E companied them back from Moscow, have moved here from Bear Riva vao) Idaho, where they attended summers City to be with Mr. Andreascr.j nibs se ,i wiiiiiiiirniiiiimwiilimMHliliiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiMMiltHlliililliiiiiviuHtr , Cor SmoS singing on a small St. Louis station when she. was discovered by her present sponsor. At 11 years of age, Chuck Grant, "Bcattergood Baines" juvenile, has appeared In all four entertainment media. Busy In radio, he has also rinna aawraJ stflfp nlsvs mnrlp mm. mercial motion pictures and recently aa lib session before cia we television cameras. X,L m tainer who did not find it necessary to go to either New York or Hollywood te achieve success. Kay was I Jill Hasten '''onf to PATRONIZE YOUR til Dean. 10 Your Town LOClAL MERCHANTS 93 5 y - Mr. and Mrs. John Barfus, of Down ey, Idaho, accompanied by his cousin, Mrs. Anne Sedrick, and four daughters of Luretha, Kentucky, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bar- E0I: fu'Xfe .5 There is something new under the r,A tvoTvf Tnthar Vulnw. with auu, ajiu liana ajum.a, u.w.., Zora Layman, is presenting it on the new program, - ameers tw.Kifa.ua, n i : lts i as well as to your Country NATIONAl fDITCPIAl mniMiiiHiiliummimmlMimmniiiillimiuiii . 50 f i Man. I I r. Py : airs. li. l.hsrr Is fast becoming M is hpard regular! v on the "Kit known as the greatest expert a novachord. the on playing as star several and guest rone programs, is "Ths ijfe and Love of Dr. J J LIBRA8Y mii t Ann . fim EA&LE FERRIS $2.00 $1.00 . ELWOOD luiiMiiusseo tenant 23-- Kaiioeario, liuiidiat. CkJca.o. Illlaoia ' it w JAMES WALTON, Pubi:her I. P. WALTON, Editor and Eusir.ess Manager Phone ?wac RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR Matter Published at 3Yemonton, Utah, on Thursday of Each Week First West Street s 27, 1939 UTAH EVERYWHERE AND IDAHO |