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Show i -- Li-- : r JULY BEAR RIVER VALLEY ZXATZn, THURSDAY, Phone Dept. of Agriculture Takes Pictures In Co. RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR Local and Social Items MA URINE COOK, Loral Correspondent 20, 1939 .e, G0-a- -2 G. W. Ackerman, official staff photographer from the United States Department of Agriculture was in Box Elder county Friday taking: Die- -' tures of groups and subjects telat-- 1 ing to cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics. Pic- tures were taken of the Willard-For-- j Club in action, showing! at work mapping out a survey1 of bird and wild life in their section, Also, a picture was taken of their pheasant holding pens showing the method used by these Club boys in raisin? nneasanis 10 suDmement CARLE FERTJS legends of DeMUle's Anna Lincoln, pictured ated PRETTY heard on "The Aldrich slave driving tacucs dus this notion, ana Tamiiy Sunday nights at 7:00 p. itl, "C. B." dispelled had no hesitation about Hollywood Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Curnminga tHAlnAf1 fit a P.rirttra RMnncr at thpfr home Thursday evening, honoring the Miwwa Alice and Ruth Barker, of Los Alto, California, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Barker. The girls are nieces of Mrs. Cummlngs. Harjoiie Hansen accompanied Dr. j nnrl T V. Teffnaon XTViiKm Naomi Gaddie on a week end vaca- tion trip to Bear Lake. They return Laughton signing for the last Radio Theatra broadcast, ed Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Listening to "Pepper Young's Family" over NEC Is more than JusD a pleasant habit with some people to many it is a ruuai. wwm woue, producer of the serial, received a letter from a woman in Maine this Etafincr that she had lust finished listening to her 1,000th consecutive broadcast. Frank Hawkins, of Oakland, California, are visiting definitely at the home of Mr. Haw kins' parents, Dr. and Mrs. Eli in- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winchester, Alice and Gene attended the wedding of Misa Bahral Richards to Merle Allen In Offden Tuesday evenine. The ceremony took place in the garden or ine orwe's home ana was followed by a reception. Mrs. Allen is Mrs. Winchester's niece. Mrs. Alice Brantzeg, of Salt Lake CJty, was a weekend guest at the home of her brother, Duane Lower. Mary and Wendell White left Mon day evening for Salt Lake where they will join Mrs. Celia Davis In a trip to San Francisco and the Golden Gate Exposition. They will return in a week. Anna Watkins, of Fresno, Califor arrived last week to spend sever nia, David J. ReKhlau and Willow Bur-anal weeks with her family and friends of Toledo, Ohio, have been guests this week at the home of Elva Getz. here. d, Mrs. Fon Quinney and daughters, Gavle and Lee Anne, visited Monday vnth Mrs. Luella Wright and Mrs. LueJla Jacobsen, of Safford, Arizona at Mrs. Wright's home in Logan. Mrs. E. C. Hutchings and son returned with them to spend the week here. Glen Kroach. of Los Aneeles. Cali fornia returned home Thursday after an extended visit at the home of rel atives: Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen and Mrs. James Brough. Reed Taylor, who is employed in Mrs. Myron Layton, of McCall, Ida., Ogden, spent the weekend at the and Mrs. Mace Hill, of Bountiful, were home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snnday visitors at the home of Mr. Frank Taylor. iwA Mrs. Wayne Sandall. Mrs. Layton WIS be remembered ts Miss Elaine Mrs. Douglas Cannon entertained r: nnd Mrs. Hill, as Miss Ruth her club at a Bridere luncheon Wed MxJracken. nesday. Priles were won by Mrs. Ted Christensen and Mrs. Owen Johnson. TJiose from Tremonton who attend- Mrs. Owen Keller was special guest. ed the rodeo In Nephi Saturday, are Wayne Sandall, Merwin Christenaen, Mrs. Don C. Rigby, daughter of CSW Kerr, Don Peckenpaugh, Israel Mrs. W. W. Whitney, left Thursday flftuwakcr, N. Peter Marble, and Mr. for where she will meet Germany, ana Mrs. Alma Theurer. ner nusband, who was recently reed .Saturday with their daughters, Mildred and Rosaland, who have been employed at Wayne Wonderland National park. Rosalind returned with ker parents Tuesday evening. mision. The couple will tour Europe and spend the winter in Switzerland. Mr. Rigby is a cousin of Mrs. Jesse arl. Emalu Zollinger, of Mackey, Idaho, nas been visiting with Bonnie Whit Mrs. Robert Allen entertained the in Blue Creek. H. H. Sewing club at her home Fri- ney day, Present were five members and Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Hale and ona guest, Mrs. Emma Thompson. Re- - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill, of Salt Lake, lrmnmenis were served. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomp son of Tremonton, Sunday, enroute Mrs. R. S. Calderwood and Ferris 10 xeuowstone park and Star Valley. Allen were visitors in Salt Lake City Mrs. Hale is the daughter of Mr. and Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson. Mildred Theurer, who graduated thw spring from the U. S. A. C has reived a contract to teach thecom-taf- f season at the Box Elder School in the Home EconomicsHigh Mothers and daughters of the Tremonton First and Seconds Wards will revel together Thursday, July 27 on the Library lawn. The features of the social will be presenting each mother with a story fiesta, and an identification corsage. Mothers and dnno-hnd Mra- Grant Seely. of ters are cordially invited to be in atwere Sunday visitors at the tendance. Time: 2 p. m. of Mrs. Seely's mother, Mrs. PacK. Representatives of the Relief So ciety, the P. T. A. and the Farm Bur . 5; - Ifargai-e- Man-eVyt- ah t Good Homses Need - - We Have It - 1? bcttcr than the materia's LT SET na"d ,vorkmnship 't h U'e T 7 Z applied to compan''s ,0"S established Sdc construco supplies of complete satisfaction ' Let US helP 'ou r an IJ?U ' ,'VaIe a',d durablc homc Use c2 r"?; def ,. 7 Friday and Saturday DKANNA DURBIN JACKIE COOPER in "THAT CERTAIN ire AGE" 4 Sun. - Mon. - Tiu--s. JEANETTE MacDONALD 0 "BROADWAY SERENADE" . FARMERS v CASH UNION PETE SMITH and NEWS REEL Wednesday Everything to lUiild and Beautify the Home " J J us - "SPIRIT OF CULVER" farmers are urged Ration to have in by August to 1 rush that may allotment is n Utah's rger than ,ast i ';. j year, hav 938 acres granted under rati Program. This increase corneal direct result of a larger lotment which is 7,000,000 nJ & er than for 1939. It is only the cooperation of farmers thee,-trover that Secret . ture Wallace is able to am increased acreage. I i Buckhect Work Shoes for party at the high school. Plans are CLIFF'S CLOTHIERY f made for an over night hike being f to take place in the near future. Tour $SSS Will o 0 far if On Friday evening, July 21, at 6:30 jvu Kit me recreational directors extend an the ads. invitation to all boys and girls of the city ana vicinity to attend a roller MONEY TO LOAN sKating party at the fair grounds Men "Sherlock Holmes" fjr many years for NBC, and wrote radio scripts for Helen Hayes. The daughter of a newspaperman, she was on the stage ; a sineer of eharnrr wir-- : hs?J ftwlUil. taking up radio writing. a-- j - .f s tocZilfZe' on REAL ESTATE FARMS OR HOMES U1 tunsurucuve activitiy. activities this summer have centered at the Tremonton FOR RENT Space in this newsschool. Children attending participate paper. Will arrange to suit good in interesting games of table tennis, neighbors Prices to fit your business bat ball, volley ball and indoor ball. Buckhect Work Shoes for Men Along with these games they are ac CLIFF'S CLOTHIERY art in and handicraft. tively engaged iney are being taught how to make dook end3, door stops, glass pictures, n weaving and polyrome work. The boys and' girls are very much interested in making lawn decorations of flower girls and the seven dwarfs. The school house is open from 10 Vitality Building Vitamins a. m. until 12 and from 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. Beginning at 6:30 p. m. the City Park is open to all bovs nnH cHH0 wishing to participate in game acti vities. Special features which have been enjoyed by the group are fishing at JAMES BROUGH AGENCY FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE TREMONTON, UTAH Build Summer Meals Arouud Fruits, Vegetables Stored in These Foods FRUITS FOR CANNING CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE FRUIT STAND H-s.-(- mum girinr I A SELECTION for Four INSPECTION !nSPCCtin' a COmp,ete assortment of Old Colonial ft w"7omZ yT th Powder and Toilet Water. SSTaJ nC,Ud;nf.Soa' TaIcUm' Sachet' i tTl Comein from these attractive pkgs. whi'ch are so reasonably priced. At Our Fountain Friday, Saturday and Sunda Giant Marshmallow Whip Sundae ,Tjlriiiii . . .jnm DRUG FEEDS McKesson Milk of Map-.- , nf ?04 KLEENEX - 200's - 2 for LISTERINE, reff 75c value 1 59d Apex Hot Water Bottle . Oil I oimuueue ueansing Blue Jay Corn Plasters Tissue - 200's .. qa Challenge Alarm Clocks luiuoing: Alcohol full pt 17 Reg. 31.00 Probak Jr. BLADES - 8 f or Grf FLIT - z Tooth ur.Lyon's Powder Standard Oil Fly Spray 25c size M A 23c -- . St Rcffis 16-o- Tcel, Liquid Dentifrice NAIL CLIPPERS Milk of Maff. Tooth Paste SOAP WEEDS RINSO, 46 Quart OUTING JUG iuh gallon 9g ' 2 17 UNGUENTINE - 50c size PABLUM - Mb. size ... Fletchers Castoria - 40c size FortJIoward Paper 9 Towels giant size Thursday JACKIE COOPER FR EDDIE BART1IOLOM E W For the past month. Mrs. David Holmgren has been visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Ethel Etanger and Mrs. Phyllis Soderquist, of Idaho Falls. The former presented her with grandaughter and the latter with a grandson, during her visit. The mothers and new arrivals are doing nicely and the "Daddies" sur vived the shock in receiving not ex actly the sex either had honed for. as they, like other men, like a balanced lamiiy of boys and girls. Faith and perserverence accom plishes much. Bear River and a picnic, swimming 1 TREMONTON, UTAH Building Materials, Coal, Hardware, Glass, China s " I I Impressive Rites Held PLAYGROUND NEWS, For Boyd Holland Recreational Orpheum Theatre QUALITY MERCHANDISE 35 com1 network. An expert showman of many years' standing, Heidt believes in combining smooth dance music with the latest vocal novelties and presents a large troupe of singers with his band on his broadcasts. NOTICE Don't forfret the swim tonight at the Bear River Hieh School SUM TYiminrv pool. Eats will be on sale afterwards ana win ne followed bv a hontw pram. We'll be seeing you! - We Have It! Phone 2 d Jul-io- appati 4-- H Greatest writers for radio ere women. One of the best known and highest salaried is Edith Meiser, pictured here, who writes "The Life and Love of Dr. Susan." She wr: ;e d, - Cld hn-.-- e Wil-lar- : -- -, Horace Heidt, pictured here, and Large and impressive funeral services were held in the Bear River Ward chapel Sunday at 2 o'clock for Boyd George Holland, 13, son of Jos. n. and Eliza George Holland, who died in a Brigham City hospital Wednesday evening from pertinitis. Tl services were under the direction of President Moroni Lunberg of the Evans branch. Special musical numbers were furnished by a duet, Mrs. Vesta Jensen ana Miss Maunne Anderson; violin solo by Harold B. Felt of Brigham City .accompanied bv Victoria r. Johnson; solo by Max Bunker of and a song by a group of Boyd's playmates. Speakers at the services were Campbell, of Corinne; Orsen A. Iverson of Tremonton; Edwin O. Sten- quist, of Tremonton; President of the Box Elder stake and remarks by President Lundberg. Each of the speakers spoke very highly of the Holland family and of their boy who had passed away. The flowers were many and beautiful and showed the esteem in which the Holland family is held. Interment was in the Brie-haritv cemetery, where the grave was dedicated by- Martin Camrjbell "vv bUC direction of Larkin & Felt Mortuary. Pastthre0 4-- H ms "Musical Knights' are now heard for a full half hour Monday that Bereen and McCarthy will nights at 9:30 p, m., e. d. . t over much to say about fishing within the next few weeks. Bergen went deep-se- a fishing every Saturday for four weeks but he didn't catch anything. Radio Theatre producer Cecil DeMille found Charles Laughton much more willing to sign for trie radio version of "Ruggles of p. 2.1 Gap" than he was for the role of Nero in DoMille's movie. "Ein oi thi Cross." Laughton heard exagger- - 1 i Phil Baker, heard over CES Wednesdays at 8 p. m., e. d. s. t., in a recent interview made the statement that he thought it was fun to travel. A well known publisher read the article, got In touch with Phil and commissioned him to write a full length book titled, "How to Have Fun While Travelling.'' NBC-Re- n'r ' e. L 8. t., over NEC, plays Ezra Stone's sister on the air show but rates as his No. 1 girl friend in real life. the - 4-- H leased from service in the German Mr. and Mrs. Alma Theurer visit- j 4-- H Edsar Bereen's outines and activi ties often eive him ideas for his Sunday night NEC routines with Charlie McCarthy, but it Is unlikely '"'r Will Be iqiaV'1 Box Elder County, Aa )t tee in making noi"ice the farm k i f or next year hasallot ! be executive officers to h I inat may receive all classes- Farms on u4-thewas grown ' during 1937 a to be classified farms" and farms ' '"' was grown during tho" ' be known as "old vit ! p'iTs ' wis marine is whr. , ing the ineir iann xncome. a 4. ,yearsatd Pictures were taken of a group of initelv 1940, rfenv women at Corinne showing them farm may receive in their Farm Bureau class studying allotment on their tatJn " a reauest- ... tfcv fiber identification. The third-yea- r willing- in,,,..,. Club at Bear River City their county AAA foods ; Cla was shown in two phases of foods Robert H. ' ' farms a'nJ will preservation and canning and the effect of feeding nutritional deficient this special Mr. Stewart I diets to white albino rats. This says that t Club is the first one in the United Provision the fo; States to take up food and diet prob- must lems through the feeding of white acres he wishes to plant tn I file an application rats. These pictures are to be used in reage with the Three percent nf tu. . the state and national publications of the Department of Agriculture and allotment has been the Utah State Agricultural college. on these "nw iirms t and . Mr. Ackerman was accompanied by time for maW tv, Dr. Arvil Stark, Extension horticul- this will be dWritaSS . . monS ki operators whn turist, from the U. S. A. C. Once allocationT h 2Ca!'i , there ran v, VISIT EXTRAOKDIXARY -- en- - mTeTnt? UIX, FOIl sw-Bcr- lOliTiet mm A n-r- , n dugvs d Soap . 3 bars 2?)c 2?)c ra.Sli. COUiATES IUGILVTH-ba- r Dexter Assorted FRAGRANCES Woodbury's TOILET SOAP - .! bars CASHMERE noITOIIET - .1 bars .3c !r .'c ... vn?m okangb on luspBEiutr--tmi DESSERT TODAY ll-- ... 27c - - |