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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER THURSDAY, JULY D. E. COUNTY By COMMISSIONER PROCEEDINGS "When Irish lyes Ar Smiling" Ernest R. Ball, Chauncey Olcott and Ceorga Craff, Jr. 0 IK 4& .QUICK v Hie county commissioners met in regular session on the 17th day of July, Joseph A. Nielsen, T. L. Davis t SO, 1S39 OF ASONG BIRTH from -- ? n ASCAD ; Com ".Ivt 0 'IT J SI 0 1 . J ' ?x-- ; V- v and Osey Jensen, present. Chairman AXS ft of the Board, Joseph A. Nielsen, pres n 3 fa cr siding. Sam W. Crosby and Fred V. Deme-re- t, n students of Denver University, the to county are study who eoinjr ent in all its phases, and will 1 v. ! s i ' I j t j ) remain for a period of about three & Sons Witmark M. 1912 in Back or J a Mew Way Yorker a Craff. .Calf of months, appeared and thanked the nrofessional li.lec WitmA.t manager were leading publishers of stage music, so ancestry, and Ball, a Clevelander of German commissioners for their permission to - " of his outside writers, called one the on firm, Olcott natural that Chauncey was it r only 3 jy extraction, were commissioner to t ..." -t carry on this study in the county of a young man named Ceorge Craff, Jr., pro new song, -- in a for a them call should en Irish song befora ths dry v: an Box Elder. They asked the privilege Ball. Ernest of K. tege hurry at that. of sitting with the commissioners in N. YJ ftxxo Smumla mum i (Mjc that stated any F, their meetings and Information that they found and the report of their work would be avail I .... j able to the county when It was comf -- I I t f invited pleted. The commissioners in them with to sit theflo gentlemen V,' J their coming meetings. Orson A. Christensen, field man for the Sugar Company, aprx before the county commissionpeared ers and presented three requests ofi the company. First, in regard to the! Chase beet dump near Noble if place. The company wishes to 7 extend east and cross the county road X i ... A. to be able better art that thev will and in is Craff business the featured and :n. Olcott Chauncev song, with The song went by messenger to the Ernest He had written several songs handle the sugar beets at this point. Composer Ball has passed soon the world was singing it. It has become k?? Ball, and knew enough about his style to publisher, and from the publisher to the The commissioners granted permiS' the estate is and by participates in royalties di'strfi accepted a classic, generally formulate a passable set of original lyrics, so composer who toiled all night and delivered slon to the company to extend this Irish as a native song. The composer and by the American Society of the Irish ballad the next day.' the composer could dash off the music track over the county road. Second ASCAP. Aurnors ana Publishers. elected to ft, were author the company has secured a piling ground on the Hyrum Hansen land and packaging cheese. Through the in Dear River City and want to raise to aid in an advertising campaign for bureau's efforts cheese is now appearthe railroad tracks that cross the the State of Utah, as sponsored by. county road at this point about six the Lions clubs of the state. This ing on the market in package sized by SHAMPOO from 8 ounces to 5 pounds. Ready-slice- d Inches. They would do this work under campaign and program is to be car- -' Let Us Clean and Shampoo One the supervision of the county road ried on to benefit the state as a whole cheese, sandwich size, in 5 lb. Of Your Rugs Absolutely supervisor, Eli Anderson and the and will be extended to the conven-- 1 cans, is meeting popularity with in fm work would be done at their own ex tion of the Liona clubs in Pittsburg, meals where stitutions, prepared arej LAND OF ICED DRINKS see that the road Penn. The delegation explained the, served. Although the same cheese penae. They would ELECTR0LUX The u s. consumes more iceo was put in a good condition after progress of the program to date and could be bought for less at the dairies CLEANER AXD AIR PURIFIEE BEVERAGES THAN ALL THE OTHER the track was raised. Commissioners outlined the ideas that the program such places as drug stores, lunch coun COUNTRIES OF THE VWOR.LO COM- to fu-the 1 The Most Efficient Machine company will attempt to carry out in the granted permission ters, and roadside stands, where the BINED. ONE ICED DRINK. COFFEE to do this work. Mr. Christensen pre- ture. The commissioners authorized is a demand item, are turnsandwich Ever Built IS UNiquriY AMERICAN. UNKNOWN sented to the commissioners the sit- the amount of $150.00 be appropriatserved at the smart hotels and to the slice cheese in 5 pound cans ing ONLY A FEW VEARS AGO. IT IS ALREADY first uation prevelant regarding the piling ed to the Lions clubs of Box Elder One Enthusiastic Customer Has cafes in new york and palm beach. iced in preference to other cheeses. The AM0N6 THE MOST POPULAR OF dlnncr of beets in the harvest, at another county, if sufficient funds were availis now found in work-rcoffee to Say About Electrolux--. This conis loss and from less the "COOLERS" SUMMER. staling pails quite as often as at dowaoe.es' point requesting that the U. I. Sugar able. saves in venience . . handling angle "Electrolux Model XXX is Dinner, parties.' Company be permitted to pile their The claim of the Tremonton City time and money. in advance of any other dean far 5AVI on beets a road which county (piPHe sugar THE WORLDS MOST for fire calls under the ing equipment that there is has been more or less abandoned and corporation between FAMOUS COFFEE of Box the agreement County Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. comparison. DRINKERS NEVER. institute in lieu of said road another Elder and Tremonton City for calls Wallace, will officially open the 7th "The Elextrolux is more than road of shorter distance thereby creat outside of TASTED ICEO COFFEE' limits incorporated city World's WOULD THEY BUT adPoultry Congress and Expoconvenience a to ... traffic and it is a real cleaner; and Ing was presented to the commissioners. PROBABLY sition in Clevelaria, Ohio, on July 28. an invaluable aid in EMJOV 7 H'i- q ditional piling ground to the a maintaining to hold decided this claim for COFFEE They NATIONAL ICEO He will open the exposition phase of sanitary condition in the home." Sugar Company. This road area further investigation. WEEK TO BE HELO the intemation poultry event at 9:00 ia 'in the location of the following THIS MONTH.' 0 A letter from Winfred Kimber, road a. m., at the entrance of the Cleveland farms, Nephi Anderson and J. L. Air Cleans and Shampoos Eugs Public Auditorium. He will then inWeidman farm, and piling ground supervisor of the Grouse Creek road near the George Gardner farm. The district was presented to the com spect the exhibits in the Hall of InCleans Furniture, Draperies, admissioners with the for request of Mr. was Christensen request dustry, Hall of Nations and states grantCurtains, Tapestries, etc. ed if no expense were incurred against ditional road money to be used in his and Hall of Live Poultry, accompanNEWEST WRINKLE DEVISED Air Washes, Demoths and ied by an official party. At 2:00 the county in doing this proposed district this fall. The commissioners AME2CAN HOSTESSES, to authorized the county clerk inform Mothproofs Clothes, Bedding, Fur work. o'clock a general assembly will be ISTO FREEZE COFFEE INTO Mr. Kimber would no be there that Coats, Woolens, etc. held at which time the secretary will Mrs. Lettie Troxell and Mrs. Elijah CUBES USE THEM FOR. to additional be used road this money disJeiwen appeared before the commisCOOUNG ICEO COFFEE officially open the Congress and 0 cuss the contributions of the poultry sioners and invited them to the an year outside of the budget appropria avoid diluting it. tions the road districts. given world-wide AS EASY TO OWN AS IT IS nual banquet and picture show to be abundance. industry to Communication from Thomas Sher for the TO USE given county pioneers by the Daughters of the Pioneers, to be held ry, of Lynn, Utah, read and the re COFFEE IS A VlUSr IN AIRat the Howard Hotel at 1:30 Thurs quest of Mr. Sherry in regard to the LINE LARDERS. ..REFRESHING , ' road into Cotton Thomas Basin wa HiD STEADYING TO THE NERVES FLOOR WAX - RUG SHAMPOO day, July 20. them. considered discussion After ON HAS LONG FLIGHTS. H. U. rotter, Thomas Argyle and by CLEANER FOR LLN'OLEDI i MOVED A VALUABLE Loo Hansen, representing the State of the road program of the county ASSET ' EXPELLO FOR MOTH ID COMFORT ALOFT. AIR LINES Mil! of Utih Fish and Game department, the commissioners denied the request V MUKrJKMaiK WE IT HOT OR ICED AS 0 appeared in regard to the public of Mr. Sherry. TEMPERATURE DICTATES FOR A DEMONSTRATION The commlsToners appointed Mrs. shooting grounds in Box Elder counon this land are 6c- Earl Teeter as local registrar of Clear ty. The tax-See unquent ana the land will be sold Creek and Stanrod precincts and ask- sented to the commissioners informto he county for delinquent taxes ed the county clerk to inform the DiH. D. THOMAS 1 III ing the county of the amount expend III that are still in the name of the form-?- r vision of Vital Statistics of this ap ed m t for public welfare purpose during Representative owner of the land. The Fish and pointment. the month of June, 1939, which was Utah - Fhone Tremonton, Game desu tment wish to settle with Charles W. Warnick, assistant $16,800.93, of which amount Box Elthe county before this land is sold. county agent, appeared before the der county will pay 15 per cent, or iiiiaafi.! commiiWionors authorized settle commissioners in regard to the re y 'Wf. mrmni' gV.'aa.gpaataays. $2,520.14. ment in the amount of $50.00. of previous date for an appro-- , quest Ell Anderson, county road superA dologation representing the Lions priation to send a herd to the' Clulw of Box Elder county, Glen Ben- - San Francisco Fair dairy visor, appeared before the commisfrom the State of nion, Dr. Murland W. Fish, Able S Utah. Mr. Warnick stated that Cache sioners and discussed the road work that is being done at the present time u ii, i.ii .. u. Mayner, appeared county had appropriated $250 and and before the commissioners in regard to Davis the future work that is to be $200; and Salt Lake and A 4J a previous request of the Lions clubs Weber county, counties each $250. The re- -' done by the county. Mr. Andeson refor an appropriation from the county some grav r quest from Box Elder county was for quested permission to haul $200. The commissioners authorized el from the pit and put on a road of an appropriation of $200 to be used his own. The commlsioners authorized WotiBN'f HO JD TAe him to take some gravel and to have IAU&H ir YOU in sending tlTis herd to the fair. MAD MY hauled and spread at his own exIt Ruel Eskelsen, appeared before the thin Hugh COID pense. commissioners and presented the conEli Anderson appeared and requestdition of the wiring of the Court! ed that because of the extensive road House building. He had previously been requested to check the wiring work to be done that the commission( r- ' i and voltage by officers of the county. ers have Winfred Kimber of Grouse He stated that he found the present Creek come in and do work with the road crew in and between Tremonton Birmingham, Alabama has been wiring system Is inadequate to carry a"d JSrigham. The commissioner grant selected as the fourth city in which enough voltage to supply that needed, to run the machines in the Court, will be started, he House offices. He also stated that the! Wallace recently announced Secretary wiring in the old part of the building pense money only in the amount of Distribution of stamps is expected to Tor CoUs - - Solicylafe Is in a dangerous condition and should $1.00 per day while working on this begin in Birmingham about August be replaced. Mr. Esklesen also stated program. The commissioners author1. Out of a population of 259,000 there Alkaline Medication" ized the clerk to inform Mr. are 15,000 that the clock In the tower Is lighted Kimher ofcounty public aid cases in this this expense money to be Hi. it's A'h.it modern doctors and uses that it to participate in the much continuously city elegible say. If allowed him ho comes in for this unneeded power this way. He suggestTiud's what U. stamp plan. ed that the county install a time clock work. of bein? admin.. torcd in for this lighting and that in this way The Bureau of doses, Industry has the power used could be cut consid Al$ For $alo In Our Next Issue. developed a new Dairy funiislics this modica-(k- u method of curing Lti one erably. Tho commissioners authorized pleasant drink, Mr. Esklesen to make a more thorU ever u.sel anything more yo.j check on the wiring of the build-- 1 ough liccUve then for and to estimate the cost of repair ing AtiJ InJligrslion, Headache, vv Ltuiu tlillll UIl VUt iinu Mu.cular, Rheumatic and 20th day of July and go over the findPins, we will refund the goo Modern tf llh Its hurry and ent headiiclie. dizziness, ings with them. yourself to the sale, pet tins- - nn TREAT humry you paid for your firit eat-lbiihiln. worry, this Irregular of a Improper ct,Vi. E. K. Kiown, nppcarcd tefoie the gwellinir, pmuness under tlio and drinking, pxpomire, contagion, nlfftita, a feel in of nervmm nnirtr y'" commissioners and informed them . namoi, MWi doctors and loss of strengih und Other son y of alpns kidney busy, that he had on hand a large amount hospitals crowded. Studcbakcr Champion. World Tlio after or disbladder TUE RK ISON I HOVN'S of timber that could be used for the effects arc dlHttirtjing torhance may AHE FAMOUS car of its low price to average to t!ie fcldnevs and A II o.,r " (f . coa ,h. building of county bridges and asked oftentimes people Buffer without know- scanty or too miles per gallon in round trip oi sodj (oi.ni.iia, that if the county was contemplating ing that (Unordered kidney action may frequent urina- - other., car !., V-':! run World's only causa the trouble. biiJ In HO. and the buying of any lumber in the near After colds, fcrer and similar ills price to travel 15,000 continuouj tOt I'arK vrs for future for this purpose that hi- - would tnors Is an increase of hody itnpnrlllea It la better to ih. i, t,r miles in 14,511 minutes. homo '.isr. tha muat Biter from blood. the kidneys if appreciate it they would do their lclna thnt hns If tha kidneys ar overtaxed and fall won with the others? (Jn bother to rmo purchasing from him. The commisexcess acid and other harmappravnt than ful waste, thora la poisoning of the eoniethlnir leSj, fayonitilT Vl sioners Informed Mr. P.rown that they Champion! Low down paymeni Ji-- i'.Hi They tare'been wlninj wbola system. would consider his offer when they C. I. T. terms. friends pew for more easy than forty Tear fJnnfttnma at AmtnrY&A ktannv fnn. t0 Kt Voant. Sold were in need of lumber for this type at au' tlon may be nigging backache, ieriist- - wa u J; . '"' MOTOR CO. OSBORNE & of work. Cornmiinlcntlort from the Slate De i;' trnvu : partment of Public Welfare was pre Shell r 1 . c- c-- ,sri. : b,r, I Oerma-WtiTc- ; v w - . Utah-Idah- o r Hun-saker- 'a ! i iV . NewsOddities Sqtrier FREE ( j -- zz." era so no a dirt-digg- er Utah-Idrth- VK BY -- TO, II I Conrult (T L I s pjifc it 1W ifiuifu 133.0-- "assii, jffaii .( WmMmx: rJ, " V"-- l! j - tZl ZZZt fd fit ; Alka-SeU.- er disa-reca- In-uU- b! Alka-S-ll'- ly:;; ini ?r j Alka-SelU- NAGGING BACKACHE cr Sei-M- P: -- V nj (T 1 smooth-performin- enerK-y- casy-han- .A. afu s Mm Z world-wld- '1 a i; ,IPt WW) ttir iif, HARRIS Main ana 1st '., uwen ivnai |