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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 20, UZ3 ' . CITY rTpnTVER i j I Rrai.fl.ri ; . "Mrs. Mathias Hansen, of Salt La City, are visiting relatives in this city. a11 k. Hansen and bv Strong" Grant constmrtinn home Friday pany at Strawberry, Utah, spent the arrived XiT. June, can -Francisco,! weekend with his. wife and bahv in riipu oiwj have been visthey where ... Java. They were utwm Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Leonard entertained a few relatives :flmeby their daughter, Mrs. Sorensen at the Crystal Springs in honor of San Diego, of The . afternoon was spent i"'" undscn, -enn. Lee. and her birthday. . ZJnca and in in social chat, after afternoon; swiming Friday epent B":.,rrn 1in L.ag;OlII, u'hpr thevi mv,, which lunch was served to 18 guests. Vf guests were Mrs. Virgil outing held by the Dane Carter and son of Garland, Mrs. lodsre. v,nn " Nelson and four children of Cor- tvnn Iverson, son of Mr. and inne. ' wn A. the Sterl, son of Mrs. Merlin Anderson, Norwegian Friday from is suffering with Infection in his back he has where in Norway, three years caused from a sun burn. ;'' Hwrinff for the past Courtley Holman, son of Mr. and D. S. missionary. jia who is at- - Mrs. Robert Holman, returned home Christensen - y Hope in Salt Sunday from a Erigham City hospital a business college her where he has been receiving treatvisiting Sunday "city spent Rasmus (Raff) ment for kidney trouble. jIr- and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holtery, of weJisen. and Yveola, Montana, arrived in this city Mrs. Fred Timmerman - Friday evening to make their home. visn of Ogden, spent Sunday Mr. Mr. Holtery will take charge of the - Mrs. Timmerman's parents, Sinclair Service Station formerly JRose. 'ilrs. 'ffm. p operated a by Ben Grant. made Christensen .'!nlUS to Salt Lake City Monday Buckhect Work Shoes for Men CLIFFS CLOTinERY sons Mr. of twin Darrel, ve and i lfr VIViw A Science Tells Why Lemonade Is Cooling I "T inly rML Rj vv r: il 22 & -- . - - . ....-- , Salad DressingSD!.23c . .' Out-of-to- JULIA LEE WRIGHT Daily Fresh Mel-Nin- 2 " " i'au"' 1V LOAVES 20-O- r: f f. Marshmallows, lb. . . 9c V - - busi-ftri- Oervice immaculate, respected, gracious, and 0. P. in serving her. They offer her the highest foods with courteous attention to her very whim . . . is a lady and she delights in marketing at 0. P. S. is attractive, 1 Stores delight she Quality - sKST. . . BUY FOR TWO DAYS BANANAS CLOSED MONDAY. 52 RIPE POUND rk 2s Green Stripe LB. LETTUCE SOLID HEADS 5c EACH 2U LARGE 3 POSTTOASTIES PACKAGES NEW 10 LBS. FLAVOR AID 10 PACKAGES numvnDfind ado 10c 3 UiiWI BARS Pork - Beans FANCY CAKES 3 Large 9 14 Cans mnCTTHTATTAWO 15c 9c POUND PKG. Cfiasess MILD LB. ... POP CORN -- CRACKER JACK CORN 27c POUND k,10c 25c - PEAS - BEANS VIENNA Armour's Sausages SALAD DRESSING DEVILED MEATS s 3 Cans HENARD'S QT. JAR ... CANS 25c 10c n0 CAN 27c 90c COFFEE mb.' CAN-SODA WATER 21c LARGE CASED 24 BOTTLES Lemon Ice Berg: Top glasses of lemonade with generous spoonfuls of Lemon Sherbet. Frosty glasses of lemonade, garnished with lemon slices and mint! What simpler or better refreshments are available for a summer afternooa or evening? A tray of crisp crackers and an assortment of vegetable snacks completes a garden-fresmenu that's both cool and cooling. Science now explains that the popularity of lemonade on warm summer days has an excellent basis in the fact that vitamin C, of which it is a generous source, actually mitigates the effects of heat. Only recently scientists at the University of Milan discovered that exposure to high temperature caused a 50 Corned Beef QwoSiCy BEEF POT ROASTS ! Mess 0 CHOICE CUTS LB. 17c FANCY Sliced LB. SAUSAGE - HAMRIIRGER i2bs 29c femmiEss L. LUNCH MEAT lb n SiOALj 5c CORN BEEF 1 CHEESES?, 14c SHRIMP 0c 1 3c CANDY BARS FOWD. SUGA tit 3 u - BIIOWN 10c 4 HOSPITAL NEWS By Mrs. Thomas Ault The following- had their tonsils removed recently: Mrs. Cranford Taylor, Geniti Sharon Roundy, Lawana Jensen, Harold Kay, Audry Kay, Lorene fcv ans, Gordon Evans, Fred Ellis, Leo, Miller's two children, Rulon Kay, Sajfi ford Kay, Arlene Ericksoiv Lucille Smith, Russell Miller, Leland Miller, Helen Felsted, Carter Rich, Reed Petersen and Earl Petersen. Miss Jeanette Nelson, who suffered a compound fracture of the left leg in an automobile accident June 18. returned to her home In St. Paul. Chester Nelson is still being treated for a fractured pelvis. A. D. Lewis, who was badly injured in an automobile accident June 2, returned to his home in Helper, Utah. Sterling Secrist, who was seriously injured July 14, shows some slight improvement. Mrs. Frank Hill underwent a minor operation July 14. The small daughter of kvan uee died July 15 of pneumonia. Babies born the past vrrru Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones, of Field ing, a girl, born July 14. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rasmussen, or Elwood, a boy, born July 18. SALMON Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen and Anna Germer attended the funeral of a cousin, Neils Hansen, of Salt Lake was hpld in Locan on r,f,r Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Holdaway haa as their guest during the week, J. A. Bagger, of Firth, Idaho. George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter DiSudbury, left Wednesday for San will take training for ego, where he work. Navy Mrs. Paul Hansen and baby, and Miss Norma Hansen, of Salt Lake Mr. City, visited with their parents, of this Chri3 place. Hansen, and Mrs. The DeweyvilTe Relief Society held their work and business meeting at tv, rffiipf Soeittv meetinsr house on reTuesday. A quilt was made and freshments were served to twenty members by Mrs. Ruth Cannon, Mrs. Lizzie Jensen and Mrs. Tenna Marble. N. Peter Marble visited his home town, Nephi, recently. Mi 2. Willis Thomas and daughters, Ciicl end DiCLn, of Ogden, were r the home of Mrs. Lizzie cn Wednesday. Mr. Thomas is the new relief operator at the U. I. C. subUi'Jon here. The Burbank family reunion held at the Crystal Springs July 12th wasattended by nearly one hundred rela- COFFEE M a CLINIC NOTES Mrs. Zella Pike, of Snowville, for, surgical treatment. Mrs. Evelyn Conley, of Fortage, tor medical treatment. Courtlev Holman, of Bear River, City, for medical treatm.nu Mrs. Ezra Harris, of Bothwell, for medical treatment. Oliver Dunn, of Tremonton. for sur gical treatment. Bovd Iverson, of tear ttiver wvy, for surgical treatment. Virgil Trease. of Garland, for sur-- i at. gical injuries, received in accident Creek dam. Mrs. Ned Newton, East Tremonton, for surgical treatment. Winston Hill, of Tremonton, sua m Clinic with spine injury, conaiuun improving. Tommy Haws, of Tremonton, proingressing satisfactorily with spinal "- i J -Mrs. i At ilea ns1(lS(,av - r . .7. I Kajt iaKe - a Tati - "1 "A A TALL Ht CANS W SISlIc Peanut Butter Corn 7c 22c Porlc 8i Beans vis-iUr- :o .1 SL,!AST CHERUB m Ger-rr.e- - 2 21 c Mcs 3r"sl21c JAR RINGS -- 4 for -- 15c V; , wv--..- , iAv.in j jj, v n,.m and Wednesday at the cry, 7 n.y, p,.. bkii. their oarent.. 4 v and Fkg. Hand Ix)tion BOTH FOR z. SUPURB nnd children, of ,.i,h Mr. and Mrs. Frver. Mrs. Lizzie Harwood and son, Billy of Ogden, visited relatives here Sun. day. Mrs. Wayne Mathias and little son of Brigham City, spent a few days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Llsh, Sr. Mothers and daughters party will be held at Mrs. Rupert Blackham's home on Friday from 3 o'c lock until 6 o'clock. Mrs. Lettle Burbank attended the party given in honor of the orWard mc Presidency and stake orncers afterGarland at Saturday Primary jury. noon. reThe following had their tonsils Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HarBountiful, moved: June Stocks, James Gardner, is spending a few old Nungeseer, Bolin Hunsaker, Cyril days here from Nevada. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Merrill are moving to Brigham City soon. accom-ifMCARD OF Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marble Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Marble n'' We wish to on a trip to the Yellow Tremonton of crtu;h;7"yt thanks and apprecia .on kind rnenas anu ioyii n assisted us during the i so willingly beillness and passing away of our Boyd son and brother, loved Holland. To the singers, speakers, and y TH Crf to those who contributed Fuch beauwc tiful flnwern and furnished cars, r. ft than!- von one and all. May you bei so helped, ond may G'Ki bless yo-- in ' your hour of need. Joseph B. Holland and family. 20c A j ! Vhite !,'"" i rrv' 27c KingLA" JARSii 79c Juicy - Swctt ffsimgessm-.- - t: 5c l: 5c BANANAS d - jS .15c ME DEWEYVILLE THANKS 25e CHIPS hand-in-han- G'-org- FOOD 5c 1 sti-Ips- I ANGLO CAN uri." COOKIES Vegetable Snc!;i Wash and clean thoroughly the following vegetables: Cauliflower: apart flower-lei- s in a small head of uncooked cauliflower. Radishes: With a sharp knife cut back outer skin to make roses. Carrots: Scrape and cut in lcnsthT,-i.:slices. Cut each slice into , retaining an uncut piece at top to hold strips togetner. Stuff several stalks of Celerv: with pimieuto cream cheese, celery C from per cent loss of vitamin thinned witn a mue been which has and lowered the body tissues these together. Fit lemon juice. vitamin C reserves go waxed paper and chill in with the tired feeling we get when Roll in refrigerator. the weather is hot. Put cauliflower, radishes and That's why lemonade is so reice water to crisp. Drain carrots freshing. In fact, if you would keep when in to serve. Cut celery in ready cool in warm weather, it's a pretty in vegetables slices. Arrange more or one to have rule good with and dishes garnish or serving of lemonade drinks every day orange juice, which is another rich mint and parsley. source of vitamin C. These citrus Lemon Sherbet fruit beverages are healthful In Another delicious form in which too. other ways Temons bring coolness to a warm z To Make Lemonade day is Lemon Sherbet, iiou cups lor 1 water extract together and cup For each person served, sugar slowly the juice from 1 lemon. Sweeten 5 minutes. Fold this syrup whites. to taste with 1 to 3 tablespoons into 2 stiflly beaten egg end 1 cup sugar or honey.. Stir until this i3 Add 1 cup lemon juice into freezFour well. 1 Beat water cold water. Add dissolved. cup at fast and ice to chill. Garnish with mint ing tray and set cold controlbeat or and Fprig3 and slices of lemon, placing freezing. Freeze stiff to freezing a slice of lemon on rim o each stir thoroughly. Return rnmnartment and nnisn ireezing. glass ' . . in .;tu Lui tmcva - . freezer,. wv-- vj niiu Lemon fizz; aiahe lemuuauc I (Makes about 1 quart Senes carbonated water. 14c 3 Packages h Madam Foe1 JELIO By BETTY BARCLAY Assorted Flavors LETTUCE MELONS jr.. 2c |