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Show rAcs roust SCHOOL I Mrs. Leo Earl ond daughter, Madge, spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Wynn Hansen left last week in company with Mrs. Ted Christensen of Tremonton, to visit the World's Fair. They expect to be gone about three weeks. Miss Barbara Welling is taking care of Mrs. Hansen's children during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Uel Gam and baby visited in Garden City with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilcox spent the uwitend in Loean canyon. Eben Wilcox has been visiting in California with relatives and friends, and also enjoying the fair. Mrs. W. M. Welling and daughters, Enid and Maurine are leaving Saturweeks visit to day morning for a two In coast They will visit the Pacific Ran Jose with Mrs. WellingPr' ents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan and relatives. other Mrs. Esella Bennett of Ames, Iowa, is visiting for the summer with her brother, and wile, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Severson. Mr., and Mrs. Steve Potter spent a couple days last week in Farmington visiting with relatives. Fridav nleht Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bourne,, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ferns-wortLaNae Bourne and Doris Farns a wedding dance held attended worth in Malad In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood. Mr. and Mr3. Frank Wood and family also attended the dance. The Social Development club mem bers and their husbands are holding their annual summer outing over Fri day and Saturday of this week. Theyhave engaged the Girls Home in Lo- I; Buckheet Work Shoes for Men CLIFF'S CLOTHIERY a. Classified Ad Column Cos. - ninn STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT I State Capitol SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH W OF (CONDENSED) pf KJ - AS SETTS Loans and discounts Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance ; of collection in items process cash and Bank premises owned $8,500.00, furniture and fixtures J2.8S3.99 - - Other assets $2; . TOTAL ASSETS k LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships. and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of States and political subdivisions ULner aeposns itci micu auu uuu.no iiicv.aj, clu.j M S".&3L09 2.505.12 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) 1 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 35,000 00 - lO.OOO.OQ TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 55,57125 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $352,038.13 This bank's capital consists of $10,000.00 of capital note tntai tures; first preferred stock with total par value of $ ; second preferred stock with total par value of value $ J ; and common stock with total retirable value ? total par vai $25,000.00. vftigH Bat mtTS - ' . BOTH WELL Another Cup Cake Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholer and Mrs. Ted Stark and children were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larsen at Corinne. Mrs. Sliding, of Salt Lake City, is having an extended visit with Mrs. Tennie Summers. Miss Eloise Anderson and Shirley Peterson spent last week in Ogden canyon with the girl scouts. Betty Summers spent last week at the Girls' Home in Logan canyon with Maxine Johnson, of Brigham City. Mrs. Nora Kupfer returned home Wednesday, after an extended visit ni California with friends and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Al Turner returned 9 home after spending a month in Lo- gan. Ezra Harris is in the hospital PARFJ3AK FOR SALE Pie cherries, 2c lbs. ' You pick 'em. James Walton farm, 2 miles east of Tremonton. WRITE FARLEY JEPPSON or phone 4G5-Brigham City, for Choice! Strawberries. ELECTRIC FEfJCE J, , ; 1 1 FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANER and AIR TUR1FIER parts, supplies or a demonstration, see H. V. Thomas, representative. SOCIAL SECURITY Etched Bronze " Tlate, with your name and Social Security number. Per mancnt, lasting, beautiful. See II D. Thomas, Leader Office. Models Triced from "Life-Time- Hemstitching done at Christenscn's. 1 block from Main Street. Inquire J.vmes Walton. Phone Residence, S9.a-1- : business, 23J. tf. CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. tf. 2. $9.90 to $19.75 at Tremonton Co. Accessories Harness 4 See These Machines Call for demonstration o Why F.xperimont When You Can Get A Safe Battery Operated Machine Guaranteed For 5 Years, For These Prices O Charges Up to 80 Miles of Fence. Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee. O (Agents Wanted) JOSEril A. SIIRIBFJl MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Distributor Fronk Chevrolet Co. rilOXE 28 l.y-- 4 NOTICE TO FARMERS We Will Call and Pay CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES and COWS Just Ring Logan Enterprise 30 This Is Our Private IiOng Distance Number the Operator Understands We That Already ray for'the Call COLORADO ANIMAL BY-PRODUC- TS 1 By Frances Lee Barton woman may well feel ANY when her guest says ' Annthpr run cake please! after enjoying her I first offering. Second helpings gladly accepted are proof positive that the first has been relished. Here Is a cup cake recipe that will enable you to with supply your family or guests the typo of goodies that always call for "seconds": Gingerbread Cup Cakes 2 cups sifted cake flour; 2 teabaking powspoons double-actin- s der; i teaspoon soda; 2 teaspoons ginger; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; ,a or teaspoon salt; s cup butter 1 cup sugar; other shortening; egg, well beaten; y3 cup molasses; cup sour milk or buttermilk. Sift flour once, measure, add and baking powder, soda, spices,times. salt, and sift together three Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar .Tadually, and cream together iintil light and fluffy. Add egg and molasses; then flour, alternatelya with milk, a small amount at time, beating after each addition until smooth. Bake in greased cupcake pans in moderate oven (375 F.) 20 minutes, or until done. Makes 2 dozen cup cakes. MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE We are playing in Logan's parade July 24th. A special rehearsal is to be held Friday evening at 8 p. m., at the high school band room. You must be present to this rehearsal if you expect to make the trip. JACK ANDERSON, Mgr. CO Wc Also Boy . . . HIDES - PELTS - WOOL Loan East f th Sugar Factory Buckhect Work Shoes for Men CLIFFS CLOTIUERY TELL 'EM With To $ELL 'EM, n Ad! Her conwith a nervous break-dowdition is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nichols returned to their home in Willard, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth. Miss June Firth went with n. them for a visit. Mrs. Kenneth Faskett, from Hene-fer- , Mrs. Gam from San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were home over the weekend from Monte Cristo. Mrs. Hannah Summers, Mr. and j j Mrs. Merlin Summers, and Mrs. Lewis Andtrson and children were visiting in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Wallace. Henry Schild and Mary Lauben-gaie- r of Salt Lake and Mina Schoen-hard- t of Chicago, 111., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eborhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Varney of Ogden. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Minnie Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stark and daughter, Sherline and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells and children of Willard wore Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stark. They also visited Mrs. Ttd Stark. Alien Matson returned hrme after spending two weokg In Ogden. Members of the town board held a meeting at the home of Mavnr Ht- ry Drew to make further preparation for the development of the water rvs- tem. Miss LuGene Summers entertained the Fashionette club. The afternoon was spent sewing, after which a dainty lunch was served. 4-- H ' For Mange In Hogs .D- - E- - ?ECKENPAUGH. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July 1939 JOHN J. SHUMWAY, JR., Notary Pub'ic, (SEAL) Residing at Tremonton, Utah. My Commission will expire June 19, 1940. ALMA THEURER, CORRECT ATTEST: JOHN J. SHUMWAY, D. E. PECKENPAUGH, Director! STATE OF UTAH Office of Bank Commissioner L J. M. KNAPP, Chief Bank Examiner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office on July 15, 1939. Voca(By LeRoy Bunnell, teacher of tional Agricultural at B. R. H. S.) It is apparent that "Hog Mange" is becoming quite prevalent in the valley. Careful watch should be made of all hogs as an infestation of mange would practically eliminate any opportunity for profit in hog raising under the present price levels. "Mange" is a scabby condition J. M. KNAPP, found on the hogs, caused by a very Chief Bank Examiner. of an small mite about inch long, which penetrates through jS infested before he leaves said The law provides that permits most the upper layer of the skin and cavate burows or galleries in which field), shall sweep all exterior parts be obtained from the Utah State 3 exposed parts of said machine Board of Agriculture, before any the eggs are laid. It usually attacks small pigs, but under heavy inf es- - f ree f rom noxious weed seed and farm machinery may be used for puit works on hogs of any age. use In case 0f a combine harvester blic service. It causes a very great discomfort, or threshing machine, same should Any person failing to comply witi , impairs the appetite, stimulates ex-- De equipped with a blower, and the the provisions of this law is guilty cessive rubbing and scratching, andj jaw reqUires that the machine shall of a misdemeanor, which, under the otherwise lowers the vitality of the speeded up and all noxious wed general statutes of the State of Utah, hog. Mangy hogs may be discounted' seed and refuse blown from the ma-o- n is punishable by imprisonment in a the market from 50 cents to $1.50 chine. All gears, pulleys, canvases, county jail not exceeding sis mcn per hundredweight, depending upon. SCreens, elevators, fans, belt and oth- - or by a. fine in any sum less than the severity of the infestation, er working1 parts must be cleaned free three hundred dollars, or by both. The parasite is spread through di- from noxious weed seed. mrect contact with infected animals. Responsibility is placed directly upApplications to operate farm the in to tjT of is transmissable man, It readily on the operators of these machines achinery for public service which case it may persist for about to see that the machines are free mentioned in the foregoing expla30 days. from noxious weed seed before they nation by the State Board of AgricThe infected hog may be identified leave a noxious weed Infested field. ulture may be filled out in the & by a general roughness of the skin. Failure on their part to perform this of the District Agricultural Inspector Small swollen areas about the size of service will mean, in case an inspec- at the Court House in Brighara the applia pin head are formed and as the tor or any other person who finds charge is made, but mites multiply, the diseased area in- that the work has not been properly cation should be filled out as soon creases and the granular or raised ar- done and sees fit to enter a complaint, possible. eas become closed together. A gener that the operator is liable to R. L. RIGBY al itching condition causes rubbing District Agriculture Inspector and the infected areas become red and inflamed. As the mange spreads, the skin become wrinkled, and pedical like scabs form. There are various methods of treat! ing for mange. It may be done by the use of hand applications, spraying, hog oilers, medicated wallows, or DDipping is most advisable when THE ENTIRE ESTATE OF NEWELL W. TAYLOR PABUL-Eweather permits. ECEASED. INCLUDING 1537 ACRES OF LAND, The U. S. D. A. Farmers Bulletin; AS FOLLOWS: 1085 recommends the use of "Crude 43 Acres Cultivated Land with U. I. S. Co. Water Petroleum," as the best treatment, as It is the only compound which will! Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 29, lice both and in one, 492.56 Acres Dry Pasture Land In Section 29, mange destroy treatment. When dipping, it is not 160 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 31, necessary to hold the animal in the 4S0 Acres of Dry Pasture Land In Section 31, vat longer than to get the entire body 40 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 3:, coated with oil. 120 Acres of Grazing Land In Section 32, If coal-ta- r or creosote dips are used, 120 Acres of Irrigated Land at Howell, Including a two or more treatments should be Four-rooHouse. given with 15 or 16 day intervals between tratments. It is not difficult to control Mange CROPS if treatment is given in time. More room for hog3 in their pens, Approximately 50 Tons of Hay. and a wider use of range would aid in preventing the spread of the parasite in the herd. one-fiftie- th ex-ifie- id j ' ref-tatio- ns j Ctv-N- dip-pini- 8 - ! Fanners Should Watch i Please! BAND STATE OF UTAH County of Box Elder D. E. PECKENPAUGH, being first duly sworn according deposes and says, that he is Cashier of the above named bank and that the aDove ana ioregumg icpui i uuuuuua a iuu, nue tma correct statement of the said bank at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1939. BaT-- u. I Wralter Call 66a-2blackcaps. Wuthrich, East Tremonton. About 1 Yt Mile South cf Sh i 5CCTT! Capital Surplus Undivided profits Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital riace orders now for raspberries and . Tremonton, Utah - rhon 19 ffihfcu 13 493-J-- p -- ; vnri SAL7 - Lumber and slabs. Wood ean canyon again this year and pro any length, for stove or fireplace, gram and games have been planned 57.00 for a big trucK loaa. Kagame for the two day event A good time 4 t. Ilenrie. is always in store for everyone who FOR SALE Dewberries, corner 6th attends and it is hoped that a good North and Fourth East, Brigham number will be able to go this year. Choice building lots, , t kr Mrs. City. imzZSJiCGZzPt riS h, OUR JULY 20, i " $ Mr. and Mrs. Eert Deakin and famFred Morily of Blue Creek and Mrs. Tuesspent es! and daughter, Dona, John- Jarvis Mrs. of home at the day : r """T the weekend. FOR SALE uiitct T.r.ATM3L THURSDAY, KEPOKT OF CONDITION OF THE EE.VK KlYEIt STATE Rvt TREMONTON. UTAH, IN THE STATE OF UTAH AT TmT Mr and Mrs, D. B. Jones announce the birth of a daughter, born Friday in of last week. This 1b the first girl Is quite feeling the family, so Dave have five proud. Mr and Mrs. Jones are in order. Congratulations boys. accomMr. and Mrs. W. M. Welling panied Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Christensen f r?rirham City, to Bear Lake over ' r, rT,r-rti iw I By i iyrr! DAYS - FIELDING Enid Welling 7 tAj; Wr? Safe g. BigK-10- m LIVESTOCK Two Holslein Cows with Calves, One Holstein Heifer, Farm Machinery Act (Statement of the State Board of Agriculture as to the reasons for this Act and what Is expected under the provisions of 'the Act from an operator of a thresslng machine, combine harvesting machine or a self binder In the cutting, harvesting and threshing of grains and seeds.) It is recognized that perhaps one of the greatest sources of the spread of noxious weeds is actually in the planting of seed infested with seed of noxious weeds. This often occurs by way of one cf said machines passing from an infested farm to a farm, thereby mucin g noxious weed teed with what would other wise he clean seed. Also, any sevd that "might drop from one of these machines on a farm that is otherwise clean, immediately infests a clean farm. The law provides that an operator of any of said machines, brfore leavan infested field (and responsiing bility is placed upon the operator of the machine to ascertain whether the 50 Leghorn Pullets. IMPLEMENTS Trw, i0 Mowers - One McCormick Decring Rubber shape - No. 8 McCormick Deenng Drills - Wagons - Plows - Harrows w gallon Galvanized Water Tank On Frame B3rr Fresno Scraper. AUTOMOBILES Rack. One 1 2 Ton Chevrolet Truck with Cattle model - One 1936 Buick Coupe. 1?' non-infest- MISCELLANEOUS farm looLs - - .Co Milking Machines Fork? a rartn Uuns Staunchions and Hundreds of Misccliamw tides Too Numerous to Mention. .......fcnvetn1 O Persons interested in purchasing any of the uJs or are requested to conw , Tremonton, Utah phone, 2:-administrator of the estate of ewciijjreal-esta- te 39-a-- J, l, f i- I J ' |