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Show JULY 20, 1839 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, Law of the Standards O3TW0 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER ' Entered a Second Class Matter at the Postofflce at Tremonton, Utah, yirst West Street - VV. rllE LUrtt-iCHECKS AND TAX EVERY INDIVIDUAL. A 23-- J L OV NATION- - BIU AND INTERNATION AL PROBLEMS INSEPAKAiiix, FROM LOCAL V - $2.00 ONE YEAR (In Advance) SIX MONTHS (In Advance) THREE MONTHS (In Advance) ' .. .1 .' 1 current in the runs high ' Bitterness ' ov? . J anand New Deal " . ' Sk tf "Sflr.- Deal Democrats, between nabe-j tionalists, and internationalists, "liberals." and tween "conservatives" are Cause of much of this bitterness "Don't try to tell me this everof immense importance exmatters two Qi crmnarv idea is a new l.neo, bu.,n.. any UlUi.g matter .ovenn. l Without to the American people our money and Z, product n be obtamed fr.e One periment, because Joseph ndu.tr.al Library Obl.gat.on i. the Amrncan S3 well as to your Country policy and our neutrality policy. Matter you. Adverti.,n Vrrte or Bu.me Pharaoh uiougni. n. uu.. i"-me forwarded. to a degree will determine inUrre.ied in; tame will be promptly 41st the chapter of Genesis and in course of this country. The economic IJtCnSTRIAL A!,!IRICftJI found it worked, too." other will have an immediate bearing they nn whether we shall become partici PATRONIZE YOUR or pants if another world war occurs, LOCAL MERCHANTS to escape whether we shall manage ASSOCIATION toll of being directly involved in its life and property. The money fight was over the pro"Horticulturists are using tomato ,mM,1,mn,mu1m1,UM,,.1)m1M.,m1,l..,.,IIHMm,M,.,.n,m1 m ,,, Dr. H. Loran Blood posal that the Executive's emergency be co- Giants soured bv into South powers in valuing gold should on a expedition while ntinuedand over the policy of Treas- America inplant their experiments iu pi id ury silver purchases. For several nduce fruits that are resistant to S3 .ar the United States has been buy Paul Dr. drouEht." w ouwi while visiting ing foreign silver in tremendous quan stated recently Work likewise purcnasea u. has titles. It col wnmm iiiMiiliMimnmumiimiiliiimml State Agricultural Utah ummimuuiiimmimmmm ,, ,,, s mined silver at a price of about on the is Horticul WorK Dr. campus. with NEW YORK. July 17 BUSINESS COritractuial relations of dealers 40 cents. And, by acts of Congress, lege turist expert at uornen uinveisi un After drooping along aimlessly for manufacturers in other lines are the President has been empowered to Ithaca, New York. week der investigation, officials indicated. reduce the gold content of the dollar months, the stock market last was He pointed to the very early variety for this out reason that Tax eXperts pointed to as little as 50 per cent of its former gave financial observers antiback by Dr. Blood, proressor of bv how illustration 0tHiHnrr the, pncrmra brought Tv,a,r i ' " ' J value. J Torf tlil ' f niant. natholosrv at the U. S. A. C omurinir volume as stocks broke out f.y.an store legislation constitutes a was This last phase of the question as having received of their rut on the upside." This is present and potential menace to all most important issue at and other species the far Dr. Work has by a technical way of saying mar, me tvnea of business and said the Colo stake. Administration supporters widespread recognition. several on vegetable estimated the is been carrying rado action served to dramatize majority of investors (it wantprl it continued the measure le tomawith the particularly "Lazo's of experiments throughout warning, truth there are 25,000,000 at midnight, June it expired conducted galizing he has work business on "Harri mnnpv" men wanted it toes. With this nation) view the immediate of vegetables BACK TO SHAKESPEARE The nholished. In the Senate, the "hard classes on marketing prospects hopefully. He says channels. distribution g and plod-toand billion scares world consumes about 'four Disturbed by war advocates, led by Senator no economic however, f'Vlivj channels, that domestic business, few persons Glass, threatened to talk the Din to matter how good are not of much a a hazard to months ending June 30, four and lately have been willing death thT0Ugh a filibuster. This devel and that Diuion Dusrreis weic uai vcolcu, opment, in the words of Time, caused value without good products guess, DacKta uy nn.ut j, new these of Those further development direction of trade and industry. busting the world "carryover" to l,- the President to "hit the ceiling. He ben would prove snecies undoubtedly make up couldn't lies the slocks Therein owned was 217.000.000 bushels. who immediately stated that an effort over the their minds to sell, while those with problem of wheat growers. Supply ex- being made to return the control of eficial to such producers all rea nation. As to decide buy. ceeds demand by a wide margin. money to "Wall Street speculators." cash couldn't sult, transactions in stocks have been Wheat prices for future delivery in Answer to this came promptly from comparativly small, and prices drawn this country during the late winter senator Vandenburg, who said, "I of the New Deal has the Adminis on a chart showed little and earlv snrinjr held close to 65 cents been if our distinguished Executive tration's majority in the Senate deviation from a stiaight line. Last a bushel. Then in May prices climbed wonder now. as so slim what he was sayprecisely . , week's action demonstrated that for close to 80 cents a bushel due to realized the -Ttfnt sr clpn . IIIU. wncii mat unb v.,, n,.irio of scares. war this But the moment, at least, the indecision and the talk drought 1W controls Wall mnnpv Street ineoiiwi juvi.vj , back many investors had been resolved in, filljp for famers was short-liveThe issue. President, neutrality men were adamant " favor of owning stocks rather than prices during June and July sliding ed by Secretary Hull, wants wide dis- when that result the with the when arises level. On the Livcash, a situation that back to the came on June 30, the President's cretionary powers. He does not want stage is being set for a broad upturn erpool market last week wheat prices over the gold content was not to be forced to automatically forbid in business. low. In 1593, when power broke a the shipment of arms to fighting na Elizabeth was queen, and Shakespeare renewed. a law whicri he tions. rhen the Administration forces would Instead, any prefers WASHINGTON Last week's ad-- ! was a rising young playright, the to nation buy what permit went to work and wants in this country, includ- journment hopes of Congress faded- Wall Street Journal points out, wheat, aa th SonntP Kanklne- committee be- sold at 55 cents a bushel. In the Ensr-- I the silver minded arms and munitions, on a cash- . .. ,... iY,av nffarpfl tr raise the'- Drice -paid ing i, i ii ...!: anu on me oi itrievisiuu Aaminisixiiuuii ianu v auauiujius gan Hearings basis, whereby it would cents a bush-- ' for domestic mined silver to about 71 have to attain immediate title to what to 51 " Fed; wheat new proposal. plunged Z. cents per ounce. And this swung the eral Works Administrator John M. el. and move its purchases dav. In a vote taken a few days later, ever it bought Some men who are Carmody told the committee a own in its ships. Executives gold act to renew the fund for public fzonts are be- NEW FACES-St- ore to President the in his do mar opposed works would give 420,000,000 man ing modernized in the U. S. at the power was approved by a narrow it. favor mestic policies, lere . now considerable queshours of employment to workers on rale of 85.000 a vear. the Eovernmont Irrespective of who is right, the on 10 ltS legauty as at-the projects and in forests, mines, AHtlmn. i experts congressional isolationist bloc, strong So the President won a provisional mills, factories and transportation. tribute this record to recognition by Senators Borah and influential bv led so much But the fact that or construction maienais convinced their colleagues today's merchants that a retail store victory. Johnson, his own par y iron and steel, machinery, cement. ls a package. When confronted opposition within au President's the that discretionary Ped &mst a clay, glass and lumber-co- st-, wlth tw0 or more simnar articles, be materially curbed. should thority pre him overwhelmingly by s granted ing $200,000,000 would aid heavy identically priced, consumers was a blow to the The Administration leaders felt sure industries. - vious congresses attracmost choose the package ajjy plan would and it further ilium that the White House whatever fate might tively wrapped, its rainy simple,1 the House, the rift between Congress and pass WARNING A month ago Hector these days, for a storekeeper to obtain store but in for be in the it Senate, advent the of Lazo. advance facts about cost and design! the President. Not since they guessed wrong. Passed, by a vote of 214, to 173, was an amendment by independent retailers in Kansas City store "in an attractive package." Subsidy program on cotton exports Representative Vorva flatlv specify that a "law passed today to fore even approaching a prospective Is due August 1. Agriculture Depart ing that no belligerent nation, large put your competitor out of business customer, a glass jobbing firm in Min- - ment says. . . Retail tire sales in first or small, may purchase arms and ammay whack you between the eyes to- nea polls eauips its salesmen with col half of 1939 best in eight years. . munition in this country. morrow." Such a whack last week ored sketches of vitrolite glass fronts Packard Motor Co. to be ready Aug Other sections of the bill, which re caromed Against an industry not aim- so that a merchant may see for him ust 15 with 1940 model cars. . . Amer ceived House approval by the narrow ed at in the original legislation, when self how effectively a " ican Woolen Co. sales in first half to 188, provide that 200 of Colorado's State Treasurer Armstrong would attract new customers to his estimated at double volume in same margin as well as the President, Congress, bluntly announced that automobile! store. The salesman also has records period last year. . . 45 per cent of may declare that a state of war ex manufacturers owed some $530,000 in showing how, after modernization, stores reporting to National Retail between nations: that U. S. citi taxes for the years 1935-3- 9 under the business has improved for merchants Drv Goods Association in cities rang ists zens will travel on ships flying the "because1 state's chain store tax law in other cities. ing from 75,000 to 900,000 population flags of warring nations at their own of the close contractural relations"! provide parkin2 facilities or some risks, and that purchases of non-wbetween them and their dealers. The' HEADLINES IN NEW YORK -- - kind for their customers. materials in this country by belliger ents must oe on tne basis. There is a certain practical weakness in forbidding belligerents to buy arms here after all, such peaceful commodities as oil and leather and metals are as vital to the pursuit of modern war rs shells nml onri A COLORED airplanes. But the action of Congress shows the growing feeling that the cynical lessons we have IeArnpd from our participation in the last war make it essential that we do everything con ceivaoie to maintain aosoiute neutral IN ity ' M . v w Free to Fublit To Your Town " I ::i Plant Experiments u Gain Recognition , , ,H.,n.M-.- m.H "Behind the Scenes In American Business blos-an- 1umm111u.MMi1111.Mi1mn1iHim.11nm. (1U11B -- Z 49-2- 0. 3: 36-1- 6: 70-1- 4: , day-by-d- . . . - d "hard-money- mid-nig- ht 65-ce- nt 347-ve- ar 200,000,000. f.Aeev -- -- and-carr- 3-- "lending-spending- 8 $350,-000,0- non-Feder- al . v deve.-eton- e, j PeT gencr-good- j cash-and-car- ry No. 4 No. 5 $100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 $1,000,000 750,000 500,000 250,000 $10,000,000 7,500,000 5,000,000 2,500,000 "ECONOMIC RULE" Give ljc a pound of the 10c or pound loaf to the ones who produce the material thereof, that stability may return to the basic few and this no doubht will stabilize you. Bankers, bakers, industrial and capitalist leaders, all are dependent upon the great Creator and the law of supply and demand is now at your wrist. Just take it in hand, give cost of production for the consumable portion, the law will take care of the other and false notions such as surplus production, greed and speculation and thus we can save the choice of all America. For you "America," for me equality to all and nations ever be iree. Standard No. 10 Takes to the Trillion: I don't ever expect to hear of any Some humans are selfishness personified and would like to if it starved the rest of humanity to death. In the plan of the Standards I desire to show the position of all humans, past, present and future, so far as money is concerned. The Constitution is what we Americans are supposed to live by. The Lord has been merciful to this people. The masses have been obedient to the leadership. When it is righteous the people are happy and prosper but wicked and designing men have corrupted the original plan until it is hard to find enough of it left to cling to so it is time for a Standard No. 10 Weigh and Measure Humanity trillion-aire- .. First Quarter $250,000,000,000. Second Quarter $500,000,000,000. Third Quarter $750,000,000,000. Fourth Quarter $1,000,000,000,000. j - No. 3 Foundation of Equality to All CONSTITUTION AND DEMOCRACY - UTAH (INC.) NO. 1 "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" National Law of Supply and Demand - Single Individual 1000 bu. - 750 bu. - $675.00 - 75f - 250 bu. Unit of Production World law of supply and demand was 800,000,000, 600,000,000 and j "(nau No. 2 $10,000 7,500 5.000 2,500 No. 1 $10.00 7.50 5.00 2.50 Q " 1 Autwracv - Bureaucracy - Capitalism - Hypocracv ttm 4TMTTY IN THE RED: But Stand Together for a Ch.r,. of government I stand for the I stand for the American form capi I stand in defense of children and finance. 0m system -with improved treatment and better crmarp living n .uuiuons folks. 1 siaim w then we should stand pvervbody. If you stand for these things all experience has shown that eether Declaration: and accordingly mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable and usurpations pursuing invariable when a long train of abuses to reduce them under absolute despotism same object evinces a design to thiow off such government and to their is duty it their right, it is future their for security. new guards provide Weigh and Measure Humanity Standard No. 9 First Quarter $25,000,000,000. Second Quarter $50,000,000 000 Third Quarter $75,000,000,000. Fourth Quarter $100,000,000,000.' 750 1000 75 $675 250 1ml Law of Supply and Demand the and Covenants banking and against profit system Doctrine "But it is not given that one man should possess that D. C. another." above is whih "Let Edward Partridge appoint unto this people their D C 51-man equal according to their families." every portion unto you rich men that will not give of your "Woe D C substance to the poor, for your riches will canker your souls." "Never the less in your temporal things ye shall be D. C. equal." "SELFHELP INC." to make any city a 100 built up and beautiful, modem order In town we must have a first class self help plan. Standard No. l and no interest is the only plan that can qualify of the many thought out so far: . ,. tl ELrnisi SUBSCRIPTION KATES W. WHITNEY Standard No. 9 w JAMES WALTON, Publisher I. p. WALTON, Editor and Busing Manager Phone BY ILI TENESGS THAT AFFECT of Each Week Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday " Uncle Jim Sags ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS - 250 bu. 75 750 1000 $675. Law of Supply and Demand! THE KOREAN ON USURY ever They who devour usury shall not arise from the dead. "What not shall substance mens of increase to an be in usury ye shall give be increased by the blessing of God. All great religions and reforms have opposed usury or increase upon debt. Alexander in in Latera council 1179, forbid the giving of communion to usurers or christian burial and forbid any priest to accept their alms." Jerimiah, Chap. 51, watcn Setup the standard on the walls of Babylon, make the Lord strong, set up the watchman, prepare the ambushes, for the decreed that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon. EVERYONE READS THE CLASSIFIED ADS i vice-preside- nt M'fd III "face-lifting- 1 j ar casn-and-car- ry Travel in BEAUTIFUL ENLARGED HAND FOR orjLY Q (Oo c5J)v go " Reg. 02.00 Value for 39c o as- -; To Everyone Who Pays for a Year's Subscription to the Bear River Valley Leader A Free Coupon Will Be Given With Each Subscription o The Technitone Portraits Can be Reproduced from Any Photo, Clear Kodak or Penny Picture CALL IN OUR OFFICE AND SEE A SAMPLE travel-wear- $MAKT MONEY Knows where to after reading the ads In this news paper. "NERVES" Here's a good way to quiet LOW FARES "NERVES" A Dr. Miles' Tub-le- $110.64 t, a glass of water, a pleasant, sparkling drink. Nerves relax. You can rest, sleep, enjoy life. At your drug store. 23c and $90.77 fcwndTrtpta StaacUid PnQ. Mm Brth Xrfi, V BoUKlTdpla DoudTripla Brth Ak bmil $00 Inr ; $S9.17 Ck1IDgr SWplngCar to. iM1,.FJJ " To SAN F8ANCISC0 v r.w Tor T Eflervescent Nervine tte y c LEATHERETTE FRAME - Cornfort ned "do you'll have pep to Fair in great styleif you go by train. Both the New lo ' and the San Francisco Fairs are reached via Union Paan and connecting lines. You'll ride in cool, clean, air-ditioned comfoit . . .enjoy delicious dining car meals.. ' restful sleep . . . freedom from highway hazards. losso GOING EAST spend a day in Denver with no r about travel time and at no extra rail fare. Ask service. Express" and Streamliner "City of Denver" ea GOING WEST visit glamorous Southern California or route to the San Francisco Exposition at little extra rail fare. You won't be TECHNITONE PORTRAIT -- Air-conditio- Ccmiort.bL Coach. In Cocli and $133 la Pullmann Jot circU trip lo both the New Yolk nd Sao Francisco Furi and return. $3444 $3:,.S9 ' Unund Trip In Bound Trip Standard Pull- man.-B- Chn9' ct.M SlpfnO0 Brtk -rlh txtr S.. Bould.r D- - S,!"r, "'tIUaB,' A. D. SARGENT, Agent $1.00. Tremonton, Utah L 1 I 0 If hi iu2&i Co4cl - Telephone '" i |