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Show ESAU EIVEa EXGITT yAUt LE.tK3 dent; Mrs. Cifford Watland. second vice president; Mrs. isu vvinzeier, secretary, and Mrs. P. E. Auit, treasurer. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spangler and 2 Reese phone Housley of Garland, visited sevLocal Correspondent KINK COOK, MAI eral days with Mrs. Spar.gler's brothMr. and Mrs. er and fishing trip in Logan canyon Kent of Riverton, Wyoming, were the For superior salesmanship in the two-da-y Girl Scouts with their leader, guests Tuesday at the home of Mr. The onnnsnrrd recently by the left Saturday for and Mrs. George Quinney. Mr. HatchMason Lucille Cropley, and Boyd Deaert New3, Paul in Radcliff Ogden canyon, ings returned Wednesday to Riverton won trips to the Golden Gate Expo- Camp will remain for a week while Mrs. Hutchings and Kent pla where with they expenses Francisco Kan in sition news Members at the camp are Francis to remain here for two weeks. At paid. With two hundred other will Rae Landvatter, Opal Shimek, Betty An- present Mrs. Hutchings is visiting her boys and district managers they at Eloise Getz, Rene Olive Bjorn grandmother, "Sirs. S. A. Quinney, leave Saturday on a special charterPetersen. and be will Shirley derson which in Logan. they ed pullman Weekend guests at the home of Mr. miartArpH during' their visit at the In honor of the fifth birthday of Mr. were, Oenhart Mrs. Francis Moore son her fair. In a similar contest, Paul wcwi Easter of New Yoik, entertainedIrvirt, Mrs. arid George a at last Yellowstone to year. birthday party at her a trip who were married last week in the. Ten guests were preshome Monday. Mrs Ted Christensen and Mrs. - Salt Lake Temple. Mrs. pastel cover was set with candy Wynn Hansen, of Fielding-- left Thurs- formerly Miss Marlon Taylor, daugh- ent and each and a tiny cake with favors basket w day tor a iour 01 us caau. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Taylor a candle. The centerpiece was a birthfirst to Detroit, then to New York ter of Salt Lake. cake with five candles. where they will visit the World's Fair, Mr. and Mrs. George Quinney wcie day and Mrs. Dean' Larsen, of BingMt. D. Mr. C, the at returning via Washington, entertained Sunday evening the last two Vernon, etc. They plan to return in home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Quin- ham, have been guestsof Mr. and Mrs. home the at weekends weeks. three ney of Logan:. A. L. Madsen. Mrs. Helen Wilson is in California Those from Bear River Stake who Mr. and Mrs. R. Glen Calderwood in excursion Elliot. visiting; her son, attended the Utah Trail son Jimmy, of Los Angeles left and Mrs. Shirley Watland is visiting three Salt Lake Tuesday are Mr. and home Wednesday evening their for weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wight, R D Anderson and Mrs. Anderson's several days at the of Magna. She will return to her home father Mr. and Mrs. Alf Michaelis, after visiting Mrs. R. S. Calder-tvip- v and Mr. of home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and Miss Ttfan to travel via San Mr. and Mrs. Herman Griffin, of Tr.hnanrt fif Gat' land: Mrs. Jas. attend the Golden Gate California, were dinner guests at the Walton and Mr, and Mrs. Cowley. The Francisco and rt C. Exposition. Mrs. Fred home of Mr. and route took them through Emigration TToifn and Oarrv Walton at. thrfr hom Thursday eveninar. canyon to Henefer and thence through Mr. Griffin' was formerly cashier of Weber canyon to Bear River Valley. and Annivor Heppler accompanied Monto Curtis Walton to Oakley, Utah, the bans: nere. The purpose of the excursion was returned Wednesday Annivor unMorday. The 140th troop of Boy Scouts, retrace the steps taken by the wifh Mr. Walton and Maurine. der the direction of Rev. Reginald mon pioneers. and Garry returned Saturday Helen Goff will leave Friday morning for a officers and their with mother, who has Deen visGeorge Housley, of Mountain City, iting during the summer in Oakley. of Nevada. Yvonne Briggs was a guests and son, MONEY TO LOAN Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hutchings Norr at the Norr home in Blue Elaine of were honored by the Ladies Aid fore part of this week. the Creek th Methodist church at a reception HEAL ESTATE Clef music club will Treble The church of the in held the basement at the home of meet vening Friday OR FARMS HOMES . Tuesday. Mrs. Hadley was in charge Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Schaffer whose of arrangements. Mrs. T. P. Meister BROUG offi- daughters, Gay, Gloria and Sherry gave a tribute to the of Miss Mary isurns. ine AGENCY cers; Mrs. Rose Davis contributed a are students and a program will be presented by the pua and vocal selection reading, FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE take-of- f on the officers was given by pils. Mrs. Rosco Heppler entertained the INSURANCE Mrs. Edgar Winchester. The new ofV. G. F. Sewing club at her home, ficers are Mrs. L. G. Rose, president; TKEMONTOX, UTAH were serv Mrs. D ,W. Jenkins, first vice presi- - Wednesday. Refreshments Local and Social Items C0-a-- sister-in-la- K-.- ( w- , J g-- - Gep-tia- Out-goin- JAMES g II out-goi- America's Favorite Shirt Pattern Is No Pattern At All! WHITE ARROW SHIRTS CLIFF'S CLOTHIERY UMMER SHEERS Be comfortable these hot days Wear Sheer Dresses Choose clothes to suit your individuality DRESSES - HATS - ACCESSORIES LaGra Shop ladies Exclusive r Ready-to-Wea- Goes! Mcwaseo Bleed Goes! Liatsafeei? - We Have M 0 0 ... A home is no' better than the materials put into it and the workmanship applied to them I Boyde HollanTriC: Former Valley Church Business School Girls At Brigham Win Contest Honors Worker Dies Brighamj I ... Our company's long established for reputation good construction supplies is your assurance of complete satisfaction when you build Let us help you for an attractive, livable and durable home . . . Use "Good Lumber" We Have It! ... ed. Mr. and Mrs. Georere Quinney will 1 spend Sunday with friends and rela-tives in MontpeHer, laano. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenn and Mrs. Will Mason were Ogden visitors Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Miller and family spent Wednesday at Monte Cristo. Miss Hazel Heiner, of Morgan, has been visiting since July 1 at the home of Mrs. Effie Giles. She plans to spend the summer here. The O B G club held a vagabond party Friday evening. A tasty snack was enjoyed at the Oak Coffe Shop after the party. Darrell Kunz, from the C C Camp, is visiting his father and family for a week. Miss Joyce Warnham, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who visited several clays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Cook, left Tuesday evening for Brigham City, where she will visit Mr, and Mrs. Abel S. Rich, who formerly presided over the Canadian mis- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Lamoin Cowley, Mr. and Mrs. Val Cowley of Ogden, and Maxine Buchanan attended the funeral services of Jame3 A. Petersen, formerly a banker at Richfield and president of the Texas mission. Mr. Petersen was the father of Mrs. William Preston of this city. The services were held at Richfield. Word was received Wednesday morning from Sabetha, Kansas, of the death of Mrs. Samuel Imthurn, mother of Mrs. Herman Landvatter. Mr. and Mrs. Imthrun were former residents of Tremonton. Edgar Winchester, Grand Master of the Odd Fellows of Utah, in company with other Odd Fellows of the local lodge, attended the meeting of the ugden loage mesaay evening ior tne purpose of installing officers, Friday, with Mrs. Winchester and Mr. and Mrs. Covert, he paid an official visit to the lodge in Sugarhouse. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Price, three sons and one daughter and their families spent the 4th of July at Mirrow Lake. Alfred Knuz and Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Weese and family spent the 4th in Weber canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith and their families spent the 4th in Malad. Miss Anna Alphin, of Lovell. Wyo., visited hpr mint' TUt CI V PHrp and family on her way home from the Southern States mission. Anrnn YVppstv Miles fJosq and fnm Hies are vacationing in Yellowstone Ouilding Materials, Coal, Hardware, Glass, China Ware 35 and Beautify the Home - Rose Burgin Carr, SistPr Abe Kay of this city, and kf lh many here, died at theLnT"1' pital July a'sr 10, following ho'' eration. She was born shire England, OctoberTi v daughter of Sarah Wakefii ' Jesse Burgin. She came with her brother in l892 on- - 1 t?? Mrs. Carr was . "JJj a ,mJ foitv,.., tcuuum Latter Sfake t great-grandchil- d. BUS j dents may start any week and pro-- 1 gross as rapidly as their application, ability and previous training will per- mit. It is a real privilege to take; training in this internationally known school of business training. Anyone wishing to obtain information or a catalog may do so by sending in a post card inquiry. Visitors are welcome any time. Adv. Crippled Children Clinic At Ogden July 8 j 17-1- State Board of Health a diagnostic crippled children's clinic July 17th and 18th at the Central Junior High School in The Utah will conduct Ogden, Utah. UNION BUS DEPOT Phone 88.0-- 1 - Tremonton, Utah Union Pacific Stages DR. DETA P. "A NEELEY'S BOOK CANDIDATE Special physicians, certified in FOR HELL" The club held their meeting at and orthopedic surgery will ex the home thefr of Velma leader, ON SALE AT NOW amine the children ascertaining, so far as possible, the existing defects. the Wednesday. Cake making was lesson. Later in the afternoon Thi3 clinic will be for new cases Drug Store to motored and they Logan canyon and will include patients from only Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, Morgan, America's Favorite Shirt Pattern Is No Pattern At All! Davis, Rich, Summitt and Weber WHITE ARROW SHIRTS CLIFF'S CLOTHIERY counties. All cases to be admitted will be by appointment, which may be obtained by calling the District Health Office at 203 24th Street, phone 165. ped-istri- cs 4-- H Ger-me- r, City . DOfJ'T BE sorry; for canning Buy your Cherries and Apricots NOW . . , The crops are about over. CARD OF THANKS We appreciate greatly the kind assistance and help rendered us during our bereavement in the loss of our father. To all who were so kind and helpful, we extend our heartfelt appreciation and thanks. The family of David Conger GOOD SUPPLY AT OUR MARKET DAILY CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE FRUIT STAND (SOW M3. Tremonton For Your Convenience Tremonton . . . Your You Are Always Welcome At the City Drug . . . Meet Your Friends, Leave Parcels, Buy Your Stamps . . . Check Your Needs from These UNUSUAL SAVINGS! gSB" 3S":f iii uuit I'UUJN TA1JN I SXEKIHTn - SATURDAY ONLY i 10c iiii;iiiii:::a;;,::i3:!:!Ciii KLEENEX TISSUES CREME WAFERS BOX OF 200 34c 2 MURINE, 60c size ' n i 49c T00TI1 PASTE fnoTf io0c SUAVE CREAM e- - E UP U.2 S. M. A. POWDER STICK 19c 33c 79c 9 ASPIRIN TABLETS, 100's Tuos. ic 29c for 25c P 29c WIIITE KINQ iant Wox TAMPAX, 10's 60c FASTEETII PLATE POWDER 73c NUJ0L MINERAL Oil PARLUM APEX HOT WATER 33c 49c 49c 43c 53c BOmES 1 MILK OF MAGNESIA RINSO 1? TOOTH PASTE WHITE ACE SHOE CLEANER TiIct Soap ' 3 bare 1ELNAMLNT, re- - 23c PAPER NAPKINS, 100 Embosd Gem Single Edge Blades, Pg. 0f 5 Crystal White Laundry Soap 10 bars rSl??ill0y 4 t LB. 57m SIZE Z. inr WHISK BROOMS $1.35 PINKHAM'S COMPOUND c 2.-JOHNSON'S BABY TALC 10c COc 23c 37c RUBBING ALCOHOL, 17c ALKA-SELTZE- 2.')C 89f 19C 49c R lie o-.- c Thursday "CODE OF THE STREETS" "EXPOSED 1 Dies . rv, d, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Munns, of announce the marriage of their Murines wmen maae her loved ar4 . i resnected hv nil daughter, Ruth, to Albert F. BingGloria OiiNsmeyer A. B. Mrs. She is ham, son of Bishop and survived by the fotoi and established five new world sons and Bngiham of Honeyville. The marriage places daughters: Mrs. Emilv snare oi lion's the and took records on took place in the Logan Temple l at the recent international com- nett, Seattle, Washington Thursday, July 13. They were accom- prizes S City; CZF' Dorothy York New contest at schools mercial panied by the parents of the bride Carr, LeW City, according to word received from Carr of New York City; twolfe and groom. which of Business recollege, a Henager's On Friday evening, July 14, Mrs. Mary Ann Froggatt, of Sh institution all girls are students. brook, England and Mrs. Nellie k ' ception will be held after which the first four took Miss Fulton places, a for leave will honeyof 14 grandchildren aid newly weds three of which meant establishment oneTremonton; moon to Yellowstone. set Miss Richards records. of world's Funeral services were held at Lpm; Upon their return they will make up a new record in first year dicta- Fifth Ward July 13. their home in Honeyville. The bride and her mother presided phone transcription competition and at a trousseau tea at her home last took other second and third prizes. enjoyed a very pleasant outing. set a record in first Friday. Mrs. B. A. Bingham assisted Miss Glissmeyer in receiving the guests. Mrs. Arvil year typing contest. Miss Naomi Nielsen left TremontHunsaker had charge of the trous CHANGE IN seau awl gin room, assisted oy iviis. on1 to start her course with us Monof one this is She 3rd. Afton Bingham. Aiiss ueui tsmgnam day, July SCHEDULE in rharp-- of the serving, assisted year's graduates of the Bear River excel- had and she has School Elma and Lois Hansen Misses the High by Effective July 15, 1939 lent foundation training1 under Mr. Ed Romer. is who New, Convenient Departure Times, Thp vnnnf coimle are well known Harris, the commercial teacher 1 commer-Are As Follows: in the work excellent in active been doing religious very having ana civic anairs. ineir nose oi irienas cial department. Henager Business, For Salt Lake City: 7:15 A St wish them joy and success in their college is in session all summer and 3:25 P. M. - 8:55 P. M. is entirely air conditioned and new stu- married life. "ROUGH RIDERS' ROUNDUP" Wednesday 3'4fiIn al,u FollowingOperatioi Marriage Solemnized "BOY SLAVES" CASH UNION ptTu will Rose B. Carr Munns-Bingha- m Friday and Saturday MARCH OF TIME MICKEY MOUSE and NEWS Everything to Build Funeral services r; day, July 16, at 2 taS4 River City Ward chapS Funeral services were held in Mantua Tuesday afternoon. Interment was in the Mantua cemetery. FRED ASTAIRE and GINGER ROGERS in Phone hi rwy nonana, Morgan ' City. TREMONTON, UTAH FARMERS' i hadTfiJS, He Nichols. PromontnrS " land. Fvanc: : OrpheumTheatre "THE STORY OF VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE" ; monton public - tte He was a member of &e L. S. Church. Besides his the following n Subscribe for the Leader Sun. - Mon. '- J,,;-- in He was born at Evans. park ROY ROGERS in i j' pTi nsptal J",,. . JOHNSON'S ROSE MARIE 'QUALITY r.TERCHAFJDIGE Boyde George Holland son of Mr. and Mrs. a Wednesday Miss Eleanor Fulton, Miss Elaine counsel-- 1 Joseph Jensen, 70, former IL Wel- Richards and Miss Gloria Glissmeyer, lor to Stake President Milton with his all of Salt Lake City swept eix iirst ling and furinture dealerin Garland, brother, Hyrum Jensen, died at his home in Brigham, Satur: i day' following a three years illness. Mr. Jensen was born in Mantua, of Peter November 29, 1868, and Anna Maria Hansen Jensen. He r spent the major part of his life in Cox Elder county. In 1900 he became I i county clerk. and served two terms ir, that nffif-pFollowing- this he mov ed to Gailand, where he was active in church affairs, and later established a furniture business in St. Anthony Idaho, which he operated for ten years. Then he moved to Los Angeles where he lived until three years ago kit h when he moved to Brigham City. l4.'i4?e Richard He is survived by the following iZIe.'.uo- - Fulton children: Lamar Jensen and Mrs. H. E. Paul, both of Los Angeles; two brothers and a sister: Peter Jensen and Hyrum Jensen, of Garland, and Mrs. Annie J. Keller, of Salt Lake Mn,a ev-nin- o- TUESDAY, JULY 13. 1539 ! SS "trji1 -- 60c MAR-O-OI- pit 39c L I'INE OF GARDEN SPRAYS AND INSECTICIDES AUVi ON YOUR PARTICULAR PROBLEM. - |