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Show Con V3 -- if- .Driving? 7 V KILLED . . . ov er one million injured in 1938! Many drastic laws have been passed to curb reckless drivers and speeders. Statistics prove that punishment does not cure this evil An accident causes grief to both the injured and the driver. Avoid this trouble by DRIVING SAFELY ... it rests with the individual driver and the pedestrian! :r ?v 38,000 ... Bear River Valley Leader is proud to present this page, the first of a series of pages to be devoted to Traffic Safety in an effort to assist those organizations now striving to safer for our use! This is service made possible only through the highways public jnake of the business and professional men represented on this page. Patronize them, friends and are and read their your neighbors. Stop they message Safety First Always! A courteous driver is a safe driver WHICH KIND ARK YOU? The '"I GLOBE MILLING CO. l GLOBE GLOBE A-- Manufacturers of FEEDS . . . Dairy A-- 4 WHOLESALE Poultry - Hog FLOUR AND CEREALS l ALL KINDS OF GRAINS - 3 Phone 94.J Elevator Phone 41 CHRISTENSEN'S V ECONOMY PULL OUT LOOK OUT 31 THRIFT DEPARTMENT STORE Dry Goods - Men's Wear - Shoes Notions - Groceries MOST ACCIDENTS OCCUR ON STRAIGHT ROADS AND IN CLEAR WEATHER Use Your Brakes Not Your Horn WE SPECIALIZE IN RELINING AND ADJUSTING BRAKES JAMES SMITH GARAGE FOR SAFETY SAKE RIDE ON "GENERAL" SQUEEGE ACTION SAFETY TIRES other words, everything is in the driver's favor; still, the accident ht Also FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES jay-walkin- g, C.W.&M.CO. FRANK DALT0N Statistics gathered by the department of law enforcement, Harry M. Rayner, commissioner, show that the majority of our accidents occur on a straight road with a dry surface, on a clear day. In occurs. Under such conditions the average driver is tempted to speed. Of the 1683 accidents which occured in Idaho last year, 165 were due to excessive speed. The records prove that 300 of these accidents occured while the driver was under the influence of liquor, causing 13 deaths an,d 36 injuries. Many drastic laws have been passed to curb drunken driving. A drunken driver is a potential murdered and 63 such is a menace to everybody on the highway. In other words don't drink when you drive or don't drive when you are drinking. Many pedestrians walk the highways on the wrong side of the road, placing their lives in jeopardy especially at night; always walk on the left hand side of the road, facing traffic. Twenty-eigresidents of Idaho, 12 of whom were killed and 16 injured were involved in this type of accident in 1938. The driver is not always to blame; 26 pedestrians killed last year in Idaho were disobeying the law as to foot travel; eight while 12 while walking the highway and five children were fatally injured while playing in the roadway. Parents should warn their children of the dangers of using the streets and highways as a playground. Young children under the excitement of the game they are enjoying, seldom think or reason for themselves. GENERAL MOTOR REPAIRS IGNITION AND CARBURATION Headquarters for INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS and FARM MACHINERY COMPLETE LINE OF REPAIRS AND SERVICE Tremonton Uteii CRYSTAL SPRINGS THE SAFE SPOT SWIM - FOR DINE THAT PARTY DANCE - FOUNTAIN SERVICE TELEPHONE 21-- 2 CROSS ROADS SERVICE Here's Assurance for Safer Driving E. P. BURNS, Prop. STOP PARLEY ARCHIBALD, Prop. SHELL GAS AND OIL Shimmy - Tire Wear - Hard Steering PAY AS YOU RIDE SHARE THE ROAD AND BE SAFE BY ALIGNING FRAME, FRONT END AND WHEELS EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH LIFE-SAVETIRES Two-wa- y Protection No Skidding or Sliding They're yours with no money down or credit investigation Tires and Tubes DRINKS - SMOKES - Complete Lubrication LUNCHES PHONE LELAND 73.0-- 1 J. SPECIAL PRE-HARVES- TIRE SALE T ON U. S. ROYALS - SEIBERLING - McCLAREN TIRES "",5323 FRONK CHEVROLET CO. PROCTECTED BY FARMERS AUTOMOBILE Inter - INSURANCE - Exchange PHONE KORTH FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHONE 76.a-- l 52.a-- l Buy "CREST TIRES'' For Safety can't buy a Safer First Line Tire At Any Price. R SURE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD UTAH COMPLIMENTS of SUGAR CO. UTAH-IDAH- O GARLAND - TREMONTON SUNSET INN Save With Safety SINCLAIR SERVICE MEET YOUR FRIENDS GOOD USED CAR HERE on SAFETY AND ECONOMY 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1931 FORD "z TON 1929 CHEVROLET COACH on a DINE AND DANCE LUNCHES GAMBLE STORE AGENCY TREMONTON, 14 Complete Body and Fender Work Auto Painting HANSEN A SAVING WITH SAFETY You Residence 41.R SAVE DOLLARS WITH SAFETY ALWAYS A SAVING WITH SAFETY PHONE HIGHEST CASH PRICES ERVIN ST0IIL ' AMERICAN FOOD STORES, INC, ... RETAIL ''"! A--- QUALITY - HAY - GRAIN - FEED SEED We Call For and Deliver r WE PAY CASH FOR Tremonton ERVIN ST0HL 5 USED CARS FROM Mr. and Mrs. Dowcutt I Washing - Polishing: - Lubrication TIRES AND ACCESSORIES PHONE 6.0-- 1 $75.00 to $150.00 KODAKS AND FILMS ADAM'S DRUG STORE Just a good Little Drug Store 'C FRESH STOCK OF EASY TERMS 9 DRIVE CAREFULLY FOR SAFETY HEITZ & WINZELER Coasult AUTO CO. Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins Dealers for CHIROPRACTOR Dodge and Plymouth FOR YOUR HEALTH CARS AND TRUCKS So. Trcmont St. Phone 96.0-- 3 Phone 16 ANDERSEN CASH GROCERY THATCHER - Rt. 2 TREMONTON COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES SPARTON RADIOS and REFRIGERATORS Shell Gas and Oils - Confections - Ice Cream PHONE 22.y-- 2 |