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Show LEAR RIVER VALLET IX Aim, JXICRSDAY. JULY Q. a.P. S. FOODS CHECK v. nave iwh una cnetKea O. Jt. S. prices cneKi Jier you of thousands food clever, sharp, why thrifty, know loving ou'U O. P. S. fetore. You will find top quality, prices that at buy kers selections of food men enjoy. We appreciate way lower, bounteous Pa"" - i.i- i-i m- i- Salad Dressing 25c rd jjarshmallows 9c 59c PjneappBe gnlon White King Kg! FIELDING By Enid B Welluig I Bv Mr. Tboma Cherry picking started in the the San Francisco Ex- orch- ard of John A. Fryer, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norr end children, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Norr nnl children, Mr. and Mrs. Rock of Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Collins of Brig-haand Mr. and Mrs. Deacon of Blue Creek, motored to Logan canyon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Marble made a business trip to Salt lake City on Thursday. Donna Marble returned from Bur-leIdaho, after spending a month visiting friends. Sharlene and Fay Gardner are spending a few weeks here with their father, Rulon Gardner and grandmoth er, Mrs. Addie Gardner. Louise Fryer return d home from Kelton. afttr spending three months with her aunt, Mrs. Campbell and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fryer and family spent Sunday at Lagoon, before their son and brother, Wayne, leaves for the Navy. Saturday, a crowd of young married folk enjoyed a weiner mast in Logan canyon, honoring A. R. birthday. Raymond Heusser will spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Nish at Plymouth. Mr. and Hrs. Arthur Pierson, of Ogden, visited at the home of Mr. n,nd Mrs. Martin Gardner, on Anil Mrs. V. M. Welline spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Axel Hassel sient the end in Salt Lake City. She was ac- -' weekend fishing in Logan canyon. to the city by Mrs, Arcompanied thur Welling and daughter, Estelle,' Bishop and Mrs. Clarence Fryer a trip to Bountiful the last of oi (jarlana. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan and Mr. the week. Mr. Mid Mrs. Ursel Knudson have and Mrs. Mason Morgan, of West Virinto the home previously ocginia, called Sunday morning at the moved home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Welling. cur ie.l by Mr3. Trvin Mai Lie. Mr &nJ Mrs. Ross Birch ?pen: the The Morgans are relatives of Mrs. Independence holiday at the home of Welling, and they were enroute to Mr. and Mrs. Morten at KaysviHe. their homes in West Virginia after Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conner left visited having position. y, Hakes gas 16c Quart Jars 79c 26c Coffee S?sers 's 0 PEN 1 GW.Soap Corn 25c Stnars ,lcKcrncl .10c 2 25c Lbs Tuna Flakes Jello 3Pkgs Kerr Lids s doz Pen-Je- ll 1 14c 25c 10c Pkg... Cleanser Shrimps 10c 10c 3 for... Salmon gfcat 1 15c ggi18c Sugar J 5c Polafco Chips Bananas pe Water Melons Lettuce Lb fc Tomatoes Lb.' POT ROAST, lb. Lunch Meat, lb. lb. BACON, Mutton Chops 2 ibs Mutton Stew, lb. a,forWho,c K&J&ni 5c 2c 5c 5c 15c 25c 23c 25c STORES wi' g Glc-aso- n Pattern At All! CLIFF'S CLO THIEUY I? "a SAT. , A 't-- llllLIl UOr C DUCHESS 2V COOKIES 26 - : e "Patriotism" was the theme for a very enjoyable work and business meeting of the Tremonton Second Ward Relief Society, held Monday, CHIPS 'rg! TUNrFLAKES Can July 10. "Utah, the Star of the West," was the opening song. "My Land," by Edgar A. Guest, was read by Mary Sten quist; solo, "God Bless America," by Jewel Steffen, accompanied by Mrs. Blanche Brenkman; "Tribute to the Pioneers of 1847," was read by Adams; a duet "The Flag a Without a Stain," was sung by Christensen and Bertha Thomas, accompanied by Jewel Steffen. A very interesting talk on patriei-tiswas given by Mary Harris. At the close of her remarks the assembly rose and repeated with Sister Harris our Allegiance to the Flag Jewel Steffen. sang "My Dream of the U. S. A.," Mrs. Brenkman at the piano. "Thanksgiving," by Edgar A. Guest, was read by Mary Stenquist. Closing song was "America." At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses, Margaret Thomas and Jennie Anderson, prepared by districts 11 and 12. Sister Bennett, of Malad, mother of Lydia Margaret Thomas, and Mrs. Stuart of Los Angeles, a guest of Kate Harris and Bessie Nelson were present. There were 43 ladies present. All were engaged doing some kind of hand work for the Relief Society. Reports were received from the visiting teachers. JELLO 0 An-geli- m Lake of Flaming Torch Lac du Flambeau, in Wisconsin, "lake of the flaming tcrch," was so named by the French because the lake abounded in fish which were caught by torchlight. '.na BEEF 15 A V f ... Q i imolf Um (K Th.li If rj Wk 14 15 SHRIMPS 10 10 SPRYS. 54 14 PEANLT BUTTER 21 19 RINS0 i lxi III if If 1 J Crystal White podto. yog don't ogre It tlw bM( gronulat.d i in r"-f'- SOAP i' Map you vf wMd, r hint IrX larf padog. end your full pvrehaM prk. will b nfvnaMi MIRACLE WHIPff..: fan3 SALMON toi ouTl FLAVORADEsTkgs.'1 3 S. ... 11 Powdered or IJrown Reaular 24 ox. pica, ond 8 ox. pkg. for only fi THI SO' WITN TNI HAND 10TION IMvtlftlINT L- - COFFEE I ( CHEESES. 9 M 31 27 17 10 J vr EDWARDS OLIVES i.i 18 SI 22 SUGAR ........... S1! SPAGHETTI LARDS; SL- .- 11 25 69 Help the Producer ORANGE It 27 15 U w6 MARSHMALLOWSl,.. Relief Society News r Julia Lee Wright i U O "Good For Health" DOZEN V 6 5 BANANAS LEHUCE'S '.r'1!ip! 19 2 2 M 15 IJilONSito""1" 5c 33c mei-Un- -M- Pris-cill- Coroed Beef FOOD 9c 29c Spam HAM 0c s I . Fancy Cakes M!--- Mr. arid Mrs. Alton Sorenson, of, Logan, spent Sunday with their moth- er, Mrs. Jarvis Johnson. Mrs. Victor Godfrey and new son. returned home last Saturday from the Budge hospital in Logan. Mrs. Cod-- 1 f iey was formerly Joan Welling. Miss j Blanche. Godfrey, of Clarkston, is spending a week or so with Mr. and' Mrs. Victor Godfrey. j Mrs. Frank Cannon has returned home from a week's visit with her sister in Huntington, Utah. Mr. and Urs. Victor Godfrey visited in Clarkston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Rav Wood returned home from Yellowstone Park Saturday night..' They spent several days in the park. Miss Joyce Richards visited with Miss Phoebe Wood during the absence of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashby and children, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wood and children and Mrs. Philip Wood spent Wyoming. WHITE AIIKOW SHIRTS the weekend in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Priest and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ray' 3 Priest and two children spent Sun- -' II W---.,day visiting at the home of Mr. and Burns Burns. has W. Mrs. A. Mrs. recently returned to her home after m having undergone a major operation ntir 1, " Hffliftf irnlnn., at the Cooley hospital in Brigham. Her condition is improving rapidly. E, O. Wilcox, , of Logan, was in Fielding on business Tuesday, and alMIT Xi Cherub, approved by med- - O d so visiting with relatives and friends. ical ass'n - 4 Tali Cans .... Approximately twenty scouts and their leader, L. Maurice Larsen. encamped on the lawn of Eben Wilcox FLAKES - Kclloces Monday night in preparation for their iiM 3 Large Pkgs annual trip, Which takes them to Mt. Timpanogas this year. They were also accompanied by Glen Severson, one of the bishopric of the Fielding ward. PORK-BEAN- S? CORN They expect To be gone several days. Bud Jensen, of Los Angeles, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udy on Monday. J. E. Robinson, of Salt Lake City, spent Monday in Fielding on business. on ...A . .J. PVincA files son and ht. 4tlL. UUU two daughters of Park City, Utah, O DAILY - FKESH J ZA ) visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. fMI tjKJiX U and Mrs. Dave Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Busenbark and two children and Bert Busenbark of Jar-vi- s Ogden, visited Tuesday with Mrs. Johnson. Bur-bank- Corn t.r and family, Mr. and Mis. James II. MiSer. V: Mr. and Mrs. D. an HrH. Hall and Dean Fiilh of Bothwtll In attendance ct Sacrament Sunday evening. Miss Hall. Mr. Firth and Mr. Hall were the spea'r.en. This program was enjoyed very much. Mrs. Perry L. Stanflll and Mrs. Geo. L. Miller accompanied Miss fcherma Stanfill to Ixgan canyon Monday, where she joined friends from Tremonton and Garland, to Ept:. J a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed and dau;rh ters of Garland, spent Sunday after-jirowith Bishop and Mrs. D. Merlin Grovcr. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Call and children Dewayne and Sheralyn, of Afton, Wyoming, are visiting Mrs. Call's brothers. Cranford and Leavitt Taylor, and families. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craner and daughter, Janet, of Logan, were Sunday guests of Bishop and Mrs. D. Merlin G rover. Mrs. Craner and daugh ter remained for the week. Mrs. Lawrence Petersen entertained Tuesday in honor of the birthday of her daughter, Marie. Games were refreshments played and were served. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Kimber, ef Four Mile, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh were Ogden and Brigham City visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Miller left Wednesday morning- for Mountiiin View, Wyoming, where they are the guests of Mrs. Miller's daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks Shuman accompanied them and returned the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Miller plan to stay the rest of the week. July 2 for the San Francisco Fair. They will visit relatives in Cai'ft rnia before returning home. Two cars of wheat were shippe-from Deweyvillo over the U. I. C. ra dread by Jack and Iver Germer. Mrs. Minnie Saunders and Key Hyatt were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Germer, Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Harwood and son, Billy, of Ogden, spent Thursday afternoon with relatives here. Ray and lone Loveland and Jimmy Beverage returned to Salt Lake on Friday. C. J. Dewey of Tremonton, is having several thousand small trout cared for, so they can be placed in the pond on his farm here in Deweyville. Mrs. Lloyd Gardner spent Wednesday in Ogden visiting her father who is at the Dee hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman and Mr and Mrs. A. R. Burbank spent R SE Thursday evening with their sons in Logan canyon. Mrs. Sarah Shuman returned home Mrs. Blanch Lish came home from the hospital Wednesday. Saturday, after having spent a fewj William Frearson Jr., Merlin Fryer days in East Garland with her daugh-and Ralph Germer returned with a America's Favorite Shirt Pattern Is No nice catch of fi.sh from Smith Canyon, Gene Earl and family, of Parker, Idcdio, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Earl Sr. and other it,": PACE- DEWEYVILLE J 27c 13, CABBAGE MAIL Mala and Broadway, all Lai. City Utah. Fl.a. Mad b (atalog. MELONS Hub TOMATOES fclaU- na". IM COCfOI Exc.'urU B.autf ScfcooL City v - 33 CASCADE TXG 23 PANCAKEES'Z 15 SYRUP mTZ 16 MUSTARD K?- 15 SANDWICH BACON iriorS,!.b 20 |