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Show ESAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY PACE FOUR - To offer More About SIRS ANNA VINCENT her love and protection and care. Her life has been filled with hardships tis known But in heaven she'll reap all the goodOne) From Page (Continued ness she's sown. readon May her courage and bravery live go by means of this poem I am the years through ing to you so And her sad experiences save young I will tell of the life of a woman tears. true people had a wonderful life and a It's Grandmother Vincent we honor She's SOUl Vunntifnl today We are all gathered here our homage Anri shu'U never elve up till she raarlntm her coal. to pay courTo the old folks gathered here today To a woman whose bravery ana Whose lives may be similar to. hers age untold 4n a WAV 1VU1 count more in heaven than silAnd to Grandmother who sits at the ver and gold. honored place A motherless child she was at thirWe dedicate our poem with sincerity teen Eut her hands were strong and her and grace. White and Miriam Davis By Mary mind was keen. the nrosTam. all the old famThrough toil and hardships the seated in the banquet! were people ily she raised u ictciviusi v a Aiid her undying spirit could never VaI txktn in1 andnver a delicious lunch unique favor, be phased. was served to all present Her first husband died in the great Mrs. Vincent is a most remarkable Civil War. seemed woman, possessing indomitable faith All her joy and happiness and courage. Perhaps if her most outscattered far. characteristics were men-t:With her children beside her, her head standing f nrMiid . Industry- and clean- n H IUI west U, il turned she of the two and liness guidance And with God's help say, mai iia.a did her best. After long months of travel she lilt- ELed her face na Rhe And with thanks in her heart whisthe is place." "This pered, that an She sewed ajid she baked for that fining thft ordinary things care to would mind and active body was her trade Inspiration ana a disBut the work was hard for the little do. She is an and sunshine and has penser of joy life for shiftlessness a in her married she no awhile place After working cpi. and complaining, sne nas man in And together they worked out the abreast of the times, loves to rideenlast and year automobile an only Plan. Mormon great Eeven children she bore to the man joyed an airplane ride. She is a keen observer and paid she had married And the spirit of love in their home compliment to those whom she met at her reception by saying that she tod was carried. children her never seen such a fine, clean, and well but died Her husband were there groomed group of people and enjoyed immensely the afternoon's association. Everyone who has had the pleasure of meeting this grand old lady will wish for her life and happLness as long as she cares to have it, with the hope that they meet her again A V L - Classified I Ad Column i; Small modern house. FOR RENT Ree A. N. Fishburn. tl 7-- REMEMBER When weather is HOT and the ground is DRY and YOUR electric fencer folds up, we have a machine that will still perform and give satisfaction plus. Parmak Electric Fence Company. Jos. A. tl Shriber. Distributor. 7-- FOUND Two quilts, in town. Owner may obtain them by calling at this office and identifying same and tl. paying for ad. 3 FOR SAL7 - Lumber and slabs. Wood any length, for stove or fireplace, $7.00 for a big truck load. Radcliffe 4 t. Henrie. Small Bungelon upright piano may be purchased for balance on contract. Write Glen Bros. Music Co., Ogden, t2 Utah. FOR SALE Dewberries, corner 6th North and Fourth East, Brigham 13 City. w.ad wlr e, return-Sunda- set srs PARftJAK ELECTRIC FEfJCE J, f. FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANER and AIR PURIFIER parts, supplies or a demonstration, see H. D. Thomas, Representative. eOGIAL SECURITY Etched Bronze Tlate, with your name and Social Security number. Per manent, lasting, beautiful. See H D. Thomas, Leader Office. rfrnfai FOR SALE Choice building lots, 1 block from Main Street. Inquire James Walton. Phone Residence, 9.a-l- ; business, 23J. f CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Crek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. tf. EH3 Models Priced from "Life-Tim- e" at Christensen's. $9.90 to $19.75 at Tremonton Accessories Co. See These Machines Harness & Call for demonstration i- - Sun-c-h,M- Machine Guaranteed For 5 Years, For These Prices o 2. SMr. and Mrs. Rex Wimmer, of Lowere guests of Mr. and Mrs. gan, Hvrum Christensen on Monday. spent Miss Renee Wyatt, of Logan, Lola a week here vHituig her cousin, Mrs Mortensen, and her grandmother, Mary Mortensen. Mr. Jay Mortensen accompanied and Mrs. Wyatt back Sunday and week. will visit in Logan for chilMr. and Mrs. Joe Merrill, 3 Mrs. dren of Smithfield and Mr. and were Thomas Nielsen, of Hyde Park, P. Y. Mrs. and of Mr. Sunday guests Rasmussen. SHOP THRU THE LEADER APS Charges Up to SO Miles of Fence. Satisf action or Money Back Guarantee. Distributor Fronk Chevrolet Co. niOXE 28 i KEEP YOUR RECORDS Gccuxate Standard on all "Caterpillar" Diesel Tractors Is the hoar meter. It supplies an accurate basis ior servicing and figuring hourly operating and upkeep costs. It eliminates guess work. The hour meter gives you a means oi checking the long hours oi economical life your "Caterpillar" Diesel Tractor will deliver. Ask ior a Demonstration Own Farm. Sffp . the' pSf T fuX on Your Frafe JJ jasr Ift -- v fU)i v. rl aitern t All' io CLIFF'S CLOTHIER . , Y .i THE ENTIRE ESTATE OF NEWELL W. TAYLOR, DECEASED, INCLUDING 1557 ACRES OF LAND, PARCEL- ED AS FOLLOWS: 45 Acres Cultivated Land with U. I. S. Co. Water Right, 100 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 29, 492.56 Acres Dry Pasture Land In Section 29, 160 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 31, 480 Acres of Dry Pasture Land In Section 31, 40 Acres Cultivated Dry Land In Section 32, 120 Acres of Grazing Land In Section 32, 120 Acres of Irrigated Land at Howell, Including a Four-rooHouse. m Tractor & Harvester REPAIR Phone 110 - A. CROPS E. KOCHE, Prop. Approximately 50 Tons of Hay. A TIME Ml Cass cf LIVESTOCK ONLY Two Holstein Cows with Calves, Cmndalad See? RISISO One Holstein Heifer, 40 Large Packages A Year's Supply of Soap Delivered Free to Your Home Name Address , City Is going to buy a , Two Chester White Hogs, 50 Ogden, Utah 24th St. Your Nam Disc Harrow - Fresno Scraper. mm mm1 ! tvCM One - l.y-- 4 G OUTPULLS ANY This Is Our Ti ivatc Lous Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That Wc Tay (or' the Call BY-PRODUC- TS CO Wc Also Buy . . . HIDES - PELTS - WOOL East of the Sugar Factory l2 ... j 3 o Ownrg report eaMv!ngofl5ri to 40? over comparable truck.. Te.t. r.te CMC With thre. trucU-bui.tTo- d; r " '"'un - Forks Milking Machines Staunchions and Hundreds of Miscellaneous Farm - P'cfuP ilic! ChS ovcob. & Ml) - Guns C - tides Too Numerous to Mention. nd your ,( Wayne Sandall Motor Co. JlliO) One 1936 Buick Coupe. Faim Tools 4 SHOCK ABSORBERS our ewn rMAQ PI0B of low.,f 1934 MISCELLANEOUS nlp.w Mk'Lyou h.lf Ton - Ton Chevrolet Truck with Cattle Rack Va-T- O EIGGER CABS 30 AUTOMOBILES molel We Will Call and Pay CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES and COWS Just RiiiR Logan Enterprise Steel Granery - Mowers - One McCormick Deering RuHabber Tractor, A-- l shape - No. 8 McCormick Deering rvester - Grain Drills - Wagons Plows - Harrows feeders - 1,000-gallo- n Galvanized Water Tank On Frame all-ste- el ELECTRIC GO. STORES Leghorn Pullets. IMPLEMENTS To any housewife sending us a name of a friend or neighbor whs-Iin the market for a refrigerator, range, ironer, washer, vacuum, sewing machine, radio, stoker, oil burner, electric water heater or kitchen cabinets and sinks. Ag soon as we have completed the sale with the the party's nam you sent us, we will deliver absolutely free a full case of Rlnso. ) that Persons interested in purchasing any of the above Walton- - business Kesidence phone, 39.a-l- ; administrator of the estate of Newell W. Tremonton, Utah - ' f" INTERMOUNTAIN Lb Lb J NOTICE TO FARMERS Mile South cf Logan birjj Mrlfe' fur-finish- 0 Kie-se- l, .. huS t O SAVES MORE GAS Vi t-- j WHITE ARROW SHIRTS JOSEril A. SIIKIBEK MAKE GOOD. OR WE DO About Air. and mm have been living some months past ha i f Bv Mrs. David Lraon ' Utah. return Mrs. Lorenzo A wedding dance was given in the members of her recreation hall Saturday evening in Sunday afternoon. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Han- ner small son's sen. A large group of relatives and friends enjoyed the evening. Relatives were present from Davis county and day afternoon. and Brigham City, as well a3 from the concluding wfn Ptt5, near by 'towns. Benton orchestra Han- gave F ily Relationships, Mrs. Mr. and the music. lowed the meeting. MrTurL, sen are at home in the Jensen apart- Mrs. Leland Watt and ments at Garland. Pierson were hostesses a from returned Rhodes Friday Ciervxi Keith dainty tray lunch. i Los Angeles, where he took a load of Mr. and Mrs. Ruel with fat steers. While there he visited ho Falls, were calling 'Ilf? I relatives and also places of interest, Mrs. L, M. Holmnn TV... t'P enroute home. including Boulder Dam, Holman accompanied Conrad Eds, of Salt Lake City, is tua, where they atteXTJ0. visiting with his uncle, R. J. Potter, of Joseph Jensen, a and family. the Bear River Stake Miss Rhoda Larson was guest of prominent businessman of V' Blake Anna Mezquida, her friends, Mr. Jensen was an v," San of Francisco, author and poet sen. The contimJ ' Jlie!" when she gave original readings in Idaho FansNielsens after the the Pacific building at the San FranSomers Ray cisco fair on Tuesday. tended the San Boyd Olsen, of Salt Lake City, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. ing the Fourth of July V where they and Mrs. David Larson. Roy Oyler, Leroy and Chester AtMr. and Mrs. E. S Han kinson, Dave and Gene Isaacson were fishing in Blacksmith Fork canyon ed the funeral services ph Jensen in Mantua, Tuesday. over the weekend. EAST GARLAND n i dl.'.i oiuil nnt Americas ravuine mucin tis (Agents Wanted) COLORADO ANIMAL )l .i,i O Tremonton, Utah . rhon - n S Ray Torn ana a fiHViin? Wyoming. On re had a call from Mann Mrs. turning, she was SCHOSS-REA- D Why Experiment When You Can Get A Safe Rattery Operated 6-- - uiet-- SHORT WRITE PARLEY JEPrSON or phone 4G5-Brigham City, for Choice Strawberries. OUR Mrs. Trent Thompson attended a bridal shower given in honor of her cousin, Miss Beryl Grant of Honey-vinlast Friday. She was accompanied back by Miss Betty Mae Oram of Ogden, who was the weekend guest ofv Miss Carolyn Thompson. She with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Oram, who also spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson htV nnri Mrs. Walter Stedman and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Bams and son, all of Salt Lake City, called on Mrs. William Larsert, Sunday on their way back from Yellowstone park.AriCharles Green, of Woodland, zona, visited with his brother, J. Walter Green, last week. It was a very not seen happy meeting, as they hadMr. Green each other for 30 years. was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, of Willard. Mrs. Hubbcrt is a sister of Mr. Green. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green and son, Joe, of Salt Lake, also visited here. fr nnd Mrs. Leo Petersen and children, of Ogden, called on Mr. and Meldmm and relatives on 3 2 FOR SALE Pie cherries, 2c lbs. You pick 'em. James Walton farm, 2 miles east of Tremonton. 493-J-- n n - done i,- WfilrpsdaV. returned last, Mtldrum Twila cafurday from uuenesne, violin music Wn instructor in in May. She closed school her until September visit at home SJn she will again take up her teaching job at Duchesne. Ruth T A Meldrum, Bishop Perry, all Romer, Francis and Murns stake board members, vismorn ited our Sunday School. Sunday m -' evening meeting, the SevenAt the Mr. , nfr Kiplsen. ties or uaninu, renChristopheison and Mrs. Stainer lovely Two piano dered the program. s solos were rendered by Mr. Melsen Waiter her Bister In California that seriously ill. Mrs. Mann, in company with here eister, Mrs. Cyrel Wright of Ogden, left immediately for California. Mrs. L. S. Mann and Mrs. William Woods are visiting relatives in Iowa. Mrs. R. P. Hansen is visiung relatives in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Tingey of Corinne, apprnnrvinipd Mrs. Herbert Currier to Salt Lake City last Friday, where she left for Davis, California to join her husband. Several nouse pa rues were held in their honor while on their vacation here. Eight boy scouts leftatfor Camp 4:30, accomMonday morning Gartheir committeemen, panied by net Abel. They will spend the week rROBATE AND up there. urr anA Mrs. Walter E. Fridal and GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES returned Sunday, after a 10 children Consult Clerk of the District at San Francisco ana tne visit day Court or the Respective Signstates. They went as far northern ers for Further Information. noifh as Seattle, Washington and had a very enjoyable trip. u i iv i a r ninuiiimu Mr. and Mrs. Haroia seiman ana Estate of Newell W. Taylor, Deceased children and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Sel Creditors will cresent claims with man and babv left Wednesday for a voucher to the undersigned at nis oi - trip to Southern Utah on business and fice in Tremonton, Utah, on or before pleasure. Rlwood will celebrate the 24th of the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1939 JAMES WALTON, July at the park in great style. An Administrator of the Estate invitation is extended to all. Watch I..the news for further details next of Newel W. Taylor. t4. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Green: went NOTICE TO CREDITORS to Ogden Saturday to visit relatives. FVtatA tit R II. .TnnAB. snniptimes Mr. and Mrs. Harry Furse, of Salt known as B. Howell Jones, Deceased Lake City, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her when she reaches the century mark. residence at 124 South 1st West, Mrs. White, assisted by her sisters Brigham City, Utah, on or before the Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Davis, were most gracious hostesses and to them 23rd day of August, A. D. 1939. LUCILLE R. JONES the people gratefully acknowledge-theiAdmx. of B. H. Jones, appreciation and thanks for her sometimes known as B. invitation to meet this remarkable personality. Date of first publication June 22, 1939 Place orders now for raspberries and Walter blackcaps. Call 66.a-2- . Wuthrich, East Tremonton. Hemstitching ELWOOD By Mrt. II. P. Ramus-- SXffFA. S&SS&OTiffi" SS& I I 13, 1 pHonf- - |