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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY PACE 13, 1D33 TTITI were got the floor. The to control the cherry or pear slug is packed. Majority Leader Daikley's after harvest. This pest is beright BEAU CITY jaw muscles twitched in angry im gravily serious in Utah, he l coming V. Bradford C. Mr. By re-; i potence, feweetly million says, and urges all farmers to take rushing his 0m hundred twenty-tw- o venge, Senctor Tydings crted: -- Shall ' pounds of butUr have been bought immediate siens for its eradication prepared by the LJitors of TIME The Weekly Neusmazazina we. now that the time limit is ex-- ! Mrs- Tom Dugan. of Salt Lak The injury may be noticed in the by the Federal Surplus Commodities r. uii ill" iw'fl riT v t ha io vf voci, leaf1 of spent Friday visiting with Mrs. City, leaves. The the surface fiscal the green year during Corporaticn, d (Continued From Page One) burly, Republican Rep- the Congress by the Constitution to ending June SO, 1939, it was annuun-ce- d is eattn away leaving only a lacy Heber Hailing. resentative George Holden Tinkham fix the value of the mtion's money? Mr. and Mrs. Terra nee V.'estley, of the Department of Agricul- structure. ros,e 10 spean in the House for the!tJr snail we ?ive up that power i ture. by To control it. Dr. Stark advises a Brigham City, are the proud parent These purchases were made at take the supreme risk." Jv,nr"h many thought this terse lrst tlme in half a dozen years he advance, without an emergency, to a total cost of about $34,500,000 in- mixture of 2 pounds of lead arsenate! of a baby boy. thir first child, bora JlIrsi- W.stl.-to 100 gallons of water be sprayed! J'Y wis formerly hVhlv unlike the author of was saddened by a new kind of heck- - the President of the United Sta'es. cluding handling charges. i Miss unS"Nora Jensen of this city, on and the1 and selves of as the oui the Again Siy he warmed power, tree, covering it completely, deprive again The purchases included 26.000.000 Karnpf, and very much like hls theme (neutrality-- , end strode' n case of future need, to take o mixture is pint of nicotine' ter of Mr. and Mis. James P. J. . the German pounds bought in butter markets, and irral Section of did tion across to 100 gallons of watt r with1 Mrs. Golden Petersen and 2 diuLh-- 4 wise? that deem the to make' dramatically from much may his Congress sulphate about rostrum, P6.000,0l)0 the story pounds bought te French jittery. They frankly passages were drowned byj The Senate clock's hands nut. "I the Dairy Products Marketing Assopounds of common soap added. Orders, of Snowville, spent Saturday in the out of the total 115.000,000 road dust and fine ashes makes a tni (ty visiting her mother. Mrs. a Danzig coup over the week- - shouts of "Mike! Mike!" Finally he note now that it is Saturday morn- ciation Senator TyJiugs. The pou- -. Is bought and stored under gov- good control measure. ' red Augusta Iverson, while Mr. Petersen weekend passed without one. grabbed the microphone with both n&" and son Junior motored to Logan mVnv alarming rumors (and war) hands as if it were a python that he President's dollar power was pout, ernment loans by the DPMA during 50 was about to strangle and bellowed and with it the Stabilization Fund, the the 1938-3th season under the butter w,h"ra thf,y An increase of 20 per cent in the rations) had spread over Eur-- 1 8on ?repfuf Adolf Hitler apparently de- - the rest of his message at it. After- - higher price for silver. stabilization a? and ?"tln, the program. expectation! pig crop spring Pe Mrs. N. Hansen ami , ... 4. v,.,, rl- hr.ur was not ouite as ward he groused: "These damned mi- HERBERT " JR. crophone-sutalk to back An! ,r, They yo; l'Llu"my 16 be will cent sei fall the ,T',J, ison new Hrious as he had thought. under the food, drug ptr Acting uk-a w" SAN tanned FRANCISCOA uemucrai. Nazis ju"tall, ,e of last above leads Bureau unidentified) the (but thorized" year l"? and cosmetic act for the first time a:lo!Ilm' desman delivered an extraordinary geophysicist arul petroleum engineer in the New York district, the gov- Agriculture !l Economics to the expec! 'l wu" inuir Vv" T"V ' adnamed 1 Clark Hoover Herbert Neville FILIBUSTER Jr.. rt.y , prompted by ernment recently filed a libel to seize rotinn trust tha wm ne l y the Institute of Radio Engi- 40,000 statement. io me nuuw WASHINGTON The 76th Con- - dressed lipsticks produced by Guerlain, the largest since 1913. c cisc o neers. He told them in? how seismogra-phihad Germans armed that The increase in hog production f Commons Inc., of Paris. It was charged that the gress ana me ana president really and. Sa Lake t methor Dupran, City. "We "artificial he: Said I rpadv entered Danzig. earthquake" over 193X la' cadmium and prospect for this got to grips once more and both were ods of terrsPent Fri" for oil had im- cosmetics contained or deleterious larger than in anyyear c!ty the to prospecting thif record.! on go desire against sore no as sore were almost as two year have they in recent years. Technique at saleuum, "poisonous The total' day,n Ixfln m uJ?ns: n. left on substances." according to the .bureau. itorial integrity of Poland. If we had years ago over the Supreme Court. proved is to Mr. 500 a hole s bore ft. come to present deep, .u. matter uuiuut-- vi ouwa vo laiiuw iius year What "tea to let the fought about this time was a dynamite charge to the botwe could have done the billthey is about 22 per cent larger than , Tucs,lay for Neph , Utah, wh,ere they to extend the President's pow- drop remil;tary action, in A of five will spemd thc weekend. tom. vi points prices drop is When the charge exploded, . There are no German er over money, but what they were i any day. . ceived by farmers for meat animals 1038. truncations are there will le Mr. and Mrs. Golden Andreason and wav brations tour-iwith earthquake resembling into a Danzig total pig crop about 13 per cent diers going principally sore at was each other. 15 forced on in the June ended month have moved to Elwood to make es Some out all directions. in family ripple (1928-39- ) than the skirts on. . . There were four main issues involv- travel their home during the summer. down, and part of the index for all prices received by larger to reassure straight failed ouu nuuvr ovnncc declaration oiiuui This .i n, t I'll inn ed in, the money bill: ,3...,, t Mrs. Pertha WanUier and daughter, weekethm are reflected back up with dif(1929-33- ) vi th TVn,Hm average nvone There are many more nf the flve-yernnth 1 vins silver. Mr. of nnd Mrs. Arnold Hansen and fam- The of from ferent intensities rock, foreign sure purchase can be layers nds to go before Europe of The index Geoto Agriculture. end this r' an, Mr9. nay Moor, and fam-prices paid shale. toprac estimated' sandstone, limestone, Congress proposed summer spring season this 'year is that it is not headed this did not phones on the surface pick up these by farmers advanced 1 point. Administration tice the and ' morel or aJ1i,rM"' TfT,1 f, , head, 8.8(54.000 52,314.000 i ward another bloody destiny. While livestock prices dropped, reflected waves, and from the time seriously object. were saved in the spring season nd ir8"'1 than most two cotton and of the farm rf ,noo rr,, c Mrs. Vernon Hansen and 2 The purchase of U. , 1- ..., grains, i...J intervals the engineers prospecting 'iwt; "uln,u JLMMY - - " at above the world price a sub- - can tell how far down the different commodities theTrel sliehtlv At 89 the' a"dp een When vere and Betty Hock, all attended the anyone sidy to domestic silver producers. The layers are beneath various points on HOLLYWOOD heJ Hansen reunion held in Logan canyon 'ts Senate proposed to the surface. If they indicate the prob- June 15 index was 3 points lower than! makes a hit in Hollywood, first recog- "economy-minaed- " on Saturday. nition is to get ms signaiuie uu a boost the price for domestic silver ability of oil ,it is then up to the drilcontract. Such recognition from 64c an oz. (world price around ler. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Hall and daugh advance or prices paid by tainiera.j th combined the tt11.year average, ter, Carlen, attended the Alford rer' It was natural for Herbert Jr., a the department said the June 15 ex-- ! has just come to one of Hollywood's 40c) to 77.57c. fall ig woulil lota, newest at held in Portage on Saturday. of names, union Harvard value stabilization of farm ab'out the OQhofim and and Continuation Stanford of change products 74, biest hm ' r graduate 12i00o,ooo ' was 1 point lower Miss Valeria Anderson, of Los AnJames Roosevelt. After six fund (created in 1934 out of a Business School and since then a rad- per cent of hnn ln9f to get into seismographic than on May 15 of this year and was geles, California, spent a month in months as vice president of Samuel paper "profit" from the de- io e his valuation of the dollar) which is used oil engineer his same the of in as this city visiting with her father, last not because year. Goldwyn, Inc., Jimmy got from only prospecting, H. Anderson and family, teid bombastic and highly pleased to protect the exchange value of the father has prospected off and on all contract, en- dollar from violent fluctuations dur- his life (and still does-- , but because Dr. A. L. Stark, extension hortiMrs. John Roberts and baby, of boss a new, two-yeSalt Lake City, Is visiting tn this city the sound technique leans heavily on culturist at the Utah State Agricullarging his studio duties, providing0 ing crises. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osey 4 Extension of the Presidents radin nrirtciDles. Herbert Jr.. at 35, ture! college says that the test time a salary increase next year from Jensen. to $30,000. power to reset tne goia coniem in j3 a prospector in a Dig way, empioy-th- e You Are Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bin Grant and Oddest quirk in the saga of dollar as low as 50 per cent of ing 200 men in five laboratories. He protected from their parents. ApprovServices is that under another its old value (present value 59c- The lives witn njs wtfe and three children ed are moving to Brigham to Sunday tt last week by Superior Judge home. m. 0 a. their has not used this in a seciuded whitewashed brick house .... make School name Mr. Roosevelt might well make Administration Church H. Wilson was the first contract us-- 1 5 a. m. rides and plays a written to conform with the act, beChurch .... more money. When Sam Goldwyn power, has no present plans for Junior Pasadena, benin(j If you are having cleaning problems p. m. hired him last year, just as Assistit except in some emergency if ttle tennis, but has little time for tween Universal Pictures and Epworth League .... m. Thursman Arn- ing 8:00 Services p. call H. D. Thomas. 133.0-- for an the nound sterling and the franc S(v,jai doing's and po time for coun- ant Attorney-GenerPreaching Dur Durbin. Cinemactress Deanna action" should Cleaner and Air Purifier demold brought an anti-trucollapse. The Senate proposed t clubs Most 0f the time he works bin's earnings in the next five years Pastor, Eev. P.. F. Goff the most modern method. the movie industry, Holly-mo- d tn let this nower (a threat of infla TTnlilro .Timtnv Roosevelt, who lives will total onstration, $975,000. feared that if he were paid too tion, expire in effect, to take it back only 20 miles away, Herbert Hoover would look oovious. jimmy into the hands or uongress uuui iu Jr., has no interest whatever in I much it has Roosevelt ig ag.ain needed stayed as far away as T.asr fortnight the Senate's hard- fmm the antitrust prosecutions as named was he possible, although money men led by Virginia's Carter APPT F, JUICE If anybody Glass killed the section1 or me oin defendant mi me wmwju EUGENE, Oregon to re wants to drink liquor without getting President's power the has served as Goldwyn representative renewing . a finrl r i on tne ooara oi TTJ,rt value the dollar by getting ivey drunk Dr. Ira Albert Manville of the uiuicu tne University of Oregon Medical School as Mr. Goldwyn's liaison with his man's silver bloc to pin them nrice hems' 77.57c an oz. for domes- - thinks he can tell him how. RecomNew York sales and distribution or i a earned He year's siiver. in Hyde Park, President- mended bv him last week was a gen tic easily ganization. pro successful the ceiling. The Presi- erous portion of apple juice along hit his European R00seveit salary by motion trip for wutnenng iraguis, dent returned to vvasningion, irum with the drinks. Dr. Manville adminbv a Paris premiere at Hyde Park a, day early to lead the istered enough alcohol to one dog to which French Foreign Minister money fight in person. Only two days cause stupor arid death, the same Georges Bonnet and the Duke and remained before midnignt June cv, nn,nimt nrenmnanied bv apple juice Duchess of Windsor were his guests. when his money powers expired. to another dog. The second dog lost After a compromise, Mr. Roose- a certain amount of muscuiar Under his new contract Jimmy will con- velt's men won in the House 226 to but remained in such good spend more time ini Hollywood, tinue his cinema education by taking 160. Then the conference report reach shape that he did not even fall asleep. a hand in the production of the new ed the Senate for final approval. VarGoldwyn picture, Raffles, ..starring ious Senators delayed matters until MAGNETIC STORKS - m 11:30 p. m., when by prearrangement peasants David NIven. If POLAND gaping Poland or Democrat Tydwith the Republicans, northern France, Germany "JUKE! MIKE!" ings of Maryland, whom Franklin last week thought they saw six white Wheal Boston's Roosevelt tried to "purge" last year, storks with wings dyed pink ana WASHINGTON legs ereen, aluminum bands on theirheads, to their ind magnets strapped minds. the peasants had not lost their so equipped. indeed were The storks a scientific ex- z They were subjects of Professor by periment, prepared two other Polish Wodzicki and naturalists at Warsaw College of Agriculture. to Africa European storks migrate come back and many for the winter in 10 - 7 vear after year to the same nests Gem or any How they Europe. SSer migratory birds finU their way land across untracked stretchesnotof know. do .4 naturalists water, ajid One guess is that they are sensitive to the earth's magnetic field useus-it for guidance as an airplane pilot es a radio beam. I ast vear Professor Wodzicki shiptheir summer ped two storks from ELECTRIC ROASTER near Butyny, Poland, to Berlin, were loosed with magnets ROASTS. BAKES. BROILS, STEWS, TOASTS trapped to their heads. Idea was that She interference from his headgear xact cooking Umpra-lu- r Automatic control maintain th ' the birds from taking ntiro on cook mal to at oil timss, ntbling tou SKr barings oi by terrestrial magne-all i without watching. Model illustrated inoludti tism. They got back to Butyny aluminum pan (2 with lids), pcial wirt broiltag Wk. That was despite the magnets. plug top brolUr unit Elovoa quart capacity Can fookj to lule Jot conclusive enough deemed ; meal for tight peraoni. guidof magnetic out all possibility SPECIALLY PRICED AT so the Pressor sent however, ance, ' this Other models , six more Polish storks to wore too magnetic Twill and they spring, hats when set free. C. I. L ick Honorary Secretary f sumv'q Haslefr.ere Educa the tional Museum, who managed no British end of the experiment, had idea how soon, if at all the Ifsto.ks they Mens would get back to Poland with a find a nice farm," he said to decide stay frog pond they might while." a quite News In Brief The MARCH OF TIME RIVER . - spade-bearde- j I - - daugh-Anoth- er j ns-n- In-!t- P-- "7"' m?r 9 -- 1 1 - j Tl I Fn 1 ? .om Mr ' i -t ten-ye- ar ar at ! '. -O-T- ed , 4 tJ?J?'? lr lonff-ter- m 3- pre-wa- r, Wtl-la- mid-Jun- rd Methodist Church Services ar $25,-00- two-childre- n Jimmy-in-Hollywo- j -. Em-me- 10:00-11:0- ( 11:00-11:4- 7:00-8:0- 0 j 1 al : st poli-itic- s. I -O-T- A Bring or Phone Your Order to Gepharts r-- - Geohart Stores Co0 t j j PHONE 33 . TREMONTON, UTAH coui-dinatio- n, -O-T- . -O-T- SHORT ROUTES Men's Fancy Gillette Style ANKLET SOX RAZOR BLADES E3 Kazl-mier- 10 2 pr. TO for style LASTEX TOPS ELECTRi COOKERY for Full Cut WHITE CAPS WORK PANTS S f White Duck Caps Adjustable Sizes $19.93 "j'yjlHj Made of Grey Covert Sanforized Summer root! AX LAW" - - - September 19. California will put into efft ct it3 "Jackie Coogan Law," bv which the courts will set aside half the cinema muu earnings of minors in a irusi POLO SHIRTS TIES HOLLYWOOD--O- ELECTRIC HOT PLATE FRIES, STEWS, BOILS, TOASTS Coolti with rapidity and accuracy. Ono burner haa thre heating speed high for torrid cooking, medium lor ordinary cooking, low ior keeping foods warm. Weiyh only 12 pounds and can be moved anywhere. Model shown is nickelplated and includes permanently attached Standard length cord with rubber attachment cap. SPECIALLY PRICED Other models $5.73 AT $3.70 to $8.35 EASY TERMS 3 for c 0 0 Sizes 2 to 16 Help Them Cloanws the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kldncyi re fonnttntly flltoHnf wniite matter from th blrmfi trpm. Hut in ttifir work do kidneyf eomrtimn lug not set M Nature Intended (ail, to mt impurili that, if rplin-H- whole tbt ytTii nd poison th Mens Waterproofed STRAW HATS upt nsgprifof brkrri, lt.wllin. di"mw, put! - Size 26"' x 34" mrhinry. tymptomn my b k rwnntent hudnrh. niretting up ri(Fli', feeling of nervoiin under the pv- -l nd tren'h. of njiety nd low Other ign of k'.lney or bllilr or too body my be burning, cnty frequent urination. There nhould be no doubt that prompt treatment ia wioer than nenlert. I have been winning Irnant fill: Voat't new frienda for more than f..rty yeara. e nation-widreputation. They have the Are recommended by grateful people tountry over. Ak your ayitft'wrt Cool off with one of these Dress Straws 4 for ( - 1 o G0 i Eloc-trol- ux |