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Show )u)TiY7i?TD A V TtJ - 7i A TT i i .err ft bud .TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1939 FUNERAL RITES MARCH OF TIME tT j HELD WED. FOR WK'stake Quarterly July . f4 Father of Large Family! Dies Of Old Age GERMAN DRUMS - - - MFtS- - Conference' quarterly DAVID CONGER! heldStake Sunday, IM 0. . FAT. OTt. TE1 EDITORS OF TIM1 Wtkly Kiwttnmtazin : conference will IS A special request is made the K NEAR 9!) YEARS, FAMILY LIFE INBY LARGE CROWD STITUTE AT U. S. Aged Matron Is Active Physically and Mentally tatives of the general authorities in FORTY-IXJU- mml PAID TRIBUTE be 16. with ZSS3 NUMBER by stake presidency for all priesthood of me staite, and especially all A riaM NeflHv 9ftCl rwvml Infirmities priest 1 t' " hrtnnr an,-" 4"iuui umcers ana stake and tribute to Mrs. Anna Vincent, 99- ' Funeral services were held Wednes - ? , welfa.re workers, to be in at- - years of age Saturday of last week nimuiS sun" in the L. D. S. Relief Society room day afternoon oveT the remains of Z ce,,-,- ., in a reception tendered this beloved Daviri rvvner 77 morning. I) nno" tn a r mfi ' a.o inrri o If- iMi'- lady-bher granddaughter, Mrs. E. at 11 a. m. of infirmities incident toJ Nears 109 A. C. JULY Years 17-2- 1 Prominent National Figures To Last week occurred the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that was going to insure the peace LOGAN The school of Home Ecoforever and ever, Amen, of Europe nomics at Utah State Agriculture coljfo celebrations marked the date. Inslege under the direction of Mrs. Christead, all eyes were on the man who women win be held in the Relief H. White. A general invitation was tine U. Cluyton, dean of the school, had torn that document to shreds, old age. The services were under the is unusually busy this week Society rooms of the Garland Ward extended to all persons over the age Adolf Hitler. That day he was on a direction of Bishop D. G. Green, of preparing for the owning of the Family chapel under the direction of the of 70' years to attend. Many came lifts Barvarian mountain top directing a the First Ward. Relief Stake Institute to be held ut tla college Society presidency. The from all wards of the Bear River A quartette consisting of Mr. and campaign to reclaim for the German Singing Mothers will furnish Stake and from and Bear July 17 to 21, inclusive, lx-aClayFatherland the Free City of Danzig, Mrs. M. P. Christensen and Mr. and Fielding the music for this session and talks River City of theHoneyville ton announces that final negotiations Box Elder Stake. un- - Mrs. F. I. Moore furnished the music, neutralized and placed in customs . be will , ' 11 Maud Mrs. O. Cook, A program was held which Includgiven by have been made with the national ani 11. with a special solo by Mrs. Jewel ion wren truimia vy me "Reverence," and Mrs. Nellie Ilenrie, ed numerous request violin selections state leaders who will he in attend As the Fuhrer's propaganda Steffen. "Be Ye Doers." n dance at the Institute to offer instrucfrom Ray H. Barton, Jr., a A. L. Cook, President K. H. Fridal machine went into high gear, as his General sessions will be held at 10 of Grandma Vincent a.nd tion, guidance, and udvice. Army stood by prepare- and Bishop Green were the speakers. a. m. and 2 p. m. with LiHtcd among the more special sunset1 noted violinist of the state. He d, if need be, to enforce the Leader's They told of the work of the deceased at 7:30 in the evening on ly won the final in the search-- f known .national figures inprominently this field will, Europe's war drums throbbed in helping build the community. He the lawn of the Tabernacle are Dr. W. E. Blatz. child psychologrounds ent contest conducted by the Desert louder and faster. l helped lay the streets of Tremonton; unaer tne direction of the stake M, News. His repertoire was tested to gist from the University of Toronto No loriger was there any doubt that had been a farmer, and a good one, I. A. ut Toronto, Canada, Dr. Elizabeth Lee the limit whan this talented young Adolf Hitler is determined to have in his earlier life before he became! : I Tina tMiKtin w i j. eo ai- - artist responded to numbers which Vincent of the r invneu . . , tVi school ill flnH anrl withto naH f this unvt 'umuj summer, Danzig preferably of Detroit, Michigan, and Miss Mabel i. I iena inese meetings, to of long, long Y harked back the days out war, but, if necessary, with war. large family he had raised. Wilkerson, director of the Montreal ago. Mrs. Wilma Anderson also deNor could there be any doubt that, He was born January 1, 1862 at1 School of Interior Decoration at lighted with readings of "Mud Pies" as matters now stand, Poland would at Monroe, Ohio, a son of EnoS: ANNA VINCENT Canada. These leaders will and "The Story of a Song," Mrs. C. fight rather than give up the , mouth and Emily Southers Conger. He came a 1940 R. and Steffen for the institute and will be White, Mary of the Vistula. But the big question to Tremonton July 1, 1914 and has each sang songs oai presented in lectures and In special was whether Poland's allies, Britain since resided here. Mother. Mrs. Quinney accompanied and France, would also go to war. topics or enscussion, Deun Clayton He married Ella Combs In 1880, said. Mr. Barton and Mary White, Mrs. h Despite a great outcry at Hays, Kansas, to whom 6 children Changes made in the 1940 AAA Adam Brenkman accompanied Mrs. of Cooperation from the state leaders warnings that further aggression were born and following her death, has MrB. James Walton acmake it easier for insured the services ejf Dr. Arden program farmSteffen and the would be met "by force," the Nazis he married Sylva Allen, at Stockton, Frandse-n- , on his wheat companied Mrs. Anderson in a musi believed professor of psychology at that when the showdown Kansas. Three children were born to er to secure insurance the college, Miss Winilred crop, according to Marvin M. Hatch, cal reading. came Britain and France, as they did this union. Hazen, divorce a he Following utou coordinator in parent education. of the state AAA committee, "Our Dedication to Old Folks." AID last summer over married Bertha Allen, at Hill City, member Miss These Angvlyn WarnieU, state director changes have also simplified a tribute to their would not only back down but would Kansas, and two children were born. e of home economics; Verna S. Carlisle, tne program's administration and was written by Mary White and try to restrain Poland from resisting. He is survived by the following chilstate supervisor of nursery schools it more economical to operate.1 jam Davis and read by Miss Davis. It The Nazis followed through their dren, Mable Cahail, Friday Harbor, to and parent education, and Miss Olive Une of the greatest improvements sets out the story of Mrs. Vincent s An now "war routine familiar of by the Washington; W. R. and S. R. Con- on the program is an amendment to ufe an(i is coordinator of family life educaHale, herewith, ot nerves printed by massing troops on me ger, of Tremonton; Harvey Conger, the AAA act that makes it tion in Box Elder county. possible to Old Folk" Polish border, smuggling men and am Fort Dedication 0 Edna Stockton, Texas; Trott, a farmer to pay his premium from! Dean Clayton has announced the munition into Darizig, spreading tales Auburn, Washington; Leuella Hawks, for 1 stand before thls 0,(3 fo,ks as" issued for that theme of the institute to txs advances, ;As purpose, general of ' and terror, creating incidents Rock Springs, Wyoming! Olive sembly future payments he may earn "The Development of Individually and against feel sounding false alarms. While war and knees Enos Lake at Conger,1 under the AAA program. Since no I look Salt The following communication was Socially Valuable Personalities." She they my City; fears rose in Britain and France, in received from Coneressrnan Ah Mur- - said the many lectures, discussion and ratner tremDiy Winnemucca, Nevada; Gladys Mathu3 cash is reauired. it is a erreat deal that believed Germany the people Powers, Oregon; Fern! Hall and Ernie easier for the wheat grower to insure But I look at the face of my grand-- ; cocjit which we print because of its committee work which will be their Fuhrer was again going to have ma SO dear of Tremonton. Viic emu fnr- 1 QdCl " Tf Hatoli interest to the people of this state, Conger, at the institute will be conhis way by simply threatening to Interment was in Tremonton cemeof the 1940 pro-- ! And my knees stop their quiver and and particularly the mining men. Another feature cerned with the various aspects of was not That the fight. situation, tery. Shaw & Iverson funeral direcMurdock of the period! gone is my fear, is has extension per-- . this subject on the the Congressman adogram however, reflected to the outside tors. formed exceptional services in his; lescent and adult age levels. on which the yield and loss data are; (Please Turn to Page Four) world by the German propaganda macbased. In past programs farmers used fight for silver and other industries The institute is planned to offer ophine. A purported Hitler speech to of the state. T. A. Simspf as inwr L. , iU AllM1ini me 1T. ladu to teachers, iwd mrougn years portunities a the purported "War Council" that For about seven years, Congress, parents, educators and to supervisors, base for computing these data. Un s parent ami Fuhrer hastily appointed "leaked" inthas been granting a moratorium on youth organisation members for the new plan the years, 1936, 1937 lOr OUnday, der o the hands of French Rightist Dep18, and 1938 will be added which gives mining assessment work. Last year discussions of the many uty Henri de Kerillis, Who also happin which! v lu u" additional an a three M,c c" . a""ulin years, be . Wl,c will this field. sunset services problems held, Special TTfQhl ens to be editor of L'Epoque. lne dairy larm, noitn or tne unon which T.on fu.tmpnt of such ti lfiw bv nroniisintr Dean Jack Croft, head of the colofi, trood crons.were raised,.nine-ye"The die is cast," Herr Hitler was , campus a'sk State Agricultural college per-to build the data. This for ,t lege housing bureau, announces that that we would not quoted as saying. "We cannot retreat base for will be the scene ot the eighty 1a nnualThis came those iod blended with a while letu contemplating attending the Innow .Our backs are against the wall. o lro-,t18 lo- - Utah State dairy day, western congressmen asking for. stitute and who are anxious to secure have charee and the county in which the farm is efVfessor It is not a question; of knowing if I The stake George B. Caine, head of tne anothpr momtor ium, we knew that it! living accomodations to write to the nmmm has cated, will tend to equalize the re- tho am right or wrong in posing so brutaat tne couege Mr. Hatch of unusual department dairy l)e Impossible to get the ap housing bureau at the college and he fects losses, hv thpm nmM . tcs lly the Danzig question. What is f. nounced. of the Secretary of the Inter- will arrange for the accomodations. nT proval tne is done is done, and we must accept the program: song,, All UUIllIueilllllK following fmm HUh and surround- ior, and, as a group, n.! Lii a wv afita nf the western mem ror Vfl Tim ''Cnma No registration fee is necessary for Rainra" our conseauences. We must have way, federal crop insurance he sa d since ing states are invueu to auum bers of Congress decided not to ask the Institute, Mrs. Clayton said. Box whatever the cost, in the few weeks Indian song, Vaughn Wassom and Mar has fessor Caine said. for the necessary legislation. Howla cooperating with the cella Thompson; story of the battle Insurance wasto first inaugurated it which still separate us from the autuRov C. Jones, extension dairy nus - ever, about two weeks ago, a press Elder county everything. been Mm-practically applied Timhimhnonf r hv Pen for the premutation of the incollege mn moriths. of bureau of dairy the bandman with all its release from the Department of the Life Institute and, Miss Hale, "Some of you will perhaps tell me dance by Wa'shakie Indians; accord- - But it has never of the U.iiited btates uep.irt- - Interior was given to western news Family tion yet 3rnep.PPfsar dustry of family life education coordinator E. A. that if that is my decision a general Dr nation-wid- e basis to cover ment of Agriculture, and m lritl DCOOCQ. in InrliinHnn' . the county, expects a large delewar will result. If so, so much the Anderson, vioun soio, py rona Farmers have been, Brandt, acting head of the so l and i i worse. I do not believe that we can sta gation from this county to attend. SJ1?WE?L it out for themselves. If' water conservation experlrm-n- Soil Con 1, but that It had to be comby Ixctures will commence at 8:30 in this valley, by K. H. Fri left to fleht cidents July meet, in the future, circumstances the was for tions and statistician thev had a good crop, everything pleted qn or before that elate. Realiz- each morning. much more favorable than those that dal; Indian song, Vaughn Wassom i was servauun mere tramc tine but, li lawic and Marcella Thompson; prayer. exist today. I hold that Germany, Iting the injustice of Htich a construcstood the blow. pal speakers. tion of the law, and the confusion and aly and Japan are in a position to members discussed be to by "Last year the government took! Topics consternation which would necessarily m conquer today all their enemies combto correct tms; 0f the college dairy aepuiuiim. Yield experimentally, steps, arise therefrom among miners ef the man has ined. The hour, therefore, The crop insurance program of elude adequate pastures, herd wpst T- AecieA that it was mv dutv . una n " n Below 1938 evil. m and eomnR in Turn to Page Two) 1939 was introduced agement, In bull in and association,improvement, year more than 150.000 farmers fh f re drafte d and caused to U commenced the United States took advantage of, said Professor Cauie. Problems conhas harvest The wheat dis- - introduced Wu H. D. T.'s Wesley Gephart, president ef the it. Throusrh their cooperation its "val- - fronting dairymen will also be in parts of the valley and in the dry ... fn oil lAl!(ra flf ;W eVio local Lion Club, will attend the conWum Vioo i nrnvrd t .... mpptinTS. "v, " . IUMCU farm sections, according to reports, Ue HUH ..i:. Qr,,t mining claims an extension of sixty; vention vaiiuiljr naa "vi- y of Lions International in "' n The event win open at "There were some farmers wno the yield Is going to be somewhat diswithin which to commence their Pittsburg, July days will Wes continue but leave throng will insurance out to take and the extreme meetings drouth wanted appointing. The the out the afternoon. Guests who attend assessment work for the year ending, on the special train made up ef confrost are given as the main factors. could not because they didn't have and are wilted to at noon, July 1, 1939. The extension vention delegates. Conservative estimates place the money to pay for the premiumsof fi- dairy day activities however, made possible under this bill gives lunches Lions from all parts of the Unitevl own therefore faced the possibilities fail- - bring their yield in Box Elder County between claim holders until noon, September Slates and the at college. available be another will crop eight foreign countries will comloss meals nancial through 500,000 and 600,000 bushels as 1, within which to begin work, which,! be in attendance at the convention. Zvwi down to see the Fair me and this million ure last a over , year." well with be prose-pared after commencement, must the Mrs. and our It is expected that more than 4,000 good friends Mr. and year. This would mean that the avcutetl to completion with reasonable Mrs. Alf . . . The delegates will be in attendance and more than (Fritz) Manning To erage yield would not be an outstanding convention is anticiSwim diligence. Your-Neighbo- r" only disagreeable part of the trip was 10 bushels acre. bill thru per of this I thing the passage crossing the desert at 125 .degrees and the House end Senate la almost un-- j pated. Irrigated wheat Is going to be con-it A codfish lays a million eggs to think Llonlsm Is noted for its worthy prothat at the fair they wear siderable below last year's yield, In Congress. I was able toi To precede the hen' lays one, serthe paralleled While and is the fastest helpful their overcoats ajwl fur coats . . . The on jects convention to recognize me to vice club in tl) woild. growing appearing that Mother Nature is gocodfish does not cackle Is get the Speaker committee outstanding features at the fair are ing to take care of the surpluses of But the the of 19 and 20, move the Immediate consideration August To inform you what she's done. Wes will r.o doubt take a few side the lighting of the courts at night; the last year. a swimming party July this bill before it had even been re- -' codfish, scorn sponsoring' we the so and attAnd take a glimpse at horse show which had as a Schrol. trips The harvest will be in full swing 21 at the Bear River Migh to a committee. I had the stage the World'spossibly The helpful hen we prize: while he is so near. Fair M Men ferred raction, the Royal Mounted Police of within the next ten days. all to free be no will was all set, however, and there Which indicates to thoughtful minds The swim panada; a parade, featuring and Gleaner Girls and will feature objection to my request. After getting to advertise. It th? navy, pays with army and marine corps Bernard Shaw races and other swimming competi- the bill through the Hrmse. I then Shows oands of outstanding quality, and the tion which will be conducted by had to assume almost the exclusive On event of the Fourth of July the Condition Coach Sheffield. burden of securing its passage thru fire works at I followed it! Following the swim, hamburgers. After night across one of the Senate. this, the ;aRoons; the Calvacade of the West; and soft drinks will be on through the Bureau of the- Budget, "Does Right Triumph?" Hear this The firm, Reeves, Wood and Ostler, exhibits from all over the U. S. and accountants of Salt vital question discussed in the First sale, after which a bonfire program and the Interior Department to the; The building lecently purchased by -- any and of course, certified public will be presented. foreign countries; White House, where it was approved-b- the Froiik Chevrolet report Ward Elders class next Sunday. the follies. Iike City, have just filed aaudit Company, which, the President on June 30. of completed of their is across the street from the present recently We visited the Bell ex-behalf in Telephone "'7 hope that my efforts and records of Box Elder is and which is very interesting. They the books on of the miners of the west will give building a practically completedcomfiscal the for ending year county presents , pleasing 'eture a machine which only 24 girls apptarance pro-to time sufficient of board properly thpm March 31, 1939, with the ;n the United pared with the old building that has States can operate. It county tect their interests." commissioners. 3 for years in a bridly run down stood a to ABE MURDOCH; condition. operated with keys similar In their comments, accompanying typewriter or adding machine and by of the made the report, mention is The public heartily approves such the use of two stirred sounds it is made to cni.niifi financial condition of the By one great heart the universe is business principles and n sa' words and sentences quite progressive Its strong pulse, stars climb the darkening blue; Mr. Fronk on the ap-county, which enables Box Elder; By congratulates I would say . . . At this same ranee of his new building, which in each fresh sunset's changing hue, county to operate on a cash basis, ' throbs It you may enter your name and With has no Indebtedness, the county will house used cars exclusively. should you receive a And thrills through the low sweet song of every bird. number for Weed sot the lowest levy of all of businss In The pleasing-aspecyars yu are permitted towinning call, long this in spite of the countie-s- . is Utah men's all reds public veins; community spirited any blood to any point in the UMted hunBy it the plunging P.ox Elder county hna received is the spirit that fact it maintains a network or That own 'Vates. his had rapturous Fortunately, yours truly Joy feels that heart against dreds of miles of county roads extendadditional shipment of carbon Waul- is making Tremonton one of the outlucky number and took advantage her groan; breathes western borders; has. deepest Sorrow on far And its into It, phido. ThH material Is now available standing communities In the sdate, ing the opportunity while to one v.r its si7.e. some of the finest road and fifty at eithT Tremonton or Brigham City., with a consistent normal growth pains. deepest bounds It through gladness hundred people listen in on the to be found in the state-haThe cest to the grower Is the same brought about by public spirited busiequipment mod-. . Now, we spent three cents nessmen who have a vision for the j installed a great deal of as the previous shipment-4- 5 Passionless beating1 through all Time and Space, at the fair and about the second em just 2 in the various county Approximately future and the courage of their conon equipment Its per gallon. march, Relentless, calm, majestic w' we had walked so far that I was offices; has recently established the are required to treat orf square rod victions. endle-sheaven's arch, shake rr.v hiM hnnnc vft-- rnininET out Nature Alike, though of nny noxious weed. first rural recreational park in the; h,0,"Kh the skin and I felt sure I was Or man's heart break, because of some dead face! This material lias given the best U S A., and is wagtng one oi me Sale for vveb footed. most intensive results of any weed chemical we have: toting state's t'thrr points of intttest visited were the eradication of noxious weeds. sod, soft the mater-sunshine in the greening ever rf Tis.felt tried. Applicntion 3 James Walton, administrator of the Angeios, returning by way of Ial will be mide with W. P. A. labor Bertram Reeves, whoof personally In children's smiling as in mothers' tears, n and the audit, work of the of Newell W. Tavlor, invites estate Boulder Is available. labor as as this Rryce canyons and far had charge the years, aching And, for strange comfort, through anei empn-y- , . The of the public to the n tam contact attention the the enicers was information very additlrmal commended For enjoyed trip In another Men's hungry souls have called that great Heart, God! but Northern Utah at this time ees of the several county offices for; wwd D. K. superappearing county Anderson, f hones-- , , .Vear looks mighty good, compara-uv?j- y their diligence, efficiency and visor, at Tremonton, the district ag- place In this issue offering for sale DELAND MARGARET their respective, ricultural Inspector or county Agri- the entire real eslata and ehatU U of speaking, and we're glad to be tv In the conduct ofbooks and records . . After all. there la no place offices, stating the Newell W. Taylor, deceased. fcultural agent In Brighm City. "k home, la were well kept and accurate. there? DANZIG 20:h V , Lecture During Week i . j ,Z: I 11 I J 1 1 X iretuy-maKer- I y I s. well-oile- great-grandso- recent-servicor-ta- e r es l- j. Merrill-Palme- i Crop Insurance For Offers Added At tractions to Farmers! Mey-tre- al, ABE MURDOCH Anglo-Frenc- PUSHES LAW TO i MINERS , Czecho-Slovaki- a, great-grandmothe- r, Mir-mad- Extension Granted Holders of Unpatented Mining Claims -- ' cen-duct- - ed oci-ir- J l, n Sprvirps j Day Set For July Arranged i i i - c,4., i i SSStSIS ar r 13-ye- ar my MIA fniinwino-'sntPrpWinp- hn f i . - in-i.- " fV-.m- ' Rir , sound-(Plea- se - ! Milma CT t Wesley (Jephart to Attend Convention Wheat Harvest Estimated Pittsburg, Pcnn. wiiU 1 HEREand THERE 18-2- j -. j It Pays Advertise "Get-Acquainted-W- ith 10-d- ay Audit In Fine Remodelled Fronk Building Takes Modern Appearance County Church Notice LIFE I County Receives Additional Noxious Material hu-J-a- ex-ul,- iit dis--c- i pi e, -' & ' s . j s f j camr.-eign- s 1 Estate For |