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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, rTvBOAKD 1 INSTALLED ' i krtball fans have probably the new electric signboard noticed i used I was made by new scoreboard directed by her of shop boys George with fanner, technical Bradshaw part of the tbe most for by was material paid ml ! r. i -- basketball two 81 gS ! student council. I ' indicated the various ,Irter3of the game and gives the is operated by bv seconds and "litch at thee time keepers' desk. has From the center down, space names the for players provided their suit numbers. The sign has two red suitably decorated by I I ? S I at the top. scoreboard to Spectators find this the game, in watching n advantage il be used at all games here fl it i i bears I I of Miss Winifred Hazen, director vis- in the education state, tte parent at ltea the high school last Thursday Parents from ell over the 4 invited to attend. Miss valley Were choose the sub-- 1 Hazen let the parents I ! I ! wished jKt they discussed. I Smith and Mr. to be guests invited been Bunnell have at the Salt Lake City Chamber of commerce on Thursday, February 9. re-- ! This invitation was extended as a achievements. t of Verl's many yeri Anderson, Mr. I ! 1 I classes are being conducted in various communities by a few of high school teachers, most of the classes being in vocational subjects. Adult ! ! I 1 Last has a "Home and Beautification" class in Halvor Skinner has two and portage, classes at the high school, one for farm mechanics and the other a shop class. Oneta Shurtz has two classes In Deweyville, Home and Community Beautification, and Human Behavior. LeRoy Bunnell teaches dairying and livestock production at the high school, Ed Harris teaches typing and shorthand, and Lloyd Newcomer has a Drama class both in Tremonton and Charles I community ? t J i i J Garland. These classes are taught for the I benefit of parents and young people I who are out of school and wish fur-- 3 I ther education. I I A new departure in this I for M. I. A. Gold and Green I be held at the high school 1 I locality balls to on Feb. 25. balls will have been held in These the stake at that time, of each ward, together attendants and page boy will I every ward in I and the queen with her ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER The Most Efficient Machine Ever Built o Air Cleans Cleans and Shampoos Rugs Furniture, Draperies, Curtains, Tapestries, etc. Air Washes, Demoths and Mothproofs Clothes, Bedding, Fur Coats, Woolens, etc 0 AS EASY TO OWN AS TO USE IT IS e FLOOR WAX - EUG SHAMPOO CLEANER FOR LINOLEUM EXPELLO FOR MOTH FOR A H. D. THOMAS Representative Tremonton, Utah - Phone 23J '?.MI,mnin g ill in will mm DEWEYVILLE By M. Thomas Ault I Ve!lln I A very delightful party was given by the Social Development club last Thursday evening in the ward hall, honoring their husbands. The party was under the direction of the executive committee. About thirty club members and their husbands assembled in the hall at 7:30. A program was given, featuring musical numbers by Mrs. Ireta Bourne, also the ladies quartette, consisting of Mrs. Al West of Cutler, Mrs. H. L. Richards, Mrs. D. B. Jones and Mrs. E. H. Packer of Fielding. Mrs. Dan Gam gave a very interesting and amusing paper entitled "What Husbands Are." Community singing was led by Mrs. E. H. Packer. AfU-- the program a splendid tray supper was served, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in playing game. The husbands voted it a very splendid evening. Mrs. John Coombs, who has been receiving medical treatment in the Dee Hospital ln Ogden for the past ten days, is sufficiently recovered to return to her home. Mr. Coombs and Miss Delia Coombs motored to Ogden Saturday to bring Mrs. Coombs home. Edwin Webb and son, Chris, of Downey, Idaho, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Coombs Mrs. Coombs is a sister of Mr. Webb. Wednesday night the M Men and Gleaners of the ward conducted a very successful Gold and Green Ball. The hall was decorated appropriately for the occassion. Miss Reba Roundy was chosen queen, with Mrs. Jay Bourne and Miss Lola Cannon as attendants. The small daughter of Mrs. Archibald and also the small daughter of Mrs. Wayne Garn were the flower girls, and the young son of Mrs. Dewey Welling was the crown bearer. The music for the ocassion was furnished by the Ladies orchestra of Deweyville. A large crowd was in attendance and enjoyed the party. Mrs. Wynn Hansen and her sister, Mrs. Marble, also Mrs. J. I. Taylor of Garland, motored to Salt Lake City, Monday to attend a piano recital being held there. They returned home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ezra Packer was a business visitor to Salt Lake City, Saturday. Guy Rees was in Logan Thursday: We understand that Mr. Rees has a program on the radio at the new Lo- gan broadcasting station, appearing for fifteen minutes each Thursday. He' is accompanied in his broadcast by Mrs. Ezra Packer. The local people have had the opportunity of enjoying Mr. Rees singing for sometime, and we wish him success in his radio work, and feel sure that his radio audience will also enjoy him. Mr. and Mrs. Than Garn visited in Garland last Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Halverson. Only one thing happened to mar their visit to Garland. Mr. Garn failed to lock his car when he parked it in front of the Halverson home. Someone relieved him of his gas and a new overcoat which he had left in the car. He would appreciate the return of his coat. He r appear in a crowning ceremony at the stake Gold and Green ball. Plans for the ceremonies and for decoration, music, and other features are now being worked out by various committees of stake board members and M Men and Gleaner officers, of which. Nelda Pederson and Porter "We hope," Giles are said members of the committee, "that each queen will be accompanied by a majority of her subjects. We want this first stake Green and Gold ball to be a huge success. Students from Tremonton and Garland district schools, and freshmen and sophmores of the high school, were entertained by a film on the life of Abraham Lincoln in the high school auditorium last Monday. It has been reported that this picture was highly educational to these youngsters who have been studying the life of Lincoln. This same show was again presented in the evening for those who wish ed to see it. DEMONSTRATION See Ynm FIELDING By Enid I Rear River HIGH LIGHTS j , t IHSrMWWBWWWWWIW PACE FIVE be,r mVElRClTYl c w Local and Social Items Brailsford By Mrm. 1 A meeting was held Tuesday. Jan.! Mr. and Mrs. Mervin n, of BETTY ALLEN, Local Correspondent 24 at 1 o clock where the cemetery this citV( are the proud rarenta of a M .wiganijea, wan Aivin baby girl Thursday .January 26' The Tremonton-Garlan- d Norr, Martin M. Gardner and Iver at a local hospital in Erigham Literary' Mrs. Herrick and son. Howard, of City.i Germer elected. At this meeting the Mrs. Anderson was Miss' club met with member Mae Dalton Salt Lake, visited at the how of her formerly Willow Springs was discussed as to Juanita Knudson, daughter of Mr. and Thursday night. The book "Mortal sister, Mrs. S. N. Cole, Thursday. Ho- water rights of the cemetery, school Mr8. by Phyllis Bottome, was giv ward favored the people of the Meth Benjamin Knudson, of Erigham Storm," en by Margaret Woodsides. Delicious odist Church with five cornet selecand church. Owing to several differ-- ; city, refreshments were served by the tions at their auction, Thursday night. ent opinions another meeting was( Thursday evening at the M. I. A.1 He is a very accomplished musician Januarv 61 at ine Dewey- - Gold and Green Ball, Miss Arva Ar hostess. ville Ward hall at 1 I'clock. and has won many honors in the of Mrs. Mr. and Ellis bon, daughter BuMisses The Maxine and Deane music world. Tuesday evening, Mrs. Emma Love - Arh'on A iaro-rhnsnn h land, Bee Keeper, and the Bee Hive crowd wa3 m attendance. Music was chanan entertained at a de-- 1 girls met at her home, where the les- - furnished by the Mrs. E. H. White and son, Hobart orchestra cf party Wednesday night. After a aim mm iit-- nive worn was talked Deweyville. lightful sleigh ride the twenty guests left last week to spend two months returned to the Buchanan home where about After the meeting the girls jamea L. Anderson and Clifford a delicious luncheon was served and vacationing in Los Angeles. and Bee Keeper entertained in honor, Thorsen spent Friday in Salt Lake of Rhode-egames were played. Staggle's birthday. Edgar Winchester and Mrs. Wilson freshments were served and En en-- j M'iss Leia Jensen were in Ogden on business Tuesday. spent the week a The Epworth League sponsored joyable evening spent. end in Salt Lake City, visiting with progressive supper and Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver John-- J her sister Mis3 Eleanor Jensen, Mr. Winchester and Harry Taylor conson took their son, Wayne, to see a Mr. and Mrs. June Thompson, of party Wednesday night. At the spent of met Friday in Salt Lake. clusion the ride, doctor sleigh in they Salt Lake City. special Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen, at the Methodist Church and On Sunday a number of friends vis- - Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen of this played The First Ward M Men and Gleatable games for the remainder of the ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in attended the Pioneer dance city, . , . . i ners held their Sunday night evening. mrtn-daor y nonor me ricuin. vjrtTiiier in Willard, Thursday evening, at the home of Miss Fae l. anniversary of Mrs. Germer. Mrs. Thressa Brailsford attended a Mrs. James Ruth, of Huntington A committee consisting of Fae Those present were Mrs. H. C. n birthday party held in Brigham City, and daughter Irene, and Mrs. Saturday at the home of Percy Brails-for- Park, California, is spending two Fridal, Margaret Kay, Shirley Beard weeks visiting with her daughter Mis and Calvin Jackson was chosen to Virginia Marble and daughter Doris given by Mrs. Percy Brailsford meet with the one chosen from the Dean of Wilson, Mrs. Anna Germer, and Mrs. George F. Lee, in honor of R. F. Goff. Second Ward to plan the annual St. Mrs. Susie Hansen, Mrs. Lizzie Jen- the of their mother, Mrs. Valentine's dance that is to be sponsen and Mrs. Minnie Saunders and Lottiebirthday McFarlane. Refreshments were sored by the M Men and Gleaners of GARLAND EAST LeRoy Hyatt. to eleven served guests. the two wards. Those on the Second Mrs. David Larson On Friday afternoon, the Daughters By Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hansen made Ward committee are Elaine Saenquist, of Utah Pioneers held their meeting a business to Malad, Idaho on trip at the home of Mrs. Pearl Perry. Saturday. There were ten boys of the Aaronic Ina Claire Phillips, Darold Fuller and Blackham was in Mont Anderson, who is attendiner Priesthood who took part, either by Vern Allen. Captain Virginia charge. A sketch of her father's life school at the B. Y. U. in Provo, spent speeches or song, in the specially arMrs. H. D. Thomas entertained her was given by Mrs. Pearl Perry, in-- ! the weekend in this city, visiting his ranged program for Sunday evening strumental selection by Miss Ruth mother, Mrs. Martha J. Anderson and church service, under the general top-i- sewing club Thursday evening. Other Snow. Refreshments were served by "Cavalcade of Youth." Clifton than the members, Mrs. Earl Marble, family. Mrs. Pearl Perry and Mrs. had charge of the" program. In Mrs. Parley Archibald, Mrs. Quinten Grover Lettiej Mrs. Cindrella L. Johnson, of Provo, Allen and Mrs. Lyle Tripp were innow spent the weekend in this city, visit- - addition Eric Stenquist of the Stake The following attended the home- - ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver High Council, was present and made vited goiests. Luncheon was served. coming at Slaterville, Thursday: Bis- - Lewis. interesting remarks. Mrs. Ward Shuman is spending a hop and Mrs. Marion G. Perry, Mrs.! Mrs. Roy Lewis is confined to her A large per cent of the ward memfew days in Ogden visiting with her uuver reierson and daughter Janet bed suffering with an attack of rheu-o- f bers were in attendance at the M. I. mother. one-aPetersboro, and Ellis Perry. '":rm A. social Tuesday evening. Two matic fever. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Burbank, of plays were presented under the Mr. and Mrs. Carrol A. Hall and Miss Rhea Heppler and Miss Helen of Miss Leila Adams. Mr. direction and Mrs. Carleen Augusta daughter, Allen entertained ,at a Hard Times here over the weekend. Edwin H. Mrs. Coombs, and George Iversen spent Sunday in Portage visparty at the Heppler home, The dance and shower given for with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall. Isaacson, Mrs. Leah Oyler, Mrs. Max- night. Dinner was served to 30 Friday iting guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Germer was enAdams Miss Ardes Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sorensen, of ine Adams and at one long table. Hard Times theme joyed by a large number of friends Rexburgi Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Leo very splendidly interpreted the clever, was very attractively carried out in Mrs. Es"Fifty-Fifty.- " and relatives Saturday night. The Mawarning of Salt Lake City, spent modern play table .decorations. After dinner the Rhoda received Orval Petersen. sie Grover, useful newlyweds and last Friday visiting in this city with many remainder of the evening was spent in beautiful gifts. Sorensen and daughter Har- Oyler and Lyn Larson did very well playing games. folPatriarch J. P. Christensen, of El Joseph with the play Dancing riet. wood, visited the Deweyville Ward Mrs. Shelly H. Atchley and children, lowed the presentation of the plays. was on the and gave some fifteen Patriarchical 0f Driggs, Idaho, is 'visiting in this This evening's activity STEAM ROLLING ward blessings on Sunday budget. city with her mother, Mrs. Sina ThorMr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey and!sen. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes, accomfamily, of Richfield, Utah, visited rel-- i Rundav evenina- in connection with panied by the younger members of ktives here over the weekend. our Sacrament meeting, a court of their family and Mr. and Mrs. Mark CO. honor meeting was held with Alf Hall of Garland, went to Salt Lake 41 Phone on to Lehi, Tremonton, Utah willingly gives the other fellow the Freeman in charge. A cornet due, Thursday, then continued Rhodes' Mr. with visited where to they "The Star but would like his coat. gas burn, Spangled Banner," played 1b As this news goes to the printer,. by Clair Anderson and Carlyle Gard- mother, Mrs. A. D. Rhodes, who our ward is making preparations for ner; a salute to the flag, led by Kieth now in her 83rd year and active and the first Ward Reunion, to be held Johnson, two numbers by the Boy well. The party returned home Satin our ward for a number of years. Scout band, led by Clair Anderson urday. The weekly genealogical meeting Our new bishopric feels this is a very formed the program, after which Nave Your Old Mattress essential affair, to get the people out awards were presented to thirty boys. was held Monday evening at the L. M. Mrs. of Bishop and Made Into an . . . together in a social way, and unite Some receiving first class pins and home them more closely together. So they ;some second class and some merit Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bingham and have undertaken to have a ward re- badges. Several mothers also received union. Wednesday afternoon will be their pins. A group of the Scout coun- family, of Twin Falls, Idaho, visited relatives here last week. They were devoted to the grade school children, cil were in attendance. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eda them real entertainment. giving win Isaacson, Sunday. Thursday, beginning at noon, the Priced for a Short Time at Mr. end Mrs. Harmon Pierson and adults of the ward will meet together to motored Atkinson Qgden LeRoy for a program, a hot dinner, and a By Mrs. n. P. Rasmussen Tuesday morning. They were accomdance in the evening. Our bishopric panied home by Miss Helen Atkinson, and those working in connection with Mrs. R. P. Hansen and daughter, who will remain for some time. We Also Make New Spring them to put this Reunion on are to entertained at a shower last Miss Marie Larson is expected home be commended for their splendid ef- Norma, Filled Mattresses Monday evening in honor of Mrs. from the Eastern States Mission this forts. Mrs. Hansen. Ellen Hawks, formerly week end. Call Hawks received many lovely presents. SUMMONS The evening was spent in playing and Rasmussen left Saturday evening games. Mr. and Mrs. Hawks left on In the District Court of the First Tuesday morning for their home in they will stay over until after the funeral, which will be on Wednesday. DROP A CARD TO Judicial District of the State Wendell, Idaho. Miss Dorthea HanMr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen went of Utah, In and For the sen of Ogden also spent the weekend to Mink Creek to visit Mr. and Mrs. County of Box Elder at home and attended the shower. Christian Hansen. Mrs. Hansen is Re:: T. Wimmer of Logan, wa3 a in poor condition. EDITH BAUGH, Plaintiff guest cf Miss Rhoda Christensen over Mr. and Mrs. Rhead of Tremonton . vs. CO. tho genealogical meeting in attended OLIVER F. BAUGH, Defendant The Deweyville basketball players Elwood Monday night. After the came ever Thursday for a league Brigham City, Utah meeting a social was held ln honor to of Utah the The State game. The Elwood boys lost the game. of Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson's 30th Said Defendant: Lewis Hunsaker and Mr. and Mrs. You are hereby summoned to ap- H. P. Rasmussen attended tho gen- wedding anniversary. pear within twenty days after the ealogical convention in Logan, Satur- - SUBSCHIBE FOR THE LEADER service of this Summons upon you, if served within the county in which L, c. Petersen spent Saturday in n this action is brought, otherwise, Legg attending some poultry thirty days after service, and, ing.g and at night he attended the defend the above entitled action; and genealogical convention. in case of your failure so to do, judg-Mrs peter Y. Rasmussen received ik ii l win uc itimvivu " word LIlaL nci auni, ixxio. wuwmiu-cording to the demand of the com was very ill at her home in Hydei Park. She left immediately and was plaint, This action is brought for divorce tncre wnen Bne passed away. Mr. to dissolve the marriage between plaintiff and defendant. B. H. JONES, STEAM ROLLING Plaintiff Attorney P. O. Address: First National Bldg., Brigham City, Utah 1 1 t5 CO. j f j j ' j a bob-sleig- all-gi- rl e Re-'cit- y. bob-sleig- h j 7 get-togeth- er Fri-da- Chris-tense- d, v, ct . "D-298- ." STOHL ELEVATOR WINTER SPECIAL Hol-ma- n. Everton Spring Filled HATTRESS ELWOOD ! I We EVERTON MATTRESS Sun-Jay- i ' ; STOHL ELEVATOR 3-- " I "I T j Subscribe for the Leader I Phone 41 NEW MILL A T? T, A& tm a ROLLING AND GRINDING OF GRAIN FEED MIXING Phone 23 Garland-Tremonto- 1 n xo m'6 get n hlffj&y Prices are Sow ITFJXIORD I'VE ALWAYS WANTED ONE - AND HERE'S MY CHANCE!" tOW EASY TERMS Ask your Maytag dealer about th finall down NOW, payment and the low, easy termi that let you have your Maytag and n A. MICHAELIS - PEWS SEE US FOR Phone 9 n- . Re-bui- lt TREMONTON A m AW Tremonton, Utah Out Tremonton Mill, Which Was Destroyed by Fire, and New, Modern Machinery Installed Has Pcen and Is Now Operating. . Ml 1:1. inai irMf iuu wm uv l!a modemly prepared fueL It's easy to fire, economical to burn and clean to handle. Try King Coal . . . and bo convinced! . f 1 f. i c icei comiaent a Phone 27 meet-withi- 2-- TREMONT COAL CO. - and Deliver FREE! 1 1 LCI ALF 2, 1939 1 $1 'MimismBsm X7 FEBRUARY Milling Co. Schoss-Rca- d Electric 0o. Stores OGDEN AND TREMONTON, UTAH |