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Show BEAR RIVER, VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1933 "PACE EIGHT 10 (I X A I Corrpondent Marjorie Hansen, Phone (By IL D. T.) lruita arcrwn between rows ci 40- kapok trees are sold locally by natives' Luadoua cadr j loot-hig- h Miss Beth Innes, a nurse at the L. D. S. Hospital in Salt Lake, is spend-'- ; friends and rel-- ; eral days here visiting friends and Ing her vacation with Garland. and Tremonton in atives relatives. A springs party was given in their honor Monday evening. Miss Yvonne Briggs returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waples re- home this week after a six week's turned to their home in California, visit at the home of her brother and after spending the past two weeks as his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Briggs, guests at the home of Mrs. Waples' In California- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. VVatland. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradshaw and to sons, Odell, George and Norman, left Miss Marjorie Hansen returned Mr. and Mrs. Otto Eaer, of Chicago, and Lester Eaer, of Peoria, spent sev- Ts smAPSH 5'i.a-- l HERE A AND V THERE l Netherlands Indies The kapok is shipped all over the world lor use in mattresses and pillows Gentleman to the lower right playing Javanese (lute uses long pole for knocking pods from kapok trees j , j S MtfTL .v,. v..', m'.j PLEASE BRING IT BACK I We are inclined to believe that th burglar or burglars who broke in ou shop last Sunday night and stole oi pet radio wanted it to hear a favori' radio program. We are wondering i it is "Gang Busters." We hope the will bring it back when they get thr with it so we can listen to Mate Bowes. Just set it outside the bac door that was forced open when was stolen. Don't wait too long t are we will have Sherlock Holm? check up on the excellent finger print left on several articles in the shop. n, Entertains George Ruppert, wide- A Sportsman ice ly known sportsman, boat and yachting enthusiast, and member of the famous brewing family, entertained newspaper publishers from all 48 states at a recent baseball game in New Bock Bound Susan Hay ward rambles about the rocks on t h e shores BUY FOE 2 DAYS York. I WHAT SILENCE A recent society wedding which a few thousand dollars was & scribed as a quiet one. The silence, s you might say, was deafening. a movie CLOSED MONDAY AV PRICES EFFECTIVE SAT., JULY 23 BANANAS 50 SUGAR 190 JUMBO Ka. OXYDOL Oil ... 3 Pkgs. 10 EV CABBAGE 1X r HOW DO YOU LIKE YOURS? ' Much has been made of a new r.:f chine that unscrambles eggs, but i Alcatraz they manage to ones. I A MAN j Comes a story of a German wo worker who wears two artificial leg and a artificial arm of his own manSELF-MAD- 190 Lb. Watermelons t Lge. Pkg. RINSO 100 Cantaloupes FLAVOR AID 100 i SLICED 20 Swiss Cheese V 290 GRAPEFRUIT ... LARGE 100 Pork - Beans Lge. Can SPUDS 90 OLIVES LARGE SIZE Due. FOLGER S LEMONS 190 Lb. Marshmallows j- - Ea. 130 POTATO Lb. Pkg. CHIPS 70 MUSTARD TUNA Can MILD FLAKES WHIP Lb. CAKES PS. 250 BUTTER Lb. BUTTER SLge.rkgs. PEANUT 190 QUALITY 130 Corn Flakes 390 FANCY Lb. KELLOGG'S Qt 210 VIENNA Reg. Size Can SAUSAGES 300 COKNED ... 150 PAPER 2 Doz. PLATES FLOUR 980 Assorted Flavors Pkg. JELLO 150 50 48 Lbs. Garland-Tremonto- n REEF Jar 100 CHEESE 100 MIRACLE 50 Colgate Palmolive Peet Soap Special 5 : I M T 10c bars CRYSTAL WHITE (WITH YOUR COUPON) . SUPERSUDS qkg. and2 22c PALMOLIVE (WITH YOUR COUPON) PFPTM I YAmY O PkS" 36-oz- ., o rj C ( Q G'ant Bars andO CRYSTAL WHITE (WITH YOUR COUPON) ThU Special Soap Deal Applies to Tremonton and Garland Only! 0 0 STICK Quality Meats BOLOGNA Lb. 150 ASSORTED PICNIC L Hams, no shank 250 Lbs 2 Lbs. 290 HAMBURGER ...280 2 FRANKS 0 0 Lb. LUNCH MEAT ... 250 SLICED BACON Lb. 290 Nana Monoka, Tokyo Pretty Pictures admiring a photograph of Iapan s discus throwing champion and one of the leaders in the 1936 Olympics. All Japan is looking forward to the 1940 Olympics In Tokyo. 1 T x J. Hansen; vacation in Los Angeles, Calif. and ilio. Reverend Goff, who was called to William Jenkins, of Los Angeles, ter3, Dorothy and Marilyn, and son Canada due to the serious illness of is visiting at the home of California, TreBruce, of Salt Lake City, were his mother, returned to his home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins. monton visitors Sunday afternoon. W. W. Eogs and daugh Hi-- , Mrs. Eli Winzeler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cole and daughHelen, and son, Norman, and Shirley ter, Watland are visiting friends and rel- the Joan, of Provo, were guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Cole atives in Syracuse, N. Y. Tuesday and Wednesday. Lawrence and Douglas Taylor, of Miss Hazel Manning, a nurse at the Montecello, California, are spending a L. D. S. Hospital at Salt Lake City, week at the home of their aunt and is visiting her many friends in Treuncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Hansen. monton this week. Garland 1 $4.60 Per Bail t 2 Dr. and Mrs. Ensign Herrick and Miss Shirley Williams, of Salt Lake City, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Cole. C. M.I W. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Isley and baby, of San. Francisco, spent the two past weeks at the home of Mrs. Isley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tremonton, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart and sons, Harry and Bob, were in Ogden Monday. Darrell and Dale Hansen, of Salt Lake City, were visitors at the home of their sister, Mrs. Earl Marble, this week. Tremonton Miss Maxirie Dibble returned to her home in Springville, after visiting a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs. Meet Your Friends Here . . . Leave Your Parcels . . Use Our Phone Buy Your Stamps . . . Check Your Needs from These Wonder Buys. David Rechlaw and his sister, Miss Josephine Rechlaw, of Toledo, Ohio left Wednesday morning after a two week s visit with Miss Elva Getz. Mr. Peter Marble and daughter, Dorothy, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marble for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Scoffield, of Kaysville, are spending the week as guests of Mrs. Leon Kerr. Mrs. Lindquist and daughter. Aline. and son Ray, of Salt Lake Cltv. are spending the week as guests of Mrs. Lindquist s mother, Mrs. Rose Kerr. Miss Gale Quinney returned home NEW LISTERINE Full Sized Tubes G9c ILVIR BRUSH Genubie Bristle KLEENEX RADIO SERVICE 400 Dr. W est TOOTH t rjA BRUSH - Professional Gene's Radio Service ILWE 24 BOTTLES Mavis Talc Regular 85c Value While They Last 9 .. 390 1 TOOTH BRUSH ! 2 for 51c 280 Frens SANITARY NAPKINS - Box of HOSPITAL COTTOX Pound Roll "Dexter" E.Z Turn TOASTER 2 Slice ST. REGIS Pocket Watch GUARANTEED 79 "White Ace" SHOE CREAM FLIT FLY SPRAY 49 and SKIN BRACER 75c Value GENUITE "TEK" rint " 4V FEENAMINT and 5 Double Edge BLADES - All for 500 Sheets Miss Mary Woolley, who is attending summer school at the U. S. A. C. at Logan, ppent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus 26 "Meads" PABLUM Full Size "Williams' SHAVING CREAM at Lyle Tripp and Don Sheffied are spending the weekend on a fishing trip in Star Valley, Wyoming. 1UV WE Tooth Paste arter a five week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weaver Thatcher, Idaho. 25c INSTANT WHITE SHOE CLEANER EXPERT Utah Binding Twin: - ONLY STORES Genuine Plymouth i RED TAG SEISAL5! Misses Joan and Donna Green, small Woolley. FOOD Tremonton 441.91' r- Jeanne and Ruth Felsted, Mrs. Wesley Gephart, sons daughters of Dr. and Mrs. D. B. of Salt Lake Georgia Harry are of their and Bob, and JuneFrazier returned guests City, Green, are spending the week with aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leland home last week, after a two week's relatives in Ogden. , ,.., O. i 250 PAPER 100 .. : 1. . w new Vi uiK.)viiy mis. juuunu lowis, 0 wife of an unemployed tunnel worker, decided in favor j oi a Bhoeshin career when reliei was ottered. Here she ps at work on the sidewalks ol New York, ni oaoesaine uui Lb. Can LAKGE ROLL - I AUTOMOBILES co-e- d, 100 COFFEE vs- persons have been killed in the U. I by automobiles. This is almost douV the number of American soldiers kited in action or died of wounds in the wars this country has engajt . in since its birth. 80 10 lbs. NEW -- In the last fifteen years, 2 Can Sfor I WAR 1. FRESH E ufacture. Lb. Lb. i I - it J 1 the Pacific She was chosen from the model ranks for 2 lbs. f s of PWI). OH BROWN 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Julian Miller of Miss Joy Holt, of Salt Lake City, were guests at the home of has been a guest at the home of Mr. two Mrs. A. L Cook and family, and Mr the past and Mrs. Tom Sandal for comTuesday afternoon. They were weeks. In Idaho. a from home trip ing Misses Elaine and Ethel Reeder, of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. VVatland and Brigham City, visited with friends In Mr. and Mrs. A. V). Sargent attended Tremonton last week. the Ogden Shrine Club dinner and Miss Elaine Gephart returned from dance at the Hermitage in Ogden a week's vacation at Sun Valley, Ida. Canyon last Saturday evening. Lb. l Loyal and honest, brave and true I ' I Cheerful and broad of mindStrong for the tasks he has to do- ' t I Patient, considerate, kind. The lives of many each must touch ' So varied In life's plan, I We seldom realize how much f It takes to be a man. Edgar A. Guel I her home after spending four weeks Monday morning for a tour through with friends at Grand Lake, Estes Yellowstone Park. They will return the latter part of the week. Park and Denver, Colorado. Farm-lngto- ALL IX A LIFETIME Life holds so much variety Before death shuts his eyes A mam can work and hope to be Clever and rich and wise; 12 .... 10c Molded Mickey Mouse SOAP 5(J - 79 VACUUM BOTTLE Pint in. ""0 St. Regis Double Edge RAZOR BLADES We're Going to Sell 'Royer' Face 1"? POWDER TO CLEAN OUT SATURDAY ONLY 72 Up Oi, fl H at to 25( Wc Have A Complete Line of nichard Hudnut's idICnca Marvelous Make Up JK 4 Bxc9 lkj ! CS |