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Show pXAB EIVEB VALLEY LEADER Catered at the Postoffie at Tre- toatoa, Utah as Second Class 3 latter. Published gorsday Jlli BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THUKtDAY, gjLCE TWO at Tremonton, Utah, on i. NEW BOULDER DAM PLAY AREA B. E. COUNTY COMMISSIONER of each week. -- - PROCEEDINGS J - Subscription Rate 52.00 The Honorable Board of Box Elder Due Year (in advance) $100 County Commissioners met in regular pix Months (la advance) session Monday, July 18, at ten o'clock 50 rhree Months (In advance) a. m. Commissioner Jos. I. Dewey, John Adams and Jos. A. Nielsen were present with Cairmanc Dewey presid--- --- Free to Pjiblifc eetalof end Tleonly piece inr the U. S. where njr line at bu.inee. dart..iri inrt-- covering Free ad Without obtained or produrt tin te Oblicatioa i the American laduetriel library. M'rue tor Buainee. Advertuing Metier you ere Btereeted in; Mine will be promptly forweioea. AMERICAN IXDQST8IAL LIBRARY E4lnerinBaUdi, QUeMo. Illlaoi VSNATIONAl tc EDITORIAL ALeurAjtA. I I TlriJ 93 5 To Your Town as well as to your Country Jonathan Davis of Ogden, appeared before the commissioners in behalf of the Bear River Gun Club, and requested of the commissioners the use of one of the county road graders, so that a portion of the road in this vi- i w E t cinity be graded, also for the purpose of building a dyke in the same vicinity. Mr. Davis was informed that pursuant to his recent appearance relative to thi3 same request, the had taken this under ad visement, and that his request would be granted at a time when the county road equipment was more easily avail i w s IU "r--.- " t ' . I B. F. Reeves, of the accounting firm, Reeves, Wood and Ostler of Salt ' ' ' ' ' V A 1 L?r- ','' - , ".VX abeL ' - 1 com-misione- rs lis-c- - new .. ' civilizT f y ;jSHt tion," according to Mr. Priestly in sincere words which should be taken to heart by every American He believes that Americans! should not sit back and let rest of the world go by v0! I should they relax now that ihe'iob 1 of pioneering America is finished f He thinks we dealt in "quantity" I J long enough. With the future of the next cly f llization in our hands, it is Mr i Priestly's belief "That the Amer-lean who accepts this responsibil. 1 ity must now begin to think sharn- - i lv in terms of Quality" j IP 5 : K twentieth-centur- it 1 r ' - I 1; Lake City, who has been employed ty the past The daily action of each nf . help "U1U ine ""lUatioB mat V. Europe shall adopt, the noted English says in an article ia August rv! taopolitaa Magazine. "Not only Is the the richest and most lSueftS tl t country in the world today Mr. Priestly, "But it is the great power that can be consider? ! ed reasonably secure." f "If the rest of the world went I up la flames, the United St,tZ I eould shift for itself." says M? ; Priestly. While European countries are I warding oft the destruction of I their cultures, Americans "are 6 f ciding the pattern and color of onr f S, fH. 7 ing. Box Elder county during -- may i --- v:!?A MUST : CIVILIZATION SAYS PRIESTLY -- :eai F 'rs 0 f the ,jant 1 al klP year, appeared before the commisand presented the audit report sioners PATRONIZE YOUR from April 1, 1937 to March 31, 1938. LOCAL MERCHANTS r ' U. S. A. C. Catalouge I j Besii Ernest Freeman, South Box Elder 3 , in) Bank Federal the for Land, agent County, Distribution of Berkeley appeared before the com. I ked missioners and requested certain inLOGAN Dr. Elmer G. PptowJ the White Top lien's Column formation relative tonow president of the Utah State AgricuIn effect on eradication program ltural college, announced this we property west of Public statements by swimming the Eli Andersonnumber that catalogues for the 1938-3- re in of years ..z, W Tremonton, The ' school term were ready for cif. jjiins pool operators concerning State Board which Mr. Anderson has to pay Box ular V f Health approval of conditions at culation and that they would be see' clean cultivation jiudin their pools, regardless of the nature Elder Countyonforhisthefarm to students upon request of his officf the done work during bacteriological f reports concerning The catalogue contains a full cale37, and 38, at a cost of BHalyses of pool water, have not been years 1936, ndar of events for the coming year, as the three years was agreed :Sld t authorized by the State Board of $25 for as ten years, divided into equal well as all Instructive material fqr .nt- sHealth, Dr. J. L. Jones, State Health upon uninformation. without s student kts interest, payments, yearly warned swimming pool Commissioner, -1 1938-3- 9 m session will featul Me for any particular year The less payment l operators today. is not paid, thereupon an interest rate several new courses not offered bf hreaou Such statements, which have been cent will be charged ILLIONS of dollars of private and government capital have been poured Into the' Boulder Dam Recreaand the catalogue lists the nej :dCM of per fore, eight appearing with increasing frequency against this payment which was mistional Area. Boulder City. Nev.. to make it the outstanding western play area where bpaUng. fishing and to the college curriculuif, additions ."idure via matM. to air Direct States. all sections United the of service Lynn attract as high as 85,000 persons a month from recently, according bathing see v, sed. The annual payments will be colCourses leading to a degree are beii west coast twa hoUTS from tad TCSOrt. et4kli'c!ut Krincrintf Mr A h.. --vawv0.. A w ."o"-- the- ast roasf " overnicht "Lake and the cher, Director of the Division of Pub- lected V lias jwov wvvu ir.r. be which taxes seven schools of the cS with the If the offered tm tan will desert along thousands by their, miles for get Mead, long along Sanitation On and beaches, stretching sandy lic Health Engineering come due on this property, being made Karr summer in the high, dry climate for which the area is famous. lege with complete training in of the State Board of Health, are not a date the and arfe tax of the of notice, forestry, agriculture, part aimpc Board based on fact, because the State will be the same as the date on and sciences, commerce, home ecf at's Cf CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ta Health does not and will not au- due taxes are due. which education, engineering ait nomics, thorize such general approval. assistant The United States Civil Service mechanic arts. agent, j bnt of Steffen, agri Hy The fact that a single bacteriologiwill freshmen comfor commis jobtlesi announced informed the Commission has and Registration open cal analysis shows satisfactory con- appeared white top 23, Friday, with t of examinations the for the September that sioners pre positions patches petitive ditions is not a basis for telling the on the Wilse Nielsen wheat farm at classes and special st- pi three other listed public that any given pool is satis Blue Creek had not been clean cultl For the first three positions listed, udents registering the following Mo' factory, Mr. Thatcher said. Many vated this year and the white top was must be on file with the nday. Instruction will begin on Tue isrroR applications other conditions, including pool equipcommissioners to seed. The Civil Service Commission, Washing- day, September 27, President Peters SEATi ment and sanitation of surroundings going Steffen to proceed in D. C, not later than August 8, stated. ton, are extremely important, ana many a manner heir deemed most advisable Fall quarter activities will ctf :tle if received from States east of Coloof these items are known to be not in and eliminating this curtailing December not 16, when the Christmas if and later than some 11, at rado, August pools completely satisfactory fotvA-teweed. if received from Colorado and States idays will begin. Registration now operating. kSiblii to as also Mr. Steffen inquired westword. quarter will begin January 3, The State Board of Health will be irof Pi been had whether for Marf set any appropriation Social Worker (Psychiatric) $2,000 the end of the quarter forced, Dr. Jones said, to take action "Crepel Herd made under the 17. Three days later the spring qui a year, Veterans Administration. against swimming pool operators who at State Fair" caption "County by op comJune the end whereupon Home Extension Agent, $2,600 a ter will begin and will in the future make public statements the int Jul Steffen that informed for Mr, missioners set been has to the effect that their pools have year, Junior Home Extension Agent, Graduation day 7 is st holidai been specifically approved by the no appropriation had been made for $1,800 a year, Indian Field Service, 5. Observance of the national good ti county herd at the State fair. A dishave been listed on the calendar. State Board of Health. Deperament of the Interior. .may B. E. cussion of the dairy herd at the All interested students are urgf Home Economist, $3,800 a year, Asof I was into. entered Fair office for; County i. sociate Home Economist, $3,200 a to write the President's J '.sevelt inf Mr. Steffen and E. J. Holmgren apyear, Bureau of Home Economics, De- catalogue and any additional k to r peared relative to the cost of materneeded. of mation partment Agriculture. Optional : I I peat , ials namely chemicals for the sprayj subjects are food economics and famA with of noxious These weeds. gentleing economics. BABIES BORN AT HOSPITAL ily aed, enJunior Blueprint operator, Junior BISHOP Mr. and Mrs. Threal Bishop men stated that in their opinion the Uie ful 4-NEWS H cost of the chemical at six cents for CLUB Photostat Operator, $1,440 a year; of Garland, a boy, born July 9. - '3 are I ' also was in self excess, application Under Blueprint Operator, Under PhoWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood, of But the cost of nine cents wherein spray Cookia tostat Operator, $1,260 a year. ClosHowell, a boy, bom July 13. The B. F. third year ioinflue was applied by B. E. county. The ho ing dates: August 1, for applications Club of Tremonton met at the T the Pn commissioners informed these men from Wednesday. received east of States Theurer Verna of tonColorado, The following have had their to of 'atry si the cost that this objection City Manager Robert W. Flack, of San Diego, Calif., presenting a Light and August 4, 1938, for applications girls prepared and served to the sils removed recently: Dorval and to as Chief C. of certificate Patrolman materials and m Foundation Ernest Life for Saftig, application received from Colorado and States TAtv.ora a full course dinner. They Geraldine Rcbbins, Victor Hulford, spraying materials would of Police George M. Sears looks on. M be investiwestward. MT0X: as their guests Mrs. Lund and Duane and Marie Goldsberry and Mrs. spraying gated, j batmana rew who information reet be Hundred A Full but San obtained out, patrolman Diego may Cam Smith, Ault. , W. C. Merrell of Brigham City apfASHl from the Secretary of the United tled a wicked night surf to bring aged to make his way to a piling The dinner was enjoyed by Marvin Barfus had his appendix rebefore the coumissioners and iticultui peared on been has hold while for and man to shore Civil States Service of Exama Board .he yelled drowning moved. His condition is good and he informed them that the road from T. N. T. c V 2,500, rewarded for his exploit with a help. Members of his party on iners, at the post office or customwill return home the next day or so. Thursday, July 14, the Anderson's ranch to highway 30 north un were heard his but shore can Certificate Life cries, in presented house Saving any city which has a post of Riverside held its meeting at u Norma Crozier had her appendix and west of Corinne was now ready to attempt a rescue. They tele in th( was sp. Life able for Foundation, the office Time Light of the or by first or second Ward. removed July 12. Her condition is for class, home of Margie grading, said fence lines having of New York, national safety or- phoned the police station, and a they hs from the United States Civil Service on the subject of "Well GroominJ grood. been moved and other improvements call 'ds whic radio Saftig. was Hardy brought ganization. D. C. Commission, Washington, Mrs. Albin Borgstrom is receiving After a tasty luncheon said roadway made, whereupon Ernest C. Saftig, who made the had been in the water 40 minutes VW' sed by. medical attention prior to undergoing alongcommissioners adjourned until next the meeting Mercertificate reached the beach. when Mr. Informed was handed the the hots Saftig rescue, at jwretar a major operation. Her condition is rel that as soon as the county equip"I don't often eat such a dinner as day, when it wHl be held 'illace d Saftig plunged in with a life sav by City Manager Robert W. Flack, I leader. much improved. I've had imGlena of Hales, the today," complimented aid of the his with and the in ment was can, said of San Diego, representing w this ing ana gradvicinity, Charles Roberts was operated on p3tthat There were nine present portant guest. at a ceremony in the flashlight succeeded In locating would be undertaken. Foundation, ing carr j "We don't either," rejoined the CXCUSed' Wednesday night for ruptured appenSan Diego municipal building. Pres- Hardy, whose cries by this time The commissioners approved the to rte Macfarlane-Repodix. His condition is fair. son small of Leone the house. ent were Chief of Police George were too weak to be heard at any following rates to be paid registratoin he pi, M. Sears, City Councilman Addison distance. As Saftig approached, a 'J go un agents for the work to be done Housh, W. A. Huggins, executive large wave struck the piling, and of the preparation forthcoming told Partner Crops secretary of the San Diego Safety Hardy, cold and exhausted, was t: bi?polit Partner crops are two crops hav- general election, rates, Califor-nlans down. He went off. knocked Using Council, and a number of ' them To posting 5 notices of registrar ing the same season but different Interested in the cause of his flashlight, Saftig dived for him, 20c notice. tion, per types of growth, grown on the same on him the him and up got brought safety. To posting 5 notices of election, area ot the same time. Examples George Reyer, of New Orleans, life saving can. By this time Hardy 20c per notice. are corn and pumpkins. stric of the International As- was unconscious. As Saftig fought president To posting list of nominations, samFor j sociation of Chiefs of Police, who his way toward the breaker toe, :1 ple ballots, $1.00. was one of the officials recommend towing Hardy, another wave To copying names in "complete ' f3.rmers Saftig for the honor, declared knocked Hardy off. Again Saftig ing list at lc per name and posting If you conduct a retail store, there are four thing? dived and brought him up. that his was a deed wnicn same. On the shore, Saftig applied first super human effort and wish to do you To copying names in "corrected aid until an ambulance cam and non-courage." list" at lc per name and posting vast ar Saftig rescued William Hardy, a took Hardy to the Naval HoapttaL same. present member of the V. S. Marines, who The patrolman was treated tor exHOLD (1) You To copying names in "copy of ofV II was swimming In the ocean off posure and cuts and bruises yufr Hi ficial register" at lie per name, and Pacific Beach, San Diego. Hardy fered when he was thrown against pttlng. became exhausted after swimming the delivering same to judge of election. !!);.'; To registering voters on proper to your (2) You days, $3.00 per day. Ferry town officials to arrange said To 3 hours correcting list of names meeting. CARD OF and receiving affidavits on object to right to vote, 25c per hour. We wish to express our sincere Other items as per vouchers at new custom(3) You thanks and appreciation to our many for tached, example, swearing in ADS friends, near and far who were so judges, 25c per person and other misold thoughful to call and to help us in cellaneous items." the care of and death of our beloved Communication was read to the NUMBEK (4) You wife and mother, Olive P. Miller. commissioners from Ezra C. Knowl-ton- , William M. Miller and family. Chief Engineer. State Road ComMAIL COUPON MOW mission, wherein Mr. Knowlton reKxcelcle Beauty School, Sated Lion Is No Menace quested a meeting for the purpose of Mala and Broadway. When a lion has fed he is said to Thus you have four objectives. Not one of these objective Ball Lake City, Utah. discussing the matter of flood be indifferent to game and other aniand work above state the tan be reached by doing nothing. None of these objects highKeaee send be catalog. mals as they are indifferent to him; at way said conto Perry, meeting the zebras and other animals on the Hcrae can be wholly realized without advertising in sist of the State Road Commission. plains of Africa often allow a satiatMr. Nord of the Forest Service and A4dr.ee ed lion to approach within a few the appropriate representative of the CT elate LEADER ieei or mem, even to let the well-fe- d local community. Commissioners inlion through the midst of the structed the county clrk to ask the herd. l -- -- :r : ' til Ready for Public Health t 9 if i S. ' Ai jw - "4 t.y' M t o 110-mi-le - Hero of Night Surf Rescue Wins Light for Life Foundation Award n be-lo- r r wi- 5 :se . HOSPITAL NEWS .I 5- .. .ri ; - 4-- H " S. i p-tt-s c rela-tiv- e ? C to-wi- Advertising Does Four Things red-- ,)0 c, wish to customers. :lit. Pfi viitijjlih all of your b&r&aele-encraete- d I am um SHOP THROUGH THE LEADER FIRST Cbrvxilt the, THANKS wish to SELL more goods present customers. wish to REPLACE with ers the ones who move away. wish to INCREASE THE of your customers. tet 4, pro-tectio- n THE BEAR RIVER VALLEY |