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Show " a holiday crowd of strikers liberally iiiu.Ku wim women ana children, of Time jke March 1 (COD Page One) nanv I thA AS Rft Of to atirs appeared personally i senior members of the ma-f- r "fltv led by the Administra-,Vn floor leader, were fighting m ".rSw nno.000 Relief bill for f is- - Ve House 9 made to OU vigorous attempts attach' earmarking 'merits to provide pork for the nhiencies of various Congressman the Senate dapper James F. a close political d 7 Tnf Franklin Roosevelt, present-te- s long-rate- Committee) Vlui C" I Ap-Jriatw-ns requiring r"J' WW By Fronk Chevrolet BLOWOUT WINS THE third pkiie - he shod ANNE WITH RUBBER J!MMl .Z.S mr"lTJ.::ir,j ) gas saver a close friend ot they were not financially Senator Lawho, Follette, had undoubtedly IZ to contribute so much. Thus, al- seen the film, had scored a clean copy ii,.! an impoverished community scoop. Some of the not scenes with right the OstM get Relief providing 100 per cent whichW left nine men dead or dying:" ithout apparent warning, there 1 its cost, a moral DraKe wouia De Presi-w- t is a terrific roar of pistol shots, and hud on spending. To this the retorted that it was unfair to men in the front ranks of the marchcommunities take a "pauper's ers go down like grass before a scythe Instantly the police charge on the to get Relief grants. marchers with riot sticks flying. . . Several days later Leader Joseph from two to four policemen are seen f Eobinson proposed a compromise: beating one man. On strikes him horreduce tne local contriDuuon n across the face, using his izontally Wment from 40 per cent to 25 per club as he would a baseball bat. Anit down on top of his the responsibility for other crashes j the President and still another is whipping head, aiving the 25 per cent requirement communities unable to meet it. him across the back. . . Directly in the foreground, a policeman gives the jen Administration xorces unaer - fallen man a final smash on the head ducky's Senator Alben W. Barkrailied to oppose tnis mocunea berore moving on to the next job. In the front line during the parley ijiction on Relief spending, Sena- with the police is a girl, not more Gentlemen may laugn about than five feet tall. After the first debt hanging over deafening volley of shots she turns. . . f$36,00O,OOO,OOO she is seen going down under h Treasury of the United States if Then a blow from a policeman's club, refined quick all with Jewish to, but my delivered from behind. A few mo i expanded sense of humor I find it bossible to laugn about sucn a ments later, she is shown being shoved into a patrol wagon, blood cascadjg. . . Have we come to that state mind in legislating that we want ing down her face and over her clothing. encourage or even countenance in "A man shot through the back is ference, lack of diligence, total lack thrift and energy? , ..." paralyzed from the waist. Two policemen try to make him stand up, (Then the Relief bill went to Con- to get into a patrol wagon, but when si a group of staunch Democratic itors, among them Senator Robin-s- , they let him go his legs crumple, and went to the White House and he falls with his face in the dirt. He flatly that Relief spending had raises his head like a turtle and claws reduced so flatly that Franklin the ground. . . out of the babble there Essevelt listened and gave reassur- - arises this clear and distinct ejacuBut when the roll calls were lation: " 'God Almighty!' " O the Byrnes amendment was Ed the Robinson amend LOVED AND HATED at Democratic stalwarts 3 Harrison, Glass, Byrnes, Pittman, NEW YORK Arriving in New kited, Bailey, Conally, Clark and York last week, d German d sisal supporting Joseph T. Author Emil Ludwig declared: "To of Franklin D. Roosevelt. understand a man best one must talk w O to his most recently divorsed wife I hope Mrs. Roosevelt won't misun SffiBTFUL FILM derstand that. And so I shall talk fASHINGTON Outside Republic to some men, 'Brain Trusters' perCorp.'s South Chicago plant on haps, who were associated with him rial Day Paramount newsreel until recently." Author Ludwig an.erman Orlando Lippert filmed a nounced that, just as he had written dy encounter between police and a life of Napoleon "without battles,' mk' 1934 Ton Vz Chev. Pickup ' lH liKP Xtr t lfPit -- xlg ViOT' iLin- - -- m - t&O-- x V Ltttli mnl l: ft 1 that lets you control the operation of your LEONARD to secure Lowest Operating Cost AS LOW AS $5.00 A MONTH Comt $n today and Ht h! i corivert'l. I lime t J A i W' VU'" --Kohler of Kohler Plumbing Fixtures Steam and Warm Air Heating "Air Conditioning" - ,Tk .nit" liv .Mil i.a .tell. ' .itCf 4-- H .."r;W ..I H' Warlo dim NANAIMOXA ptjjaloerni v ft'' duncanm I r 50C SEATTLE PT. AN6CLUS Years Sofu OLD ON EASY TERMS Phone r i lJslUU he intended to write a biography of happy ending. Franklin Roosevelt "without taxes." The TJ. S. Public first became aware Added he: "It is difficult to write that the tall (6ft. 4in.), slim, Harvard about such a great character who is oarsman and the lissom sportwoman silent revolution. He is the leading companions in April 1934 when most loved and most hated man in were the attended a Philadelphia wrest pair the U. S. It will be the most dangerand Franklin smashed a match ling ous book I have ever written." "Ledger" photographer's camera to O avoid being photographed. 2 months later he was a guest at Ethel's debut at Owls Nest, the Du Ponts' GreenWILMINGTON, DELAWARE In ville, Del., home. When they appeared tiny Christ Church at Christiana Hun together at other debuts in Boston dred, Delaware, retired Powdermaker and Philadelphia, society columnists Eugene du Pont Wednesday gave his began to predict a match. eldest daughter. Ethel, to Franklin Following winter, they continued to Delano Roosevelt Jr., third son and play together up and down the Middle namesake of the U. S. President, thus Atlantic seaboard; then Ethel was love story, such packed off for a to Europe and climaxing a bang-u- p as Kathleen Norris might write, com- Franklin returned trip to Harvard to deplete with secret trysts, irreconcilable vote himself with unaccustomed enfamilies, desperate illnesses, and a ergy to his studies. When Ethel came home in March, 1936, eager Franklin lost no time getting to her side, was picked up by a Coast Guard cutter and dashed out to meet the incoming liner "Carinthia." When Alf Landon went through Wilmington last fall, Ethel was down at the train to meet him; but Franklin was at Cambridge haranguing his economics class on behalf of the New Deal. Only a fortnight after election their engagement was officially announced. If there was ever any personal hostility to the match on the part of either family, it was decently and thoroughly submerged, and when THAT MEANS Franklin Jr. was smitten with a sinus infection and developed a streptococcic throat, Ethel dashed to his bedside in Massachusetts General Hospital. Cured, Franklin stood by Ethel's bedside when she was suddenly strickThe broad, stout tracks of the en with appendicitis. As Mrs. Edward tractor J. MacMullen, "Caterpillar" track-typ- e Philadelphia's social arfew weeks ago directed the provide traction for any job, any biter, of invitations, train schedules season and any soil. Traction for mailing work over hills . . traction that takes heavy loads through mud . . . that walks over slippery cover crop . . . that treads lightly over mellow seedbeds . . . that beats footing and weather to get work done on time this is the traction that farmers who own this tractor enjoy. R low-co- and road maps to those who were to met MonThe Better Best attend their wedding, Ethel and the home at Donna with Sandall, day Franklin posed in romatic silhouettes for photographers, amiably tennised of Mr.- and Mrs. Harold Sandall for and golfed at Owls Nest. Among the their third meeting. After judging the hot pads, the girls had made the meet 300 guests invited to the wedding were the Du Pont servants, the Roose ing before.they had a swim at the velt family, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Udy Hot Springs. Farley, a delegation of Washington officials and socialites. After a honeyclub The Seven Snappy Sisters moon in Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank- met at the home of Jean Stokes, Tues. lin D. Roosevelt Jr. will this fall setevening. Business was discussed after tle down in a cottage at which Jean Stokes gave the lesson Charlottesville, Va. on Personality. Delicious refreshments were served and meeting adjourned HOLLYWOOD WEDDING at 9:3$ p. m. i 4-- H five-roo- m HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA At Toadstool Fly Poison the $25,000 wedding of Cinemactors The poisonous toadstool called the Gene Raymond, 28, and Jeanette 30, in Hollywood last week, fly amanita used to be made into Nelson Eddy sang "I Love You Truly" fly pciiion. Ginger Rogers served as a bridesmaid, and Harold Lloyd as an usher. If EA O In tha PORTLAND, OREGON PATH OF PROGRESS Portland "Oregonian" last week apWASHINGTON Revealed last peared this headline on a labor story: were week in Washington the follow- "JUDGE HEWITT HEARS ARGUing inventions on which patents were MENT IN UNION SUIT." granted by the U. S. Patent Office during the past month: A necktie Mac-Donal- d, DLINE-OF-THE-WEE- K constructed in telescoping sections so that it can be adjusted to any length; a golf club with a drill in the top of the shaft for boring a hole in which to insert a wooden tee when the ground is hard; a salt shaker with a rotatable brush inside the cap for clearing the perforations of caked salt; a refrigerator tray which freezes ice in spheres instead of cubes; a streamlined head for golf clubs; a sandwitch bag with a special compartment in the botom for salt and pepper; a machine for slicing st ly HEADQUAETEES IN 1 TREMONTON AND VICINITY FOR .... illlwP ?URGESS BROS. GO." 2 club memThe Kitchen Queen bers met at the home of Phyllis Cook Thursday, June 24, They tried out their first recipe for the summer and had very good luck. Next week, July 1, they will meet at the home of Mildred Harris. Yvonne Briggs Reporter. If IF CO) 11 KI ii AMERICA'S NO. I BUY IN 1937 Tanks Tremontori,Utah CLUB NEWS REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES Water Softeners -S- . 4-- H Refrigerators Stokers 4B0 is suddenly a llttlu The South Tremonton girls Sunshine Sewing Club met Wednesday at the home of Miss Lorna Bar-fu- s, assistant leader. The meeting was opened by singing "Springtime in the Rockies." The discussion was tea towels. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Carma Iverson. Golda Stenquist Reporter. PARKSVIU.E Turk's Pressure Water Systems janequip Septic : s t Easy Washers Economy . . 4-- H sure-footed- for the Following Nationally Known Products iv"-- ". 69 a TracSion i t t i' i.'t rusrrj- Ui tiante i WEDDIXG-OF-THE-YEA- l l I K1 Self-exile- ranrawrTrTre dinne?-bel- r -" n Robin-Mtea- Cross, $385.00 has r greater charm than the work whistle. i'arenta who wink at the little Tires of their children will tn.- dy optn tblr yes because of tK-i- vidoBnej. One of the mo$t pthtl alhlu this worl t bh .? hmo u a polttlrl-Trrj'ncr to jrplft.'a !.! t'ttty s rf :ord. 5, Top I $495.00 - be ;urda; . Master Chev. Coach' price. With most mortals the id INT 1935 nar Hiver Valley ! Change is the one changeless fact Rbout this universe. Go Into debt for an article of luxury and you double It ... Leonard Electric Estate Ranges, $450.00 CHEVROLET CO. 'o Dealers droue - nt ,rkin in Op 4 By DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND & T3 t $2000 suppose she did it? HAVING- NEC OVERHAULED AT - that Feder-IfLernme- 1935 Standard Cher. Coach' THE StCOMD PBlIE WIS BEAUTIFUL THE FIRST PRIZE OF GOES -BOX OF CORN SALVE GOES TO WAQT To Widow who WAITT CWNT START HIS ENGINE OVER 20O MILES THRU OUR STREETS BUT PEDALED IT ALONG AND UTfcN AT IO MILES FlO TO ES . ALL DAV -- SI CAPE HER -. . WITH HIS FEET NUMEROUS SUITORS AND VET SHE MADE NO NOISE WHATEVER ! HOW DO you ) TNN uzs ?iS2f.A the. a wrs?- '. BSsCAR Cto. CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR WHERE ITS : imipss the local communi- Only description of the film avail the Scerned paid 40 per cent of Re- able last week was that written bv 2 0f projects, or certified to the St. Louis "Post Dispatch's" Paul Administrator Hopkins' satisfac-l- t Anderson as lilt ( LORD , Give ll PAGE THREE No shrewd buyer passes up our used car bargains to show that the financial of States and cities had ma- improved since 1933, proposed Sndment (sponsored by the mawJ cmxtNS-let'- s THE MOST QUIET HISTORY-we'- - 1 1937 ( BOOTS tR,ZES T0 those who AND OlOHT SPAK A Although British cinema audiences .WORD (XT LOUO AU. OAV L I gaped in horror at Camerman 's " FOlALTnTSV HURRAH tvfU tCTT V - S S films, up to last week they had sour 1 long uve mavorVwithV i been shown in no U. S. theatre bevyou j wart ckA rv"v rzzypYiirZJ cause the prints were held by Senator La Follette's Civil Liberities Committee as evidence in its investigation of the riot. Moreover, even before Senator LaFollette grabbed the fright ful film, Paramount had decided not to release it on the that such an unrelieved record ground of blood and brutality might touch off more riots. Said Paramount New3 Editor A. J. Richard in reply to a Civil Liberities body challenging the suppression:" Please remember that whereas newspapers reach individuals in the home, we show to a public gathered in groups averaging 1,000 or more and therefore subject to crowd hysteria when assembled in the theatre." Said one man who saw the film: "It made me want to go out and bite a LIKE l ai )t5lJ TS'S OUR I lis. Lip-pert- lum-ca- WART, the Speed Cop scored a thumping scoop stnce all other newsreel camermen had not anticipated trouble, had spent the day at the automobile races in Indianapo- Although three- - .cmVGTON ! cal-- tinued From HUMOR BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY Tremonton Tractor & ' Implement Co. positive guarantee Quiet Running Low Cost Operation on Less Eletetric Current BALANCE ON EASY TERMS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT VISIT OUR NEW GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE TODAY ar SCHOSS ELECTRIC CO. TREMONTON, 138 Main Street Also Storw iO' at FOR ANY STORE PHONE 307 Ogden, Brigham City, and Malad ..'1 A 1 f |