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Show PAGE FIVE- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 18, 1935 mm AW TME A Mr. and Mrs. McGregor of Ogden ed Monday, and at this writing i dpri twere . guest of Mr. antT'Mrs. Dan tag favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and family ,t Hickman Sunday. - MEAL OF THE MONTH of Preston, Ida. visited the home of Mrs, children was held here Tuesday. Dr. Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and ' Rasmus t Anderson, Sunday. Miss and Miss Allred Stone Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mill and famwere in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. T. YV. Jones and Miss ily, Misses Lenora and Wilma Mills Anne Hurd were shopping in Ogden attended the funeral of their aunt and sister, Mrs. John Stone. Friday. is at home with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and Mrs. Van Peterson her new baby boy. daughter arrived home Friday after Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson of spending a week in Salt Lake City. Mildred Miller, Adeline and Mac Slone were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson last week. Farywether of St. John, Michigan, is Tremonton came out to play ball In visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newour town Friday, The home boys won man. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eberhardt the game. The Snowville ball .tevn went to and son, Herman, Jr., were visitors of Arbon Saturday to play. The score Logan Friday. Ross Summers and wife of Cache was 7 to 10 in favor of Snowville. D. Jr. Nelson Mrs. and Valley, visited at the home of T. V. Bishop entertained the ball teaiu with ice Summers and Mrs. James Summers, cream Saturday night. . Tuesday. Miss Wilma Mills returned home j Tuesday after an extended visit with her sister. ?v , I Louis Christensen and son, Oscar, j I By Phyllis Summers motored to Preston, where the spent . Saturday and Sunday visiting. Mrs. George Stark returned home Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tollfck and chilr dren of Los Angeles, spent the week Sunday after an extended visit In Wil I lard with her sister, Mrs. Mary Wells. end with Mrs. Joseph Newjnan." Mrs. Clarence Summers and daughMrs. Dale Forch t)f California is witfi so Mrs: or week a ter, Phyllis, returned tcme Saturday Rudy spending in Salt Lake City for a Scholler. remov week. tdrisils his Mills has Seaman A clinic for school and v. Harvest Time ... X .v vX SATURDAY BARGAINS GRAPES Thompson's Seedless, Lb, PINEAPPLE Crushed I I y Lb. 13 1 Qfi Ot. Can xoV QUALITY MEATS GROUND ROUND Beef CARROTS :. Fresh Tempting S Bun, LAMB ROAST Shoulder Cute NEW POTATOES 10 Lbs. Red POT ROAST Beef ONIONS Yellow 170 Lb. ... Lb, , SMOKED PICNICS SALA DDRESSLNG Salad Whipped POTATO CHIPS Fresh, Crisp Shankless 29 Qt. W pug. TUNA FLAKES Per Can 100 7ug. w SALMON Choice Pink 2 Cans 250 PORK AND BEANS Pierces Best Quality, Qt. lie BAKING POWDER Can Clabber Girl .... b. 190 FLIT - Quart Can, and Moth Proof Clothes Bag 790 CORN FLAKES :. L, G HORSE RADISH Bottle MUSTARD ... 2-l- 90 II sausage, luncheon Thuringer meat, pickled pigs feet. . Ill luncheon meat, (liver sausage), Swiss cheese, summer sausage. Spiced IV cheese. By Mrs. P. If You Want to Save When Shopping, Read the Ads In This Newspaper 3 tokes : "Just Home Folks" SOAP SinK e SOAP '""m!ry "e k'n' Lemon, Cocoa " SOAP POWDER COCOA TEA 19c e : 30c 0Id Settlement Lb. Package, ult 1 IOC 19c 25c . jfcST. - 0( J "'-Packag- COFFEE 5Lb.mn rfiriTUr lUlTMi 27c - E. Ault Mrs. George Abbott had as Thursday guests, her sisters, Mrs. L. K. Hillman and Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts of Logan. Mrs. Doris Fridal and children attended the Reese Reunion in Brig-haCity Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Verne Fridal of Los Angeles, arrived Monday and will visit relatives here for 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough had a Sundav dinner euests, Mrs. Lizzie Ai red of Spring City, and Mr. and Mrs Geonre Broueh of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dodd of Harper were al- 30 guests sunaay anernoon. Mrs. Jane Abbott of Salt Lake City ia visiting her son, Lewis Abbott and family. Lewis Abbott is able to be around again, being quite ill the past ten days. George Beal has nearly recovered from the serious injury he received when kicked on the knee by a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Jed Abbott of were Wednesday guests of and Mrs. Geo. Commissioner f.Mmtv Abbott. Mrs. Abbott returned with SALMON 3 Oval hi co. CORN BEEF 12-o- Can z. DEVILED MEAT a Tins . ... PORK AND BEANS Large 2'2 A PICKLES CHIPS Can .. XS E Farm-ingto- BEANS !la".d TOMATOES ' i Fresh Clean Quality and - - J Per Kri luV 1 Pound MEAT LOAF S.20g We Buy All Kinds of Livestock That You Can Save - On :- 4 Your i t WE ARE LISTING BELOW A FEWsOF SATURDAY'S SAVINGS WHITE KING 10 BARS PEANUT BUTTER 2-l- b. Jar .. No. 2 i niTi7 a nm i? 2Cans rimwrLL X GRAPEFRUIT 25c 33 25 IV Shavers Can 3 POWDERED SUGAR Lbs,.19 TOMATO JUICE on WHITE STAR 2 No. Vt Cans ... viiia .... 3 members attended the Logan temple excursion sponsored by the Kenei ciety stake board. Dr A N. Hansen of Salt Lake City, was 'visiting relatives here Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Dahlia Smith of Los Angeles, mother, has been the guest of herother relaMrs. Hilda Petersen and at family entertained tives who have in her honor. parties quite extensively of Los Hansen Willard Mr and Mrs. of Washing- son, and Wayne, Angeles, ton, D. C, visited wan rewuvw 3-l- b. PWDRc&Gnrl20 BAKING PEAS 3 cans TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls I SUGAR l00-lb.BBag- $l 25 MAYONNAISES.. 43 No. CTDIMP DU 25 Cans TOMATOES No.22 10 Can SALAD DRESSING Qua,t A ATO 2 3 nnm km dpamo Can ......5 25c DEVILED MEAT Cans 10 CORNED BEEF can . . 15 SNOWDRIFT Can ....... 59 MUSTARD Quart Jar 15 TTITMA JL 25c 10 Ur COFFEE! us. 15c COFFEE All DD M. J. B. ..... Brand Lb. Large Package 27 19 PUFFED WHEAT Package .. 7 PUFFED RICE Package .. 9 GRAPE NUTS VXge. 15 CAMPBELL'S SOUP ToMATO CAN ... ..7c A AT ..... - 83 FRUIT JARS QCn I Miss Marie Larson of Salt Lake City, is spending her vacation wiui, Lar- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David BAKING SODA The Misses Eva and Ardes Adams va-- 1 Tackage group. Mrs. Leland Watt and little son, 01 Thatcher, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams. Norman Larsen is employed at the Yellowstone National Park. Orr Dfll A 7 Package Kinksford's PURE LARD BREAD m 2 Loaves mm pke. Jell-- d , 0 0 POTATO CHIPS Package f?T AITD Drifted Snow TLUUIV 48-lBag I b. JELL-WEL- L Package 15 HI IT 1 All Brands 1U1LIY Can $J35 RIARSHMALLOWS ... .....4 6 m. W 10' 5 POST TOASTIES 5c White King ige. pkg. 27c 6 CORN FLAKES IKLg. $J65 TUNA FLAKES ui 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i .'' t.i.i.i I'l'i tr iitu iit i 9 c10 VISIT OUR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT .1 fV Food Bill by Shopping at Pay'n Takit Every Day - i- Mrs. Sophia Larson is the guest of . Of--, POSITIVE PROOF her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bjorklund in Ogden. Miss Alder, the nurse, gave a lec-- 1 ture Wednesday, to an appreciative Price-- IOC MUTTON CHOPS 25c FoLrbs: 1 Pound MUTTON STEW n, l&flt wcelc. Fresh Ground 1Ari lHC BEEFSTEAKS $ returned Sunday from a week's cation with friends in Idaho. Miss Ethel James returned to her home In Salt Lake City Sunday after W. Lar-- ! spending the week at the J. son home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen motor ed to Oxford, Idaho, on business mod- 10c Best Cuts Pound ......... ..... James Larkin and D. G. Nelson, III left Monday for the scout camp at Camp Keisel. Mrs. N. L. Hansen of Brigham, spent a week with her sister, Mrs. John Arbon. greatly enjoyed the past Relief Society Friday, seventeen PRODUCE - ' By scout The nine boy scouts and their Satreturned Grover, master, Clifton where they urday from Camp Kiesel, week. 15C Nf2 Can , SNOWVILLE Miss Annie Hurd EAST GARLAND 15c PEAS ? Can?!". TELEPHONE NO. 104 HAMBURGER BEEF POT ROASTS i , T-Bo- ne Abbott. Mrs. O. A. Seager spent Friday at the Logan temple. Mrs. O. A. Seaerer and Mrs Austin and Seager visited in Brigham City Salt Lake City, Wednesday. Mrs. C. E. Andersen was called to sudden Brigham City Monday by the Tingey. death of her brother, Henry The Andersen family attended the funeral services Wednesday. 10c TUNA FISH can TREMONTON, UTAH Free Delivery jit Town Every Day Until Noon Sirloin, Young Beef - Lb. later ioined by Mr. 10c 19c .6c Package Lee's Meat Market m 25c 10c 15c 10c Tins "Better Meat at Better Prices" Tuesday morning members of the J. L. Atkinson family accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leland Watt of Thatcher, on a trip to Yellowstone National Park. By Mrs. David Larson SARDINES after-visiti- ng , refrigerator for several days. EAST TREMONTON Hartley er braun-sebweig- Lunch tongue, cooked ham, salami. Any of these combinations will please the family if supplemented with tomatoes stuffed with corn ready-to-serv- e and olives, buttered carrots with chopped chives, hot buttered apricot muffins and iced coffee. As a dessert for the Meal of the Month, we have selected baked custard with shredded cocoanut. Testa have shown this complete meal can be prepared in only 21 minutes. It is not only convenient but It is Boneless baked ham, pickle and economical because there is no pimiento loaf, canned corned beef, bone or waste to the cold meats canned Vienna sausage, American and the supply may be kept in the SHOP AT THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN il BOTHWELL Meats of many varieties are the basis of tho of the Month for July. 4 e quickly prepared Meal JEMPTING cold cuts which are obtainable in almost endless variety are the basis of the Meal of the Month, for July. Cold meats have always had a leading place in some menus, but few women realize how many different combinations can be prepared which will make each meal of meats new and Interesting. The other dishes making op the menu should be varied also. Here are some suggested combinations of ham, sausage, meat loaves ana cheese which make attractive cold plates. 200 Lb. Ready-to-Serv- By MARIE GIFFORO Armour Food Economist ..X.;i,.. Lb. 170 . ol ! 300 Lb. pre-scho- ; A great many of you are now preparing to harvest one of the bet wheat crops we have had for a long time. Why not let our store be your headquarters for securing the groceriec you will be using. We have a large variety of good staple foods at reasonable prices and will give your orders the very best attention. We are sure you will be pleased. TOMATOES Choice Quality - t |