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Show IUER BEAR PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Fostoffice at Utah as Second Class Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Tre-monto- Subscription Rates One Year (in advance) Six Months (in advance) Three Uonths (in advance) - n, UTAH CATTLEMEN TO TAKE TRIP this requires very little cash outlay, as a 'good sized flock can be built up in only a few years from a small i $2.00 $1.00 . 504 NATIONAL EDITORIAL u Aleke V ALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1935 Utah cattleman traveling to SNAPSHOTS Classified AdColumn HmiivTrrrrr-- f njwmili t rj CENTENARIAN FIF- HAD Robert A TEEN WIVES Thleme, of Downey, CaL, celebrated bis 103rd birthday by looking over his 15 marriage certificates and photos of 15 wives. ASSOCIATION - I 93 5 KINDLING FOR SALE By Wilson Lumber Company. tf. Free to Public place in the U. S. whera catalog and dvertwirTk matter covennf anylina of buineM or product caa be obtained Frae And Without Library. Obligation ia tha American Industrial Writ (or Buainm Advertiaint Matter you aro interested in; earn, will be promptly forwarded. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY FOR SALE De Laval cream separator, nearly new. Phone 59.0-3. tl. Tha only Eualoaariat Boil diss, CUeaso, IlUaot. WE WANT several mechanically inclined men, this vicinity, to train for jobs as Diesel operators. Also a few men to train for installing and servicing Air Conditioning Units. Those selected will be given Instruction, Con sultation and Employment Service, also tools. Write TODAY. SCHOECK 4 tl. TRAINING, Alton, HI. ATLANTIC CITY NURSES learn about Vitamin D tested on white rats at Atlantic City convention of American Medical Association. Scientists from Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation make first publio tests proving "sunshine" powers of Vitamin D produced in foods by ultra-viol- et rays. 15,000 white rats are used each year for these experiments. ' I . 7-- To Your Town FOR SALE Millet seed. Call Welser Bros. Southwest of Tremonton. Any quantity at 5c per pound. Makes good dairy hay, follow pea crop. Plant anytime during July., 30 lbs. per acre. as well as to your Country r;2 6-- PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS .; WANTED Animals to pasture for summer, in local pasture. J. H. Miller, East Garland, phone 59.0-- f tl Don't Disturb the Peace! ! kj : V4;MM 3. 6-- r " ( v v i f jEBALL IS IN HER Since she Is the .laughter of Slanafer Cra-bin- er of the Chicago White Sox, there is little wonder that June Travis of the films, considers baseball her favorite sport. She Is playing the game at Santa Monica Beach. L...OOD i KEV SPENDERS OF FOUR BILLIONS L. to r.: Col. Lawrence West-broo- k, Assistant Administrator; Chjef Administrator Harry L Hopkins; Jacob Baker and Aubrey Williams. Assistant Administrators. SEE the Sparton Refrig' erators, 20 to 30 Lower oper ia an excellent Fourth of THE CALL OF TRADITION ating cost. No service problem re HERE motto, suggested by the Na.quired. J. G. Read & Bros., Ogden, Although he has become an Underwriters: Johnson, Mr. Mrs. of A. and Fire J. Hardesty Board artist, Pack, Utah; tional American tenor who Is heard Representatives, Tremonton, Utah "Don't disturb the peace!" There are 4- M on the American Radiator t "many ways of enjoying the 4th with- FOR SALE New , Fireside Recitals Sunday eve' If a derrick and to others hay and 1 out subjecting yourself " XC to I turns carpentering v :JH' nings, use. A. acfor R. mower, ready ( good the din and danger that invariablyfire. for his hobby. Both his father : I IV Christensen, Tremonton. ' VJ and grandfather were build- . t? company use of fireworks and arms. ing coritractors. LAWWMUVEKS SHARPENED on Ideal Sharpener. Prompt Service, . In years gone by, newspapers of the Work guaranteed. E. S. Sercomb, 5th of Julv were always packed with accounts of the hundreds of injuries Tremonton, Utah. tf SALADS in the S that had occured on the previous day WANTED " summer keep Crippled and useless hors Many from misuse of explosives. $1 the waist Une es, alive. Call 657-s Logan, Utah deaths resulted, and innumerable 19 Proand blindness maiming. cases of i perty loss customarily ran far into showing Chef SALE One used electric motor the thousands, and one year the en- FOR one A. and Saa J. Pack gas was engine. tire business section of a town a wiped out by a fire that started in y frame house, cor- Dempsev-fireworks store and soon was beyond FOR SALE close in. A snap modern, strickly control. I X for someone. If interested see many communities Fortunately, 2 James Tremonton. tf Walton, I den?" now outlaw the sale or use of firewhere towns they CASH PAID for dead and useless works and even in are permitted the public seems to be cows and horses. Call Maple Creek learning that Independence Day can Trout Hatchery, Brigham be adequately and pleasurably celeand zone records contributing to the thing from insect screens to radios. Reverse Charge. tf, Oil brated without them. In progressive However, our May record was far high May total. communities, planned celebrations into to Mr. Douglas, the May above what could be attributed to the According clude baseball games and other athcan of sales be attributed large- sale of accessories for new cars, and peak Code letic contests, parades and, finally, can be definitely concluded that ly to a general resumption of touring it muchof the buying was for old cars. carefully organized fireworks disto a for natural sequence pleasure, A declaration of intention to main plays supervised by experts in the "That means that motorists are the increase in spending power thru-otain laof and hours of present wages explosives. handling to the road in larger numbers the country. taking bor, and to refrain from employment it you have an urge to shoot off than the recent touring seacurve new shows car "The of sales during of child labor has been made by the fireworks, it might pay you to think are deand over sons, he last equipping their cars year," directors of the Utah Oil Refining heavy gains that one little accident may cause new cars themselves cre- with accessories that will contribute "and clared, company. blindness, loss of limb, a dangerous to their convenience, comfort and This was just announced in an of ate a demand for accessories every "burn and nerhans death. Firecrack ficial bulletin to executives and emers and Roman candles and rockets ployees of the Utah Oil Refining comworth aren't but be fun n Trade-ithey may pany and subsidiaries, signed by T.. A. that gruesome potential price. Dines, president, and A. N. Johnson, On the 4th, don't disturb the peace! and treasurer. secretary Nash 11929 oOo Coupe The bulletin reads: "Directors of the American Institute on June 6 A 11930 Ford Cabriolet adopted a resolution reading, in part, as follows: 11929 Chevrolet Sedan ' 'The petroleum industry should Chevrolet Sedan same not be disconcerted by the dissolution the 11930 about will lay just Biddy of the petroleum code. It is the judgenumber of eggs whether it rains or Chevrolet Coach ment of this Board that the oil com ahlnes, and her. immunity to the 11929 whims of the weather man is just one 11930 Ford panies engaged in the business of proCoupe of the many reasons why Utah farmducing, transporting, refining and of petroleum and its proers will find it profitable to keep a marketing Prior to 1929, many operators &peed and road and load. Opducts should observe those rules of few chickens as a side line, says Carl 11929 Buick Sedan erators know from experience the which they have learned thought fair only Iiighest priced Frischknecht, Utah Extension practice 11928 Buick Sedan trucks were capable of doing that a saving in first cost may from experience are sound and wholecertain jobs. of Besides acting as a form crop some, make for stability, and serve Insurance for drought and rain strickthe public interest. Depression caused these men flock has en farmers, a to buy on a sheer price basis. 'This Board unanimously urges ACE other advantages to offer a farm famall those engaged in the industry to were accepted at full Ratings refrain from the employment of child face value and the lowest list ily. Chickens help to supply food the 11934 Vi Ton Truck, long labor, and to maintain present wages year round for the family, offering a price was king. Dealers hand1 1930 1 Vi Ford Truck and hours of labor.' good source of fresh meat in addition ling only light duty trucks overto the eggs. "The directors of Utah Oil Refining sold this equipment by making Ford Truck The farmer with a flock of chickens 1 1929 1 exorbitant claims for performcompany have on this date unanihas a cash crop every week in the endorsed the Institute's atti ance and operating economy. 11933 V2 Ton Truick, long mously 2 ton 75 horsepower tude as above expressed and will conyear. A case of eggs a week is helpWhile the equipment was new Truck Engine to his make farmer a Champion crop form to that attitude as long as coming many these purchases appeared to be S wheelbases this spring without going Into debt, 11932 Vt Ton Truck long petitive conditions, applicable laws, or Justified. Sad experience with other external conditions will permit." Bays Mr. Frischknecht. The flock alROSS $945 operating expense soon proved so gives winter employment when NEW 1933 LONG DUAL 8 ton 80 horsepower to be false economy. them ' other farm work can not be done. Champion Truck Engine Today the tide is turning to Chickens can be run on land that Co. 4 wheelbases CHEVROLET TRUCKS medium - priced high quality It growing other crops, which is a trucks. found have in Operators distinct advantage to the small farm$1545 AS LOW AS It Is not good business to buy $766.00 2J-er who has not much land at his diston 82 horsepower The Chevrolet Motor Company set cheap light trucks nor necessary Waukesha BK Engine posal, he points out. Poultry manure to buy expensive trucks. e a new can be used to good advantage In ferrecord during May for PRICES LOWEST 5 wheelbase total volume of parts and accessories tilizing field crops, although It is not They have learned that all BIG $1845 sales. The previous record dated back ton and IN THE STATE good practice to use it for the pou4 ton 110 horsepower of to the boom year trucks were not created equal. 1929, when Augltry range. SATISFACTION Waukesha ust sales reached a peak that stood Some have better specifications, Engine Starting into the poultry business S wheelbases la generally a gradual undertaking. a record for nearly six years. as workmanbetter better engines, GUARANTEED Base prices of chassis at factory Most successful poultry raisers grow Announcement of the new record ship, better engineering than Into it rather than go into it, says Let your Studebaker dealer fit was made at White Sulphur Springs others. As a result some have Mr. Frischknecht, pointing out that the proper Studebaker truck to of the D. M. lower far manager than others Douglas, by upkeep under identical conditions of Chevrolet Tarts and Accessories diviyour Job! sion, before a gathering of the leadfield men of the division, guests ! ing of the company during a three days' stay awarded them in recognition of their success in rolling up regional All-Elect- 1 . tIrtl JT"1, I 4 F I "7t' tf. cJ:, , W 5-- ylMnM 'S Jff'M lli l.pjJ - VJ vl f 6-- i' w" fi 8-- 1 ff 5-- 493-J-- Hi f i ; JJaL 1,J -.; s Two-stor- ter f Madison TW J foMi "jULi f- f. "4 2. Utah Directors Vote Maintain Requirements 6-- Frank ut Chevrolet REBUILT control breeding in the country. There, Farrington R. Carpenter's purebred herd consisting of several hundred head of registered beef cattle will be held in pasture near the home ranch. One of the principal expense items to the western cattle grower has been the cost of good purebred bulls, while in addition, adverse range conditions require the use of a proportionately large number of bulls. Any practical scheme or adaption of a scheme for control breeding that will cut the number of bulls needed to a third or less of present numbers should be of interest to western range cattle growers. High percentage calf crops and uniform age and size of calves are also important economy moves. Carpenter, present director of grazing for the Taylor Bill, formerly District Attorney for Routt County and prominent western cattle grower, has worked out just such a scheme and has extended a cordial invitation to all Utah cattlemen or others interested in the cattle business to gather with him at his ranch on July 9 to observe the program in operation. While county delegations will be led by county agricultural agents, the invitation is extended to all others who desire to make the trip. On account of the distance there will be no effort made to go in one atsingle group, but instead, those meet to at will Hayden plan tending on the evening of July 8 and will either stay at the hotel or make use of their camping equipment. It is expected that the meeting will start at about 10:30 a. m. on the morning of July 9 at the ranch, which is situated just east of Hayden. Cattlemen will return on the tenth. Dean E. J. Maynard of the Utah State Agricultural college is in charge of affairs. club of East TremonThe boys met with Murray Jones Monton, Owen Brough is the leadday night 4-- H er. The Three K's of Bothwell met at the home of Miss Wilma Wilson Friday. club The Handy double five met Thursday at the home of Hansen in Deweyville. Club work and a program and light refreshments , were enjoyed. The cooking club met Thursday June 27, at the home of Miss Annie Marie Theurer of Tremonton. A dish of pear and orange cocktail, a glass of root beer and a slice of plain toast was served after which the meeting was adjourned. 4-- H Fon-tel- la 4-- H safety. They are making their old cars look new with seat covers, modernizing them with radios, equipping them with spot lights, visors, dual wipers, and other articles that add to the convenience and pleasure of both the driver and the passengers." Offerings The tide IS turning! Chickens Form of Weather Insurance poul-tryma- n. REBUILT TRUCKS well-manag- The l-- 2-- Chevrolet Record Sets Parts Sales MOGUL.. ; SJ all-tim- 1J-to- -- CHIEF.. n, S-t- 8-- Hy-Pow- er FOR ICE Beverages & Coal STUDEBAKER OUR Utah Auto SEE- - BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH -- i F-H-O-- 36 : MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 28 Treaiionton, Ut&h Hay-de- n, Colorado, on July 8 and gathering at the Dawson ranch Just east of Hayden will see on Tuesday, July 9, one of the most unique examples of & soon be eaten up by repair bills. without the Quality original penalty of high pricjj is coming back into its own as it always does in the long run. Studebaker leads the industry in engineering genius, the high craftsmanship of its workmen and its modern production methods. As a result of these advantages Studebaker has been able to design and build Cham-pio- n Truck Engines for the Ace and Boss that have no match in efficiency and economy in the and fields. in the 2 and ranges, the Studebaker Mogul and Big Chief are in a class by themselves. The Mogul with its Waukesha BK engine, and the Big Chief with its ..Waukesha engine, both sell for hundreds of dollars less than any other trucks of comparable specifications. And Studebaker chassis offer higher quality in many other ways. Consider, for instance, brakes. Other trucks will have hydraulic brakes within a year. But only Studebaker has these marvelous efficient brakes today. Ask us to prove the claims we make for Studebaker trucks. You can't lose. IJ-to- n 2-t- on er Hy-Pow- er duo-ser- vo A. H. Edwards Manager Truck Division THE STUDEBAKER CORP. Builder of Fine Passenger Cars and Quality Trucks Implement Co. Local Distributor ?hone 28 |