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Show BEAR' RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JUKE 16. 1532 Ruby Bergrstron? Takes1 Prominent Young Lady Pupils to Ogden Sun. Miss Euby Berjrstrom. in company with a number of her students rendered a program at the Industrial School, at Ofjden, Sunday evening. Those ac Miss Berjrstrom were companying: Elaine Gephart, Margaret Pack, Jose- phine Wadsworth, lrva and Doris Ray, Emma Lou Stander and Wanda Ped-- : erson. Miss Pederson furnished read- ings while the others performed at the piano with solos and duets. Of Garland To Wed Wortd-- F ''kJ anions Aviator Criticizes Fuel Extravagance c u YX 1 PRICES For SATURDAY. JUNE 18, I ft Miss Margaret Manning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning, of Garland, left Wednesday' for Iowa, where she will meet her fiance, Milton Nelson, formerly of Brigham and they will be married and make their home there. Mr. Nelson is a graduate of the U. S. A. C, having won a fellowship to Ames College, where he took out Vernal 50 men at work on tele- -. the masters his degree in Lake phone line between here and Salt been awarded a years He has again Nephi Cornerstone laid for new fellowship and is now studying for office building. $55,000 post his doctocs degree. Kaysville E. L. Tall garage and Miss Manning was accompanied by Kaysville Golden Rule Store painted her parents also Mr. and Mrs. Victor recently. Vernal Work resumed on Well No. Bott, of Brigham City and Miss Alissa 1 of Maude Ellen Oil Company, six Manning, of Salt Lake City. The parmiles north of here. is travelling by auto and expect to ty Cedar City $150,000 Federal build- be gone several weeks. ing planned for this city. -- Certo j j j m,mmi Ljl,, ' Mill J Ik. j - g5J w -I i I ui- - rri ii Tremonton 45c ji Coffee Tall Can rtir' .7 Airway Brand 10c Pound nmir 48 Pounds 79c Can Perfect Soap Powder Fresh Fitr Jam ' ,'fil U -- ,. Ogden A Good Game Is Assured a - I Wo v " ........................... "Empire Brand" i 2 Pound Jar 1 22c Spahgetti Franco American Can 10c M Potato Chips Pineapple Broken Slice No Dinnerette Brand 2 ft EE h SCHIPPER. Member Society of Automotive Engineers. Is delayed today aviation In Progress because of our extravagant and unscientific use of fuel, according to Lieutenant Commander O. O. Novllle, second in command on the Byrd Polar flight, who also made the famous trip across the Atlantic In the airplane Commander Novllle has "America." made an intensive study of the economics of flight, particularly In connection with his work as the first general superintendent of the United By AT- Crystal Springs Elks Quimg mid Pa Wcdt, June 22 i. EDWARD States air mall. He Is at present consulting engineer In the aviation department of the Fuel Oil Motors Corp of New York, which is developing engines to operate on the Schwarz Cycle principle, "An air transport company with a fleet of ten planes throws away $60,000 worth of fuel a year." says Commander Novllle. "The three power motors use 960 pounds of fuel per hour. Aviation gasoline weighs sis pounds to the gallon. These ships, therefore, consume 160 gallons every hour. Aviation gasoline costs about 18 cents per gallon, which makes the fuel cost of each ship $28.80 per hour. "If fuel oU were employed instead of gasoline the cost would only be 6 cents a gallon or $8.00 per hour per ship. In other words, there would be a saving of M0.80 per hour fxnns the. entire or GOOD SWIIVIMING GOOD MUSIC GOOD TIME 50c PER COUPLE DANCING PICNIC 6:30 P. M. DANCING 9:30 P. M. Sponsored By Ogden Lodge No. 713 Pound 29c Wheaties THE BIG DANCE OF THE YEAR -- 2 Cans 300-hor- se v irrvcfwa secnoN, sho&ms ose o bold Medal x rtt 49 2 Pound Pkg Large, Juicy No. 2 25c 4 for 19c Lettuce Sardines JJW11I 25c Grape Fruit 3 Cans days. "The fleet of three ships, figuring on 300 days" flight per year. Is conse quently wasting $60,000 worth of fuel annually. This adds greatly to the overhead expense, Increases passenger fares and has other bad effects. "In addition to this tremendous waste," continues the Commander, "the use of the volatile fuel exposes the pilot and passengers to the continuous danger of fire. Many accidents would be trivial were It not for this flaming destroyer. Fuel oil will not burn except in the engine. But even this isn't the entire story," says this aviation expert. "The fuel that we are burning is so Inefficiently employed In the engine that 80 percent of the heat value contained In It Is being thrown away through the exhaust pipe and through the cooling medium, whether the latter be air Or water." Commander Novllle states that elaborate and scientific tests are now being conducted by New York University on engines operating oa the Schwars Cycle which are designed to overcome the deficiency of present types. Jtuv Branfl 5 Purity Brand Corn time the ship is In the air. Assuming ten hours of flight, each ship Is wasting more than $200 worth of fuel per day and the total loss for the ten ships Is $2,000 dally, a serious sum these 25c jrdlldlll V roducts aiA.ti&c 35c Package Peanut Butter Lpj 29c Par Fig Bars Pnnnrl vv 20c Malt Syrup Superb Family Blend M. 25c ih Bottle Salmon HI SUNDAY. JUNE 19th DEPOT GROCERY TREMONTON vs Come Out and Give Us Your Support Pounds Happyvale V BASEBALL GAME P- - 10 4 M 4 Utah Granulated Local Grown & Can 9c 2 Heads 9c Bacon Green Peas Lean Streaked Full Pods Pound 4 13c Pounds 19c Oh o BATTERIES - - TIRES - - TUBES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OIL LEA'S SERVICE TREMONTON UTAH LEA DUNN, Prop. S3 Grain Grading School To be Held in Ogden I L-l-B-E-R'-T-Y 13HEAEEE1 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY June 19th 20th 21st WARNER BAXTER (In) "Amateur Daddy" With MARIAN NIXON The Daddy of "Daddy Long Legs" Just as You Like HimI Again fathering a pretty girl then falling in love with her. And winning her heart in spite of all the barriers the world could set between them! A picture to make hearts happier and romances sweeter. (Also) THURSDAY COMEDY and NEWS - FRIDAY SATURDAY June 23rd - 24th - 25th BARBARA ST AN W YCK (In) A special school in grain grading will be held in Ogitan, June 20th and 21st under the direction of Mr. L. W. Grandy, federal grain supervisor, in connection with the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Gram Growers, Inc., and the branch managers of the Farmers' National Grain Corporation. The board of directors of the Inter- Mountain will meet Monday morning. June 20th, at 9 o'clock and at 11 o'clock the stockholders will meet. The directors will be elected by the stockholders and following the conclusion of this meeting, the newly elected di rectors will meet and organize. .While the stock holders are in session Monday morning the branch managers oi the Farmers National Grain Corporation will meet' and Mr. Elwood Williams, office manager, will speak on reports and state ments. Monday afternoon the Farmers Na tional men will attend the grading school. Tuesday morning the members of the Grain Growers and the Farmers National will meet in a joint session to be addressed by Mr. C. E. Huff, president of the Farmers Inter-Mounta- Inter-Mounta- Inter-Mounta- in in in National Grain Corporation. and Howard Bruner, traffic of the Oregon Jshort Line Company, Salt Lake City. Tuesday afternoon the school will again be held to the two day's program. Chicaa-o- . manager Railroad grading complete SNOWVILLE By Miss Annie Hard A Dynamic Drama That Will Make You fore You Call Yourself "Decent." Think Twice Beg Story of a Girl Who Was Denied an Honest Helping Hand! Can a Beautiful Girl Get the Good Thines of Life Without Barbara Stanwyck Portrays Her Most Paying a Price. Charming Heroine in "Shopworn," Which Weaves an ExA Warning to quisite Tapestry of Love! "Shopworn" Young Girls! A Challenge to Mothers! Entertainment for Decent People Wouldn't Let Her Be Good! Everyone! Whose Was the Sin? But staved for the love she could not have! A tremendously dramatic story of how one woman's selfishness made another's hell! Heart-RevMin- (Also) COMEDY and CARTOONS If The Thousands who have seen these pictures could talk to the thousands who have not, it would take the Roman Coliseum to You can gather from that hold the crowds that they are good. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bobbins entertained Mrs. Kobbin's parents and family from Emery, Sunday. Stephen Sanders came home Friday from Salt Lake where he attended school. Mrs. Jno. Arbon went to Salt Lake Thursday to be present at the marriage of her son, J. Theodore, to Lucre tia Ashbey, of American Fork, which took place in the Salt Lake Temple. Jos. J. Cutler and family attended r- - BOTHWELL By Miss Iila Perry Outstanding Values! :B: For the past two weeks Dorothy Anderson has been visiting Merle Anderson, of Hoytsville, Utah. Mrs. Thomas Stokes has been taken to the hospital in Salt Lake for treatment. Mrs. James Summers entertained a number of friends at her home Wednesday. The time was spent in quilting and embroidering. Dainty refresh ments were served to the ladies. The Happy Niners Club met at the home of LaVern Summers, Thursday. ihere were seven girls present and bread making formed the main feature of the meeting. Misses Kuby Ilunsaker and Martha Ann Hunsaker have been visiting with relatives and friends lor the past two weeks in Treasureton, Idaho. Hollis Halladay, small son of Mr. and Mrs. George Halladay, broke his right arm in two places while playing Sunday. Friday a birthday party was given on LaJean Summers by her mother, Mrs. Maynard Summers. Nine of her friends were present and they had a very enjoyable time. Bishop Milton Marble motored to Salt Lake Saturday. Mrs. James Summers and daughters Norma and Zeida and Mrs. Marion Summers motored to Ogden Saturday. Kenneth Bosley, of Portland, Oregon, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bosley. Friday the Bothwell team went to Black Pine and played. Our team won the game. At night the local orchestra played for a dance there. Mrs. Ueorge Halladay left Monday to visit with friends and relatives in Salt Lake. At the regular meeting Sunday Mrs. Ezra Harris was named as the Ward Chorister. The Little Bo Peep Cooking Club met at the home of Gertrude Eberhart Seven girls wers present Monday. Demonstrations were given on cereals and breakfast appetizers. A lesson on foot health was also given. HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES AS HAVE NEVER BEEN ATTEMPTED BEFORE FAST COLOR PRINTED PURE THREAD SILK HOSE VOILES 15c 89c Every thread pure silk from top to toe. Every pair of the finest sheer quality. Dainty self picot top, the new sandal sole and the short French heel. Cleverly styled patterns for cool and smart summer frocks. 40 inches wide and of course guaranteed fast color. PURE SILK FRENCH CREPE LINGERIE RAYON MESH PANTIES 29c Compare these with any 49c values elsewhere. New square mesh, with yoke front and side button 95c Dance Sets, Step-in- s, the Cutler reunion at the Crystal Springs, Saturday. Mrs. S. J. Bradshaw, of Brigham is The W. C. T. U. with the cooperaspending a few days with her sister. tion of the city council, take pleasure Mrs. R, Allen. in that the play grounds Mrs. Edmund Hurd returned home at announcing the city park will open under the from Tremonton Tuesday with her supervision of Mrs. Pearl Hill, who new baby girl. has had seven years experience in Mrs. A. L. Peterson entertained kindergarten work, special features, visitors from Salt Lake the first of folk dancing, story telling and yames. the week. Mothers semi your children to be registered at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Miss Vera Marchant and R. fiW June 18th. Marble of Deweyville, are to be married in the Salt Lake Temple, Thursday, June 23rd. They are giving a rrice rians drawn for erection of dance, at Deweyville, Friday, 24th, to coal plant in Carbon Coun which everyone is invited. ty midway between here and Helper. Combinations, Panties, Bias Slips MEN'S GARTERS 10c opening. MARQUISETTE PANEL CURTAINS Here you find economy as well as value. A wide web garter with leatherette pad in assorted colors. 25c MEN'S SILK GARTERS 40 inches wide with a set-u- p 50c value. 3 inch 23c two-to- ne rayon fringe. Truly a 50c value anywhere. web with satin pad. This is the lowest price we ever saw on A MEN'S rejrular HANDKERCHIEFS Wide silk Large size blue, turkey red, and garters of this quality. white. be astonished when -- you ALL SILK SHANTUNG know you can buy these for one half the price you ordinarily pay YARD for one handkerchief. Buy your summer supply now. A most seasonable silk. An excellent quality at e record low price. 32 inches wide. In 1931 this qual2 FOR ity sold for twice this price. You'll Play Grounds to be Opened Saturday YARD 49c 5c FISH B |