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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 Days Mast 2!a for Hotand ters, Mrs. Lattu McCombs and Mrs. East Tremonton Rose Garfield spent Tuesday in j Dr. and Mrs. B. Preston of Logan were Sunday visitors of George Abbott and family. Miss Maudell Seager and brother, Tyrell Seager were Salt Lake visitors from Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Seager and son, Austin, spent the 24th in Salt Lake City. O. L. Brough was a business visitor in Brigham City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodruff entertained on the 18th with a shower in honor of their daughter. Ivy, who was recently married to Oren Madsen. Ice cream, cake and punch was served to 84 guests and many beautiful gifts were received by the bride. Mrs. George Wright and children re turned to their home in Yost, Monday after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. George Garfield. - Miss Olive Garfield attended the celebration in Salt Lake City the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kay were business visitors in Brigham City Monday. Mrs. Charles Peterson and daugh- - Don't Neglect your Eyes They mean too much to you. We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric Og-de- o. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and children spent several days last week in Logan Canyon. A. W. Garfield of Harrisvilla. was a guest of his mother, Mrs. Geo. Garfield on Sunday. Lewis Abbott and Georr Abbott left for Monte Cristo on Thursday, to De away lor a wee Mr. and Mn A rtdn. riiuLti Tasty Tempting at a time. dry ta Ur USXr Mt aaiscttoa bar A to dairy preaMta, taat ar mmt Urt de- id ass MM11t- la bot aaa lahaalie plain aad 7t Mtrttteoc nain dishes. On Sunday the 19th the Steffenson family gathered at the home of Marion Woodruff. A pleasant time was held on the lawn and lunch served to about 60 members. N; W. Olsen and family returned re cently from a two week's vacation in Provo Canyon. Mrs. George Garfield and daughter, Olive, and son A. W. Garfield, of Hon- eyville, visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. George Wright and family of Yost. Mr. and Mrs.Azuv Evans and two children, Lila and Arthur, of Califor nia, left for their home Sunday after a week's visit with their mother, Mrs, Geo. Garfield. Thos. Kay was in Salt Lake City for the Covered Wagon Festival and then visited his mother at Roosevelt. W. H. Penrose and family of Salt Lake City spent the last week visiting the Kay and Woodruff families. They returned Thursday and were accompanied by Lillian Kay who will visit a few days in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Kalvin Kay were in Salt Lake City for the 24th and returned on Monday. Miss Loraine Shurtleff accompanied them home and will remain for several weeks. Mr. Lavon Crawford, of Rupert, Ida is visiting Mr. George Brough for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill and children, of Rupert, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brough. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woodruff Tuesday night, July 28th. All are doing nicely. - cramN disMa art- other half erer. Press edges firmly ditto that are not onlyInaatishot together. Ron rolling; pin orer fjrtac t th haagry 9non to Salads bt an labor savers la kitchen. Waea yon plan, a swuaad dlah yon are putting som arfZk into ta diet of each Burn-tel yewr tamQy which la Jut aa important In tha summer aa It li In the winter. With the education of the Importance of milk In the dally diet haa come the more extensive nae of this food in the form of evaporated milk becauae of its parity, its nutritious Tslae, tts economy and its convenience. Cbefs and hoasoawlvoa mud it it makes a smooth cream aaace that la not obtained by the Bse of market milk. waaftinr tfe o PATHFINDER 4.50-2- 1 Q75 9th Anniversary BIG 5c SALE Are you a tire punisher? Well, then, you and this tough baby should ride together. It likes to be treated rough. Come in and let us show Why the low you some real millions more tires price? Goodyear makes Buy One Article and Get An One For 5c 4 Fri-- , e. ' AND HIS FAMOUS Rhythm Kings aUne Si Friday Night, July 31st S This orchestra plays every Wednesday and Saturday evening at the Moonlight Gardens, 150 s 1 Pair anom- alies that have existed for some time. Pennsylvania's two Senators, elegant, lugubrious David Reed and booming, beaming "Puddler Jim" Davis constitute the most amusing contrast in officialdom. It is impossible even to compare flaming Hiram Johnson, Cali fornia's senior Senator, with the junior Senator, "Solemn Sam" Shortridge Borah has so far overshadowed his colleague, John Thomas, that there actually are few people who can recall the latters name. New Hampshire's George Moses, whose acid tongue evokes hate, fear and admiration, has little in common with Henry Keyes, a quiet and obedient person. From New York we have Royal D. Copeland, whose frequent declamatory tirades are an antithesis to Robert Wagner's more occasional and much more meaty ART GOODS Pillow Cases Extra Pair .... 5c in BARGAINS At Prices That Defy Comparison Then be considerate of your dollars and spend them where they will bring you more value in return. Our reconditioned cars represent extra value from every standpoint of dependability and quality. Every make of car some this year's models at prices that are considerably lower than elsewhere. . Small down payment and monthly installments to suit your convenience Looking for a real bargain in cars? , Utah Auto & Imp. Co. Tremonton Phone 28 BRIGHAM CITV, UTAH dollar Market for v an 8-mil- lion UTAH UNION PACIFIC employ ees in Utah were paid $7,884,508 in salaries and wages during 1930.' Nearly three thousand families, a total of 18,0)6 received their support from Union feople, $1.45 BLAITS SHOPPE Union Pacific Employees.. 49c and 99c Luncheon Sets Extra Set .... 5c Felt and Silk Pillows ... $1.00 Extra One .... 5c Lace Edged Vanities and Buffets $U5 Extra One .... 5c Voile and Factory $2.50 to $4.00 Spreads Extra One .... 5c 33c to $1.00 Aprons Extra One .... 5c 49c up Rompers Extra One .... 5c All package Art Goods extra pkg. All Package Art Goods 5c Extra Pkg 30 BRIGHAM CITY Sj first 50 Ladies Silk Dresses $11.75 Extra Dress .... 5c 75 Ladies Silk Dresses $5.95 Extra Dress .... 5c Lots of Large and Small Sizes 150 Ladies Print and Voile Dresses $1.93 Extra Dress .... 5c 83 Ladies Wash Dresses $1.25 Extra Dress .... 5c Suits, Skirts and Jackets Extra One .... 5c All Summer Hats $1.00 Extra One .... 5c 23 Childrens Silk Dresses $2.95 to $4.95 Extra Dress .... 5c 100 Childrens School Dresses, $1.95 Extra Dress .... 5c 100 boys Wash 79c to $1.49 Suits Extra Suit .... 5c 43 Boys Hats , 59c Eztra Hat .... 5c "... :. Tarns 69c to $1.00 Extra One .... 5c 50 Baby Bonnets 69c to $1.00 5c Extra One Frank Conshafter i 4 95 Tremonton, Utah n, Extra July 31 to Tues., August Store Opens 8:30 A. M. A prize package to the customers each morning. Fronk Chevrolet Co. Blue Bird cup canned Dew-eyvil- le a DAYS ONLY FREE and that lowers costs. See you soon, we hope. Will Play 1 1 son to Mr. and Mrs. Win, Petersen and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Andreasen. Mrs. Andreasen is at Brigham City. AU are doing very nicely. Clare Mann entertained a group of young people at his home at an early breakfast Thursday morning after the midnight dance at the springs. A Jolly time was enjoyed and Clare left shortly after for Yakama, Washington to visit his brother Prin. Mrs. V. L. Hansen and Mrs. Arvil Hunsaker went to Brigham City last Wednesday where they were guests of Miss Norma Nielsen and her mother. Our band in company with the band gave a concert at the Crystal Springs last Wednesday. The Dewey people also invited the parents of the band children to participate in this free entertainment. Many of the parents greatly enjoyed their hospitality and took advantage of a good swim, as well as appreciated the splendid program rendered. The Relief Society decided that they also could assist Mr. Hansen in building, so last Tuesday a group of ladies from the Relief Society and Yourg Ladies went over to help lathe. All have the spirit of helping, from the oldest to the youngest, as little Boyd Hansen, 9 years old came to help lathe and worked faithfully all day. He i3 a real carpenter. Mr. J. P. Christen-se78 years old also has been helping. Miss Verian Anderson has gone to Salt Lake for an indefinite stay. ' Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen and son, Peter went to Salt Lake to enjoy the Covered Wagon days, as well as the dedication of the Airport. They were accompanied by Standley Carter who Broussard. Cordell Hull of Tennessee, scholarly and meticulous of speech, will represent the same electorate as does Kenneth McKellar who is someand very ofter times rash in his utterances. BLAIPS Other size equally low n Toast I tbap. butter I tbap. flour 1 cap chicken broth 1 cup evaporated milk Two new babies came to help celebrate the 24th of July at Elwood, a i The next Congress will include some the queerest assortments of state delegations in the Senate that have ev er been witnessed. From Ohio we will have the garrulous, nervous Simeon Fess and retiring, serene Robert Bulk- ley. Colorado sends us Charles Wa terman, Republican reactionary, and Edward P. Costigan, Progressive Democrat. Louisiana has replaced se date Mr. Ransdell with flamboyant Huey P. Long, who is a contrast also to his unobtrusive colleague. Senator GOODYEAR : CreasMd Bacon and Mushrooms on ee of HEAVY DUTY : ed In addition, there will be the it says so the minute you look at it: Phone 20 donga press layers together, then cat into strips H inch wide and 4 inches ions. Place on an baking sheet Bake in a hot oven (425F.). mushrooms cup crisp, cooked bacon Salt and pepper 1 tbp. chopped parsley Melt butter, add flour and stir until well blended. Add boiling broth and evaporated milk. Cook directly over, flame about 5 minMenu 1 utes. Add the mushrooms and bacon chips. Mix with sauce lightJellied Tomato Consomme Whipped Evaporated Milk ly to prevent crushing. Season with Cheese Straws salt and pepper and serve immeCreamed Bacon and Mushrooms on diately on hot, buttered toast GarTcast nish with a little chopped parsley. Iced Coffee with Raspberry Mousse Evaporated Milk 1 can No. I red cup evaporated Menu 2 milk raspberries 2 tbup. lemon Tomato Staffed with Crab Meat t tbap. raspberry Juice juice Ripe Olives Bread Sticks Drain Juice from raspberries. Iced Tea There should be about one cup. Raspberry Mousse Press the drained fruit through a fine sieve. There should te at least Cheese Straws 6 tablespoons ed 1M cups pulp. Add ems pastry cup eva- Juice drained from berries to the milk flour H cup wter tap. aalt pulp. Let stand in refrigerator I cup tat Grated cheae about 20 minutes. Scald evaporated All ingredients should be cold. milk in top of double boiler. Cool, Slit flour, then measure. Resift then chill in a bowl surrounded by with salt Work fat Into flour. The chipped ice and salt. Whip until pastry will be flakier if fat and stiff. Add lemon Juice and berry floor are not too thoroughly blend mixture, folding in carefully. Freeze ed. Combine milk and water. Add in tray of automatic refrigerator. PERSONALITIES TOUGH BABY super-v&lu- ttvsld wic. ited two days last week with their sil- ter, Mrs. Lhas. Peterson and family. Mrs. K. H. Fridal and children- - Fav. Max, K. H., Jr., John and Grant, Mrs. fliae r ndal and Ed and Mary Fridal spent the week end in Salt IjJta Citv attending the Covered Wagon You bet it's a I tdtoiA44and katf of and it fcasji rwChaterk. etaly seJ- t reQ eeX ftH te a ree- - POLITICS i Elwood has been visiting here about a month-Mi- ss Verien Anderson and Miss Vsv Ney, of Preston, also accompanied .' them . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Ballard and daughter were morning visitors at V. L. Hansen's Tuesday morning while oo their way to Idaho where Apos&fr Ballard will visit several places on lecturing tour. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen greatly enjoyed their visit Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Hansen went ts Salt Lake for the 24th of July celebration. Herman Andreasen spent Sunday fit Brigham City visiting sis wife and new baby. Mrs. Johanne Danaker, of Salt Lake City is guest of H. P. Rasmussen during this week. Mr. and Mrs. June Thompson returned Saturday from their big fishing trip in Idaho. They report fishing was very good, and they surely enjoyed the trip. ' Mrs. Dale Sounders, of Collinston. and her sister, Mrs. Elmer Nielsen were guests of Mrs. Marion Miller en the 24th. Casper Andreasen went to Brigham. on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen and children and Floyd Figgot, of Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Andersen' last Sunday. They were on. their way to Idaho for their vacation. Miss Ada Frank, of Logan, was a guest at her sister, Mrs. Erma Miller's home on Sunday. Her little niece, Colleen, accompanied her back to Logan to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Val Frank. Miss Melba Hansen entertained a group of young folks last Saturday All had a very enjoyable time evening. ' Mrs. Hyrum Hunsaker,' of Honey-vil- le and her daughter, Mrs. C. Burton Love of Sacramento, Calif., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Anderson on Sunday. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Love are cousins. r : Think what that means to Utah's home mar the development of her growing indus the consumption of her agricultural products. The preservation of this vast home market among Union Pacific employees is dependent upon the continuing prosperity of the Railroad. Every shipment made by truck weakens the rail road structure and aflects railroad employment. Let-- to tries-- to SHIP AND TRAVEL BY RAIL |