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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 PAGE SIX. -. Dlxl"Lee. Tancey Cravat's Plea for a. Fallen Woman," it Is railed; and never was speech more sentimental. windy, false, and utterly moving. The slang words hokum and bunk were un then in use, but even bad they been they never would have been applied, by that appreciative crowd, at least to tbe flowery and Impassioned oratory of tbe Southwest Silver Tongue, Tan W3T It and "tool a 3eep "breathof ahead all Just It, unknown, might waited years of such clangor and strife as would make the past years seem uneventful In comparison. Ever since the day of the Run. more than fifteen L. Watson By years ago, it had been racing devil take tbe blndmost ; shooting into the air. prancing and yelping . The Modoc . out of sheer vitality and cufvedness. were two "Once By a there time" upon A man's country it seemed to be. ruled M cey Cravat Tribes lived that southwest in Oregon, Cheap, melodramatic, gorgeous, im by men for men. The women allowed EDNA FERBER so closely reiatea so. think to A them The feminism word town. passioned. quart of whisky in him that they were like Names. Names. Names. The dull an enthralled audience behind him; a waa unknown to the Sabra Cravats, branches of one Mrs. d Mrs. woman the the natwith Wyatts, the Hefners, red of resentment deepened the hopeless eyes family these were ural red of tbelr sunburned faces. The to spur him on ; the cry of bis wronged Mesdames Turket and Folsom and Modoc and the the Ospyriffet r Mm Tm.l jurors shifted la their places. A lew and righteous wife still sounding in Slpea. Prim, good women and cour But Just Klamath. banded together by their goodmatter, ominous, like a growl, sounded ma ears Booth Himself, in his heydey, ageous, branches of a .as ness common and their by resolve never to more a Blunt Its distant thunder. gave Sharp. oniiiani, a more .family differ great tame the wilderness. Their power Ruthless. Tounger than Tancey, less false performance. ly in some waye more was tremendous tbe honor "Tour because should have still he they gentlemen of the Jurvi experienced, so the Klamath Inknow Too have heard with what cruelty the did not knows better. These men of the they had it They never were at peace with ' - Because of tht notoriety of the de adequate Jury, these men in the court- prosecution has referred to tbe sins once said, during those fifteen years the whites, while room crowd, had come of a frontier we women will do this. We women the Modoc were jfendant tit inadequate little of this woman, aa If ber condition was would have been crowded enough background, had lived in the frontier of her own will change that" . Quietly, lndomit often at war with A dreadful preference In any case. But the newa of Yan- atmosphere. In their rough youth, and a vicious a relentlessly, without even a fur them. As tbe revolting picture haa been ably, cey's abrupt departure from the Sunny now, women were scarce, with the tive glance of understanding ex . whites used force for you of her life and surT painted Modoc. Southwest saloon and the reason for scarcity that the bard life predicated. between in secure but them, changed t0 gain their ende Tell me me tell do you It had spread front house to bouse And because they were scarce they roundings. their common knowledge of the sent! the Modoc, followed suit, and exer emthink she that really willingly were precious. No woman so plain, through the little town with the rapidbraced a life so so horrible? mental American male, they went cised their Ingenuity In the terrible ahead with their plana. . ity of a forest fire leaping from tree so hard, so undesirable that she did No, gentlemen! Arepellent of warfare until accompaniments thousand times, no! to tree. Mad Tancey Cravat's latest not take on, by the very fact of her had come home from the Tancey their became a decidedly was reputation This In such luxury, bred freak, lien left their, offices, tbelr sex, a value far beyond her deserts. such girl war a hero. Other bad one. few us of have as refinement, ' stoses; women tbelr cooking, tbelr The attitude of a whole nation bad known. And tvery year, the two tribes con Just aa the young girl men from Osage had been In the been touched by thia sentimental fact cleaning. The Jury so hastily assem-tiePhilippines. One bad even died there ducted a raid across the California was Into cruel womanhood, budding Pat Leary in a solemn suit of which was, after all, largely geofate snatched all this from her, bereft (dysentery and ptomaine from bad border against the Achomawl, and black, Dixie Lee with her girls, even graphic. For a full century the coun- ber of ber dear ones, took from her, tinned beef). But Tancey was the captured as many women and children Judge Slpea himself seemed In mo- tries of Europe, bewildered by it un- one town's Rough Rider. He had charged as possible, whom tbey kept as slaves by one, with a terrible and fierce mentary danger of being trampled by able to account for it, had laughed at rapidity, up San Juan hill with Roosevelt or sold to the Chinook, north of them. those whom had she upon the milling mob. It was a travesty of this adolescent reverence of the Amer- come to look for love knowing Tancey and never hav This was their principal warlike Osage and support ican man for the American woman. a courtroom. event ing 6een Roosevelt, assumed that Tanin that moment of darkest And then, Leary finished in a burst of oratory terror The Jury was a Cravat lot for the Cimorran Southwest In 1864, the tribes united in ceding cey one and our of loneliness, can;e the most part Plucked from the so ruthless, so brutal that he bad the sex, had led the way, an their lands to the government, and A wolf In sheep's gentlemen. . i plains or the bills; in either band, settled on a reservation on upper baiting of speech. satisfaction of seeing the painful, un A fiend In tbe guise of a slow of mind, quick on the trigger.- - A accustomed red surge thickly over clothing. the great buffalo head lowered with Klamath lake. The hardy Klamath Dehuman. False Lies. promises. alow, rhythmic motion of the Jaw was Dixie Lee's pale face from her brow ceit so such menace that the enemy bad fled became used to reservation life, and palpable that It would have deevidence that a generous preliminary down to where the ladylike white turnIn terror. began to assimilate members of other ceived no one but a young girl aa innobit of plug served aa a precaution to over of her high collar met the line return His been had tribes and former slaves, which In occasion the as ; was aa aa cent, pure, starry eyed soothe the nerves and steady the of her throat a such for as celebration town their population. creased the bad The pompons little Irishman seated this woman yon now see white and never known and never would know Judgment half of the Modoc, how Nearly One before sex our of you. This legal farce had already begun himself, chest out bead high, eye trembling again, they assured each other, be- ever, had not left the Lost River coun was the to more of her author ruin, before Tancey made his spectacular roving the crowd and the bench, Hps blame than she What could be more tween drinks, until the day when try, but wandered about getting Into A few open with entrance. tban the spectacle she pre statehood should come to the territory. mischief and terrorizing the white set more like cases this and maybe they'd pathetic "Case of the Territory of Oklahoma tlers. They were led by a subchlef An Immortal soul in ruin. A He returned a captain, unwounded, sents? versus Dixie Leel" (So they bad see there was material for a territory moment ago you heard her but thin and yellow, with the livery named Kintpuash. in reviled, aiade It a territorial case. . . .) governor right here In Osage. iook mm connrmea me stories one It was not until the spring of 1S70 The crowd shifted, murmured, gab- the lowest terms a man can employ had heard of putrid food, typhoid, dys that Kintpuash and his followers "Counsel for the territory of Okla were a to toward for tbe woman, depths homa 1" Pat Leary stood up. . . for bled. Tancey still sat sunk In his which she has sunk, for the company entery, and mosquitoes more deadly, finally Induced to Join the other half the defense." No one. The close-- . chair as though lost in thought The she keeps, for the life she leads. Tet In this country, than bul of the tribe on the reservation. tacked courtroom waa a nightmare of gabble rose, soared, lie's given it where can she go that ber sin does lets or cannon. They remained on the reservation "He p," thought Sabra, exulting. Poisoned and enfeebled though he only a short time Kintpuash was too staring eyes and fishlike mouths 'sees not her? Tou would ber drive pursue bow it is." was, his return seemed to energize the restless to settle down, or to let his greedily devouring Dixie Lee's white, The eyes of tbe crowd so close out But where? Gentlemen, the very crude little town. Wherever he might followers do so. He decided to lead ravaged face. Oddly enough, - eom- promises of God are denied her. Who be he lived In courta swirl of events that them back to Lost River. Here he detpared to these, she seemed pure, aloof, packed in that suffocating onlittle was me It unto ull said, Vaat ye that drew into Its the Inert manded that a reservation be estabexquisite. "The defendant having room were concentrated eddy all that came with are I will and laden, heavy you give failed to provide herself with counsel. figure lolling so limply in Its chair. rest'? She Is indeed heavy laden, this in its radius. Hi, Tancey! Hi, Clint! lished, for the reason that it was not It la my duty, according to the laws Perhaps they were going to be cheated trampled flower of the South, but if He shed the khaki and the cocked hat possible for the Modoc and the Kla f the gover'ment of the United States of tbelr show after all. at this instant she were to kneel down and actually appeared again In the math to live together In peace. He and the territory of Oklahoma to ap- . .Slowly the big head lifted, the pow- before us all anJ confess her Re- familiar white sombrero. Prince Al was arousing the Indians and Inciting boots. Osage an outbreak, and to avert this if pos point counsel for, the defendant" He erful shoulders straightened, be rose, deemer, where is the church that bert and be seemed to rise endlessly, be walked shifted his quid, the while his cunning, breathed a sigh of satisfaction. His sible, It was decided to arrest him. comwould receive where ber. the to Judge Slpes' crude deak with his dereliction was forgiven, the rumors roved eyes On November 29, 1872, Captain solemnly munity that would take her in? Our through the crowd seeking the shyster, light graceful stride. The lids were sex wrecked Lcr once pure life. Her about him forgotten or allowed to Jackson with 36 cavalrymen made the still cast down over the lightning eyes. Gwin Larkln. A stir in the d own sex shrinks from her as from a subside, at least Again the editorial attempt to take the belligerent Indian crowd; a murmur. "I hereby He stood a moment, that singularly pestilence. Society has reared its re- columns of the Oklahoma Wigwam leader Into custody. The Modoc re and winning smile wreathing blazed with hyperbole. appoint" The murmur swelled. sweet sisted, and as soon as possible fled his lips. He began to speak. The lentless walls against her. Only in the "Order In the court I" It was hard for Sabra to take sec with their leader to the lava beds on shelter can of the her grave J friendly vibrant voice, after Leary's shouts, ond place (or to appear to take second the shore of Lake Rhett Jut across "Tour honor 1" waa so low pitched that the crowd betrayed and broken heart ever find place) in the office of the WIswam above the border in California, killing set the crowd, forging Towering the Redeemer's rest The promised held its breath In order to hear. had so long ruled there alone. tlers whom they encountered on the hue his way through It like some relentbewho so eloquently spoke "Tour honor, gentlemen of the Jury. gentleman less force of nature, came the great fore me told yon of her assumed Her word had been law to the waver way, and showing indubitable signs am to to first bow the I achievement .buffalo head, the romantic Rough names, of her sins, of her habits. He ing Jesse Rickey and to the worshiping that they did not intend to surrender. Klder hat with Its turned-u- p brim The lava beds were never, for all his eloquence, told you CHlr Means. And now to say, "Tou'd with caves and passages, and formed of her sorrows, her agonies, her hopes, better ask Mr. Cravat." caught by the crossed sabers ; the mas"He says leave It to you. He's went a sive khaki-clafigure. It was dramatic, her despairs. But I could tell you. I practically impenetrable stronghold out." It was melodramatic, it was ridiculous. for Kintpuash and his band. They could tell you of the desperate day Tancey did a good deal of going out could retreat to this position and be It was superb. Here was the kind of the day In the banner of the 'situation that the Southwest loved and after all, still did most of the almost immune from danger. Thus Sabra, Oklahoma when she great country craved; here was action, here was tried to win a home for herself where work of the paper without having the secure, they attacked an ammunition here was adventure. she could live In decency and quiet satisfaction of dictating Its policy. train and caused some damage, and A linotype machine, that talented iron about a month Here, In a word, was Cimarron. . . . When the remembered voices later, had occasion to He stood before the shoddy Judge. of father and mother and sisters and monster, now chattered and chittered prove the strength of their position by He swept off his bat with a gesture brothers fall like music on her erring and clanked in the composing room of defending it against 400 men and a that Invested It with plumes. "If it ears . . . who shall tell what this the Wigwam. It was the first of its howitzer battery, under Colonel Greer. klnd In the Okhihjmaeojntry. This Impasse continued for more .please your honor, I represent the deneavy neart, sinrui though it may seem to you and to me . . . under fendant, Dixie Lee." than four months. Soldiers dreaded the No territorial Judge, denying Tantask of entering the desolate region. standing, pity, help, like music on her cey Cravat would have dared to face They were lost In the tortuous pas erring soul . . . oh, gentle men . . . gentlemen . . ." that crowd. He cast another glance sages, shot at by unseen enemies, and round a helpless, baffled one, this could accomplish nothing. Finally, In But by this time the gentlemen, be time waved the approaching Owin tween emotion and tobacco Juice, were April, It was decided to have a meet Larkln back with a feeble gesture, ing betwen the Modoc leaders and a having such difficulty with their commission headed by Gen. E. R. S. and prepared to proceed with the case Adam's apples as to make a wholesale according to the laws of the territory. Canby. It was agreed that neither side strangling seem inevitable. The beau should bear arms, and peace was to tiful flexible voice went on, the bands Certainly the look that he turned on Sabra Cravat as she entered a scant be the subject of the parley. wove their enchantment, the eyes ten minutes later, white faced, resoBut Kintpuash was not In a mood held you In their spell. The pompous lute, and took her place as representato discuss peace' that April day. It figure of iittie Pat Leary shrank, tive of the press, was one of such meant giving up all he had hoped to dwindled, disappeared before their mingled bewilderment and reproach The harlot Dixie Lee, in mind's gain. He knew, too, that there would eye "Your Honor, Gentlemen of the as would have embarrassed anyone leas be punishment for the murdered sether black, became a woman romantic, I Am the First te Bow te Jury. tterly preoccupied than the editor tlers and the soldiers killed among the Sabra her appealing. piteous, Cravat and publisher of the Oklahoma Wigf Achievement" beds. He had heard talk before; lava ' over ber paper, thought f )' pencil flying " wam. .; he was tired of talk. As soon as tbe Recognition where recognition Is due grimly: t Objection eo the part of the slick parley began, then, he palled a. re"It Isn't true Don't believe him. this, gentlemen, has ever been, my Pat Leary Overruled, - perforce, by way. May I, then, before I begin volver from his besom and shot Gen He Is He has been wrong. ray always the Judge. , A About Xrom . the crowd. poor plea la defease eral Canby dead. thla lady, my wroneV,. Jor fifteen years he has alOrder! Bang Another about Law client most respectfully call your at- ways been wrong. Dont believe him. The Modoc, ready for this surprise ta a lawless community not yet tea tention to that which, ta any Bauble I shall have te print thia How lovely attack," sprang forward at the shot Another of the commissioners . was yean eld; a community made an, for opinion, haa never before been hts voice la It's like a knife in my bzrx 3 la the meet part, of people whoa,jrary r MUeteeY;muen W. duplicate ha the art-- mustn't look at his eyee killed, and the reet flee hotly pursued, ' presence there meant impatience of waeie of ue southwest Tons year BUi hands to where the troops waited. Wlnema, what was that he said? I Modoc"' woman whose sympathy was the old wder, defiance of the coo van must keep my mind on . .. . music whjch hsj figure t tsceatfe Jou. Ten minute earlier Oey had and ae deservedly held year attention. .with the white,: meaared to get the her erring soul . . , oh, my teas all forthe cocky. little Leary; .0om voaee Modoc to retreat by calling out that more vUpoailawBacard Jove rt te bate him . I . ought J agar to cast the first atone at the him weiL Toa will not look upon his I de hate hla, the soldiers : ware coming, bj4 thas Mc within a Woman ev4he temple, New, with the lite aaala, ' rw. power saved the lives of those la danger. gentlemen, tor5 my " It was finished. Tancey walked to explicable fickleness of the mob, the oplnioa this gifted person, Mr. Patrick his was now decided to push matters It aeerunt to bank the sat as open before the great neat, adectrie enrrjot, of. sympathy flowed to a conclusion, and a : company ef a &4 Buffalo 'head towered,, the lids closed Leary niajr at from them te the woman" te be door to tueces) is Bot one Indian scouts from northern Oregon territory (a tbe Indian terr- ever the compelling eyes, the beautitried, te the man who would defend wss brought These backed br tbe tbe whole of the brilliant and ful hands folded, relaxed, aim itoryin of It it ply magic er. Bot and swift and plenty of howltsen, drove the Modoc from their glorious Southwest nay, I prny even r The good men and true of the ' action that waa the way tbe Southjury in In the lava bade The re a so far 'a to say. the only man In filed stronghold spplying practical out jo solemnly through the crowd west liked Its justice. bellious this magnificent country, tbe United that made way for them. Indians, moreover, were grow As solemnly n manner the Pat Leary. Irish, ambitious, fiery. States of America of whom tt actuin number, as many had been less ing crossed the reEls temper, nose too even at beat, had ally ce be said that he la able to they to a drawdusty road and law" of psychology conkilled, and many, more deserted. The at the roadside paired eea lost before he ever rose The strut sitting down." troops kept np a grim pursuit' of the where on such bits of they squatted fidence Inspires success. of him, the (bought of Tancey-aheaModoc, band, which began to come Tbe puffed little figure in the chair rock or board as came to hand. Solpurity brigade behind him, spurred over te the whites In numbers to give then bounded to its feet, emnly, briefly, and with utter disreIt costs but little to him to his frantic, - hit disorderly collapsed, up their anas, and at last, on June redf seed, gesticulating. "Tour honor I gard of Its legal aspect ' disthey charga. 1, 1878, Kintpuash and the rest of. his ,1 object!" esse If their Inarticulate the cussed Hit years as section hand on the followers surrendered. Kintpuash and But tbe rest was lost In the gigantic monosyllables could be termed disi railroad had equipped him with a roar of the three of hie leaders were hung, and delighted crowd. Tbe cussion. courtroom scatthrong, the vocabulary well suited to scourge this , "Oo it Tancey 1" .remainder of hla band was aot tering for refreshment, had barely woman in black who sat so quietly, so allowed to return to the Klamath res"That's the stuff, . Cimarron!. down to , time its drink before the Jury white faced, before him, ' for All the Here was what ervation, but waa sent to Oklahoma. had coma for. stamped heavily across the road and crowd to see. Adjective on adjective; Doggone, there waathey This was the ead of the Modoc war. Ilka him. Into the noisome courtroom. nobody vituperation ; words which are considwhich Even today, though more than a Bancroft characterises as ". . . find the defendant, Dixie ered obscenity outside tbe Bible and quarter of a century has gone brave and stubborn fight for "their. by, not Lee, guilty." the courtroom. there still are their aatlve land and liberty a war in Oklahoma A Metsltaeei jav Vat ana aawA alaaJ 4 at who have kept apeople in some respeefcf the most remarkable copy, typed neatly CHAPTER X that ever occurred in the history ef jerowd. There were many la the bow from records made by hand, of packed room who had koowa the easy the speech made that day by Tancey aboriginal extermination." ' It was ai though Osage and the V 1UI. Watui Ntwroaxr hospitality of Dixie's menage who Cravat In defense of the town woman, Cafe.) whole pklahoma country now Hopped had eaten at her board, who had been broken In Grat Gotch'a gambling place and bad borrowed money from Dixie te aave themselves from rough frontier revenge. She had plied her trade and taken the town'a money and give It out again with the other merchants of the town. The banker could testify to that; the mayor; thla committee; that committee. Put Dixie Lee's name down for a thousand. Part of the order of that disorderly, haphazard C imarron TALES ... olAeTRIBES helter-skelte- r, editha white-face- . " 1 court-iroo- m . - Spanish-America- n d, bard-face- d - . n. semi-tropic- , ,. , high-heele- d red-rimm- close-packe- " honey-combe- d d i Riverside Mrs. Ronald Hales waa hostess to the Clio Club Wednesday of last week, at her home in Riverside Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker spent the week end at Salt Lake Eric Stenquist of Tremonton was the speaker at the Sunday evening-meetin- Miss Phyllis Richards is visiting at Buriey, Idaho, with her aunt, Mrs. Ezra Barlow. Mr Barlow came down last week to get Phyllis. The Jesse Anderson family spent a few days in Provo this week. Miss Evelyn Arton accompanied them to Provo after spending several weeks with relatives in Malad and Riverside. Edward Tubbs, of Ogden, was calling on relatives here Thursday. Norman Tubbs, of Salt Lake, spent J a few days here with his parents, Mr. Jk and Mrs. Henry Tubbs. Mrs. Horace Bigler and son, Gale, went to Tropic, Sunday, to spend a few weeks with relatives. Lislie Pierson, of Ogden, was a guest at the D. V. Jensen home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hardy and son, Roy, of Salt Lake, called to see Miss Roma Tubbs last week while they were enroute to Yellowstone Park. Roma stayed at the Hardy home while she attended the University last year. Miss Beth Macfarlane returned home Sunday after a weeks visit in Ogden. Ross Walker, of Ogden, called on; friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg left Saturday to visit with friends in Ida ho. Leon Hales enjoyed the Covered Wagon Days Celebration at Salt Lake. The family of Senator T. R. Welling left Thursday for a trip to Yellowstone Park. Earl Archibald, of Plymouth, was a week end guest at tne i. J. Imy home Mrs. T. J. Udy entertained at a birthday party Monday for her son. V Le Voy. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield and daughters spent Sunday in Sardine Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler, Mrs. Louise Bigler and Mrs. Jesse Davis and daughter, Ruth, motored to Ogden Thursday. A. A. Capener and son, Howard went to Salt Lake to see the Covered Wagon Days celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forsberg and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ward spent Saturday and Sunday in Logan Canyon. Miss Virginia Mortenson; of Tooele is" spending the week at the T. R. Udy home. Mrs. Geo. M. Ward went to Salt Lake Thursday. Dnjuos! red-lett- er iblood-and-thunde- r, ,.,,. '' s t 1 W The tf v tUt tbaV - Oftla-hom- weU-know- 1 d v. ' Start Being Successful 3 You will get a more dignified idea of the red man than is comprehended in the term, "Injun,' by reading Tales of the Tribes By Editha LWatson Q These stories, written by a Western woman who has made a lifetime study of her subject. will appear in the iy1 LEADER THIS WEEK When Tou Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Bverytldnf To Bold Anything" Phone 11 a Unlimited Money to LOAN : at h Tremonton Banking Co. g. on Irrigated Land. 6Vs per cent. No commissions. . JOHN J. SHUMWA1 Phones: B.B. V. .a--t; Bell. 1 |