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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY UE ADER,' THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 District Court News ( mm -i- n- """" ... r "" Snowville j " a by Friday, July 17th, a session of district court was held to dispose of the regular law and motion calendar which had been continued from Monday,. July 13th, which was as follows: Honorable Melvin C. Harris, Judge, and Farrell Johnson District Court reporter were present, also attorneys from Logan, Ogden Salt Lake City and members of the local bar. Lowell Cutler is having . The hearing on the petition for letters of administration in the estate of William John Frye and Eliza Ostler Frye, is presented to the court and an order is made appointing Alic F. Lee, as administratrix of the estate of said deceased, upon giving a bond in th sum cf and taking and subscribing the oath of office as required by law. In the estate ofAndressfChristen-sen- , deceased, an'rdef fa inside' appointing Oscar Forsgren as administrator of said estate upon his giving a bond in the sum of $200.00 and taking and subscribing the oath of office as required by law. . In the estate of William Beeton, deceased, the hearing on the petition for probate will and opposition in Probate of will and contest is continued to be set on the trial calendar during the September term of court. In the case of Mary A. Crossman, de ceased, an order is made authorizing Wynn L. Addy, the administrator to sell at private sale certain real estate in Section fourteen, Township nine, North Range Two West, upon his giv- and subscribing the oath of office as ing an additional bond in the sum of required by law. A surety bond in the $500.00. . sum of $500.00, is fun ished, the oath of office is taken and letters of guardIn the estate of Charles Golden Ma- ianship are issued. son, deceased, an order is made apIn the case of Henry L. Thorn Plainpointing Edna D. Mason, administratrix, upon giving a surety bond in the tiff, against Hyman Goldman defends sum of $200.00 and upon taking and the motion of defendant for a new subscribing the oath of office as re- trial and the motion of defendant to retax costs are denied and defendant quired by law. is granted ninety days additional time to prepare, and serve bill of exceptions The hearing on the petition for letters of administration in the estate of John Olsen, deceased, is continued to In the case of John E. Miller, Plain Monday the 10th, day of August, 1931, tiff, against James P. Valentine and at ten o'clock A. M. Sarah Valentine defendants, judgment is rendered and entered in favor of and against the said defenIn the matter of the estate of Mary plaintiff dants for the sum of $3,243.86. A. E. Jensen, deceased, an order is made authorizing, the executor to sell at private sale a portion of lot Two, " "1 Standard Crate i' Blocq 42, Plat B. Brigham City SurTo make a standard potato crate vey, no additional bond being required on sale of real estate. have slats 17 and 14 Inched with ;v posts, says Prof. E. V. Harden-burof the New York State College In the estate and guardianship of of Agriculture. With square Inch slats, the inside diposts and der is made appointing William E. mensions are 16 by 14 by 12 Inches Davis, as guardian, upon his giving a deep. Such a crate holds a legal surety bond in the sum of $500.00 or bushel of GO pounds; for estimating $1000.00, if personal and upon taking bin capacity it occupies U4 cubic feet , h Arthur Brisbane Mrs. Douglas Cannon entertained Milk 3 cans Sego or Morning Brand, Tall Cans. Bread 3 White or Whole Wheat Flour loaves 10c 16 oz. Loaves. 48 ib. bag Electric Light, All Purpose Family Flour 100 Sugar Extra Butter 20c ibs- - 79c 565 Fine Granulated Beet Sugar. Pound Safeway Sweet Cream, High Score Butter. nneappi cans IC Fancy Broken Slice Pineapd No. 2', Cans. Potato Chips Pound Made by Dinnerette 7 Finest Quality. Salad Dressing Best Foods Gold Medal qt. 27 c 0 His Heart Cut Out Bishop and Mrs. James Walton, Miss Blanche Calderwood and Mr. and Mrs. You see a tumble-bug- , in a huge pas- W. S. Muir were dinner guests of Mr. ture, rolling bis precious little sphere Herbert Thomas, at the home of his towards the entrance to bis storehouse underground. What could you mother, in Malad, Sunday. say that would interest that tumble-buMrs. Ruth Watland was hostess at more than that little globe, caresourish-ment- ? a luncheon held on the lawn at her for fashioned winter fully home, Friday afternoon, July 24th Nothing. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer What could you say to the tumble-bug- s called human beings, that Winzeler, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canwould take their minds from their non and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson. g two-legg- petty interests here on earth, the price of stocks, the length of dresses? JJC 25c 35 C lbs. 1 0c 5c fresh Tomatoes Pound Local Grown. Sunkist Lemons Dz- Large Size Heavy With Juice. r The best way to control rats Ts to make ' it "unhealthy and unpopular" for them and this can be done in a number of different ways, says State Veterinarian Dr. Homer A, Wilson of the Missouri state board of agriculture. The first and best thing to do Is. when building, construct in a way. The extra cost amounts to little, and the protection thus obtained will m:t v times pay for the trouble and rat-pro- fl'iiMnnr! !V!s and if i! errTf.' mt !i:;ve food i:nd !u'!!:ifrs are will lie hanri'cap'ifct!. ' slciter. they ntt-pro- This is a year whfit we s!iou!d try u starve the Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kent, of Malad, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hunsaker, Astronomers at Harvard University and family, of Honeyville, were dinner varhave discovered a "super-giant- " guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Burn-ham- e iable, far out In the Mllkly Way, in the Sunday. large cloud of Magellan. rats! Madison. Wis. Ten dolls which travel extensively nnd take three or four baths a day have their headquarters In the state ca;itol here. They are the demonstration "babies used in the Infnnt hygiene course thnt the state hoard of health offers In Wlfeeo ns'n's public schools. More thnn .11,000 school girls have used f.ie dolls since 1013 to acquire technique which they now are putting tnto practice In their own homes. . Many boys are enrolling In the course throughout the state, the board disclosed, interpreting this as a feel- -. Ing that "the present trend of women's activity may bring the rearing of future generations squarely within the mere husband's province." Nothing. That new super-giaflashes with a brilliancy that varies from 13,000 to 83,000 times that of our sun, at a distance of 90,000 light years from the earth. One light year is about . years. If our earth fell into the sun. it would disappear in dust before reaching the sun's surface. If our sun fell into the huge t variable, it would vanish like a flake of snow on a t stove. 'j For that reason, it is all too big to be comfortable, and we come back to the satisfying contemplation of something that we can understand, to the fact that Max SchmeiUng has returned to Germany, or that "Big Steel" closed "at 103 and three quarters. Subscribe for nt 6.000,-000.000,0- . tuper-gian- red-ho- John Rockefeller says he hopes to live 100 years and bis fellow citizens hope that he will. He has l endered one gceat service, proving the foolishness of unrestricted competition, the most wasteful thing in the world. And, having accumulated hundreds of millions, he spends them usefully for science and education. The people would like to see him live to 1,000 years, except that it would not amuse D. him. THE LEADER Mrs. Douglas Cannon entertained the B. B. Bridge club at her home last week. Luncheon was served at 2 p. m., followed by bridge. Mrs. Alma Theurer won high, Mrs. Dave Stander won low, and Mrs. Frank Taylor tut More County Correspondence than any Newspaper in State $2.00 a Year Mrs. Harry tr$v entertained last Wednesday afteiTHiii. honoring her Sartu AU'n f San Fran mother, cisco. Thr tables of bridge wer played, Mrs. Ward Shuman winning high, Mrs. Sallie Gephart tut, a.d Mrs Carrie D jw low. M. - , A no host party was held at Crystal Springs, Friday morning, July 24. The early swim, followed by breakfast was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Wat-lan- d and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Winzeler, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Elfer Winzeler and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson and family. sf5 H. G. Scott Drug Co. Tremonton, - Utah WE GIVE SCRIP .. ....Late Thursday afternoon the following families motored to Lgan Canyon to spend the Twenty"-FourtRoscoc Hepplar, Golden Frisbey, James Walton, J. H. Rhead and W. S. Muir. After a "weiner bust" the evening was spent telling stories and experiences around h: Full pint Milk Magnesia Alcohol Rub .. ..1 Luigl Cornaro's career proves that men, to some extent, can control their a huso camp fire. Next morning, after length of life. Told by doctors, at 48 that h'e had only a short time to live, ,an early breakfast it was decided to he said he would see about that, and move camp for more shade. A place did.. He experimented carefullv with was selected by Isabella and Elmyra, his diet, and wrote his' book. Diecorst but some cleaning of willows and sapSulla Vita Sobria when he was 92 lings and road maying was necessary years old, mounted his hors e without so that when finished the menfolks help for a daily ride when past 90V felt that they at least had fittingly wrote to the archbishop: "I bad to live observed "Pioneer Day." However it to be 90 to learn that the world wau4waa a delightful nook and was named All returned bonis beautiful." Camp Belle-MyrHe died at the age of 98, Saturday morning, He took twelve ounces of solid food, ana fifteen ounces of light Italian wine every day. Mr. Rochefeller omits the wine. ... 39c Antiseptic Solution Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Paste ; 3for . 39c ... 59c 39c ;.$1.00 Be Sure and Get Your SCRIP a. riiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiixiiiiiziiiziiixxxxxx Miss Camilla Kelly of Memphis, officially known as "Judge Camilla," in a sound speech says that In women, misbehavior is "just a little worse than in men." Judge Camilla says God holds wo men to a higher dKree of resnonsthil- ! ity because they are mothers of the race. Men. she thinks, "have been a little deceived by their suoerioritv com Tena., THRIFT DAY SPECIALS M Double SCRIP given with the purchase of one or Make your dollar do more items listed below. double duty. Misbehavior in women is as shock ing as the sight of a rose floatine In a sewer. If it were a turnip or a potato it would not be so bad. Women are the roses, men the turnips and women ought to remember it. But they don't when they drink cocktails, dress indecently, cultivate the use of profanity, drag jewels that foolish husbands give them through speakeasies where gangsters are quietly taking notes. CANON TURKISH TOWELS ' 20" x 40" ........ . 15c Here's an item you'll want to stock up on when you see them Another racketeer killing in New York City emphasises, horribly, the brutality and bitter hatred that inspire these killings. Carmello Liconti, racketeer connected with the Brooklyn Barbers' and Longshoremen's Union was the victim. His throat had been slashed, the head almost severed from the body, and his heart had actually been cut out Human nature develobs hideouiilv. when contempt for law becomes universalas It has done recently in the United States, when officials supposed to enforce the law share the profits of and fear of punishment ; is removed. BOY'S DARK STRIPED OVERALLS All sizes Hawk Brand ...... 65c 8 M - Local Grown, Large to Medium Size. Fancy Ripe Tomatoes for Slicing r s, None Better. New Potatoes 1 at , plex." PRICES FOR SATURDAY, AUG. 1, 1931 i a midnight supper Saturday night, he dance. Covers were laid for twelve. " What of It? e. jri-- Starve the Rats Best Ten Traveling Dolls to Control Pests Way Take Ten Baths a Day ill Ttemonton Society To Live 100 Years Roses and Turnips -- ?5F aiw gt Super-Variabl- . ' , a trip thru Yellowstone Park with some friends from Ogden, ... Miss Delora Neal underwent an op eration for appendicitis at tk Valley Hospital at Tremonton last week. She is doing nicely and expects to return home in a few days. Miss Sara Bobbins of Logan, was a guest at ine nome oi ner urotner, h. J. Bobbins last week. Miss Sara Robins is announcing her engagement to Perry Hytie of Hyde Park. The wedding to take place Aug ust 7th in the Logan Temple. Mr. Hyde' and Miss Buth Robins motored over from Logan Friday and spent the week end. Miss Kobbins accompanied them home. Miss Bobbins was guest of honor at a shower at the home of Mrs. H. J. Bobbins on Thursday .evening. Twelve guests were pres ent and a most enjoyable evening was spent Games were played and ice cream was served on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Almo Larkin, George and Coe Larkin and th MissesHarriet and Sarah Larkin weie Salt Lake visitors Friday to view the Covered Wagon Day parade. They came home Friday night L. M. Hurd and fan ily enjoyed a trip thru Logan canyon and at Lava Hot Springs the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, son Mack and grandson, D. C. enjoyed the Covered Wagon celebration at Salt ' Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal and family and Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Cutler motored to Tremonton Sunday to visit Ms Delora Neal. mum This Week 1 5. K 29c 1 A new kind of war flourlahea nmnnr our friends in Asia. On Japanese soil, Koreans have taken to killing Chinese In violent mob UDrlslna-s- . rcihtT.twn killed recently Included three women. unmese, retaliating, destrov Korean Irrigation works, ruining the rice fields. Those. that expect peace to cover the earth very soon are too ootimlatfo. While mere difference of race breeds hatred, there can be no safe peso. A French cartoon shows a lion and a lamb in a circus cage. The circus owner says: "Sometimes, they do not istm." Asked, "What do you do in that case?" he replies,, "We get a new lamb." Let us hope the United States will remember that and not play the part of the peace lamb, since it must live among fighting nations. Trotsky, exiled from Russia, sava only 6 per cent of Russians live as "Socialists," and wants Russia to put Stalin out of power. That suggests a fable in which the mice decided that somebody should put a bell on the cat, that ail might know when the cat was coming. No mouse wanted the lob of belling the cat." 8 STRAW HATS WORK OR DRESS Your choice of any in the house M 49c M M DU PONT LEATHERETTE HOUSE SLIPPERS M ($1.00 Value) - With ... Heel...l! Without Heel 79C M 49c M M Special Sale of SILK DRESSES ( New Shipment Just Received ) M 12 395 M M H H 1 |