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Show PAGE THRE3 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 POLICE SEARCH FOR COH MEN CdEnston I Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bigler and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmon delightfully u'Slickers' Bring Confusion entertained a few of tneir friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigto Birthday Party. and a ler, Saturday night. Games diversions. "confi- dainty luncheon were the Detroit Two Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler, son Clardence men neither of whom wu distinguished by the slicker's mus- ence, Mrs. A. A. Loveland mlMrs. tache prevalent among aucb gentry--are Olga Wheatley motored to Salt Las enbeing sought by police for bring- Friday morning and thoroughly Covered Wagon ing confusion to the birthday party of joyed the three days Robert Wellman, seven, and a lesson celebration whi'h was a huge success, In sleight of band to Jamie Allen, four. especially the pageant at the UniverAm a result of the trickery the sity Stadium. . have $1. good for exMrs. Ollie Bowen entertained in com change at any confectionery; Robert pliment to her daughter Geraldines Is shy one birthday present, and birthday, at the Cry stal Hot Springs, Jamie sits home brooding over a Monday afternoon. , w marble containing one apparent and Mr. Peter Thompswi visit a nick. delightful derogatory Wheelon, are having To trace the legend of "the deal" with his father and relatives in to Its beginnings, one most start wft&ygis, during his vacation. the Illness of Jamie's baby sister. TwnH9nts ftf FranciUo Durfey, Can'Am a result, bis mother, Mrs. 7. S. held their reunion in the Logan Allen, was confined to their home and yon Saturday and Sunday. A large was enable to purchase a birthday number were there to enjoy the cool offering. Since no child feels comfort- canyon air and the many other amuseable at a party unless he can present ments to make it a wonderful memory. his host with a token of esteem, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mclntyre of Jamie was given a dollar bill whlck Standrod, Idaho, spent the 24th with had been placed In an envelope. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. The Smooth Talker. Saunders and family. Jamie, glistening in holiday splenMr. and Mrs. Clark Bowen enterdor, put out for the Wellman home a tained at Sunday dinner for their sisfew doors away. In front of his home ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. La he was intercepted by two older Grande Snow, of Fielding. youngsters, one of whom was deMr. and Mrs. C W. Wells, Donald, scribed as "a smooth talker" with an Ruth and Clifford, of Pocatello, Idaho, ye as cold and glistening ts the the week end guests at the home marble In his pocket Their purport- were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler. ed conversation went In the following of son Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard, vein: Mr. and Mrs, Kinghorn "Dressed np," declared the discern-I- n Russell, and were Logan visitors Satur and son, "con man." "You must be going day. some place." "A birthday party," confided the eight-year-o- ld -- ' and-son- affable Mr. Allen. "Sol So!" stated the owner of tte "Then you must have a present." marble. my friend," Mr. Allen "Quite right "and what a present declared, Look." At sight of the dollar the conversational member of the confidence team brightened. "A dollar," he sneered. "Probably full of germs. Whoever heard of such a present Tsk I Tsk ! Now for one caught In your predicament I have an Immediate remedy, guaranteed to cure all colds, coughs and ailments kindred to the human race " The Wrong Spiel. Bis accomplice nudged him and whispered, "The wrong spiel" "So 1 So I" continued the monologist "Now right in my pocket reposes the cure for any embarrassment which - ; might arise" - And before the young Mr. Allen was sure what so inariy wOTds'wenritiKwt the dollar had been transferred to the owner of the marble. Mr. Allen went on his way Juggling the marble. Later came, the shock. The young Mr. Wellman was already the possessor of a mable, one entirely intact the young guest learned. A few minutes later Mrs. Allen observed the scion of the family, seated on the front steps, brooding. Police was invited by Jamie's parents to aid in the search for conffl-denc- e men. Bothwell j SILVER FOXES THE DIAMOND OF THE FUR INDUSTRY The United States Department of Agriculture, in bulletin No. 1151 says "As a fur animal propagated in captivity the SILVER FOX has no rival, and both live foxes and their pelts are in demand..! Probably no other k enterprise pays Mr. Thomas Payne and Mr And Mrs. Charles Jewett visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Burnhope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris were in Ogden visiting friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and children, Mrs. John Anderson and children, Mrs. Sophia Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Cor-inwere visiting and dinner guests of Mrs. Rasmus Anderson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Peterson and children of Snowville spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. C O. Anderson. Mr.and Mrs. Edward Stark and ba by and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newman and baby motored to Udy Hot Springs Sunday and had a very delightful swim. After the swim they enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by the ne Mr. and Mrs. Versal Dailey, of Snowville visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Allred for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hawkins and baby of Stockton, California, are here visiting their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins for a week or two While here they, accompanied by the Hawkins family, motored to Salt Lake and Centerviile and spent July 24th attending the Covered Wagon celebration and visited and were dinner guests of Mr. W. B. Hawkins mother. Delia Stark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stark has been very sick the past week, her health has much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth and small children were in Ogden visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Quids Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Brail sford and children, of Provo and Mrs. C. W. Brailsford and children of Bear River City visited and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C O. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kupfer and chil dren, who have been visiting relatives m Portland, Oregon the past two weeks returned home Wednesday. Mrs Kupfer was called to the bedside of . mon- ey invested." Special Depression Prices June per pair .... $250.00 per pair .... $300.00 July $350.00 per pair Aug. Sept. per pair .... $400.00 Oct per pair .... $450.00 Nov. $500.00 per pair FRANK MUNNS 59-Garland H. W. LAWRENCE 134-Garland W W Mrs. Merle Lythgoe and children of Ventura, California, visited and were dinner guests of Mrs. Elzo Sessions Sunday. Miss Lythgoe was formerly Miss Devinie Watt Mr. Hartman Hunsaker and son, Elvis of Honeyville visited Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry accompanied their mother, Mrs. Sarah Allen and their nephew Allen Madsen, to Ogden Sunday, where they left for Los Angeles to visit a few weeks before returning to their home in San Far-wes- Mary Weaver of Layton visited Dorothy Anderson last week then she returned home Sunday and Dorothy is making a brief visit with her at Lay-ton. ' ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Lythcoe of Ven- tura, visited Mrs. Reed Peterson and Miss Maurine Anderson Sunday, i Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evans and Mrs. Guy Bosley and Mr. and Mrs. Elzo Sessions and Mrs. Homer Anderson were in Ogden on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Hawkins and baby and Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins and family were in Logan Sunday vis iting their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Georgiana Hill and Mr. and Mrs ' Franz Jorgensen, 4-- H 4-- H Mrs. John Summervill and daughter, Edna, of Ogden, are week guests of ' Mrs. Elias Andersen. ' 4 More FARM BUREAU 1 NEWS The first elemetary contest In club work was held last Thursday at the home of Bae Abbott in East Tremonton, where the four teams of the K. K. Klub demonstrated the preparation of apples as a breakfast dish. Mrs. Eulalia Cornwall and Miss Valoy Iverson of Svnns and Mrs. P. E. AmK acted as judges, who were very much impressed with the work of the dafc girls. The two clubs composed of Mel-Jones and Marjorie Koford and Donna Grough and Katherine AbSwtt tied for 1st place and another try tot will be necessary to determine the winning team. 'The annual Farm Bureau1 Day for Box Elder Co., will be held in the near future,' at "which time a tour will be taken thru the valley to inspect fields of potaoes, beets and grain and livestock, then meeting at noon at Crystal Springs for a program and picnic followed by a ball game at Honeyville between the winning teams on North and South Box Elder Farm Bureau's In the evening a dance will be given at Crystal Springs in honor of the win ning ball team. Watch for the date, and every body plan to attend. President O. L. Brough was in Brig-haCity Monday visiting the Bankers in the interest of wheat growers The Bankers are very anxious to help in every way they can. 4-- H ba Cost Milk-Le- ss PURINA DAIRY RATION cisco. 01.00 The afternoon was spent in playing bridge and prizes were won by Mrs. Ward Shuman, high score, Mrs. Harry Gephart low and Mrs. Carrie Drew the cut. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and all had a very enjoyable time. MILLING CO. GARLAND-TREMONTO- N J aw m - u mm m " " 75 TC ,11 sr Willi VIC says transcontinental motorist who "tried them is The next best thing to trying Vico yourself, : CALL : Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Hyrum, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson, Sunday. e per Gallon live-stoc- larger returns for the her mother, who is still on the improve Mrs. George Payne and children vis- -' ited Mrs. Nels Anderson, Saturday. Mrs. Robert Wilson and daughter, Virginia, of Ogden, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bosley. Virginia remained with her sister for a brief vacation. Mrs. Alvin Evans and daughter, Alton, were in Ogden visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stark. t, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chugg, of visited Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Newman, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and daughter, Shirley, spent July 24th at Logan Canyon. Mrs. Roscoe Anderson entertained a number of their friends at a birthday party for her husband Wednesday. A very delightful evening was spent and refreshments enjoyed and were served by Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald and Miss LaVera Summers took the club girls to Brigham Canyon where they spent the 24th of July. The girls went to the Club girls camp and had a very enjoyable time. Mr. George Stark and daughters Leila and Myrtle, and Dorothy Summers and Maurine Marble motored to Blue Creek and Howell Sunday. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Allred and Mrs. S. L. Cox of Lehi were in Ogden on business Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newman and baby spent July 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson. Wed. Mrs. Harry Drew entertained a number of lady friends in honor of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Allen, who is soon leaving for her home in San Fran to listen to people who use it. We are sure that after yon read this letter you will understand why we urge you to give Vico a trial in your own car: n1t A.. alll" Sf?a - WHY NOT DRESS UP Clothes do not always "make the man" but oftentimes their appearance "proclaim the character." Everyone should appear neat and clean. Send your clothes here and they will always be clean. We Call and Deliver. U- - S- - Phone 37 Vi T.e v,Qme, - tor- w COWn. Jf i rvUw' PERFORMANCE, test for any oil. We utilize every scientific method in the refining of Vico to make sure it will perform above the usual standards Yet, due to the increased demand Hira CLEANERS Tremonton, Utah iile JS s to v - Ay trlP- uotor Olivia to 9iom corntH 1 flic - Tick 4 LBf ... m n m- and quantity production Vico is now sold at new low prices. You get two-wa- y economy when you use Vico - - lower first cost, and slower consumption of oil - All eP tor 0t .) J:-.- 'I .11 ?' Beautiful, well constructed living room sets at prices you cannot afford to pass up. New designs and colors You must see : them at prices from .00 to GET YOUR SCRIP 00 Bold with' a Money-bac- k a$h Guarantee row utour. (pjJppfjj Manufactured and Guaranteed by Uta h Oil Refining Company, Salt Lake City |