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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 9 f)JTjy SEE VD HEA.R fOU WILL .NOT YOII WIT f IW IT M T Tremonton Locals j - Beginning Saturday Morning, July 11 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor are spending the week in Yellowstone. : r; i . Mr. Harry Taylor spent the week "end in Ephriam. f Miss Mae Taylor spent the in LehL FouiA - K. C. and Ross Wright, of Salt Lake are spending the week with Don Fish- ourn. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Rylander, of Los Angeles spent the 4th with their ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gorringe attended the funeral of Mr. Gorringe's , father in Salt Lake, Wednesday. m The Misses Irene and Edith Stod-- j dard of Richmond are guests of their sister, Mrs. Guy Johnson. i ...... Boys Suits $1.98 $2-98 ' $4.98 er4. m - A-- All Spring Suits have been feasIMB repriced for this "July Clearance. Some As Low As 3L4 JULY CLEARANCE Sports Sweaters Kite 4c tee 03 Jdlffl JULY CLEARANCE 4C nHRUESSES Prints Pastels Crepes Chiffons One assortment of summer Long Sleeves Short Sleeves .00 Vivid Shades What are left of our smart summer sports sweaters, now repriced for quick clearance. Plenty of summer left in which to enjoy these values. Mrs. Lafe Sigler and son, Dallas, (Qm .- See what 49c will buy! 98c and Mrs. Duane Lower and Mr, ;and Mrs. Hector Haight visited over the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone of Rock Springs, Wyoming. ili Yd- PRICED FOR CLEARANCE! $7.90 S" Mr. Plain Colored Crepe De Chine They Won't Last Long! Mens Suits Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Heppler and family spent the Fourth with relatives and friends at Richfield, Utah, return ing Monday night. SILkS m tumtv Quantities are Lhsdted! Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Burnham and fam- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Muir and son, Dana, Mr. and Mrs.. Golden Frisby and son, Don, spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Logan Canyon. JULY CLEARANCE sd JULY CLEARANCE Wm D. Perry and wife and Mrs. Winn, of Salt Lake City are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen i Ovt It Com I In line with oar policy of predentin, alwayt, clem, froth, seasonable Stocks, eil remsihini Spring em! Summer rnerehanse must now make way for new Pall and Winter goods. So throughout die store you will find a wide selection of thiols you need want repriced and rerooped for quick, positive clearance. There are many weeks of Summer sttU to come durioj which this merchandise will be desirabie and useful tor you to have, especially at the txirttntiy low prices at wAki tt is For us, however, it is too lsie in the season oar stocks matt - .... i a ee reeuy tor VW Upeojnjs. bo- ajsfn All Summer joods must o 'Phyllis Nelson of Smithfield, who been visiting at tht home of Mrs. Alice Crockett, returned to her home Saturday. lake. - Summer Goods of All $orh Repriced for Quick Selling! Both Golf and Long Pant Models ilies celebrated the Fourth at Bear , pummel AT . 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs Con Steffer spent the week end in Yellowstone Park. "'"has ' 4 JULY CLEARANCE ..Miss Thelma Harris is spending a few days in Salt Lake with her sister, Mrs. Lyde Watkins. ' UTAH j .' 'f.'j, HLS - i ; SLLS JBEILS" TIIIS GREAT MOTION PICTURE : THE t They wont Last Long At This Low Price! prints of organdie, batists, rayons, and a selection "of numerous items. Jacket Styles 2 Pc. Effects See Them On Our Tables Suit Styles Ralph Wyatt and two children, :Mrs. Los Angeles are visiting with relatives ajid friends in Tremonton and JULY CLEARANCE yicimty. Mrs. Buel Frazier, Mrs. Elmer Gor- tinge and daughters, Cleo and Luella Jnotored to Bancroft, Idaho. Mrs. Cor melson, Mrs. Gorringe's mother return eel with them. tommy iki Girls' Dresses Straw Hats 59c Men's and Boy's Smart "little girl" styles in a dh ' Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brigors and familv mo tored to Bear Lake for the Fourth, re turning to Logan Canyon Saturday evening where they remained ' until Monday morning. Just 66 Hats Smart, New Mr. C. A. Walton was called to Blackfoot, Idaho, Friday, by the death pf Ms brother. Silas Walton. Mr. D. A. Walton, of Salt Lake and Bishop James Walton accompanied him, both returning Friday night. Millinery Priced Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Gorrine and daughters, Cleo and Luella. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Etherington and son, Jas, of Deweyville, Jack and Tom Ethering-fcuh'b- f Salt Lake City, spent the 4th in Weber Canyon. For Clearance STRAW HATS A good variety to choose from. They won't last long at this low price. Joe Burgess spent Saturday and day fishing in the Yellowstone eJJ. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White and chil dren, Helen and Leland, of Twin Falls visited with Mrs. White's sister. Mrs J. A.' Pack. Tuesday. Helen remained Group $1.00 Just 184 Oj-ibr- $1-4- Pairs s to 9 $2-9- 8 Bloomers Girls Cotton Bloomers One strap and pumps. High medium and low heels. A Sizes 12 Pink Only While They Last good selection of sizes, but not all styles in all sizes. This low price for clearance only. 10c (ft EAST IVIAIN STREET , Mrs. W. A. Kerr was called to Salt Lake Thursday morning by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Lo-- ! wiiu t - 1naa a severe mi rem innquiav, of tack whooping cough. for DEPARTMENT Ruth Pack returned with them to Twin Falls. ' 98c $1.98 $2.98 3 after these are sold, at this low price Sun- JULY CLEARANCE Only 50 In This Mr. and Mrs. James Ranson were in 'Spanish Fork over the week end. Dave. Stander and Bert, Ben and . Women's Novelty Footwear Priced for Clearance ... HOUSE DRESSES 98 & 1.98 49c - 98c $1.98 None, variety of colors and sizes . . short and some with smocking. Only a few at this price. half-sleev- es Men's and Bey's Footvear O X O HE TREMONTON, UTAH t-- .'- '.' Among those who chose the canyon for their holiday were Messrs. and Mesdames Wayne Sandall, William Sandall. Qulntin Allen, Vern Hess Hamp Bradshaw, Rudy Miller and Lynn Williams of Malad. All spent Saturday and Sunday in Logan. The following families enjoyed an outing over Saturday and Sunday in Weber Canon: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sandall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sandall, Mr. and 'Mrs. Parley Archibald and Mr .and Mrs R. S. Calderwood, Mae and Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calderwood attended the homecoming at Coalville, Saturday and Sunday. Don't touch chains or wet ropes if derrick is near the line! If in doubt, call the Utah Power & Light company.' These timely sugIn the interest of protecting lives by gestions, it is hoped, will be followed, human lives. avoiding accidents, Utah Power & thereby saving officials throughout Light company While the power company is not legthe company's territory, and especially ally responsible for accidents caused g in the agricultural districts, are by hay derricks coming in contact with a message of warning in connect- their lines, the matter is of much conion with the moving of hay derricks cern to them because they appreciate under electric wires. that there are many who do not re"Dont move a hay derrick under alize the danger involved. Their lines electric wires with the boom up. Take are given ample clearance from the ground so that all ordinary traffic Bishop and Mrs. Jameis Walton and may proceed under them without acMrs. James Calderwood, of Logan, at- cident. It is only when some extratended the funeral of Mr. Walton at ordinary high piece of apparatus, such aa a hay derrick with its boom raised, Blackfoot, Sunday. U. P. & L. Co. Issues Message of Warning iffsu-in- no chances! attempts to pass under the lines that charged power line is apt to be trouble occurs. With the boom down and level, and securely fastened, the derrick can ordinarily pass under the lines with safety. ' It is also pointed "out that metal and wet ropes carry electricity, while dry wood or rope will not Therefore any hay derrick design which involves a metal cable for lifting hay, or which is braced by metal or wire is not safe, and should be avoided. It is very easy to so arrange the design as to make use of metal in these ways unnecessary. "Spot cord" is suggested as a substitute for metal wire. , Use of a chain to hold the boom in place is also bad practice, as anyone near it at the time the boom runs into a ser- iously injured. An ordinary rope will very satisfactorily serve the purpose. Whenever it is desired to move a hay derrick under one of the Utah Power & Light company's lines ,and it looks as if such a move might involve trouble, it is only necessary to call the nearest office of the power company and they will gladly in moving the derrick safely under the line. These services will be furnished free of charge. These precautions are urged, and the services of the power company are offered solely to protect people from serious and fatal accidents. Don't take any chances. It may mean the sacrifice of human life. Announcement The doctors of announce to their the valley wish to patients and people of this part of the county that they have organized themselves into a group called "The Valley Hospital Clinic" This action U taken with the nope of being able to more efficiently serve the public and make their work more agreeable to the public and themselves Patients will still. see their doctors in their private offices as before, except in emergency or by appointment when they will see them at the Vallsy Dr. Odeen Luke, Dr. T. Hospital. E. Betensen, Dr. E. H. White. : |