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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1930. TREMONTON MAN SUBMITS PLAN FOR TAX EQUALIZATION El wood On Tuesday, January 14th, Miss .Ardella Hunsaker and Nephi Dusten of Riverside were married at Ogden. BY D. W. JENKINS Miss Hunsaker is the daughter of M. L. Hunsaker, and a . splendid young (In the article which follows, on lady. Mr. Ihisten is also well known Equalization of Taxes, the word Etta, having been in the U.-- I. Sugar fac- for simplicity, is used as an abbreviatory's employ for a long time. They tion of "Equalization Tax Table Apwill visit here for a while after which propriation Assessment" The basic they may go to South Dakota if Mr. of the plan submitted is an argument and then arrange a condition such that no person willing to work and able is ever without a known oppor tunity to work. The comparison between one hundred dollars and nothing is infinity just as certainly as the comparison between zero and one hundred billion dollars is infinity or an unknown quantity. So that when we arrange that every person has a pay cheek coming at all times tor services ren dered or for earnings on property that he has preserved then we will have no more poverty. Poor will mean a condition less wealthy than others. Man Thinks His Way To Freedom Etta Assessments will free all per sons of burdensome tax or of lo.--s of For Etta possessions by taxation. Assessments consider Drimarilv the natural duty of every able person and his property to be of help and benefit to humanity as well as to the owner. All revenue for governments taken by the Etta assessments method comes from production and is helpful to the production; even if an emergency of a common nature to the land is so great that 99 of affluent production is required for a time to protect the residue. The thinker sees that man puts cer tain natural materials and elements to develop serviceable together metals and powerful methods. He unites certain tests and observations of his material possessions and thereby finds proof of theorems and axioms showing man's common dependence, everyone with all the others upon mass productive and brain and physical nowers Makes and combines certain shapes ami devices 10 get precisions, productivity in machines and in human against separation of the individual's capital from earnings and, property, personal or real, and the plating of a uniform tax on the individual's productivity, whether that productivity comes from earnings or ownership of property. The opinion advanced is that of the writer, for which the Miss Agnes Petersen, Mrs. Chris editor of the Leader accepts neither Petersen, of Bothwell and Miss Isabel credit or responsibility. ED.) Jensen spent last Friday visiting Miss Jensen's brother and family, Mr. PART I and Mrs. Andy Jensen. This is The Equilization Tax Tablt method Wilford Nielsen took the new test.,.,.r,.io(;f,n -Asspssment nyuiujiiiowuti oKnlichoa t.hi ireneral taxes ament class of our Sunday school for tu a sleighride last Saturday evening, now levied upon arbitrary values oi. when they enjoyed a progressive sup- property. per. The first course was served at is an American doctrine Tho Casper Andreasen's. They then went about taxes to the perport that:- - A to Ira Andersen's for the 2nd course. RATIONAL. 1 A A. urUiN inr, uiw Their third and last course was served 'TfPiTinNS AND ACQUIS! Amos at Hansen's where they also TIONS OF WEALTH POSSES spent some time listening to a Radio SIONS; THAT LS Ul'UJN itttL, program and played a few games beABILITY OF MEN AND fore starting on their homeward OF CAPITAL WEALTH STIMUjourney. Twenty yeoung people par- LATED PROSPERITY. WHEREAS ticipated and they had a most wonWHATSOEVER PLACED xt v derful time one long to be remem- BLANKETWISE UPON ANY VAL- bered. UATIONS Or tSlACLisntu OWNED Mrs.' Jesse Earl of Tremonton, forWYSSFSSTONS merly Verna Larsen has been very ill AND USED FOR ONE YEAR OR at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ren MORE AS PKlVATtJ ajnju fr.Hr Hunsaker, for over two weeks. She cwat ppnPt'RTY IS CONFIS- - accomplishments;- Learns all facts and rejects all is now improving. SATION OF CAPITAL OR HAS theories until they are proven, while Mrs. Burnice Hunsalrpr 5a trmrfi THAT ATTITUDE TOWAKD at the same time he holds every better again after a severe attack of TAXPAYER. FOR THrJKU is PONSIDERATION OF THE OWNER fellow man innocent until he is proven appendicitis. guilty, so that new we have noss- j Mrs. Angeline Hansen of Logan, iwn wrs nFlPKNDENTS. of who has been visiting with her daughibility of a taxing system that will not permit Human liberty does ter, Mrs. Elias Andersen since the any contiscation oi iawim ciuhs safeguard each individuals first of December, has gone to spend property by any act of their governTeaches by automatic and semi a week with her daughter, Mrs. ment. It was said by some of the Rudolph Christensen of Tremonton, founders of our nation "He who takes automatic machinery as well as by before returning to Logan. precept and example so that now we property takes my life." Erik Stenquist of the Hgih Council myUsing the Etta Assessments to sup- have universal desire to earn and visited here at our Sacrament meet- port our governments we will abolish possess in America the consumable ing last Sunday evening. the War Lord or conqueror habits wealth, articles that make un our The Union meeting at Garland was that still exist in our antiquated common high standard of living. Since the right of men to thick for well attended last Sunday be Elwood levies on fixed property valuations, in people. They stand 3rd in attending which it is impossible to consider the themselves has been maintained the Union meeting for the Sunday School. temporary or current condition of question of taxation has been contin Two new teachers were added to each owner. ually discussed and a myried of ideas the Sunday School last Sunday, RayWhen any tax is capable of taking advanced about it and some of our mond Hunsaker and Owen Rasmus-se- some of the primary living needs of present methods condemned. Therefore we should not give anv one npr- any person, obvious injustice is done Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Valentine of in this mathematical machine age. son credit for devising any correct Bngham City called on V. L. Hansen' The factor of infinity between the system or metnort. But the men who last week with greetings from their greatest wealth and the greatest put modern economic tay mptwia t son Vernon, who is on a mission in nMTartv ia PTilnrcpH to nroduce new work in their states will deserve Germany from whence Mr. Valentine emnity and hatred from the poor and credit for renewing the life of the has just returned. He was President resultant arrogance from scinions of nation and assuring human liberty for all. ' over the Mission where Vernon is the wealthy. The present state and a reacnea nas laboring. America Today often take the heart out of an otherhtm! intelli OrviHe Hunsaker of orl npsiHnn nt mnsa Honeyville, spent the week-en- d wherein it is practical ito I.re- - wise cheerful home and sustainance visiting at the gence ... home of V. L. Hansen. move this evilIIiacxor oif inanity be- when adversity comes and the pro It is tween wealth and poverty. necessary to regard the terms When You Think wealthy and poor as comparisons oniy their upon it rather than consult Sunday school, 10 A. M., Mrs. P. E. aratrhpa. The Methodist Church in Ault, Superintendent. Junior Church Tremonton has a bell. For Sunday service 11 A. M., Special music by the school this bell at 9:15 ana "Everything; to Build Anything" Junior Choir and story sermon by the 9:45 respectively.rings For the evening Phone 11. pastor. oorvWa it rincrs at 6:15 and 6:45 for ' Epworth League at 7 P. M., Miss Epworth League, and one hour later, Mary Burns, Leader. that is, 7:45, it rnigs for the evening Service of worship 8 P. M. Sermon service. Sometimes this bell gets by the pastor. out of order:If you do not hear the The church bell has been in use for bell do not conclude that there will he Money a long time to summon people to no service unless announcement has worship. In the country districts and been made to that effect, but watch where no time pieces were in the your own time piece and come at the home or perhaps the time piece was appointed time anyway. not correct, the. church bell tolled the You are always welcome at all sertime of worship. Today it Is still in vices. use and a good many people depend Alvin R. Dickson, Pastor. Land. on Dusten accepts the position offered him at the Sugar Factory there. Their many friends join in wishing them joy and happiness on life's journey. Mrs. Maurine Hansen visited from Monday until Friday of last week with Mrs. Dale Saunders at . dpt ritu-DUCTIV- E n-tmttj- tv tay e ductive ability of the household men are not forced to unusual accomplishments to avoid such Some men do succeed in providing against such contingencies even in face of continual fear of them. Many more good and otherwise free men have failed because of this fear than have bound and driven men ever succeeded, ever made for themselves and their dependents a fair economic or wealthy living condition. The end of our nation will not be good if ever we are content to measure our success by that of other peoples instead of by the ideals upon Those which America is founded. ideals include one that maintains with all advancements of our industrial life a full consistency toward the fundamental priciples of truth and right. (To Be Continued) fails-Fre- s. catac-rophie- -!- - Garland Personals Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petterson were Ogden visitors Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite motored to Salt Lake Wednesday of last week, returning home Thursday evening. Mrs. E. J. Holmgren and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie were Ogden visitors, Wednesday, of last week. In honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. J. J. Shumway, a surprise party was given her, Wednesday eevening of last week, at her home. Those present were: Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Manning, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Delos Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten, and the Misses Blanche Lizzie Thompson. Archibald and Jessie Maning. A deli-ioluncheon was served. Cyril Linford, TJ. S. A. C. student spent the week end with his parents, air. ana Mrs. Oeorge A. Linford. floyd Ullywhite was a Salt Lake visitor, Thursday of last week. Margaret Manning, who is attendinethe U. S. A. C. at Logan, spent the week-enwith her parents, Mr. and d Mrs. u. - Mongan last week, returning home day. Veryl Henrie, aU.&A. C, student with his parents, spent the week-en- d Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henrie. Mrs. Lowell Van Noy, was pleasantly surprised by some of her friends Saturday evening. A progressive dinner was served, and the evening spent in games. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Van Noy, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Barfuss, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bowcutt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowcutt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Carmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulliner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. James Ransom. F. S. Peck made a business trip to Ogden, Wednesday, of last week, returning home Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers had as their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and M. E. Andrus and son, Dean. F. S. Peck, and J. D. Gunderson, made a business trip to Brigham, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rich were called to Salt Lake Monday, on account of the death of Mr. Rich's mother, Mrs. THE HWISTLING HWIPPERW1L At least, that's the way you must pronounce 'The Whistling whippor-wil- l" if you wish to follow the advice of our old friend, the dictionary. In fact, no matter how we insist upon pronouncing words beginning with "wh," the fact remains that practically all call for the "hw" sound. "Where" is not "ware," but hwar, while "when," "what" and "whiskey" are "hwen," "hwat" and "hwiski". The latter word, icidentally, furnishes an excellent method of demonstrating the fluid sound of "wh". "Who," "whom." "whose," "whole." "whoop" and a very few other "wh" words, prove exceptions to the general rule, as they are pronounced "hoo," "hoof" and so on. But "whistle" like "whiskey" has the "hw" sound, while "whippoorwill" not only follows suit, but insists that its second syllable be pronouV:ed "per" instead of "poor". No wonder foreigners thrownp J. Y. Rich. their hands in dismay when they atMembers of the Garland ward, M. tempt to master the intricacies of our I. A. presented the following three tongue. one-aplays, to an appreciative audience, Monday evening: "High LUCKY ADAM Heart," "In Secret Places," and "Soul Mates." Old Adam had it mighty soft. J. J. Shumway, P. C. Petterson and To please his wife, when hurt, G. G. Sweeten motored to Salt Lake He'd pluck a fig leaf, smile, and say Tuesday to attend the funeral services "Here Eve; Another skirt." of Mrs. J. Y. Rich, which were held Wednesday at 1 P. M. Many other He had his CLUB; no nagging wife; residents of Garland motored down Eve was a patient Jane. early Wednesday to be in attendance. In fact, it's very true, she helped Mr. and Mrs. Athur Felsted enterThat lucky man raise Cain. tained the members of the Clicquot Club and their partners at a prettily arranged dinner Monday evening, at their home. Dinner was served at small tables with baskets of violets TO centering the table. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson, Mr. Mrs. Millan Peck, Mr. and Mrs. YOUR Harold Persson, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betenson, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey RichBetter let us examine ards, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Huish, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen, Mr. and your eyes NOW. Mrs. Alfred Michaelis and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Felsted. The evening was spent in playing Be sure they are right so yon can enjoy reading ct BE KIND EYES Milling Company Methodist Church Notes Announcement Alta Hansen will be in the shop and be pleased to serve you every, Satur- Highest Cash Price Paid for GOOD day from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Call 77.a-- l for appointments. '4''F.'!H1W".WW" "J WHEAT Near the Depot Garland Utah A TORRENT . Unlimited to Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. The Best Mill in the Bear River Valley. Christensen LUMBER THINK WILSON have the exnerience r Tremonton - Utah OF POWER AND SPEED! LOAN Irrigated cent. No commissions. a per JOHN J. SHUM WAY PRODUCE Phones: 6. R. V. 69.a-2- ; Bell. 129 CLEANER MILK 7 1 WITH THIS ASTONISHING New Hinman Milker Here is a milking machine that sets an entirely new standard of performance. New in principle new in way it works it cannot be judged by any previous standards in the history of mechanical milking. The three greatest essentials of a mechanical milker are: (1) Sanitation ease and thoroughness of cleaning. (2) Periodic relief from suction. (3) Dependable daily operation. With the enw Hinman most of the cleaning can be done automatically, and what washing is left to do is a matter of only a few minutes. In the new Hinman, the release of vacuum between each pulsation is complete. There is a positive rest period for the very essential recirculation of the blood. Diaphragm Principle produces astonishing results. These tremendous benefits are the result of the exclusive diaphragm principle employed in the new Hinman. The diaphragm action Completely Eliminates Condensation Condensation for years and years the thing that made sanitation in milking machines difficult is now completely eliminated for the first time. With the new Hinman it is possible to produce extremely low bacteria milk, not for just a few weeks whUe the machine is new, but for as many years as you will operate a dairy. Con. Wagon & MachineANDCo. LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS HARWARE Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah 72 MILES AN HOUR 1 48 DOUBLE 7 The world's ABSORBERS SEDAN DE LUXE DOWN PAYMENT ONLY Ask for proposition on your size. Fronk Chevrolet Company TREMONTON HORSEPOWER . . . RICH THE FINEST VALUE EVER OFFERED the new Willys Six, d presents a car of such beauty, speed and power as have never before been known field. 4 Lines, colors, interior appointments in the nd upholstery fabrics reveal an entirely new concept of beautva Willys-Overlan- low-pric- ed for inexpensive cars. $360.00 It EASY A LANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS 7)ouhl$g$La(jle 80 x 4.50 ... In Un pricn. $69$ la $850. Price TaUdo, O.. and specification! to change without notJc Si 7.45 6.95 ... 65 AT SUCH LOW PRICES Carefree Tire 29 x 4.50 SECOND BROACCLCUH UPHOLSTERY . . . INTERNAL BRAKES . . . HYDRAULIC SHOCK greatest New Low Prices IN I. e. b. bjcel The mighty engine is rubber-insula- te against vibration, and effects performance which can be appreciated only through personal experience. At the same time, this motor is most economical, exceptional mileage per gallon of gas being achieved at the modern cruising speeds of 35 to45 miles per hour. WILLYS-OVERLAN- THE 4 , and the equipment to makeVl your eyes better and your vision clearer. FLOUR Customers of the Millia Beauty Mrs. Wp Manufacturers of the Famous "PRIDE OF UTAH" n. Shop, these long winter evenings. Garland Manning. d. (j. bweeten was in Salt Lake Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Orpha Sweeten visited in Lo To "500". Mrs. Lee Isaacson won high score and Mr. Sterling Huish, low. 4 See the Willys Six at your first opportunity. D, INC., TOLEDO, O. Great new WILLYS SIX HEITZ & WIIMZELER AUTO COMPANY TREMONTON AND BRIGHAM. UTAH |