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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1929 Two Shows of Unusual Gun Club Held Their Merit At The Liberty Regular Shoot Sunday Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, "The rail or t8 ", a story with Lo!ores IJel scores were made. Rio, Ralph Forbes, and Karl Dane, is cominsr to the Liberty Theatre here. 50 BIRD EVENT 23 2345 This play is of unusual interest to our Dave Peterson of our feature story 24 oo ab readers, IIas the Duane Lower ... - A, 1. PaPer ls lne story irom wnicn me piay 23 22 45 W. H. Muth . a 1 18 was me createunis 20 24 44 picture Harry Taylor r3..'.V." 22 21 43 whole world's talking about. il Crystal 20 2141 Ben Winzeler Seeing it, you follow the golden 20 19 39 trail of touching romance and red- Ike. Winzeler 19 20 39 blooded adventure, strewn with the W. E. Getz t ... 18 14 32 wreckage of broken hearts and blasted A. Winzeler 15 14 29 hopes. You see men and women obliv G. T. Hone ious of death, unmindful of terrible DOUBLES 21 hardships, Ben Winzeler forgetful of all social 20 amenities, inured to hunger plodding N. T. Spane-le19 onward for days, weeks, months with Harrv Tavlor 18 the sight of gold obscuring theii Dave Peterson 16 vision and them agic sound of the Ike Winzeler word ringing in their ears. What a colossal epic! You will see the Gigantic Snowslkle, burying thou- Elwood Chapel . Mcam emulate. fMuf i i ntr i famous Chilkott Pass, a heart-breaUealCatea OUliaay i i ing Darner requiring supernuman strength and courairft to Kiirmnunt Continued from page one.) The Shooting of White Horse Rapids, the. m,ost Perilous part ot the gold arch James P. Christensen. rusn aown tne i uKon. ine Durning ot Dawson City, the world's most specta- DEDICATORY PRAYER reduced to Oh OnH. nnr Heavenlv and Eternal cular pioneerrmgold camp " rrn n mi mi t 'I ;n A j innus! inriiis:. innas Father, we come before Thee at the nf and Tonnvnfinn lnursuav. Anne rmniafir.n nn,i thu Wednesday beautiful building and we thank Thee Nichols" "Abie's Irish Rose", will be ",c that through the gospel we have Been made worthy to be partakers of Thy k The Greatest Thing In The World! Ana n thes th atter i avs. We A"e ixicnois cans il love: Father that our 18,000,000 people applaud her Thee, humbly pray of all mAV never hwnme darkened, sion! See the greatest story asi on me screen aicer that w mav never turn from the truth and the path of righteousness, but more than five years on Broadway. that we may aspire to learn Thy holy Wltn a master cast of artists, mclud-min- d and will and live according to Ln actors from the original play. Thy teachings. We thank Thee our iean Hersholt, Charles (Buddy) Father for the splendid building, for Rogers and Nancy Carroll. the renovation of the old chapel and all that has been done and we dedicate .the grounds and this building unto "Thee; all the material that has been used, the labor that has been so faith The members of the Ladies' Self fully and willingly performed by the Brothers and Sisters. And we humbly Culture Club were pleasantly enter- at the home of Mrs. Sam pray Thee that when the people mble to worship Thee that they will Capener, Friday July 5th. Pres. P. C. it be filled with Thy which Petterson presided. Minutes of the guided them in the erection and reno-- previous meeting were read and ap- vation of these buildings to Thee and proved. Club Parlementarian, Mrs. to holy purposes, that it will inspire Jbn Benson, spoke on parlementary e those who speak and those who listen. 'aw. it was decided that a short pray Thee that whether they ass- - cussion on this subject, lead by Mrs. emble in the recreation hall or chapel Benson, would be had at each club that they may do so in the soirit of meeting. humility that thev Dossessed durincl The following nroeram was civen: the erection of this building. May Thy Vocal solo, "Absent" by Miss Blanche spirit sustain all those who have Thompson, DeLos Thompson accom- given of their time and means and panist. curent events: national, Mrs. workmanship, may Thy blessings be ponn Benson; state, Mrs. Geo. Carter; with them that they may have plenty local, Mrs. Lo Walker. and that the community may grow and Reading, (a) "Who's Alfred", (b) prosper and continue to improve, and Larry s Apology , Fay Nye. Piano that thev mav accomplish all that thev solo, De Los Thompson. Mrs- Dean Capener, Mrs. T. J. Limb, put their hands forth to do in right- Miss Blanche Thompson, eousness. and Miss We thank Thee for the knowledge rem Capener assited the hostess in and testimony of the gospel which serving a delicious luncheon to twenty we have and above all for the plan of five members and the following ladies uie anti salvation and the gospel of ns peciai guesis, airs. Novell vanNoy, Thy Son Jesus Christ, bless us that Mrs. Dean Capener, Mrs. Josephine we may ever be true to the testimony. Harris, miss lilanche Thompson and Bless the Bishop and his counselers, Miss Fay Nye. Club adjourned to the President of the Stake, and every meet at the home of Mrs. C. D. Bar- s. Juiy ytn. soul that is striving to do Thy will The stake conjoint meetinir held in and keen Thv commandments. And our Heavenly Father we dedicate these tne tabernacle was well attended, most grounds and buildings to Thee nravinff f the wards of the statke were reD- that untruth and unrighteousness may resented and the program was enjoyed oe bannished from them. And we do it ov a"The regular union meetinc of the by virtue and authority of the Pries- hood and in the name of Jesus, Amen. M. I. A. will be held Sunday, July 14th at 2 o'clock P. M. in the stake tabernacle. The following program win De carried out: Preliminary instrumental music, pipe organ, by Mrs. j Locals Pearl Peck; announcements; roil call; two selections lead by Mrs. P. singing Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Nikoliason and W. Christensen; prayer, Pres. Y. M. two children and Martin, Wilhelm and M. 1. A., Beaver ward; musical numPeter Nikoliasen, all of Saskatche- ber, Mrs. LaMar Harris; slogan Pres. Mabel Chambers, separate for departwan, Canada, arrived here Wednesday, for a two weeks visit with Mrs. ment work. , Kristine Nikoliasen and other relaKeassemble; remarks, Dr. LaMar, tives here and at Salt Lake. Harris; singing, Benediction, Pres. Mrs. Vern Pack and daughters, Y. L. M. I. A., Beaver ward. Rosalie and .Shirley, of Ogden, are C. E. Smith returned home Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Davis. from an extended trip thro the east. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Davis and He reports having had a wonderful; daughters, of St. Anthony, Idaho, time. moved to Tremonton this week. Mr. The girls of the Junior rlass nf the Davis has accepted a position with M. I. A. with their class leaders left the Gephart Stores Go. Monday morning for Como Springs Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beard and where they will spend the week. children and Mrs. Grace Hart visited The following residents of Garland at Provo, Thursday and Friday. with their families spent the Fourth of Mr. and Mrs. John Marsden and Mr. July in Logan: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. and Mrs. H. C. Erwin of Tooele, spent Shumway, Dr. and Mrs. Innes, Dr. the week-en- d as guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Chambers. Mr ami Mrs. H. T. Woodward. E. Petterson, Mr .and Mrs. J. L. Har-- ! Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Lundberg ver. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie, Mr. spent the Fourth in Logan. Their and Mrs. D. Henry Manning. Mr. and Kuth returned home Mrs. daughter, with George Henrie, Mr. and Mrs. F.l them after a week's visit at Iirnn. S. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson, Mrs. Thos. Supan and children were mr. ana mrs. iawrence Carter, Mr. visitnig at Montpelier, Idaho, last and Mrs. Millan Peck, Mr. and Mrs. week. t.. j. Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. G. B Mr .and Mrs. Harley Heaton wel Hughes, Mrs. Grace Haws, and Mrs. come a Daoy girl to their home, July Geo. Nve. 3rd. Mr. M. E. Andrus has been confined Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elwell and family w ius oea me last tew days. We hope of Twin Falls, visited with Mrs. Joe to see him out soon. rTeuricKson and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. DeLos Thompson, Trilva Peck, nonao over the week-enOdell Thompson and Carol Nyberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rnrma anA t the Fouth of July in Logan and Mrs. Frank Meldrum spent Sun- - spent menome of Mr. and Mrs. W. uay ai Mrs. Arthur Felstead pleasantly n. oorensen, near Anmo, Idaho. vne memoers or the Cliccuwruiuiea Mr. and Mrs. ,S. B. Watland, Mrs quot Club at her home Monday eveGerald Waples. Mr. and Mn a m ning, July 8th. The time was spent Fi8hbum adn sons spent the Fourth in playing bridge. Mrs. F. A. Davis at Logan. won high score. The hostess served a Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Becskman of ueucious mncneon to saiE LaKe city visited Monday with F. Millan Pack, Haroldthe Mesdames Persson, Lee Mr. and rMs. F. C. Genhart Isaacson F. A. Driggs, Sterling Miss Alta Miller returned Sunday Huish, Wewey Richards, and the from a week's visit with friends at Misses Julia Trilva Peck, Manning, Lyman, Wyoming. and Rhea Winters. eterson, " ..... Mr nnA Mn A i 71i: A. D. Sargent is the proud owner of juiiuiKt;r tuia children returned to their home at an Oakland all American six. MacKay, Idaho, after a few weeks r uneral servirps worn hol.i w..i.. visit here and at Logan. day, July 10th at 1 o'clock at the OgMr .and Mrs. Alma Theurer and den cemetery over the remains of Arlo family, left on Wednesday for a two marnoii, son or Mr. and Mrs. Brieh- week's outing in Stanley Basin, Ida. ...... nam faififf mii riiHr iin j ar A una win oe joinea oy iir. and Mrs. taken juninuiL, ill just one week before the iney AJvin Zollinger and children at Mack- - time of his death with Spinal ay, Idaho. Everything that could be done Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leak, Mr. and was done. DUt to no nvn TY Mrs. Ryman Petersen, Lenzy and Leo pathy of the entire eomnuim'rv imoo Petersen, spent Thursday at Logan. vuv i ir, ana Mrs. Alarr ntt nH Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Nessen and Mr. mmny m wis sad hour. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of Centerville a mm:h r, and- Mrs. n ... in i left Thursday on a trip to Yellow- Murray were guests at the home of stone Park. .. mr.. ann iirs. ..)-s. . -t: - . t.. I'ov , , Mr. arid Mrs. L. C. Christensen and Mr. and morning, Vetlnesday Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Christensen re- ?r Mrs. i'eck acromnnninsl t t.ii.- turned Monday from a ten days trip sen-iceof fural v..Ara,ttf"lthe . to Yellowstone Park i in i law visen, a relative. Tremonton Gun Club. Inc. held their regular shoot Sunday and some fine I I I ! Jf 1 J 1 J.CPENNEYC. Tremonton, Utah It is important that you read oar inviurfun kre. But it is more important that you accept our invitation to visit our store and see these values for yourself. r i w-- v i m k i. I I . 1 jL"1-- " deci-minr- ls - Garland Personals Our "JULY INVITATION MONTH" is intended to emphasize in a special way the WW VALUE - GIVING STANDARDS of our Store. All the resources of our immense buying distribution facilities have power and nation-wid- e been utilized to demonstrate to you during this month how we can save you money at all times without sacrificing anything of QUALI1Y or SERVICE. Take advantage of these VALUES. mm XlfhNITFTir money-avu- ur -I- ass-jtain- Holy-spir- I Girille Supporter Keep Cool! Keep Smart! You Can Do It Thriftily Here! dis-W- Summer Silk 'Dresses - This I Tremonton 1 49c fend grace to these - "? ' $198 hose silk-and-ray- T Iff IfMIWi 6'90 For Women Attractive and senriceaMi Ihcse hose are sure to delighj all thrifty women I Populai hades. Highlights of the Modes Printed Chiffons and Crepes . . . Wash Silks . . . Plain Shades la Georgette and Flit Crepe . . . Styles for Almost Any Summer OccauonJ 49c pair Ask for "Jadel" When Next Dainty Frocks For Homewear A delightful ray of pretty frocks In gay pat terns and colors which will resist tubbing . . . only 1 a Meni-giti- s. , It - - v I s Ak rations which countless nmj ... if for "Penimaid spools . . . fine in popular shades. 6c a Spool 4 j I Skin Lotion Single Compact Sewing Silk S0-ya- rd ... the name Jadd , ! 1 PureSilk Fufl-Fashkm- You Buv Tofletrfcs! ar- 79c $Q-9- 0 For Misses For Juniors r 4 ! .... a spe- three unusually notable thrift groups; Narrow Heels -- I d. July Invitation Month cialized event to impress all thrifty women, misses and juniors thatthe J. C. Penney Store is the place where they can always b sure to find smarter wearables foj less money! A smart, very comfortabl girdle that will help to keep seams of your hose the Rayon and elastic straight combination and only - is Double Compact Refills Rouge Face Powder , 39c and 69c Geanaing Tissues 23c Perfume. 49c and 98c Toilet Water.... 98c Cold Cream 23c, 39c, 69c .Vanishing Cream 23c, 39c, 69c Tissue Cream 23c, 39c, 69c Talcum.. 19c and 49c of an otquiihe Hae of ; X III Hose Economical silk siery is possible trery women are bmppflf 29c 49c 98c 23c 49c ed woman . ho- for in this good looking number . . . . . . mer- cenxen top ana sole. Smart colors. Only, pair v 98c Smart Hats For Summer Wear Viscas - braidi hair milans - nortltf straws , . . everclever so many styles 1 1.98 to $4.98 |