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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1929 Funeral 6revices for William former Deweyville citizen, who died in Portage at his home, July 2nd. There were many friends and relatives at the services, which were held in the Deweyville chapel of the L. D. S. church Friday afternoon. There was a large attendance and many beautiful flowers. Burial was made in the Deweyville cemetery. l, Mrs. Duett Loveland and son were shopping in Ogden Satur- who are attending summer school at evea Vitaphone talking Logan visited during: the week with attended I ning j Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Ferry. C. W. Blanche and A. L. Murry of - picture. -- J were Rohwer E. A. Mrs. Mr. and after- Boston, Mass., were in Corinne on. A- - G. Woodward has purchased a shopping in Ogden, on Saturday and Friday. While enroute new school hack which he will use to noon and in the evening attended the Thursday from Boston to Northwestern overland talkies. convey pupils to the high school, also Montana, they stopped here for a Carl H. Larsen is removing the short children from the Cement Plant to the visit with the Shaw Mr. house on his lots on Colorado street Blanche being next door family. Corinne School. in neighbor for home new Keith Owens had his foot badly hurt and will build a neat Mrs. Lela Shaw Evans, of Boston, time wife. During the by being caught in a bicycle which he himself and Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mrs. B. M. Shaw. They and another boy were riding together. the work is going onrooms were sixteen days out from Boston, at the when in are Larsen here and left here to visit Bear John Haner was a business visitor home of Mrs.living Alice Bradford. and tour Yellowstone Park. to Brigham City Monday. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weatherford have They expected to be in Boston again R. Cutler of Huntsville spent the from Idaho, Weston, lately returned Fourth at his home here. August first. Mrs. D. B. House, and daughter where they visited relatives. Louis Peters of Lincoln, Neb., is Mrs. W. T. Brown and children rehis sister, Mrs. Wm Baker Beverly and son Earl, of Ogden, came turned vLnting West home at Farr their to and his J. S. Peters. up Sunday to bring home Mrs. House's brother, several After spending parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Redelings Thursday. Kenneth Mattson of Salt Lake City Older. A. S. who have been visiting with them days with Mr. andL. Mrs. Anderson is spending the week with his grandand T. Mrs. and Mr. House and Mrs. since the Fourth. and mother, Mrs. Sarah Allen. children remained over night return- children and Mrs. Margaret Hatch Mrs. Althea Brown, and daughter, 4th of July picnic-inthe children spent on home evening. Monday ing at Docks Flat. Among others who LaVon, who have been in California Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stone nad childseveral months have returned to their ren of North Ogden, spent the week- enjoyed the day in the mountains were Mr. home in Ogden. end with Mrs. Stone's parents, Mr. Mrs. C. G. Anderson and family, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson of and Mrs. A. L. Shaw and family, and Mrs. A .R. Kafton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradford and and Mrs. Claude Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Alhambra, Calif are visiting relatives here. They made the trip overland in children and Mrs. Serena Weather-for- d E. J. Wintle and family. Miss Vesta Ferry and Miss Watson, their car. spent the day of the 4th at Lorin A shower was given at the home of Mrs. Lafeyette Nelson on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Arthello Young, a bride of two weeks. A number of ladies spent the afternoon pleasantly Make Your Vacation and a delicious tray luncheon was served. Mrs. Young received many beaua Memorable Event tiful and useful presents. Those presthis Year! ent were Mrs. Arthello Young, Mrs. Lafeyette Neslon, Mrs. David 0. Anderson, Mrs. Mary Ball, Mrs. Iva Barker, Mrs. Woodruff Nelson, Mrs. Serell Nelson, Mrs. Sterling Wright, Mrs. Joseph Poulson, Mrs. Earl Wintle, Mrs. Floyd Murphy, Mrs. Lola Jensen, Miss Fern Murphy, Mrs. W. E. Young, Mrs. Eliza Nelson, Mrs. Alma Jensen, nad Mrs. Norma Bee-to- n, Farr Park, at Ogden and in the Corinne out-of-to- i- Dar-rel- day. Saturday evening Mrs. T. R. Ault returned from the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ault at El wood where she visited for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ault are the proud parents of a baby girl born, June 23rd. Miss Lillian Burbank, of Mapleton, Idaho, is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brig-haCity and granddaughter Letha Burbank of California were calling on Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble of this place, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Boyd returned to her home at Twin Falls, July 5th. Iver and Jack Germer and John A. Tryer, and son Merlin, and Victor Reeton were fishing up IOgan Canyon Sunday. On a return trip from Burley Idaho Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Harwood and children were visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Sherley Tucker of Ogden were calling on relatives here m g LOW Els-woo- d. Summer Excursion i Sunday. The following are driving new cars: Earl Jensen, a Ford sedan; Alvin Norr, a Chevrolet truck; and Fred C. Farmer, a Chevrolet sedan. Hazel Johnson of Ogden is visiting relatives here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish and daugh-Iren- e and Gloria, were shoppers in Brigham adn Ogden Monday. Mrs. Fred Harwood and children of Salt Lake, are the guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish of this place the week-enA number of the Deweyviue iamny are leaving their homes here Wednesday to enjoy a family reunion which is held at Afton Wyoming and Grays Lakes July 12 and 13th. Mrs. Mary Keller daughter of B. P. Bardner was operated on for appendicitis last week at the Valley Hospital at Tremonton. Kenneth Shaw of Tremonton was calling on friends in Corinne on Monday morning. Mrs. Martraret Hatch and Mrs. Carlisle Gilbert were shopping in Brgiham City on Monday. David Hewlett of Salt Lake City has bought A .G. Woodward Pool Hall and will take management in about a week. He will build additional rooms for living purposes. Neighbors will be glad to have the Hewlett's back in the community again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harlin and family of Ogden visited in Corinne on Sunday, guests of Mrs. Eliza Harlin and daughter. Mrs. A. C. Murphy spent Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bessinger were and Wednesday with friends in Og- in Ogden Monday. den. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Getz and family Mr. and Mrs. James Harlin and son Jimmie of Agiien spent Friday in of Peoria, Illonis, left for their home Sunday morning. They will visit in Corinne. on their way. Colorado is at Ross Owens of Corinne present Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fishburn and working with his brother, Joe Owens City. at the Auto Wrecking Station at Tre- sons, spent Sunday in Brigham Mrs. Gerald Waples of Los Angeles, monton. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Older drove to arrived here Wednesday to visit her Bear River City on Thursday morning parents, Mr. and Mrs. iS. B. Watland. Mrs. D. W. Jinkins and sons, Paul to get strawberries. and Capwell, are visiting this week Mrs. Allen and Sarah Mrs. Lorimer, Mr. Jenkins near Pocatello. with Loumer Allend and Miss Grace Bosley Mr .and Mrs. Harold Pratt, and motored to Salt Lake City to spend were the cisco, the last of the week to asit daughter, of Denver, Colo., C. Gephart F. Mr. Mrs. of and Fran-the guests San from Crippo motored here the first of hte week. 4th of July. Mrs. Etta Stanfill entertained the Mrs. Lizzie Harper and son Ernest with relativies. Mrs. Harper is the ladies of her bridge club on Saturday afternoon. daughter of Mrs. Eliza Harlin of John Landvatter of Ogden, was a Tremonton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crozier left on Tuesday for a few week's visit with relatives in Nebraska. Deweyville Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buell and two children in the family Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Dewey and Warren Conger, are sick with the children of Ogden, were visiting with of small pox. relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ethrington and and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr of this Naomi, of Salt Lake City daughter, place during the week. Mr. Dewey the week-en- d with Mrs. Hannah has taken over a busniess at Tremon- spent ton where they will make their home. Henrie. Vernon Tucker and children of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank and to Wash, arrived here Hover, sons, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland visit at the homes of Mr. Monday Mrs. and son, Darrell and daughtor Mil Frank Meldrum and Mr. and and Mrs. Joe dred Jean spent Thursdey in Ogden Burgess. Canyon and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Neberker and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer of this of Salt Lake City spent the daughters in son their law, place accompanied week-en- d at the home of rMs. Mary to Lawrence Christensen of Ogden Newman. Mackey, Idaho, .Sunday. They were back home by Mrs. accompanied Christensen and little son, Ronald. Willie Johnson, is recovering from an operation for appendicitis at the Valley Hospital. A number of the young folks en FOR THE MONTH OF JULY joyed the celebration at Logan Thursday, July 4th. Duart Permanent Wave A number of folks from our ward the Crystal enjoyed the celebration at Ringlet Ends Springs July 4th. Thee hildren of this ward won a number of prizes. $7.50 d. FARES : East and West Daily to September 30th r 1 Liberal Stopovers Enroute - Return Limit October 31st i California and the Northwest I 1 1 ! Plan now to take advantage of these lor ?ound trip fares. You will travel in tnpfsrt on Union Pacific trains, and the routes lake you through scenes of endless interest Fascinating side trips to .ion, Grand Cayow. Bryce Canyon National Parks at and Rocky slight additional cost. Visitno Denver extra railroad fare. Mountain National Park at - Examples of Low Round Trip Fares From Tremonton Los Angeles Portland Denver Omaha Kansas City $ 41.30 46.50 38.45 65.35 65.35 75.85 Chicago 137.25 New York New Orleans .... 85.70 143.31 Boston 131.41 Washington Proportionately low fares to other points. For further information cons ult local ticket agent. nion Pacific THE OVERLAND ROUTE SOLVE YOUR HAULAGE PROBLEMS BY USING THE ford 1 Vz Ton Truck NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE Tremonton Locals . J An "Ad-itoria- l" J. H. Fronk nt You never have, I bet, except from a Goodyear dealer. What Tread has: is it? Simply this: The Goodyear (1) STOPPING AND STARTING TRACTION because of the sharpdged diamonds DOWN THE CENTER instead of ribs that only slip, slide and spin in mud. slick All-Weath- "sled-runne- dia((2) CURVE TRACTION because of the monds on the edges that GRIP when your tires shift sideways on turns. (3) RUT TRACTION because those same diamonds extend far up both sidewalls. Think, before you buy tires, how often you need this "'Three Point Traction." You've noticed how other tires slip, skid, Now you don't hold the road like the famous Tread easily adds DOLLARS know why. The OF SAFETY VALUE to a tire yet it costs you nothing All-Weat- AU-Weath- er. All-Weat- extra. Fronk Chevrolet Co. TREMONTON, UTAH PHONE 20 MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON TIRES THAN ANY OTHER KIND IT'S ICE THAT KEEP 'EM FRESH! larder means fresh, A well-ice- d wholesome victuals in warm, wilt- f ing weather. EVERY DAY Our iceman passes your door to take your order. BESSINGER BROS. Manufacturers of ICE BEVERAGES OF ALL ADAMS BEAUTY KINDS SWEET CIDER IN SEASON PARLOR 'Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11. Phone 27.r er r" The Opportunity you have been hoping and looking for LUMBER THINK WILSON by Ever Hear of "Three-PoiTraction" on a Tire? SPECIAL When You Think DELIVERY "FEEL IT PINCH Tremonton Phone , Various Body Types DUAL TRANSMISSION TWO REVERSE SIX SPEEDS FORWARD LOW INITIAL COST LOW OPERATION EXPENSE LOW DEPRECIATION Do - Not - Wait Place your order Now Utah Auto & Imp. Co. TREMONTON, UTAH PHONE 28 Monday 36 Notice to Farmers! rnt We Will Call horses TJB4rtro0Ri MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE, ni the deep- grip of th built. On trutcrt safet? tir look shows you thtt Ftrottono hu ih moat gripping edges of say tmd fov erer saw. YOU and cows. Just ring Logan 49 and ask the operator to reverse the charges and Zip! we'll have some one there. tharp-cdie- d, road-bitin- g UTAH AUTO & IMPLEMENT CO. TREMONTON, UTAH for and pay cash for dead or useless PHONE 28 Colorado Animal By- products Co. P. 0. Box 104 Logan, Utah |