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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1929 News McCormick-Deerin- g Published By Pedder and Edler Hansen and Miss Daisy Hansen were shopping in Tremonton Tuesday. Miss Hazel Bassett spent the week end visiting with friends at Brigham. S.B. Watland l, No. Tremonton, Utah l. Help Yourself Here's a little advice to the young men: The average college student puts in only about 650 hours of actual study per term of nine months. Anyone who really wants to gain an education, of any kind, can do so by studying that many hours in his The 16-fo- ot - 16-fo- ot Visitor: "Will you kindly tell me if a man belongs to your club with one leg named Walker?" Doorman: "I don't know, sir, er name of his other leg," Geo. Carter called up last week and said he wanted to insure his crop. We asked him what he meant and he said, "Book me for 150 pounds of McCormick - Deering Big Ball Twine." one-ha- McCormick-Deerin- g. children of Brigham . The Johnson boys. Willard, Max, nad Arthur have gone on a trip to Salt Lake, Saltair, Airport, Bingham Canvon. and other places of interest. Mrs. Duel Nielsen and children, who have been visiting with relatives here the nast two weeks, left Sunday morn insr to make their home in Kichiield Utah. Mr. Nielsen having preceded them there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover visited with relatives and attended to busines matters in Ogden Saturday. JTX ir JESE Service '? FOB THE FARM Howell Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson gave a dinner party Sunday to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frans Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Anderson and family of Richmond, Mrs. Arnold Lund and children of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Homer of Smithfield, and Mrs. C. M. Scott and son of San Deigro, California. Miss Blenda Fonesbeck, who is training at the Dee Hospital at is spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Og-de- n, Fonesbeck. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell enjoyed a vacation at the Yellowstone Park. CARD OF THANKS " We desire to express our deep ap preciation for 'the many kindnesses shown to us by our friends during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother. Mrs. L. E. Abbott and Family. CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity of ex Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood and pressing to our many friends, our sin dauehter. Doris, motored to Park cere appreciation and thanks for the Valley Sunday where Mr. Wood will many acts of kindness shown to us at be employed for an lndeiirute time, the death of our beloved wife and Mr. Wayne Gunnell is spending this daughter. Howard M. Andreason and family. week at the National rark. O. A. .Seager and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rock and children Casper Andreason and family. spent Sunday visiting at Brigham. Mrs. Georsre Wood had as her REPORT dinner guests, Mrs. Floyd Carter Made to the Bank Commissioner of Miss Edna Pugsley and the Misses the State of Utah of the condition of Lida and Mildred Wood. Mrs. Eunice Thorn returned to her The Tremonton Banking Company, lo home at Brigham last Tuesday after oated at Tremonton in the county of of Utah, at the close spending the past three weeks visit- Box Elder, state business on the 29th day ot June ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. of 1929 Ellis Wood. RESOURCES Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shriber motored Discounts and Loans .,..$194,858.06 Tremonton to Tuesday. Miss Cora Forsgren is spending a Stocks. Bonds and Securi 3,302.14 ties, ect few weeks at Brigham where she is 453.45 Claims and Judgments music. studying 17,000.00 Misses Lida and Mildred Wood were Bank House Furniture and Fixtures 3,950.00 Tremonton visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood and son Real Estate Sold Under 18,484.3d Contract Vyrle and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ipson Other Real Estate Owned 20,565.00 motored to Brigham Tuesday. Mr. and 12,947.97 Mrs. Ipson went to Salt Lake where Due from Other Banks $ 3,500.32 Items Cash week. the will spend they 95.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nessen and fam- Gold 1,289.33 ily of Centerville spent Thursday and Silver 3,639.00 Friday visiting friends and relatives Currency They also visited the Teton Basin. G. J. Wood and J. C. Wood were at Salt Lake on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Andersen, daug-ter- s, Florence and Maud and Mrs. Orson Hyden, attended the funeral services of Mrs. Howard Andreason at Elwood last Monday . Miss Mildred Wood spent a few days last week visiting with friends at Tremonton and Bothwell. Mr. Nephi Carlson and the Misses Helen and Stella Carlson and Miss Janet Cowley, all of Logan motored to here. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gunnell and son, Howell Monday, where they will stay for an indefinite time. Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Buchan-noof Ridgedale, Idaho, spent the Mr. Fred Douglas is visiting friends and relatives at Salt Lake. past week touring the Northwest. Mr. Elmer Sorenson made a busirMs. Floyd Carter and children of Park Vaylley and Miss Edrta Pugsley ness trip to Tremonton Tuesday. Mr. Joe .Shriber and Mr. C. E. Wood of Rosette, spent Sunday visiting here and son Edward, were Tremonton with friends and relatives. Mr. Lamoine Gunnell and Miss Lida visitors this week. Mr. Merlan Wood and Joe Shriber Wood were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anderson- attended the dance at Crystal Springs n, Total Cash on Hand 8,523.65 Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in Surplus Fund Undivided $280,084.63 $ 25,000.00 Profits Reserve for Depreciation.... Due to Other Bank Deposits Subject to Check $149,648.82 Saturday night. 1,645.46 Mr. Dan Douglas spent a few days Cashier's Checks and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell and Mrs. Dividends UnGunnell motored to Ogden Mon- - last week visiting in Cache Valley. 12.00 paid Henry L. Doherty And Co. ; 438 GAS AND ELECTRIC BLDG. DENVER, COLORADO Are Pleased to, Announce THE APPOINTMENT OF ROY T.SHAW 135 W. 5th N. LOGAN, UTAH THEIR REPRESENTATIVE TO SELL Securities of The CITIES SERVICE CO. He Will be pleased to call upon you, and explain the Investment in Cities Service Co., Common and Preferred Stock tableful of mlaced parsley, one-hal- f h of tomato sauce, spoonful teaspocnful of pepper and one half teaspoonful of salt. Add this to the rice and beef mixture and form Into cutlets. Brush with beaten egg, roll lo fine crumbs and fry In deep fat Boston Brown Bread. Take one cupful each of graham flour, corn s of meal and rye meal, a teaspoonful of soda, one and one-hateaspoonfuls of salt, three-fourth- s of a cupful of molasses and two cup-ful- s of sour milk. Mix and sift the dry Ingredients, add milk and molasses, beat well, add a few raisins and pour Into a well greased mold, s full. Cover and steam three hours. and one-hal- f Plain Muffins. Mix and sift together two cupfuls of flour, three of baking powder and one-hateaspoonful of salt. Add one cupful of milk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and one unbeaten egg. Beat and mix the batter thoroughly, stirring In widening circles, keeping the spoon on the bottom of the bowl. Place In muffin pans and bake twenty minutes In a hot oven. one-fourt- Did you ever inspect our silk dresses. Priced from $8.75 up $1.45 Pure Silk, full fashioned hose hose Chiffon to $1.98 Silk Pure Silk, Very sheer, top, 98c to 39c ... Mens Athletic Union L. D. S. Garments, new style or old style, Different 89c up Weights three-fourth- SPECIAL lf Men's full cut, Blue, bib, Overalls Men's Kahki work pants, all sizes ................ $1.00 pr. . $1.00 pr. two-third- dav. B. lf one-hal- Owen Cheney.' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cheney had as their Sunday eruests Mr. and Mrs Virril Lewis and Mrs. Terry and Farm Equipment We Give 2W Green T rading Stamps F. s one-hal- Some folks think that a binder is a binder, but let us tell you that a real grain binder is a McCormick-Deerin- g -Mr. IT PAYS d. " instishel- EVERYTHING Miss Blanche Wood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evans to Los Angeles, California, where she will (S). 1(21. Weetera Newiiaper I'oloo I two-third- Don't be misled by false advertising. Nobody can give you any more feet to the pound than you get in McCormick-Deerin- g Big Ball Twine. Quality and satisfaction considered, McCormick-Deering Big Ball Twine is the least expensive on the market. Quality KITCHEfl CABINET one-hal- f but I'll find out. What was the And here's a little advice to the young lady: Don't trust a husband too far; nor a bachelor too near. A cook is a charitable tution, providing food and ter for needy policemen. MoCormick-Deerixi- g line r includes 10, 12, and machines for use in level- fields machines for and 12 and ; hillside harvesting. With a McCormick - Deering you can sucand thresh harvest cessfully wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, and similar crops, and save as much as 20 cents a bushel over other harvesting methods. Harvester-Thresh- complete 11, 1929 Harvester-Threshe- after work. own home Thursday, July - Fielding spend the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Wilcox spent -I- Wednesday in Farmington. arc and Where the pooli bright Mr. and Mrs. Morlin Sorensen and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wood and Mr. deep, family spent July 4th in Logan. Where the gray trout Ilea a Bleep, and Mrs. Frank Wood spent the week Miss Ardes Adams in company with Up the river and over the lea, end and Sunday in Farmington. Miss Vera Hansen of Elwood, spent That'a the way (or Billy and me. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Standing of Jamei Hogtf. the Fourth at Lagoon. Ogden, were guests of their parents, Last week Mr .and Mrs. George SEASONABLE FOOD Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Standing TuesDixon and two sons of Shoshone, day. Idaho, who have been former residents Miss Lulu Packer went to Salt of East Garland, were visiting with Salads, greens, and fresh vege their friends here. tables should be used abundantly at Lake City Tuesday, where she expects to visit for some time. Twenty of the East Garland Mutual this season. Mrt Fmilv OiristoDherson and girls left early Tuesday morning for Salad. Slice three Yellowstone National Park. They fourths of a cupful of son Leroy of Los Angeles, California, intended to be gone for a week. They green onions and cover were accompanied by their class with french dressing to leaders: Ardes Adams, Louise Atkinwhich a teaspoon ful if son and Ora Hansen. sugar has been added. The Boy Scouts are planning to hour Let stand leave this week for Franklin Basin where they will spend several days. Drain and arrange with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Chenev and one cupful each of sliced family and Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Rhodes new beets and green peas on a bed and Lucille Oyler spent the fourth in of water cress. Garnish wltb cheese To do most of your trading in one place providing that you Logan Canyon. made by mixing the cream balls can do as well as you can by shopping around. We are provMr. and Mrs. A. R. Udy have as of a cupful with cheese their guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Udy ing to new and old customers every day that our merchanof finely chopped peanuts. Mold Into of Ogden. dise gives them 100 per cent value. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and small bulls and dust with pairika French more with Serve dressing. children spent the Fourth in Ogden. You can come here and buy nearly all your household Rice and Beef Cutlets. Take one A number of the people who spent needs in dry goods, shoes, groceries and fresh meats and the Fourth in Logan were: Mr. and cupful each of chopped uncooked beef Mr. R. A. and and Mrs. family, save both time and money. Udy and rice (cooked), combine with one Mrs. E. S. Hansen and family; W. A. well beaten 98c and $1.98 Make a sauce by egg. Wash Dresses, Fast Colors Adams and family. of onion tablespoonful Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cheney and Mr. frying A Big Lot of Ladies' new fall felts, just arrived, newest and Mrs. Rosco Rhodes attended the In one tablespoonful of butter and colors and styles. then add one tablespoonful of flour show in Loeran this week-enf 49c and cupful of milk. Simmer is visit Clavton Cheney of Brig-haChildrens' Rayon Bloomers, sizes 4 to 14 yr f teaspoon 25c to ing with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. until smooth, add each 5c ....,...... Handerchiefs Children's Ladies' and East Garland 1 The Farm Equipment Man Vol. The are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christopherson. Miss Dora Jacobs left the early part of last week for Yellowstone Park where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christopherson and Mrs. Annie Dalton, Mrs. Emily Christopherson and son, Leroy motored to Bear Lake, Sunday. Saturday, Rulon Standing, John Owens, Lavar Johnson and Cyril Godfrey, left for Yellowstone Park, where they expect to spend a three weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Wood and Stacy Gam of Ogden spent Thursday of last week with relatives here. Mrs. Gertrude Hansen .Mrs. D. B. Jones and Mrs. H. L. Richards, attended the funeral services of Arlin Marriott in Ogden Wednesday. 12,500.00 4,792.41 623.61 8,965.26 Total Demand Deposits.. 151,306.28 Time Certifi cates 5,646.66 Savings Depos35,799.94 its - Total Time Deposits Other Bills Payable Miscellaneous 41,446.60 35,000.00 450.47 Total :.....:...$280,084.63 STATE OF UTAH, 1 County of Box Elder) Spencer C. Taylor, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and lore-coin- c renort contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 29th day of June, 1929. SPENCER C. TAYLOR. Correct Attest: H. G. SCOTT, R. C. HARRIS. JOHN P. HOLMGREN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1929. JAMES WALTON, (SEAL) Notary Public, Tremonton, Utah. My commission expires 9th day of April, 1933. ) STATE OF UTAH, Office of Bank Commissioner! I, W. H. Hadlock, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foreging is a full, true and correct con" of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office this 10th day of July, 1929. W. H. HADIX)CK, Bank Commissioner. lf . 1929. Western Newspaper Union.) the mountalna And over the waves. Under the fountains And under the graves: Under floods that are deepest. Which Neptuneobey, Over rock that are steepest Love will find a way. Anonymous. GOOD - $L25 Flour, 48 lb. bag - 4Qc Large Juicy Oranges 3 doz - &5c Tin-ap- a Sardines, 12 cans for - 19c 6 large boxes Matches for 50 Cheer-uA hot weather drink Ball Mason Fruit Jars, Square, made of clear flint glass, Double strength shoulders. Get our prices before you buy. 59c Large Box Fancy Cookies We handle both local and packing house meats. We believe in buying from our customers whenever possible. p. - THE KITCHEN CABINET (. Over In Our Grocery Dept; Gephart Stores Co. PHONE 33 TREMONTON, UTAH DISHES A nice dish to serve for luncheons, which may be prepared from stewed fowl Is: Warmeln. Chicken Take a large fat fowl, cut up for serving, and put on to stew in plenty of water. When tender, remove the chicken, and cut It into small pieces, removing all the bones. Put a bunch or two of diced celery Into the broth and cook It until tender, remove it, and add noodles, cook for fifteen minutes, then serve a nest of noodles with celery and top with the chicken. Add a little gravy made with broth, cream and serve. Green Peas, Onion and Cucumber Salad. Take one and one-ha- lf cup fuls of cooked, drained, small green peas, the same amount of thinly sliced young cucumbers and one cupful of thinly sliced green onions. Mix and dust with salt and paprika. Add any good salad dressing, beap on lettuce and serve, v Take two . Lima Besne and CeUry. cupfuls of cooked lima beans, add to them, one cupful of green celery diced and two tablespoonfuls of chopped onion. Serve on lettuce with a good boiled dressing; garnish with radish roses. A Dainty Dessert. Cut out squares or circles of sponge cake, make wells with a small cutter and bush well with melted butter. Put Into the oven and toast Serve with the wells filled with sugared fruit. Strawberries or any seiisonflble fruit may be used. Hop with whipped cream or serve cream with the dessert When tired of sal ads use a fruit cup for a change. Combine almost any in sea Ron fruit add a bit of lemon Juice and sm sugar sirup and serve well chilled In tall glasses.' Cream. Remove Orange Banana the skin and liber from six Imnimns iiniKh to a pulp, adding gradually tw. When nl' cupful of orange Juice. Is well mixed add four tuMosponful" ..f cream find chill. Serve In gins, cups. . - PsC Tbu old ttucoo kouu m mod attractive, ntwAoohing, ooluobU, bf a wood covering of wood in th end tk wit interior. Youtando th with yew old kouH. fm Old House New at Moderate Cost Make your -- think your old house . . . It ean bt made attractive, comfortable at moderate cost. The increased value of your property will be much more than the expenditure required to modernize your old home an investment that will be a source of lasting; DONT new-lookin- g, satisfaction. Call at oar effleea or better yet, we will call upom yon and talk over the things yon want to do. We eaa help nd advise you with your plana . . . our yard is stocked with the widest variety of American Stand- - A Lumber enougi fill every modernia- need. 11 Wood it, tuUur rmtw (t Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah |