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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1929 Their daughter, Miss Edna Christsen, who had been spending: a few days there with relatives and friends returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins and family motored to- - Ogden Friday family of Logan spent the week-en- d While there they enjoyed a show, here at their ranch. They also visit- - Bothwell ed with some of their old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Anderson were the dinner quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stark Sunday. Miss Alta Anderson of Malad, Idaho was the week-en- d guest at the home of Fred Christensen. Miss Ruby Anderson was the din-- t ner guest of Misses Norma and Summers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Summers and Mr .and Mrs! Erwin Summers made a business trip to Brigham City Saturday. Miss Zayda Anderson has returned to her home at Wanship, Utah, after a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Bert Hunsaker and I. W. Stokes made a business trip to Richmond Friday. Mrs. Sophia Anderson was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sessions and family formerly residence of this place but now of Ogden were visiting at the home of their son, Eliza Sessions Sunday. Their daughter Ruth is now working at Tremonton. Tuesday, Miss Ruby Hunsaker returned home from Preston, Idaho where she had been. Katie Cash of Tremonton motored to Hyde Park where they visited two of Mrs. Jorgensen's school girl chums from Kentucky, Mrs. Amelia Smith and Mrs. Eliza Alliason which she had not seen for 39 years. She also visited her sister, Mrs. T. C. Lee. A very enjoyable day was spent. Mr. Lee Beck of California was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers Friday. Miss Berniece Stokes has been staying at the home of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Jorgensen, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Henrie of Garland were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Summers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil adams of Tremonton were the guests of Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson Sunday. Mr. Albert Hunsaker ?and sons Rulon and Devon, were visiting at Brigham City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman Sunday. Mr. Leland Stokes and Ray Stark after spending a few days at Yellowstone rteurned to this city. Mr. and Mrs. George Stark and family spent the 4th at South Weber. Miss Vera Sumsion of Provo, spent the week-en- d at the home of Mrs. James Summers. La-Ve- ra ii City Park Bear River City ONE BIG WEEK STARTING Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKelips of Ogden spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen Andre ason, Monday afternoon; InterMr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen and ' Sunday in Garland, with Mr. and Mrs. ment was in are family plot in the Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen enjoyed J. J. White and family. Bear River City Cemetery. The grave Sunday in Malad with relatives. j Miss Lois Dunn and sister of Logan was dedicated by K. H. Fridal, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wariner Kidman were calling on friends here Friday. Jesse Brailsford is visiting at Both-we- ll motored to Preston, Idaho Sunday to Mr. Ed Rice of Ogden is having & i with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and visit with friends. visit with friends. pleasant Mrs. C. O. Andersen and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard and son Mrs. Heber Anderson of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Nelsen of Cor-inn- e, spent a delightful Sunday at Lagoon. were the Tuesday City, Erigham spent Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bowers of ' ngiht guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellsville is spending a few days with Bigler. Fred F. Petersen. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William! A large number of decendants from Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Storry and Bowen and family. different parts of Utah, of the-- late children and Mrs. Lillian Lewis of Mr .and Mrs. J. A. Simmons of Jarvis Johnson, held their reunion in Salt Lake City spent Saturday nad Brigham City were calling on relatives the Avon Canyon Saturday where a Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sarah in Beaver Dam Friday. splendid program was given and deFridal. Mr. Storry and Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons spent licious refreshments were served. returned to Salt Lake Sunday evening while Mrs. Storry and children will visit for a week in this city. Miss Vernal Petersen left Monday for Salt Lake City where she will work during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jensen of Brigh-hoCity was calling on relatives in You know how you intend to meet the mortgage on your home. But I this city on Monday. how would your widow meet it ? Mrs. Fredricks Olsen spent Sunday and Monday at Garland with her Under the Metropolitan plan, if you die we pay the mortdaughter, Mrs. Hortense Wise and gage. Ask about the Mortgage Redemption policy. famliy. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. King and sons of Kaysville, spent Sunday visiting their L. C. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. I O. Stenquist. GARLAND R. F, D. PHONE Miss Verla Jorgensen of St. AnthRepresenting ony Idaho, is visiting with relatives ' J m Christopherson 43-A- -4 and friends in this city. Master Lynn Iversen returned hame Sunday evening after visiting with relatives and friends in Salt Lake for a week. Mrs. LeVere Andersen and two children of McGill, Nevada, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Clarence Andersen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Christensen and children of Brigham spent Sunday with Mrs. Marie R. Jensen. A large number from here attended the funeral services of William Beeton, of Portage, formerly of Deweyville, which was held at the Deweyville ward chapel, Friday afternoon. A large number from Portage and Malad, Idaho, were in attendance. Among them was Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bigler, and Mrs. Jula Covert. Mr. and Mrs. Alph Mickkleson of Weiser, Idaho, and Mr. Henry Becton of Pocatello, Idaho, brother and sister of the late William Beeton, are spending a few days with their sister, Mrs. Ed Bigler. The many friends of Mrs. Florence Loveland of Logan are pleased to learn of her rapid improvement. Collinston was well represented at the splendid celebration held in Logan July 4th. A number of intimate friends of the young bride, Mrs. Fay White greatly enjoyed the social and refreshment held in her honor, Tuesday, afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes of East Garland. There were many beautiful and useful presents on display. About 85 were there to enjoy the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perkins of Wheelon, are enjoying their two weeks vacation in Lava and Soda Springs, 8 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM NIGHTLY LADIES FREE!! Monday Nite Only IF ACCOMPANIED BY ONE PAID ADULT TICKET Admission: Children under 12. 15 Cents Adults 30cents 15c extra Chairs Money Back Guarantee METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Collinston - and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marble of Tremonton are the proud parents of a fine baby girl . born July 7th. Mrs. Marble was formerly Miss Naomi Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Hansen of this city. Quite a number of relatives and friends from this city attended the funeral services held at Elwood over the remains of Mrs. Irene .Seager Idaho. MONDAY JULY MUZZLE THE MORTGAGE I INTRODUCING THE NEW AND MIGHTIER Majestic Electric Radio over (D) dD, (0) CHEVROLET Sixes Mem on the road since Jan. Ist f Today's Chevrolet Is scoring a huge nationwide success because it represents one of the most sensational achievements in automotive history a Six in the price range of the four. When you see and hear these new MAJESTIC receivers, you forget all but quality quality of performance, quality of appearance that you can really feel. You only know you want to own one of these new models to have it for your very own to add breathless beauty to your home and give The Chevrolet engine delivers its power freely, quietly, and easily throughout the entire speed range delightfully free from annoying vibration and rumble. Combined with six-cylind- er this remarkable smoothness are equally remarkable speed, power and acceleration and an economy of better than twenty miles to the gallon. you matchless perfomance which puts a new song of happiness in your heart. six-cylin- i It is our effort to stock and sell only the best quality of each item, though there are occasional disappointments in the best of brands. We stand behind every food sold by our store and consider it a favor for our patrons to let us know if anything bought here is not in every respect satisfactory, so that we can refund the original purchase price. In addition to such sensational performance the Chevrolet Six offers the outstanding advantages of Bodies by Fisher. And no car ever provided a more impressive array of modern convenience features) adjustable driver's seat and VV one-pie- ce windshield In closed models; t, ball bearing easy action clutch and steering, and instrument panel complete even to theft-proElectrolock and electric motor temperature indicator gear-shif- Schilling's One Better Schilling & Co. go us one better in their guarantee. They have recently advised us as follows: "Should a housewife spoil a cake with Schillings Baking Powder, you are authorized to pay her $2.00; For a batch of biscuits .... $1.00." We understand this guarantee has been in effect a long time. We doubt if A. Schilling & Co. have ever been called on to pay for any special bakings, because Schilling's products are as pure as nature and science can make them. Every 0. P. Skaggs System store now has Schilling's Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Teas and Coffees. Try any one of them when next in our store. A. Let Pop be the Furnace man A K v He won't mind at all if jit'i an American Radiator Boiler. One visit in the morning another at night, It's no'trouble to keep every room at 70 degrees,with American Radiator Heating Equipment. FOOD STORES "A Surety of Purity" THAN 1 PAYMENTS CONVENIENT LESS of 75 A ROOM lift from your shoulders. We guarantee all work Duro Automatic Home Water Systems Th Sport CABRIOLET. Alt prUti . o. b. factory Flint, Michigat. lLQC 0V3 595 HsSSSSi!725. Sdn Deliver? 595 Tin I H Too Chassis Tht IK Ton Chassis with Cab leit D43 A ODU considering and cheaply you can buy it, and what a load of care it will The COACH COMPARE thedeliyered price as well as the list price la automobile valuer. Chevrolet's delWered price Include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. Let us tell you how easily and discomfort Z&Min..'525 525 FHASTON . 595 COUPE.... 675 SEDAN. Fronk Chevrolet Co. PHONE 20 TREMONTON, UTAH BURGESS BROS. CO. TELEPHONE TREMONTON 6.0-- 1 A SIX IN THE riUCE RANGE OF THE FOUR |