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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1929 Riverside I Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis motored to Parle City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and two daughters returned with them and will spend the week at the Jesse Davis home. L. H. Kennard of Logan and son, L. H., Jr., was calling on friends and j, i- Mrs. Harold ePterson returned to her home at Salt Lake Wednesday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Forsberg. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Beck moved from Preston, Idaho, Tuesday and will live at the A. M. Porter place. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker went to Salt Lake Friday and came back Sunday. They left again Monday for Pocatello to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cravens of Salt with Mrs. Lake spent the week-en- d Craven's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hales, Sr. Miss Afton Hales returned to Riverside with them after spending two weeks at Salt Lake. The family of T. R. Welling were Brigham visitors Sunday. Mrs. Mary Tingey returned to Salt Lake Sunday after spending two weeks with relatives here and at relatives at Garland and Riverside Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Welling were guests of Mrs. Welling's mother, Mrs. Mrs. Ward Eliza Ward Sunday. went as far as Willard with them and wil spend the week with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Cardon. The family of Ora Hyer returned to Blue Creek Saturday after spending the past week at the home of J. H. Ward. Karl and Frank Ward went with them and spent Sunday at the Hyer ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Beck of Elwood Preston made a business trip here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen, acMrs. Phoebe Ward is visiting at Park City with the family of her son, companied by Mrs. Athelia Petersen, n and Mrs. Andrew Romer, went to Wilford. on business last Wednesday. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward A shower was prepared by Mrs. and daughter, Edna Mae, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ward and daughter, Irene Wm. Petersen and Mrs. Heber Morten-sein honor of the bride, Mrs. and Mrs. Eliza Ward and Mrs. Phoebe Ward, went to Willard to attend Gladies Ogg formerly Miss Gladies Petersen at the home of her parents, the funeral of Cardon. Bishop Russell Capener and his Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen last Tueswife motored to Camp Kiesel the day. Those who enjoyed the party latter part of the week to bring the beside the guest of honor were the Mesdames Amelia Petersen, Beaturice Scouts home. Albert Tubbs of Holbrook has been Petersen, Alice Mortensen, Mary Minnie 'visiting with his mother, Mrs. Francis Mortensen, Margaret Romer,Rebecca Tubbs. Kelstrum, Martine Larsen, Og-de- n, Mortensen, Eva Hansen. Eva Christ-enseDigmar Andersen, Kjestine Rasmussen, Mary A. Green, Nellie Hunsaker and the Misses Pearl Mortensen, Maurine Andersen, Dollie Thompsen, LaVera Christensen, Mary Austin, Nina Larsen, Delphia, Leona, Games were and Alice Petersen. A delicious tray lunch was played. served, after which, Mr. and Mrs. Ogg enjoyed the unwrapping of the many pretty and useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goldsberry came home Wednesday evening from Salt Lake accompanied by Luby Rasmus-seMr. and Mrs. Goldsberry spent the 4th at Paradise, visiting Mr. Goldsberry parents, Mrs. Goldsberry remained to spend a couple of weeks, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Christensen and children of Preston, Idaho, came down for a short visit Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen and children, of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Mazel Tinsrev and children of Corinne n, n. Hansen of Bear River, Mr .and Mrs. Elias Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen. A fine supper was served and they enjoyed the evening. Friday and Saturday where very busy days at the new chapel to put the finishing touches to the house before the dedication Sunday, where nearly 300 people gathered to enjoy the very splendid talk by President Heber G. Grant and Stake President Milton H. Welling. Friends from Tremonton, Garland, Logan, Brigham, Honeyville, and other places appreciated this treat Hazel Barlon, niece of Pres. Welling and Luby Rasmussen of Salt Lake City had the priveledge to take down the dedication in shorthand and as they had to leave for Salt Lake shortly after the meeting they did not get it typewritten but will bring it up next Sunday. They visited at H. P. Rasmussens. On Monday the House was packed to overflow to pay their last respects to Sister Irene Andreasen. More than 100 automobiles and some 500 rela- tives and friends from all over the' Stake and also Idaho, were present to their repects and sympathy with those who mourn over the loss of the wife and mother. Ray Hansen adn Enos Mortensen enjoyed a trip to Yellowstone Park returning last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woods is touring Zions National Park before going to California and are enjoy the trip. Combine Canvases We sell Canvases for all makes of combines, and binders, for less money. A full Stock leather belt canvas with counter sunk slat rivets are more servic-abl- e and give genuine satisfaction. Phone us and we will call for the order. Do not wait too long Harvest will soon be on It will pay you to Investigate. The Famous Osborne and Case line are second to none in quality and price. I Andersens' on the 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman of Brigham City spent last Thursday visiting at the home of H. C. Hansen. The Misses Irene and Orpha Larsen had their tonsils removed last Friday. They are getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen and son Floyd spent the 4th in Logan. H. C. Hansen entertained on July 2nd. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Hansen and Mrs. Henry HAIL lire Now is the time to insure your crops against HAIL. Over $10,000.00 paid out in claims through my agency last year. You Farmers Cash Union Fir can't afford to gamble with the elements. Let me write you in the largest company in America. Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 lw htt Mmcy Tim Spencer C. Taylor AT THE BANK Favorite Laying Mash j I I Manufactured and Distributed by TREMONTON 111 II MILLING COMPANY Tremonton, Utah There has never been a time when the money you spend for electric power and light service would buy you as much in real value as it will today. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS 19.0 Minimum per centum Crude Protein Minimum per centum Crude Fat 5.0 Maximum per centum Crude Fiber 9.0 Composed of Bran, Shorts, Corn, Barley Wheat Meat Scrap, Fish meal, Linseed Oil Meal, Bone Meal, Dry Butter Milk, Calcite, Charcoal, Salt and Ground Alfalfa Hay. I FOR SALE AT ALL FEED STORES a Faultless Bread for young and old APPETITES the baking for hundreds of others why not for you? Our bakeries have those peerless old time recipes, and can practically duplicate the dandy deserts of yesteryear. Only the finest ingredients are used. We do 3 There was never a time when the benefits of such service were so easily available as they are today. Our new Combination Rate is accomplishing wonderful results in bringing about this condition a condition whereby the city dweller or the farmer can use methods of at a cost which is no greater than that of ones. up-to-da- te home-makin- g Liberty Bakery h3H3 BrilHrffyjflCB 24 Hour Service ON YOUR KODAK FINISHING The Coolest Place In Town FOR THAT GOOD SODA FOUNTAIN DRINK. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS We Give Green Trading Stamps H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone 47 Utah Tremonton, old-fash-ione- d There is no time like the present to begin enjoying the advantages of more electric servants in your home. Telephone or write our nearest office for full particulars regarding this very attractive combination service. Any of our representatives will be glad to explain it fully. WS&M POWER WHISHT C. EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERV1CB D |